public function testDelete() { $commentMapper = new CommentMapper(); $commentMapper->setId(50); $commentMapper->deleteComment(); $this->assertEquals(new Comment(), $commentMapper->selectComment()); }
<?php /** * Get the HTTP method and differents data. */ $http = Rest::initProcess(); switch ($http->getMethod()) { case 'get': $comment_ = new Comment(); $commentMapper = new \CommentMapper(); $commentObject = $commentMapper->selectComment(); $commentArray = extractData($commentObject); if (!empty($commentArray)) { if ($http->getHttpAccept() == 'json') { Rest::sendResponse(200, json_encode($commentArray), 'application/json'); } else { if ($http->getHttpAccept() == 'xml') { $options = array('indent' => ' ', 'addDecl' => false, "defaultTagName" => "comment", XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_RETURN_RESULT => true); $serializer = new XML_Serializer($options); Rest::sendResponse(200, $serializer->serialize($commentArray), 'application/xml'); } } } else { Rest::sendResponse(204); } break; case 'delete': $commentMapper = new \CommentMapper(); if ($commentMapper->deleteComment()) { Rest::sendResponse(200); }
<?php $http = Rest::initProcess(); switch ($http->getMethod()) { case 'get': $commentMapper = new CommentMapper(); $commentsObject = $commentMapper->selectComment(true); $result = true; if (is_array($commentsObject) && !is_null($commentsObject)) { foreach ($commentsObject as $commentObject) { $result = emptyObject($commentObject); } } if (!$result) { foreach ($commentsObject as $commentObject) { $commentsArray[] = extractData($commentObject); } if ($http->getHttpAccept() == 'json') { Rest::sendResponse(200, json_encode($commentsArray), 'application/json'); } else { if ($http->getHttpAccept() == 'xml') { $options = array('indent' => ' ', 'addDecl' => false, XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_RETURN_RESULT => true, "defaultTagName" => "comment"); $serializer = new XML_Serializer($options); Rest::sendResponse(200, $serializer->serialize($commentsArray), 'application/xml'); } } } else { Rest::sendResponse(204); } break; case 'post':