Exemple #1
 protected function _validate($comment)
     // get params
     $require_author = $this->params->get('require_name_and_mail', 0);
     $registered = $this->params->get('registered_users_only', 0);
     $time_between_user_posts = $this->params->get('time_between_user_posts', 120);
     $blacklist = $this->params->get('blacklist', '');
     // check if related item exists
     if (YTable::getInstance('item')->get($comment->item_id) === null) {
         throw new CommentControllerException('Related item does not exists.');
     // check if content is empty
     if (empty($comment->content)) {
         throw new CommentControllerException('Please enter a comment.');
     // only registered users can comment
     if ($registered && $this->author->isGuest()) {
         throw new CommentControllerException('LOGIN_TO_LEAVE_OMMENT');
     // validate required name/email
     if ($this->author->isGuest() && $require_author && (empty($comment->author) || empty($comment->email))) {
         throw new CommentControllerException('Please enter the required fields author and email.');
     // validate email format
     if (!empty($comment->email) && !CommentHelper::validateEmail($comment->email)) {
         throw new CommentControllerException('Please enter a valid email address.');
     // validate url format
     if (!empty($comment->url) && !CommentHelper::validateURL($comment->url)) {
         throw new CommentControllerException('Please enter a valid website link.');
     // check quick multiple posts
     if ($last = YTable::getInstance('comment')->getLastComment($comment->ip, $this->author)) {
         if (JFactory::getDate($comment->created)->toUnix() < JFactory::getDate($last->created)->toUnix() + $time_between_user_posts) {
             throw new CommentControllerException('You are posting comments too quickly. Slow down a bit.');
     // check against spam blacklist
     if (CommentHelper::matchWords($comment, $blacklist) && $comment->state != Comment::STATE_SPAM) {
         $comment->state = Comment::STATE_SPAM;
     // check comment for spam (akismet)
     if ($this->params->get('akismet_enable', 0) && $comment->state != Comment::STATE_SPAM) {
         try {
             CommentHelper::akismet($comment, $this->params->get('akismet_api_key'));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // re-throw exception, for super administrators only
             if ($this->user->superadmin) {
                 throw new YException($e->getMessage());
     // check comment for spam (mollom)
     if ($this->params->get('mollom_enable', 0) && $comment->state != Comment::STATE_SPAM) {
         try {
             CommentHelper::mollom($comment, $this->params->get('mollom_public_key'), $this->params->get('mollom_private_key'));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // re-throw exception, for super administrators only
             if ($this->user->superadmin) {
                 throw new YException($e->getMessage());