$queries_count = 0;
define('DB_PREFIX', $d_pre);
// Initialize a connection to the mysql database
$sqlConnection = new Sql($d_user, $d_pw, $d_server);
// Load all configuration saved in the mysql database
$config = new Config(&$sqlConnection);
// Initialize the translation of short texts in the system
$translation = new Language(&$sqlConnection);
$translation->AddSources(__ROOT__ . '/lang');
// Create a new user class
$user = new Account(&$sqlConnection, &$translation, &$config);
// Load the comascript interpreter for the html output, set document and style information
$output = new ComaLate();
$styleName = $config->Get('style', 'default');
$headerStyleName = GetPostOrGet('style');
if (!empty($headerStyleName)) {
    $styleName = $headerStyleName;
$output->LoadTemplate('./styles/', $styleName);
$output->SetMeta('generator', 'ComaCMS v0.2 (http://comacms.berlios.de)');
// Set page conditions
$output->SetCondition('notinadmin', true);
// Try to get a name of the requested page
if (!isset($page) && substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], -9) == 'index.php') {
    $page = $config->Get('default_page', 'home');
} elseif (!isset($page)) {
    $page = '';