Exemple #1
  * @param string $message
  * @param bool   $reset
 public function overWritePrimary($message, $reset = False)
     if ($reset) {
         $this->lastMessageLength = 0;
     echo str_repeat(chr(8), $this->lastMessageLength);
     echo str_repeat(" ", $this->lastMessageLength);
     echo str_repeat(chr(8), $this->lastMessageLength);
     $this->lastMessageLength = strlen($message);
     echo $this->cli->primaryOver($message);
Exemple #2
  * Download a range of usenet messages. Store binaries with subjects matching a
  * specific pattern in the database.
  * @param        $groupArr
  * @param        $first
  * @param        $last
  * @param string $type
  * @return array
 function scan($groupArr, $first, $last, $type = 'update')
     $db = new Settings();
     $releaseRegex = new ReleaseRegex();
     $n = $this->n;
     // Check if MySQL tables exist, create if they do not, get their names at the same time.
     $tableNames = $this->_groups->getCBPTableNames($this->_tablePerGroup, $groupArr['id']);
     $partRepair = $type === 'partrepair';
     $returnArray = [];
     // Download the headers.
     if ($partRepair === true) {
         // This is slower but possibly is better with missing headers.
         $msgs = $this->_nntp->getOverview($first . '-' . $last, true, false);
     } else {
         $msgs = $this->_nntp->getXOVER($first . '-' . $last);
     // If there was an error, try to reconnect.
     if ($this->_nntp->isError($msgs)) {
         // Increment if part repair and return false.
         if ($partRepair === true) {
             $this->_pdo->queryExec(sprintf('UPDATE %s SET attempts = attempts + 1 WHERE groupid = %d AND numberid %s', $tableNames['prname'], $groupArr['id'], $first == $last ? '= ' . $first : 'IN (' . implode(',', range($first, $last)) . ')'));
             return $returnArray;
         // This is usually a compression error, so try disabling compression.
         if ($this->_nntp->doConnect(false) !== true) {
             return $returnArray;
         // Re-select group, download headers again without compression and re-enable compression.
         $msgs = $this->_nntp->getXOVER($first . '-' . $last);
         // Check if the non-compression headers have an error.
         if ($this->_nntp->isError($msgs)) {
             $this->log("Code {$msgs->code}: {$msgs->message}\nSkipping group: {$groupArr['name']}", 'scan', \Logger::LOG_WARNING, 'error');
             return $returnArray;
     $rangerequested = range($first, $last);
     $msgsreceived = array();
     $msgsblacklisted = array();
     $msgsignored = array();
     $msgsinserted = array();
     $msgsnotinserted = array();
     $timeHeaders = number_format(microtime(true) - $this->startHeaders, 2);
     if ($this->_nntp->isError($msgs)) {
         echo "Error {$msgs->code}: {$msgs->message}{$n}";
         echo "Skipping group{$n}";
         return $returnArray;
     // Check if we got headers.
     $msgCount = count($msgs);
     if ($msgCount < 1) {
         return $returnArray;
     // Get highest and lowest article numbers/dates.
     $iterator1 = 0;
     $iterator2 = $msgCount - 1;
     while (true) {
         if (!isset($returnArray['firstArticleNumber']) && isset($msgs[$iterator1]['Number'])) {
             $returnArray['firstArticleNumber'] = $msgs[$iterator1]['Number'];
             $returnArray['firstArticleDate'] = $msgs[$iterator1]['Date'];
         if (!isset($returnArray['lastArticleNumber']) && isset($msgs[$iterator2]['Number'])) {
             $returnArray['lastArticleNumber'] = $msgs[$iterator2]['Number'];
             $returnArray['lastArticleDate'] = $msgs[$iterator2]['Date'];
         // Break if we found non empty articles.
         if (isset($returnArray['firstArticleNumber']) && isset($returnArray['lastArticleNumber'])) {
         // Break out if we couldn't find anything.
         if ($iterator1++ >= $msgCount - 1 || $iterator2-- <= 0) {
     if (is_array($msgs)) {
         //loop headers, figure out parts
         foreach ($msgs as $msg) {
             if (!isset($msg['Number'])) {
             $msgsreceived[] = $msg['Number'];
             $msgPart = $msgTotalParts = 0;
             $pattern = '|\\((\\d+)[\\/](\\d+)\\)|i';
             preg_match_all($pattern, $msg['Subject'], $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
             $matchcnt = sizeof($matches[0]);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $matchcnt; $i++) {
                 $msgPart = $matches[1][$i];
                 $msgTotalParts = $matches[2][$i];
             if (!isset($msg['Subject']) || $matchcnt == 0) {
                 $msgsignored[] = $msg['Number'];
             if ((int) $msgPart > 0 && (int) $msgTotalParts > 0) {
                 $subject = utf8_encode(trim(preg_replace('|\\(' . $msgPart . '[\\/]' . $msgTotalParts . '\\)|i', '', $msg['Subject'])));
                 if (!isset($this->message[$subject])) {
                     $this->message[$subject] = $msg;
                     $this->message[$subject]['MaxParts'] = (int) $msgTotalParts;
                     $this->message[$subject]['Date'] = strtotime($this->message[$subject]['Date']);
                 if ((int) $msgPart > 0) {
                     $this->message[$subject]['Parts'][(int) $msgPart] = array('Message-ID' => substr($msg['Message-ID'], 1, -1), 'number' => $msg['Number'], 'part' => (int) $msgPart, 'size' => $msg['Bytes']);
                     $this->message[$subject]['PartNumbers'][(int) $msgPart] = $msg['Number'];
         $count = 0;
         $updatecount = 0;
         $partcount = 0;
         $rangenotreceived = array_diff($rangerequested, $msgsreceived);
         if ($type != 'partrepair') {
             echo "Received " . sizeof($msgsreceived) . " articles of " . ($last - $first + 1) . " requested, " . sizeof($msgsignored) . " not binaries {$n}";
         if ($type == 'update' && sizeof($msgsreceived) == 0) {
             echo "Error: Server did not return any articles.{$n}";
             echo "Skipping group{$n}";
             return $returnArray;
         if (sizeof($rangenotreceived) > 0) {
             switch ($type) {
                 case 'backfill':
                     //don't add missing articles
                 case 'partrepair':
                 case 'update':
                     $this->addMissingParts($rangenotreceived, $tableNames['prname'], $groupArr['id']);
             echo "Server did not return " . count($rangenotreceived) . " article(s).{$n}";
         if (isset($this->message) && count($this->message)) {
             $groupRegexes = $releaseRegex->getForGroup($groupArr['name']);
             //insert binaries and parts into database. when binary already exists; only insert new parts
             foreach ($this->message as $subject => $data) {
                 //Filter binaries based on black/white list
                 if ($this->isBlackListed($data, $groupArr['name'])) {
                     $msgsblacklisted[] = count($data['Parts']);
                     if ($type == 'partrepair') {
                         $partIds = array();
                         foreach ($data['Parts'] as $partdata) {
                             $partIds[] = $partdata['number'];
                         $db->queryExec(sprintf("DELETE FROM %s WHERE numberid IN (%s) AND groupid=%d", $tableNames['prname'], implode(',', $partIds), $groupArr['id']));
                 if (isset($data['Parts']) && count($data['Parts']) > 0 && $subject != '') {
                     //Check for existing binary
                     $binaryID = 0;
                     $binaryHash = md5($subject . $data['From'] . $groupArr['id']);
                     $res = $db->queryOneRow(sprintf("SELECT id FROM %s WHERE binaryhash = %s", $tableNames['bname'], $db->escapeString($binaryHash)));
                     if (!$res) {
                         //Apply Regexes
                         $regexMatches = array();
                         foreach ($groupRegexes as $groupRegex) {
                             $regexCheck = $releaseRegex->performMatch($groupRegex, $subject);
                             if ($regexCheck !== false) {
                                 $regexMatches = $regexCheck;
                         $sql = '';
                         if (!empty($regexMatches)) {
                             $relparts = explode("/", $regexMatches['parts']);
                             $sql = sprintf('INSERT INTO %s (name, fromname, date, xref, totalparts, groupid, procstat, categoryid, regexid, reqid, relpart, reltotalpart, binaryhash, relname, dateadded) VALUES (%s, %s, FROM_UNIXTIME(%s), %s, %s, %d, %d, %s, %d, %s, %d, %d, %s, %s, now())', $tableNames['bname'], $db->escapeString($subject), $db->escapeString(utf8_encode($data['From'])), $db->escapeString($data['Date']), $db->escapeString($data['Xref']), $db->escapeString($data['MaxParts']), $groupArr['id'], Releases::PROCSTAT_TITLEMATCHED, $regexMatches['regcatid'], $regexMatches['regexid'], $db->escapeString($regexMatches['reqid']), $relparts[0], $relparts[1], $db->escapeString($binaryHash), $db->escapeString(str_replace('_', ' ', $regexMatches['name'])));
                         } elseif ($this->onlyProcessRegexBinaries === false) {
                             $sql = sprintf('INSERT INTO %s (name, fromname, date, xref, totalparts, groupid, binaryhash, dateadded) VALUES (%s, %s, FROM_UNIXTIME(%s), %s, %s, %d, %s, now())', $tableNames['bname'], $db->escapeString($subject), $db->escapeString(utf8_encode($data['From'])), $db->escapeString($data['Date']), $db->escapeString($data['Xref']), $db->escapeString($data['MaxParts']), $groupArr['id'], $db->escapeString($binaryHash));
                         } elseif ($type == 'partrepair') {
                             $partIds = array();
                             foreach ($data['Parts'] as $partdata) {
                                 $partIds[] = $partdata['number'];
                             $db->queryExec(sprintf('DELETE FROM %s WHERE numberid IN (%s) AND groupid = %d', $tableNames['prname'], implode(',', $partIds), $groupArr['id']));
                         if ($sql != '') {
                             $binaryID = $db->queryInsert($sql);
                             //if ($count % 500 == 0) echo "$count bin adds...";
                     } else {
                         $binaryID = $res["id"];
                         //if ($updatecount % 500 == 0) echo "$updatecount bin updates...";
                     if ($binaryID != 0) {
                         $partParams = array();
                         $partNumbers = array();
                         foreach ($data['Parts'] as $partdata) {
                             $partParams[] = sprintf('(%d, %s, %s, %s, %s)', $binaryID, $db->escapeString($partdata['Message-ID']), $db->escapeString($partdata['number']), $db->escapeString(round($partdata['part'])), $db->escapeString($partdata['size']));
                             $partNumbers[] = $partdata['number'];
                         $partSql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $tableNames['pname'] . ' (binaryid, messageid, number, partnumber, size) VALUES ' . implode(', ', $partParams);
                         $pidata = $db->queryInsert($partSql);
                         if (!$pidata) {
                             $msgsnotinserted = array_merge($msgsnotinserted, $partNumbers);
                         } else {
                             $msgsinserted = array_merge($msgsinserted, $partNumbers);
             if (!empty($this->_binaryBlacklistIdsToUpdate)) {
                 $this->_pdo->queryExec(sprintf('UPDATE binaryblacklist SET last_activity = NOW() WHERE id IN (%s)', implode(',', $this->_binaryBlacklistIdsToUpdate)));
                 $this->_binaryBlacklistIdsToUpdate = [];
             //TODO: determine whether to add to missing articles if insert failed
             if (sizeof($msgsnotinserted) > 0) {
                 echo 'WARNING: ' . count($msgsnotinserted) . ' Parts failed to insert' . $n;
                 $this->addMissingParts($msgsnotinserted, $tableNames['prname'], $groupArr['id']);
             if ($count >= 500 || $updatecount >= 500) {
                 echo $n;
             //line break for bin adds output
         $timeUpdate = number_format(microtime(true) - $this->startUpdate, 2);
         $timeLoop = number_format(microtime(true) - $this->startLoop, 2);
         if (sizeof($msgsblacklisted) > 0) {
             echo "Blacklisted " . array_sum($msgsblacklisted) . " parts in " . sizeof($msgsblacklisted) . " binaries" . $n;
         if ($type != 'partrepair') {
             if ($this->_echoCLI) {
                 $this->_colorCLI->doEcho($this->_colorCLI->alternateOver(number_format($count)) . $this->_colorCLI->primaryOver(' new, ') . $this->_colorCLI->alternateOver(number_format($updatecount)) . $this->_colorCLI->primaryOver(' updated, ') . $this->_colorCLI->alternateOver(number_format($partcount)) . $this->_colorCLI->primaryOver(' parts, ') . $this->_colorCLI->alternateOver($timeHeaders . 's') . $this->_colorCLI->primaryOver(' to download articles, ') . $this->_colorCLI->alternateOver($timeUpdate . 's') . $this->_colorCLI->primaryOver(' to insert binaries/parts, ') . $this->_colorCLI->alternateOver($timeLoop . 's') . $this->_colorCLI->primary(' total.'));
         return $returnArray;
     } else {
         echo "Error: Can't get parts from server (msgs not array) {$n}";
         echo "Skipping group{$n}";
         return $returnArray;
Exemple #3
  * Echo a updated release name to CLI.
  * @param array $data
  *        array(
  *              'new_name'     => (string) The new release search name.
  *              'old_name'     => (string) The old release search name.
  *              'new_category' => (string) The new category name or id for the release.
  *              'old_category' => (string) The old category name or id for the release.
  *              'group'        => (string) The group name or id of the release.
  *              'release_id'   => (int)    The id of the release.
  *              'method'       => (string) The method used to rename the release.
  *        )
  * @access public
  * @static
  * @void
 public static function echoChangedReleaseName(array $data = array('new_name' => '', 'old_name' => '', 'new_category' => '', 'old_category' => '', 'group' => '', 'release_id' => 0, 'method' => ''))
     echo PHP_EOL . ColorCLI::headerOver('New name:     ') . ColorCLI::primaryOver($data['new_name']) . PHP_EOL . ColorCLI::headerOver('Old name:     ') . ColorCLI::primaryOver($data['old_name']) . PHP_EOL . ColorCLI::headerOver('New category: ') . ColorCLI::primaryOver($data['new_category']) . PHP_EOL . ColorCLI::headerOver('Old category: ') . ColorCLI::primaryOver($data['old_category']) . PHP_EOL . ColorCLI::headerOver('Group:        ') . ColorCLI::primaryOver($data['group']) . PHP_EOL . ColorCLI::headerOver('Release id:   ') . ColorCLI::primaryOver($data['release_id']) . PHP_EOL . ColorCLI::headerOver('Method:       ') . ColorCLI::primaryOver($data['method']) . PHP_EOL;
Exemple #4
  * Work out the category based on the name, resets to null if no category matched.
 private function determineCategory($rel, &$foundName, &$methodused)
     $categoryID = null;
     $category = new Categorize();
     $categoryID = $category->determineCategory($rel['groupname'], $foundName);
     if ($methodused == 'a.b.hdtv.x264' && $rel['groupname'] == 'alt.binaries.hdtv.x264') {
         $categoryID = Category::CAT_MOVIE_HD;
     if ($categoryID == $rel['categoryid'] || $categoryID == '7900' || ($foundName == $rel['name'] || $foundName == $rel['searchname'])) {
         $foundName = null;
         $methodused = null;
     } else {
         $foundName = str_replace('&#x27;', '', trim(html_entity_decode($foundName)));
         $name = str_replace(' ', '_', $foundName);
         $searchname = str_replace('_', ' ', $foundName);
         echo PHP_EOL . ColorCLI::headerOver('ReleaseID: 		') . ColorCLI::primaryOver($rel['rid']) . PHP_EOL . ColorCLI::headerOver(' Group: 		') . ColorCLI::primaryOver($rel['groupname']) . PHP_EOL . ColorCLI::headerOver(' Old Name: 		') . ColorCLI::primaryOver($rel['name']) . PHP_EOL . ColorCLI::headerOver(' Old SearchName: 	') . ColorCLI::primaryOver($rel['searchname']) . PHP_EOL . ColorCLI::headerOver(' New Name: 		') . ColorCLI::primaryOver($name) . PHP_EOL . ColorCLI::headerOver(' New SearchName: 	') . ColorCLI::primaryOver($searchname) . PHP_EOL . ColorCLI::headerOver(' Old Cat: 		') . ColorCLI::primaryOver($rel['categoryid']) . PHP_EOL . ColorCLI::headerOver(' New Cat: 		') . ColorCLI::primaryOver($categoryID) . PHP_EOL . ColorCLI::headerOver(' Method: 		') . ColorCLI::primaryOver($methodused) . PHP_EOL;
         if (!$this->echoonly) {
             $this->pdo->queryExec(sprintf("update releases SET name = %s, searchname = %s, categoryid = %d, imdbid = NULL, rageid = -1, bookinfoid = NULL, musicinfoid = NULL, consoleinfoid = NULL WHERE releases.id = %d", $this->pdo->escapeString($name), $this->pdo->escapeString($searchname), $categoryID, $rel['rid']));
Exemple #5
  * Loop over range of wanted headers, insert headers into DB.
  * @param array      $groupMySQL   The group info from mysql.
  * @param int        $first        The oldest wanted header.
  * @param int        $last         The newest wanted header.
  * @param string     $type         Is this partrepair or update or backfill?
  * @param null|array $missingParts If we are running in partrepair, the list of missing article numbers.
  * @return array Empty on failure.
 public function scan($groupMySQL, $first, $last, $type = 'update', $missingParts = null)
     // Start time of scan method and of fetching headers.
     $startLoop = microtime(true);
     // Check if MySQL tables exist, create if they do not, get their names at the same time.
     $tableNames = $this->_groups->getCBPTableNames($this->_tablePerGroup, $groupMySQL['id']);
     $returnArray = [];
     $partRepair = $type === 'partrepair';
     $addToPartRepair = $type === 'update' && $this->_partRepair;
     // Download the headers.
     if ($partRepair === true) {
         // This is slower but possibly is better with missing headers.
         $headers = $this->_nntp->getOverview($first . '-' . $last, true, false);
     } else {
         $headers = $this->_nntp->getXOVER($first . '-' . $last);
     // If there was an error, try to reconnect.
     if ($this->_nntp->isError($headers)) {
         // Increment if part repair and return false.
         if ($partRepair === true) {
             $this->_pdo->queryExec(sprintf('UPDATE partrepair SET attempts = attempts + 1 WHERE group_id = %d AND numberid %s', $groupMySQL['id'], $first == $last ? '= ' . $first : 'IN (' . implode(',', range($first, $last)) . ')'));
             return $returnArray;
         // This is usually a compression error, so try disabling compression.
         if ($this->_nntp->doConnect(false) !== true) {
             return $returnArray;
         // Re-select group, download headers again without compression and re-enable compression.
         $headers = $this->_nntp->getXOVER($first . '-' . $last);
         // Check if the non-compression headers have an error.
         if ($this->_nntp->isError($headers)) {
             $this->log("Code {$headers->code}: {$headers->message}\nSkipping group: {${$groupMySQL['name']}}", 'scan', Logger::LOG_WARNING, 'error');
             return $returnArray;
     // Start of processing headers.
     $startCleaning = microtime(true);
     // End of the getting data from usenet.
     $timeHeaders = number_format($startCleaning - $startLoop, 2);
     // Check if we got headers.
     $msgCount = count($headers);
     if ($msgCount < 1) {
         return $returnArray;
     // Get highest and lowest article numbers/dates.
     $iterator1 = 0;
     $iterator2 = $msgCount - 1;
     while (true) {
         if (!isset($returnArray['firstArticleNumber']) && isset($headers[$iterator1]['Number'])) {
             $returnArray['firstArticleNumber'] = $headers[$iterator1]['Number'];
             $returnArray['firstArticleDate'] = $headers[$iterator1]['Date'];
         if (!isset($returnArray['lastArticleNumber']) && isset($headers[$iterator2]['Number'])) {
             $returnArray['lastArticleNumber'] = $headers[$iterator2]['Number'];
             $returnArray['lastArticleDate'] = $headers[$iterator2]['Date'];
         // Break if we found non empty articles.
         if (isset($returnArray['firstArticleNumber']) && isset($returnArray['lastArticleNumber'])) {
         // Break out if we couldn't find anything.
         if ($iterator1++ >= $msgCount - 1 || $iterator2-- <= 0) {
     $headersRepaired = $articles = $rangeNotReceived = $collectionIDs = $binariesUpdate = $headersReceived = $headersNotInserted = [];
     $notYEnc = $headersBlackListed = 0;
     $partsQuery = $partsCheck = sprintf('INSERT INTO %s (binaryid, number, messageid, partnumber, size, collection_id) VALUES ', $tableNames['pname']);
     // Loop articles, figure out files/parts.
     foreach ($headers as $header) {
         // Check if we got the article or not.
         if (isset($header['Number'])) {
             $headersReceived[] = $header['Number'];
         } else {
             if ($addToPartRepair) {
                 $rangeNotReceived[] = $header['Number'];
         // If set we are running in partRepair mode.
         if ($partRepair === true && !is_null($missingParts)) {
             if (!in_array($header['Number'], $missingParts)) {
                 // If article isn't one that is missing skip it.
             } else {
                 // We got the part this time. Remove article from part repair.
                 $headersRepaired[] = $header['Number'];
          * Find part / total parts. Ignore if no part count found.
          * \s* Trims the leading space.
          * (?!"Usenet Index Post) ignores these types of articles, they are useless.
          * (.+) Fetches the subject.
          * \s+ Trims trailing space after the subject.
          * \((\d+)\/(\d+)\) Gets the part count.
          * No ending ($) as there are cases of subjects with extra data after the part count.
         if (preg_match('/^\\s*(?!"Usenet Index Post)(.+)\\s+\\((\\d+)\\/(\\d+)\\)/', $header['Subject'], $matches)) {
             // Add yEnc to subjects that do not have them, but have the part number at the end of the header.
             if (!stristr($header['Subject'], 'yEnc')) {
                 $matches[1] .= ' yEnc';
         } else {
             if ($this->_showDroppedYEncParts === true && strpos($header['Subject'], '"Usenet Index Post') !== 0) {
                 file_put_contents(nZEDb_LOGS . 'not_yenc' . $groupMySQL['name'] . '.dropped.log', $header['Subject'] . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
         // Filter subject based on black/white list.
         if ($this->_blackListEmpty === false && $this->isBlackListed($header, $groupMySQL['name'])) {
         if (!isset($header['Bytes'])) {
             $header['Bytes'] = isset($header[':bytes']) ? $header[':bytes'] : 0;
         $header['Bytes'] = (int) $header['Bytes'];
         // Set up the info for inserting into parts/binaries/collections tables.
         if (!isset($articles[$matches[1]])) {
             // Attempt to find the file count. If it is not found, set it to 0.
             if (!preg_match('/[[(\\s](\\d{1,5})(\\/|[\\s_]of[\\s_]|-)(\\d{1,5})[])\\s$:]/i', $matches[1], $fileCount)) {
                 $fileCount[1] = $fileCount[3] = 0;
                 if ($this->_showDroppedYEncParts === true) {
                     file_put_contents(nZEDb_LOGS . 'no_files' . $groupMySQL['name'] . '.log', $header['Subject'] . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
             // Used to group articles together when forming the release/nzb.
             $header['CollectionKey'] = $this->_collectionsCleaning->collectionsCleaner($matches[1], $groupMySQL['name']) . $header['From'] . $groupMySQL['id'] . $fileCount[3];
             if (!isset($collectionIDs[$header['CollectionKey']])) {
                 /* Date from header should be a string this format:
                  * 31 Mar 2014 15:36:04 GMT or 6 Oct 1998 04:38:40 -0500
                  * Still make sure it's not unix time, convert it to unix time if it is.
                 $header['Date'] = is_numeric($header['Date']) ? $header['Date'] : strtotime($header['Date']);
                 // Get the current unixtime from PHP.
                 $now = time();
                 $collectionID = $this->_pdo->queryInsert(sprintf("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO %s (subject, fromname, date, xref, group_id,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttotalfiles, collectionhash, dateadded)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES (%s, %s, FROM_UNIXTIME(%s), %s, %d, %d, '%s', NOW())\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE dateadded = NOW()", $tableNames['cname'], $this->_pdo->escapeString(substr(utf8_encode($matches[1]), 0, 255)), $this->_pdo->escapeString(utf8_encode($header['From'])), is_numeric($header['Date']) ? $header['Date'] > $now ? $now : $header['Date'] : $now, $this->_pdo->escapeString(substr($header['Xref'], 0, 255)), $groupMySQL['id'], $fileCount[3], sha1($header['CollectionKey'])));
                 if ($collectionID === false) {
                     if ($addToPartRepair) {
                         $headersNotInserted[] = $header['Number'];
                 $collectionIDs[$header['CollectionKey']] = $collectionID;
             } else {
                 $collectionID = $collectionIDs[$header['CollectionKey']];
             $binaryID = $this->_pdo->queryInsert(sprintf("\n\t\t\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO %s (binaryhash, name, collectionid, totalparts, currentparts, filenumber, partsize)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ('%s', %s, %d, %d, 1, %d, %d)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE currentparts = currentparts + 1, partsize = partsize + %d", $tableNames['bname'], md5($matches[1] . $header['From'] . $groupMySQL['id']), $this->_pdo->escapeString(utf8_encode($matches[1])), $collectionID, $matches[3], $fileCount[1], $header['Bytes'], $header['Bytes']));
             if ($binaryID === false) {
                 if ($addToPartRepair) {
                     $headersNotInserted[] = $header['Number'];
             $binariesUpdate[$binaryID]['Size'] = 0;
             $binariesUpdate[$binaryID]['Parts'] = 0;
             $articles[$matches[1]]['CollectionID'] = $collectionID;
             $articles[$matches[1]]['BinaryID'] = $binaryID;
         } else {
             $binaryID = $articles[$matches[1]]['BinaryID'];
             $collectionID = $articles[$matches[1]]['CollectionID'];
             $binariesUpdate[$binaryID]['Size'] += $header['Bytes'];
         // Strip the < and >, saves space in DB.
         $header['Message-ID'][0] = "'";
         $partsQuery .= '(' . $binaryID . ',' . $header['Number'] . ',' . rtrim($header['Message-ID'], '>') . "'," . $matches[2] . ',' . $header['Bytes'] . ',' . $collectionID . '),';
     // Reclaim memory.
     // Start of inserting into SQL.
     $startUpdate = microtime(true);
     // End of processing headers.
     $timeCleaning = number_format($startUpdate - $startCleaning, 2);
     $binariesQuery = $binariesCheck = sprintf('INSERT INTO %s (id, partsize, currentparts) VALUES ', $tableNames['bname']);
     foreach ($binariesUpdate as $binaryID => $binary) {
         $binariesQuery .= '(' . $binaryID . ',' . $binary['Size'] . ',' . $binary['Parts'] . '),';
     $binariesEnd = ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE partsize = VALUES(partsize) + partsize, currentparts = VALUES(currentparts) + currentparts';
     $binariesQuery = rtrim($binariesQuery, ',') . $binariesEnd;
     // Check if we got any binaries. If we did, try to insert them.
     if (strlen($binariesCheck . $binariesEnd) === strlen($binariesQuery) ? true : $this->_pdo->queryExec($binariesQuery)) {
         if ($this->_debug) {
             $this->_colorCLI->doEcho($this->_colorCLI->debug('Sending ' . round(strlen($partsQuery) / 1024, 2) . ' KB of parts to MySQL'));
         if (strlen($partsQuery) === strlen($partsCheck) ? true : $this->_pdo->queryExec(rtrim($partsQuery, ','))) {
         } else {
             if ($addToPartRepair) {
                 $headersNotInserted += $headersReceived;
     } else {
         if ($addToPartRepair) {
             $headersNotInserted += $headersReceived;
     if ($this->_echoCLI && $partRepair === false) {
         $this->_colorCLI->doEcho($this->_colorCLI->primary('Received ' . count($headersReceived) . ' articles of ' . number_format($last - $first + 1) . ' requested, ' . $headersBlackListed . ' blacklisted, ' . $notYEnc . ' not yEnc.'));
     // Start of part repair.
     $startPR = microtime(true);
     // End of inserting.
     $timeInsert = number_format($startPR - $startUpdate, 2);
     if ($partRepair && count($headersRepaired) > 0) {
         $this->removeRepairedParts($headersRepaired, $tableNames['prname'], $groupMySQL['id']);
     if ($addToPartRepair) {
         $notInsertedCount = count($headersNotInserted);
         if ($notInsertedCount > 0) {
             $this->addMissingParts($headersNotInserted, $tableNames['prname'], $groupMySQL['id']);
             $this->log($notInsertedCount . ' articles failed to insert!', 'scan', Logger::LOG_WARNING, 'warning');
         // Check if we have any missing headers.
         if ($last - $first - $notYEnc - $headersBlackListed + 1 > count($headersReceived)) {
             $rangeNotReceived = array_merge($rangeNotReceived, array_diff(range($first, $last), $headersReceived));
         $notReceivedCount = count($rangeNotReceived);
         if ($notReceivedCount > 0) {
             $this->addMissingParts($rangeNotReceived, $tableNames['prname'], $groupMySQL['id']);
             if ($this->_echoCLI) {
                 $this->_colorCLI->doEcho($this->_colorCLI->alternate('Server did not return ' . $notReceivedCount . ' articles from ' . $groupMySQL['name'] . '.'), true);
     $currentMicroTime = microtime(true);
     if ($this->_echoCLI) {
         $this->_colorCLI->doEcho($this->_colorCLI->alternateOver($timeHeaders . 's') . $this->_colorCLI->primaryOver(' to download articles, ') . $this->_colorCLI->alternateOver($timeCleaning . 's') . $this->_colorCLI->primaryOver(' to process collections, ') . $this->_colorCLI->alternateOver($timeInsert . 's') . $this->_colorCLI->primaryOver(' to insert binaries/parts, ') . $this->_colorCLI->alternateOver(number_format($currentMicroTime - $startPR, 2) . 's') . $this->_colorCLI->primaryOver(' for part repair, ') . $this->_colorCLI->alternateOver(number_format($currentMicroTime - $startLoop, 2) . 's') . $this->_colorCLI->primary(' total.'));
     return $returnArray;