  * Insert the tags of the given change
 private function formatReviewSummaryRow($rc, $page)
     global $wgRequest;
     $s = '';
     if (!$rc) {
         return $s;
     $attr = $rc->mAttribs;
     $tagRows = $attr['collabwatchlist_tags'];
     $classes = array();
     $displayTags = array();
     foreach ($tagRows as $tagRow) {
         $tag = $tagRow['ct_tag'];
         $collabwatchlistTag = Xml::tags('span', array('class' => 'mw-collabwatchlist-tag-marker ' . Sanitizer::escapeClass("mw-collabwatchlist-tag-marker-{$tag}"), 'title' => $tagRow['rrt_comment']), ChangeTags::tagDescription($tag));
         $classes[] = Sanitizer::escapeClass("mw-collabwatchlist-tag-{$tag}");
         /** Insert links to user page, user talk page and eventually a blocking link */
         $userLink = $this->skin->userLink($tagRow['user_id'], $tagRow['user_name']);
         $delTagTarget = CollabWatchlistEditor::getUnsetTagUrl($wgRequest->getFullRequestURL(), $attr['rc_title'], $tagRow['cw_id'], $tag, $attr['rc_id']);
         $delTagLink = Xml::element('a', array('href' => $delTagTarget, 'class' => 'mw-collabwatchlist-unsettag-' . $tag), wfMsg('collabwatchlist-unset-tag'));
         $displayTags[] = $collabwatchlistTag . ' ' . $delTagLink . ' ' . $userLink;
     $markers = '(' . implode(', ', $displayTags) . ')';
     $markers = Xml::tags('span', array('class' => 'mw-collabwatchlist-tag-markers'), $markers);
     return array($markers, $classes);
     * Main execution point
     * @param $par Parameter passed to the page
    function execute($par)
        global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgLang, $wgRequest;
        global $wgRCShowWatchingUsers;
        global $wgEnotifWatchlist;
        // Add feed links
        $wlToken = $wgUser->getOption('watchlisttoken');
        if (!$wlToken) {
            $wlToken = sha1(mt_rand() . microtime(true));
            $wgUser->setOption('watchlisttoken', $wlToken);
        global $wgFeedClasses;
        $apiParams = array('action' => 'feedwatchlist', 'allrev' => 'allrev', 'wlowner' => $wgUser->getName(), 'wltoken' => $wlToken);
        $feedTemplate = wfScript('api') . '?';
        foreach ($wgFeedClasses as $format => $class) {
            $theseParams = $apiParams + array('feedformat' => $format);
            $url = $feedTemplate . wfArrayToCGI($theseParams);
            $wgOut->addFeedLink($format, $url);
        $skin = $wgUser->getSkin();
        $specialTitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('CollabWatchlist');
        # Anons don't get a watchlist
        if ($wgUser->isAnon()) {
            $llink = $skin->linkKnown(SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Userlogin'), wfMsgHtml('loginreqlink'), array(), array('returnto' => $specialTitle->getPrefixedText()));
            $wgOut->addHTML(wfMsgWikiHtml('watchlistanontext', $llink));
        $listIdsAndNames = CollabWatchlistChangesList::getCollabWatchlistIdAndName($wgUser->getId());
        $sub = wfMsgExt('watchlistfor2', array('parseinline', 'replaceafter'), $wgUser->getName(), '');
        $sub .= '<br />' . CollabWatchlistEditor::buildTools($listIdsAndNames, $wgUser->getSkin());
        $uid = $wgUser->getId();
        // The filter form has one checkbox for each tag, build an array
        $postValues = $wgRequest->getValues();
        $tagFilter = array();
        foreach ($postValues as $key => $value) {
            if (stripos($key, 'collaborative-watchlist-filtertag-') === 0) {
                $tagFilter[] = $postValues[$key];
        // Alternative syntax for requests from links (show / hide ...)
        if (empty($tagFilter)) {
            $tagFilter = explode('|', $wgRequest->getVal('filterTags'));
        $defaults = array('days' => floatval($wgUser->getOption('watchlistdays')), 'hideMinor' => (int) $wgUser->getBoolOption('watchlisthideminor'), 'hideBots' => (int) $wgUser->getBoolOption('watchlisthidebots'), 'hideAnons' => (int) $wgUser->getBoolOption('watchlisthideanons'), 'hideLiu' => (int) $wgUser->getBoolOption('watchlisthideliu'), 'hideListUser' => (int) $wgUser->getBoolOption('collabwatchlisthidelistuser'), 'hidePatrolled' => (int) $wgUser->getBoolOption('watchlisthidepatrolled'), 'hideOwn' => (int) $wgUser->getBoolOption('watchlisthideown'), 'collabwatchlist' => 0, 'globalwatch' => 'all', 'invert' => false, 'invertTags' => false, 'filterTags' => '');
        # Extract variables from the request, falling back to user preferences or
        # other default values if these don't exist
        $prefs['days'] = floatval($wgUser->getOption('watchlistdays'));
        $prefs['hideminor'] = $wgUser->getBoolOption('watchlisthideminor');
        $prefs['hidebots'] = $wgUser->getBoolOption('watchlisthidebots');
        $prefs['hideanons'] = $wgUser->getBoolOption('watchlisthideanon');
        $prefs['hideliu'] = $wgUser->getBoolOption('watchlisthideliu');
        $prefs['hideown'] = $wgUser->getBoolOption('watchlisthideown');
        $prefs['hidelistuser'] = $wgUser->getBoolOption('collabwatchlisthidelistuser');
        $prefs['hidepatrolled'] = $wgUser->getBoolOption('watchlisthidepatrolled');
        $prefs['invertTags'] = $wgUser->getBoolOption('collabwatchlistinverttags');
        $prefs['filterTags'] = $wgUser->getOption('collabwatchlistfiltertags');
        # Get query variables
        $days = $wgRequest->getVal('days', $prefs['days']);
        $hideMinor = $wgRequest->getBool('hideMinor', $prefs['hideminor']);
        $hideBots = $wgRequest->getBool('hideBots', $prefs['hidebots']);
        $hideAnons = $wgRequest->getBool('hideAnons', $prefs['hideanons']);
        $hideLiu = $wgRequest->getBool('hideLiu', $prefs['hideliu']);
        $hideOwn = $wgRequest->getBool('hideOwn', $prefs['hideown']);
        $hideListUser = $wgRequest->getBool('hideListUser', $prefs['hidelistuser']);
        $hidePatrolled = $wgRequest->getBool('hidePatrolled', $prefs['hidepatrolled']);
        $filterTags = implode('|', $tagFilter);
        $invertTags = $wgRequest->getBool('invertTags', $prefs['invertTags']);
        # Get collabwatchlist value, if supplied, and prepare a WHERE fragment
        $collabWatchlist = $wgRequest->getIntOrNull('collabwatchlist');
        if (!is_null($collabWatchlist) && $collabWatchlist !== 'all') {
            $collabWatchlist = intval($collabWatchlist);
        if (array_key_exists($collabWatchlist, $listIdsAndNames)) {
            $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::element('h2', null, $listIdsAndNames[$collabWatchlist]));
        if (($mode = CollabWatchlistEditor::getMode($wgRequest, $par)) !== false) {
            $editor = new CollabWatchlistEditor();
            $editor->execute($collabWatchlist, $listIdsAndNames, $wgOut, $wgRequest, $mode);
        if (!$collabWatchlist) {
        $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE, 'watchlist');
        $recentchanges = $dbr->tableName('recentchanges');
        $nitems = $dbr->selectField('collabwatchlistcategory', 'COUNT(*)', $collabWatchlist == 0 ? array() : array('cw_id' => $collabWatchlist), __METHOD__);
        if ($nitems == 0) {
        // Dump everything here
        $nondefaults = array();
        wfAppendToArrayIfNotDefault('days', $days, $defaults, $nondefaults);
        wfAppendToArrayIfNotDefault('hideMinor', (int) $hideMinor, $defaults, $nondefaults);
        wfAppendToArrayIfNotDefault('hideBots', (int) $hideBots, $defaults, $nondefaults);
        wfAppendToArrayIfNotDefault('hideAnons', (int) $hideAnons, $defaults, $nondefaults);
        wfAppendToArrayIfNotDefault('hideLiu', (int) $hideLiu, $defaults, $nondefaults);
        wfAppendToArrayIfNotDefault('hideOwn', (int) $hideOwn, $defaults, $nondefaults);
        wfAppendToArrayIfNotDefault('hideListUser', (int) $hideListUser, $defaults, $nondefaults);
        wfAppendToArrayIfNotDefault('collabwatchlist', $collabWatchlist, $defaults, $nondefaults);
        wfAppendToArrayIfNotDefault('hidePatrolled', (int) $hidePatrolled, $defaults, $nondefaults);
        wfAppendToArrayIfNotDefault('filterTags', $filterTags, $defaults, $nondefaults);
        wfAppendToArrayIfNotDefault('invertTags', $invertTags, $defaults, $nondefaults);
        if ($days <= 0) {
            $andcutoff = '';
        } else {
            $andcutoff = "rc_timestamp > '" . $dbr->timestamp(time() - intval($days * 86400)) . "'";
        # If the watchlist is relatively short, it's simplest to zip
        # down its entirety and then sort the results.
        # If it's relatively long, it may be worth our while to zip
        # through the time-sorted page list checking for watched items.
        # Up estimate of watched items by 15% to compensate for talk pages...
        # Toggles
        $andHideOwn = $hideOwn ? "rc_user != {$uid}" : '';
        $andHideBots = $hideBots ? "rc_bot = 0" : '';
        $andHideMinor = $hideMinor ? "rc_minor = 0" : '';
        $andHideLiu = $hideLiu ? "rc_user = 0" : '';
        $andHideAnons = $hideAnons ? "rc_user != 0" : '';
        $andHideListUser = $hideListUser ? $this->wlGetFilterClauseListUser($collabWatchlist) : '';
        $andHidePatrolled = $wgUser->useRCPatrol() && $hidePatrolled ? "rc_patrolled != 1" : '';
        # Toggle watchlist content (all recent edits or just the latest)
        if ($wgUser->getOption('extendwatchlist')) {
            $andLatest = '';
            $limitWatchlist = intval($wgUser->getOption('wllimit'));
            $usePage = false;
        } else {
            # Top log Ids for a page are not stored
            $andLatest = 'rc_this_oldid=page_latest OR rc_type=' . RC_LOG;
            $limitWatchlist = 0;
            $usePage = true;
        # Show a message about slave lag, if applicable
        $lag = wfGetLB()->safeGetLag($dbr);
        if ($lag > 0) {
        # Create output form
        $form = Xml::fieldset(wfMsg('watchlist-options'), false, array('id' => 'mw-watchlist-options'));
        # Show watchlist header
        $form .= wfMsgExt('collabwatchlist-details', array('parseinline'), $wgLang->formatNum($nitems));
        if ($wgUser->getOption('enotifwatchlistpages') && $wgEnotifWatchlist) {
            $form .= wfMsgExt('wlheader-enotif', 'parse') . "\n";
        $form .= '<hr />';
        $tables = array('recentchanges', 'categorylinks');
        $fields = array("{$recentchanges}.*");
        $categoryClause = $this->wlGetFilterClauseForCollabWatchlistIds($collabWatchlist, 'cl_to', 'rc_cur_id');
        // If this collaborative watchlist does not contain any categories, add a clause which gives
        // us an empty result
        $conds = isset($categoryClause) ? array($categoryClause) : array('false');
        $join_conds = array('categorylinks' => array('LEFT OUTER JOIN', "rc_cur_id=cl_from"));
        if (!empty($tagFilter)) {
            // The tag filter causes a query runtime of O(MxN), where M is relative to the number
            // of recentchanges we select (from a table which is purged periodically, limited to 250)
            // and N is relative the number of change_tag entries for a recentchange. Doing it
            // the other way around (selecting from change_tag first, is probably slower, as the
            // change_tag table is never purged.
            // Using the tag_summary table for filtering is difficult, at least I have been unable to
            // find a common SQL compliant way for using regular expressions which works across Postgre / Mysql
            // Furthermore, ChangeTags does not seem to prevent tags containing ',' from being set,
            // which renders tag_summary quite unusable
            if ($invertTags) {
                $filter = 'EXISTS ';
            } else {
                $filter = 'NOT EXISTS ';
            $filter .= '(SELECT cwlrt.ct_rc_id FROM collabwatchlistrevisiontag cwlrt
					WHERE cwlrt.ct_rc_id = recentchanges.rc_id AND cwlrt.ct_tag ';
            if (count($tagFilter) > 1) {
                $filter .= 'IN (' . $dbr->makeList($tagFilter) . '))';
            } else {
                $filter .= ' = ' . $dbr->addQuotes(current($tagFilter)) . ')';
            $conds[] = $filter;
        $options = array('ORDER BY' => 'rc_timestamp DESC');
        if ($limitWatchlist) {
            $options['LIMIT'] = $limitWatchlist;
        if ($andcutoff) {
            $conds[] = $andcutoff;
        if ($andLatest) {
            $conds[] = $andLatest;
        if ($andHideOwn) {
            $conds[] = $andHideOwn;
        if ($andHideBots) {
            $conds[] = $andHideBots;
        if ($andHideMinor) {
            $conds[] = $andHideMinor;
        if ($andHideLiu) {
            $conds[] = $andHideLiu;
        if ($andHideAnons) {
            $conds[] = $andHideAnons;
        if ($andHideListUser) {
            $conds[] = $andHideListUser;
        if ($andHidePatrolled) {
            $conds[] = $andHidePatrolled;
        $rollbacker = $wgUser->isAllowed('rollback');
        if ($usePage || $rollbacker) {
            $tables[] = 'page';
            $join_conds['page'] = array('LEFT JOIN', 'rc_cur_id=page.page_id');
            if ($rollbacker) {
                $fields[] = 'page_latest';
        ChangeTags::modifyDisplayQuery($tables, $fields, $conds, $join_conds, $options, '');
        wfRunHooks('SpecialCollabWatchlistQuery', array(&$conds, &$tables, &$join_conds, &$fields));
        $res = $dbr->select($tables, $fields, $conds, __METHOD__, $options, $join_conds);
        $numRows = $dbr->numRows($res);
        /* Start bottom header */
        $wlInfo = '';
        if ($days >= 1) {
            $wlInfo = wfMsgExt('rcnote', 'parseinline', $wgLang->formatNum($numRows), $wgLang->formatNum($days), $wgLang->timeAndDate(wfTimestampNow(), true), $wgLang->date(wfTimestampNow(), true), $wgLang->time(wfTimestampNow(), true)) . '<br />';
        } elseif ($days > 0) {
            $wlInfo = wfMsgExt('wlnote', 'parseinline', $wgLang->formatNum($numRows), $wgLang->formatNum(round($days * 24))) . '<br />';
        $cutofflinks = "\n" . $this->cutoffLinks($days, 'CollabWatchlist', $nondefaults) . "<br />\n";
        $thisTitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('CollabWatchlist');
        # Spit out some control panel links
        $links[] = $this->showHideLink($nondefaults, 'rcshowhideminor', 'hideMinor', $hideMinor);
        $links[] = $this->showHideLink($nondefaults, 'rcshowhidebots', 'hideBots', $hideBots);
        $links[] = $this->showHideLink($nondefaults, 'rcshowhideanons', 'hideAnons', $hideAnons);
        $links[] = $this->showHideLink($nondefaults, 'rcshowhideliu', 'hideLiu', $hideLiu);
        $links[] = $this->showHideLink($nondefaults, 'rcshowhidemine', 'hideOwn', $hideOwn);
        $links[] = $this->showHideLink($nondefaults, 'collabwatchlistshowhidelistusers', 'hideListUser', $hideListUser);
        if ($wgUser->useRCPatrol()) {
            $links[] = $this->showHideLink($nondefaults, 'rcshowhidepatr', 'hidePatrolled', $hidePatrolled);
        # Namespace filter and put the whole form together.
        $form .= $wlInfo;
        $form .= $cutofflinks;
        $form .= $wgLang->pipeList($links);
        $form .= Xml::openElement('form', array('method' => 'get', 'action' => $thisTitle->getLocalUrl()));
        $form .= '<hr /><p>';
        $tagsAndInfo = CollabWatchlistChangesList::getValidTagsAndInfo(array_keys($listIdsAndNames));
        if (count($tagsAndInfo) > 0) {
            $form .= wfMsg('collabwatchlistfiltertags') . ':&nbsp;&nbsp;';
        foreach ($tagsAndInfo as $tag => $tagInfo) {
            $tagAttr = array('name' => 'collaborative-watchlist-filtertag-' . $tag, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => $tag);
            if (in_array($tag, $tagFilter)) {
                $tagAttr['checked'] = 'checked';
            $form .= Xml::element('input', $tagAttr) . '&nbsp;' . Xml::label($tag, 'collaborative-watchlist-filtertag-' . $tag) . '&nbsp;';
        if (count($tagsAndInfo) > 0) {
            $form .= '<br />';
        $form .= Xml::checkLabel(wfMsg('collabwatchlistinverttags'), 'invertTags', 'nsinvertTags', $invertTags) . '<br />';
        $form .= CollabWatchlistChangesList::collabWatchlistSelector($listIdsAndNames, $collabWatchlist, '', 'collabwatchlist', wfMsg('collabwatchlist')) . '&nbsp;';
        $form .= Xml::submitButton(wfMsg('allpagessubmit')) . '</p>';
        $form .= Html::hidden('days', $days);
        if ($hideMinor) {
            $form .= Html::hidden('hideMinor', 1);
        if ($hideBots) {
            $form .= Html::hidden('hideBots', 1);
        if ($hideAnons) {
            $form .= Html::hidden('hideAnons', 1);
        if ($hideLiu) {
            $form .= Html::hidden('hideLiu', 1);
        if ($hideOwn) {
            $form .= Html::hidden('hideOwn', 1);
        if ($hideListUser) {
            $form .= Html::hidden('hideListUser', 1);
        if ($wgUser->useRCPatrol()) {
            if ($hidePatrolled) {
                $form .= Html::hidden('hidePatrolled', 1);
        $form .= Xml::closeElement('form');
        $form .= Xml::closeElement('fieldset');
        # If there's nothing to show, stop here
        if ($numRows == 0) {
        /* End bottom header */
        /* Do link batch query */
        $linkBatch = new LinkBatch();
        foreach ($res as $row) {
            $userNameUnderscored = str_replace(' ', '_', $row->rc_user_text);
            if ($row->rc_user != 0) {
                $linkBatch->add(NS_USER, $userNameUnderscored);
            $linkBatch->add(NS_USER_TALK, $userNameUnderscored);
            $linkBatch->add($row->rc_namespace, $row->rc_title);
        $dbr->dataSeek($res, 0);
        $list = CollabWatchlistChangesList::newFromUser($wgUser);
        $s = $list->beginRecentChangesList();
        $counter = 1;
        foreach ($res as $obj) {
            # Make RC entry
            $rc = RecentChange::newFromRow($obj);
            $rc->counter = $counter++;
            if ($wgRCShowWatchingUsers && $wgUser->getOption('shownumberswatching')) {
                $rc->numberofWatchingusers = $dbr->selectField('watchlist', 'COUNT(*)', array('wl_namespace' => $obj->rc_namespace, 'wl_title' => $obj->rc_title), __METHOD__);
            } else {
                $rc->numberofWatchingusers = 0;
            $tags = $this->wlTagsForRevision($obj->rc_this_oldid, array($collabWatchlist));
            //			if( isset($tags) ) {
            //				// Filter recentchanges which contain unwanted tags
            //				$tagNames = array();
            //				foreach($tags as $tagInfo) {
            //					$tagNames[] = $tagInfo['ct_tag'];
            //				}
            //				$unwantedTagsFound = array_intersect($tagFilter, $tagNames);
            //				if( !empty($unwantedTagsFound) )
            //					continue;
            //			}
            $attrs = $rc->getAttributes();
            $attrs['collabwatchlist_tags'] = $tags;
            $s .= $list->recentChangesLine($rc, false, $counter);
        $s .= $list->endRecentChangesList();