Exemple #1
     * Generates from array of dists  array of dist's models. Used for generating PO document without saving metadata to database.
     * @param $poId
     * @param $distsToSave
    public static function preparePODistsArray($poId, $distsToSave)
        $resultArray = array();
        $coaStructure = Coa::getProjectCoaStructure(Yii::app()->user->projectID);

        foreach ($distsToSave as $distToSave) {

            $distToSave['PO_Dists_Description']= substr($distToSave['PO_Dists_Description'],0,125);

            $newDist = new PoDists();
            $newDist->PO_ID = $poId;

            if ($distToSave['PO_Dists_GL_Code'] == '') {
                $newDist->PO_Dists_GL_Code = null;
            } else {

                    //full functionality not available from ver 13210
                    $newDist->Short_Hand = $distToSave['PO_Dists_GL_Code'];
                    $constructed_value = Coa::constructCoaNumber(Yii::app()->user->projectID, $distToSave['PO_Dists_GL_Code']);
                    $newDist->PO_Dists_GL_Code =$constructed_value;
                    if ($coa) {$coa->COA_Used = 1;}


            if ($distToSave['PO_Dists_Description'] == '') {
                $newDist->PO_Dists_Description = '-';
            } else {
                $newDist->PO_Dists_Description = $distToSave['PO_Dists_Description'];

            if ($distToSave['PO_Dists_Amount'] == '') {
                $newDist->PO_Dists_Amount = 0;
            } else {
                $newDist->PO_Dists_Amount = $distToSave['PO_Dists_Amount'];


        return $resultArray;
Exemple #2
     * Prepare AP Dists Models
     * @param $apId
     * @param $distsToSave
    public static function prepareAPDistsModelsArray($apId, $distsToSave)

        $result = array();

        $coaStructure = Coa::getProjectCoaStructure(Yii::app()->user->projectID);

        foreach ($distsToSave as $distToSave) {
            $newDist = new GlDistDetails();
            $newDist->AP_ID = $apId;

            if ($distToSave['GL_Dist_Detail_COA_Acct_Number'] == '') {
                $newDist->GL_Dist_Detail_COA_Acct_Number = null;
            } else {

                    //full functionality not available from ver 13210
                    $newDist->Short_Hand = $distToSave['GL_Dist_Detail_COA_Acct_Number'];

                    $constructed_value = Coa::constructCoaNumber(Yii::app()->user->projectID, $distToSave['GL_Dist_Detail_COA_Acct_Number']);
                    //$newDist->GL_Dist_Detail_COA_Acct_Number =$distToSave['GL_Dist_Detail_COA_Acct_Number'];
                    $newDist->GL_Dist_Detail_COA_Acct_Number =$constructed_value;
                    if ($coa) {$coa->COA_Used = 1;}


            if ($distToSave['GL_Dist_Detail_Desc'] == '') {
                $newDist->GL_Dist_Detail_Desc = '-';
            } else {
                $newDist->GL_Dist_Detail_Desc = $distToSave['GL_Dist_Detail_Desc'];

            if ($distToSave['GL_Dist_Detail_Amt'] == '') {
                $newDist->GL_Dist_Detail_Amt = 0;
            } else {
                $newDist->GL_Dist_Detail_Amt = $distToSave['GL_Dist_Detail_Amt'];



        return $result;
Exemple #3
     * Get COA_Acct_Number by user input and COA structure settings
     * @param $projectID
     * @param $userInput
     * @return string
    public static function getCoaAcctNumbByUserInput($projectID, $userInput)
        $projectID = intval($projectID);
        $coaStructure = Coa::getProjectCoaStructure($projectID);
        $coaAccountNumb = '';
        if ($coaStructure !== null && $coaStructure->COA_Allow_Manual_Coding != 1) {
            if ($coaStructure->COA_Break_Number > 0 && (strpos($userInput,$coaStructure->COA_Break_Character) === false || $coaStructure->COA_Break_Character == '')) {
                $coaAccountNumb = $userInput;
            } else {
                $prefix=$head=$modifier=$root=$conjun=$tail=$suffix = '';
                $prefix = $coaStructure->COA_Prefix > 0 ? $coaStructure->COA_Prefix_Val : '';
                $modifier = $coaStructure->COA_Modifier > 0 ? $coaStructure->COA_Modifier_Val : '';
                $conjun = $coaStructure->COA_Conjun > 0 ? $coaStructure->COA_Conjun_Val : '';
                $suffix = $coaStructure->COA_Suffix > 0 ? $coaStructure->COA_Suffix_Val : '';

                if ($coaStructure->COA_Break_Character == '' || $coaStructure->COA_Break_Number == 0) {
                    $inputParts = array($userInput);
                } else {
                    $inputParts = explode($coaStructure->COA_Break_Character,$userInput);

                foreach ($inputParts as $inputPart) {
                    if ($coaStructure->COA_Head > 0 && $head == '') {
                        $head = $inputPart;
                    } else if ($coaStructure->COA_Root > 0 && $root == '') {
                        $root = $inputPart;
                    } else if ($coaStructure->COA_Tail > 0 && $tail == '') {
                        $tail = $inputPart;

                $coaAccountNumb = $prefix.$head.$modifier.$root.$conjun.$tail.$suffix;
        } else {
            $coaAccountNumb = $userInput;

        return $coaAccountNumb;