public function actionIndex($id)
     if ($dataStr = Yii::app()->request->getParam('data')) {
         if (!empty($dataStr)) {
             if ($id == null) {
                 $id = 1;
             $data = strtotime($dataStr);
             $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
             $criteria->condition = 'category_id =:id AND status=2 AND DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(created), "%Y%m%d")=:data';
             $criteria->params = array(':data' => date('Ymd', $data), ':id' => $id);
             $model = CmsSetting::model()->findByPk(1);
             $prow = new CActiveDataProvider('CmsPage', array('criteria' => $criteria, 'pagination' => array('pageSize' => $model->ct_page, 'pageVar' => 'page')));
     } else {
         $category = CmsCategory::model()->findByPk($id);
         $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
         $criteria->condition = 'status = 2 AND category_id =:id AND ' . 'created < :time';
         $criteria->params = array(':id' => $id, ':time' => time());
         $criteria->order = 'created DESC';
         $model = CmsSetting::model()->findByPk(1);
         $prow = new CActiveDataProvider('CmsPage', array('criteria' => $criteria, 'pagination' => array('pageSize' => $model->ct_page, 'pageVar' => 'page')));
     if (Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest) {
         $this->renderPartial('widget_ajax', array('category' => $category, 'data' => $prow));
     } else {
         $this->render('index', array('category' => $category, 'data' => $prow, 'val' => $dataStr));
 public function actionChangePassword($id, $time)
     $model = CmsSetting::model()->findByPk(1);
     if ($id == 0 && $time == 0) {
         if (CmsUser::sendPas()) {
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', 'На ваш email отправлено письмо. Для смены пароля перейдите по ссылке в письме');
         } else {
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', 'Письмо не отправленно');
         $flag = false;
     } else {
         if ($id == Yii::app()->user->id) {
             $flag = true;
             if ($model->time < time() - $time) {
                 if (isset($_POST['password'])) {
                     if (CmsUser::model()->updateByPk(Yii::app()->user->id, array('password' => md5('lkjhgfd' . $_POST['password'])))) {
                         $flag = false;
                         Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', 'Ваш пароль изменён');
                     } else {
                         Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', 'пароль не изменён');
                     $this->render('ChangePassword', array('flag' => $flag));
     $this->render('ChangePassword', array('flag' => $flag));
 public function actionIndex()
     $model = new CmsSetting();
     if (isset($_POST['CmsSetting'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_POST['CmsSetting'];
         $flag = CmsSetting::model()->updateByPk(1, array('ct_page' => $model->ct_page, 'time' => $model->time, 'podtv_email' => $model->podtv_email, 'poblicazia_com' => $model->poblicazia_com, 'publicazia_stat' => $model->publicazia_stat, 'gost_com' => $model->gost_com));
     $model = CmsSetting::model()->findByPk(1);
     $this->render('index', array('model' => $model));
  * Displays the login page
 public function actionLogin()
      * Авторизация по токену для восстановления пароля
     if ($recoveryPasswordToken = Yii::app()->request->getParam('token')) {
         if ($user = CmsUser::getByRecoveryPasswordToken($recoveryPasswordToken)) {
             $log = new LoginForm();
             $log->username = $user->username;
             $log->password = $user->password;
             $this->redirect($this->createAbsoluteUrl('UserPersonal/index', array('id' => $user->id)));
     $service = Yii::app()->request->getQuery('service');
     if (isset($service)) {
         $authIdentity = Yii::app()->eauth->getIdentity($service);
         $authIdentity->redirectUrl = Yii::app()->user->returnUrl;
         $authIdentity->cancelUrl = $this->createAbsoluteUrl('site/login');
         if ($authIdentity->authenticate()) {
             $identity = new ServiceUserIdentity($authIdentity);
             // Успешный вход
             if ($identity->authenticate()) {
                 // Специальный редирект с закрытием popup окна
             } else {
                 // Закрываем popup окно и перенаправляем на cancelUrl
     //авторизация с помошью соц сетей
     $model = new LoginForm();
     // if it is ajax validation request
     if (isset($_POST['ajax']) && $_POST['ajax'] === 'login-form') {
         echo CActiveForm::validate($model);
     // collect user input data
     if (isset($_POST['LoginForm'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_POST['LoginForm'];
         // validate user input and redirect to the previous page if valid
         // $model1=CmsUser::model()->findByAttributes(array('username'=>$model->username));
         $model_set = CmsSetting::model()->findByPk(1);
         if ($model_set->podtv_email == 1) {
             $user = CmsUser::model()->findByAttributes(array('username' => $model->username));
             $this->render('login', array('model' => $model, 'flag' => true));
         } else {
             if ($model->validate() && $model->login()) {
                 $this->redirect(array('UserPersonal/index', 'id' => Yii::app()->user->id));
     // display the login form
     $this->render('login', array('model' => $model));
 public function getRecoveryPasswordToken($expires = 5, $time = null)
     $set = CmsSetting::model()->findByPk(1);
     $expires = $set->time;
     $passHash = self::hashPassword($this->password);
     $time = is_null($time) ? time() : $time;
     $hash = sha1(Yii::app()->params['recoveryPasswordPrivateKey'] . $passHash . $this->username . $this->id . $time . $expires);
     return implode(':', array($time, $expires, $this->id, $hash));
 public static function vivod($id)
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->condition = 'page_id=:id AND status=0 OR status=2';
     $criteria->params = array(':id' => $id);
     $model = CmsSetting::model()->findByPk(1);
     return new CActiveDataProvider('CmsComment', array('criteria' => $criteria));
Exemple #7



<div class="row">

    <div class="thumbnail textCom">
echo CmsComment::model()->countByAttributes(array('page_id' => $model->id, 'status' => 1));
  &nbsp; коментариев
$flag = CmsSetting::model()->findByPk(1);
if (!Yii::app()->user->isGuest || Yii::app()->user->isGuest && $flag->gost_com) {
        <a class="linkCom" id="linkComId"><i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o">&nbsp;Оставить Комментарий</i></a>

if ($model->status != 0 && $model->status != 1) {
    $this->renderPartial('_view', array('comments' => $comments));
    $this->renderPartial('newcomment', array('model' => $model1));
 public function actionEditPassword()
     $model = CmsSetting::model()->findByPk(1);
     if (!Yii::app()->request->getParam('id') && !Yii::app()->request->getParam('time')) {
         if (CmsUser::sendPas()) {
             $this->sendResponse(self::STATUS_OK, "email отправлен");
         } else {
             $this->sendResponse(self::STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "email не отправлен");
     } else {
         $id = Yii::app()->request->getParam('id');
         $time = Yii::app()->request->getParam('time');
         if ($id == Yii::app()->user->id) {
             if ($model->time < time() - $time) {
                 if (isset($_POST['password'])) {
                     if (CmsUser::model()->updateByPk(Yii::app()->user->id, array('password' => md5('lkjhgfd' . $_POST['password'])))) {
                         $this->actionResponse = array('user' => CmsUser::model()->findByPk(Yii::app()->user->id));
                     } else {
                         $this->sendResponse(self::STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "пароль изменён");
 public static function vivod($id)
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->condition = 'status = 2';
     $criteria->compare('category_id', $id);
     $model = CmsSetting::model()->findByPk(1);
     return new CActiveDataProvider('CmsPage', array('criteria' => $criteria, 'pagination' => array('pageSize' => $model->ct_page)));