public static function getGantt($room_list, $activityId, $person, $timestamp) { $now = time(); $room_id_list = PropelLogic::getIdList($room_list); // Get the day start $dayStart = ReservationPeer::getDayStart($timestamp); // We get all the reservations for the current room list in the week containing the given timestamp. $c = ReservationPeer::getDayCriteria($timestamp); $c->addJoin(ReservationPeer::ROOMPROFILE_ID, RoomprofilePeer::ID); $c->addAnd(RoomprofilePeer::ROOM_ID, $room_id_list, Criteria::IN); $c->addAscendingOrderByColumn(ReservationPeer::DATE); $reservations = ReservationPeer::doSelect($c); // We get all the day periods for the current room list. $dayOfWeek = date('N', $timestamp) - 1; $c = new Criteria(); $c->addAnd(DayperiodPeer::ROOM_ID, $room_id_list, Criteria::IN); $c->addAnd(DayperiodPeer::DAY_OF_WEEK, $dayOfWeek, Criteria::EQUAL); $c->addAscendingOrderByColumn(DayperiodPeer::START); $dayPeriods = DayperiodPeer::doSelect($c); // We get all the close periods for the current room list. $c = CloseperiodPeer::getDayCriteria($timestamp); $c->addAnd(CloseperiodPeer::ROOM_ID, $room_id_list, Criteria::IN); $c->addAscendingOrderByColumn(CloseperiodPeer::START); $c->addAscendingOrderByColumn(CloseperiodPeer::STOP); $closePeriods = CloseperiodPeer::doSelect($c); // We build the availability array $startIndex = 48; $stopIndex = 0; $result = array(); foreach ($room_list as $room) { $room_id = $room->getId(); $result[$room_id] = array(); $result[$room_id]['room'] = $room; for ($i = 0; $i < 48; ++$i) { $result[$room_id][$i] = array(); $tst = strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $dayStart) . ' + ' . $i * 30 . ' minute'); $value = RoomPeer::COMPLETE; foreach ($dayPeriods as $dayPeriod) { if ($dayPeriod->getRoomId() == $room_id) { if ($dayPeriod->matchTimestamp($tst)) { if ($startIndex > $i) { $startIndex = $i; } if ($stopIndex <= $i) { $stopIndex = $i + 1; } $value = RoomPeer::FREE; break; } } } foreach ($closePeriods as $closePeriod) { if ($closePeriod->getRoomId() == $room_id) { if ($closePeriod->matchTimestamp($tst)) { $value = RoomPeer::COMPLETE; break; } } if (strtotime($closePeriod->getStart()) > $tst) { break; } } if ($value != RoomPeer::COMPLETE) { if ($tst < $now) { $value = RoomPeer::PAST; } else { $maximumTimestamp = $person->getMaximumDate($activityId, $room_id); if ($maximumTimestamp <= $tst || !$person->hasSubscription($activityId, $room_id, $tst)) { $value = RoomPeer::TOOFAR; } else { foreach ($reservations as $reservation) { if ($reservation->getRoomprofile()->getRoomId() == $room_id) { if ($reservation->matchTimestamp($tst)) { $value = RoomPeer::COMPLETE; break; } } if (strtotime($reservation->getDate()) > $tst) { break; } } } } } $result[$room_id][$i]['value'] = $value; $result[$room_id][$i]['timestamp'] = $tst; $result[$room_id][$i]['room'] = $room; $result['timestamps'][$i] = $tst; } } $result['startIndex'] = $startIndex; $result['stopIndex'] = $stopIndex; return $result; }