protected function getDefaultAppsSectionHtml()
        $url = $this->getUrl('adminhtml/adminform/social');
        $formKey = Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->getFormKey();
        $schema = $this->config->getSchemaEnabled() == '1' ? "checked" : "";
        $default = $this->config->getSocialEnabled() == '1' ? "checked" : "";
        $fb = $this->config->getOpenGraphEnabled() == '1' ? "checked" : "";
        $html = <<<HTML
                <form id="edit_form" name="edit_form" method="post" action="{$url}">
                    <input name="form_key" type="hidden" value="{$formKey}" />
                    <input name="store" type="hidden" value="{$this->storeCode}" />
                    <h4 class="icon-head head-edit-form fieldset-legend">{$this->__('Default Social Apps')}</h4>
                    <fieldset id="my-fieldset">
                        <table cellspacing="0" class="form-list">
                                These Apps are designed to work with default theme. If you have another theme or would like further customizations, 
                            <a href="" target="_blank">follow the instructions here</a>
                                <td class="label">{$this->__('Use Product Schema for Data')} </td>
                                <td class="input-ele">
                                    <input type="checkbox" class="input-text" name="config[use_schema]" size="40" maxlength="32" {$schema}/>
                                <td class="label">{$this->__('Use Default Social Buttons')} </td>
                                <td class="input-ele">
                                    <input type="checkbox" class="input-text" name="config[social]" size="40" maxlength="32" {$default}/>
                                <td class="label">{$this->__('Use Facebook Open Graph buttons')} </td>
                                <td class="input-ele">
                                    <input type="checkbox" class="input-text" name="config[opengraph]" size="40" maxlength="32" {$fb}/>
        return $html;