function chimps_init_options()
    global $options, $themeslug, $themename, $themenamefull;
    $options = new ClassyOptions($themename, $themenamefull . " Options");
    $terms2 = get_terms('category', 'hide_empty=0');
    $blogoptions = array();
    $blogoptions['all'] = "All";
    foreach ($terms2 as $term) {
        $blogoptions[$term->slug] = $term->name;
    $options->section("Welcome")->info("<h1>Response</h1>\n\t\t\n<p><strong>A Free Responsive Starter WordPress Theme Framework</strong></p>\n\n<p><a href='' target='_blank'>Upgrade to Response Pro for just \$25!</a></p>\n\n<p>Response includes a Responsive Design (which magically adjusts to mobile devices such as the iPhone and iPad), Responsive Slider, Drag & Drop Header Elements, Page and Blog Elements, simplified Theme Options, and is built with HTML5 and CSS3. Upgrade to Response Pro for even more Drag & Drop Elements.</p>\n\n<p>To get started simply work your way through the options below, add your content, and always remember to hit save after making any changes.</p>\n\n<p>The Response Slider options are under the Response Page Options which are available below the Page content entry area in WP-Admin when you edit a page. This way you can configure each page individually. You will also find the Drag & Drop Page Elements editor within the response Pro Page Options as well.</p>\n\n<p>We tried to make Response as easy to use as possible, but if you still need help please read the <a href='' target='_blank'>documentation</a>, and visit our <a href='' target='_blank'>support forum</a>.</p>\n\n<p>Thank you for using Response.</p>\n")->section("Design")->subsection("Typography")->select($themeslug . "_font", "Choose a Font", array('options' => array("Arial" => "Arial (default)", "Courier New" => "Courier New", "Georgia" => "Georgia", "Helvetica" => "Helvetica", "Lucida Grande" => "Lucida Grande", "Tahoma" => "Tahoma", "Times New Roman" => "Times New Roman", "Verdana" => "Verdana", "Maven+Pro" => "Maven Pro", "Ubuntu" => "Ubuntu")))->subsection_end()->open_outersection()->textarea($themeslug . "_css_options", "Custom CSS")->close_outersection()->section("Header")->open_outersection()->section_order("header_section_order", "Drag & Drop Header Elements", array('options' => array("response_logo_icons" => "Logo + Icons", "response_banner" => "Banner", "response_custom_header_element" => "Custom", "response_navigation" => "Menu"), 'default' => 'response_logo_icons,response_navigation'))->upload($themeslug . "_banner", "Banner Image")->text($themeslug . "_banner_url", "Banner URL", array('default' => home_url()))->textarea($themeslug . "_custom_header_element", "Custom HTML")->close_outersection()->subsection("Header Options")->checkbox($themeslug . "_custom_logo", "Custom Logo", array('default' => true))->upload($themeslug . "_logo", "Logo", array('default' => array('url' => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/responselogo.png')))->upload($themeslug . "_favicon", "Custom Favicon")->subsection_end()->subsection("Social")->images($themeslug . "_icon_style", "Icon set", array('options' => array('legacy' => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/social/thumbs/icons-classic.png', 'default' => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/social/thumbs/icons-default.png'), 'default' => 'default'))->text($themeslug . "_twitter", "Twitter Icon URL", array('default' => ''))->checkbox($themeslug . "_hide_twitter_icon", "Hide Twitter Icon", array('default' => true))->text($themeslug . "_facebook", "Facebook Icon URL", array('default' => ''))->checkbox($themeslug . "_hide_facebook_icon", "Hide Facebook Icon", array('default' => true))->text($themeslug . "_gplus", "Google + Icon URL", array('default' => ''))->checkbox($themeslug . "_hide_gplus_icon", "Hide Google + Icon", array('default' => true))->text($themeslug . "_flickr", "Flickr Icon URL", array('default' => ''))->checkbox($themeslug . "_hide_flickr", "Hide Flickr Icon")->text($themeslug . "_linkedin", "LinkedIn Icon URL", array('default' => ''))->checkbox($themeslug . "_hide_linkedin", "Hide LinkedIn Icon")->text($themeslug . "_youtube", "YouTube Icon URL", array('default' => ''))->checkbox($themeslug . "_hide_youtube", "Hide YouTube Icon")->text($themeslug . "_googlemaps", "Google Maps Icon URL", array('default' => ''))->checkbox($themeslug . "_hide_googlemaps", "Hide Google maps Icon")->text($themeslug . "_email", "Email Address")->checkbox($themeslug . "_hide_email", "Hide Email Icon")->text($themeslug . "_rsslink", "RSS Icon URL")->checkbox($themeslug . "_hide_rss_icon", "Hide RSS Icon", array('default' => true))->subsection_end()->subsection("Tracking and Scripts")->textarea($themeslug . "_ga_code", "Google Analytics Code")->textarea($themeslug . "_custom_header_scripts", "Custom Header Scripts")->subsection_end()->section("Blog")->open_outersection()->section_order($themeslug . "_blog_section_order", "Drag & Drop Blog Elements", array('options' => array("response_index" => "Post Page", "response_blog_slider" => "Feature Slider", "response_callout_section" => "Callout Section"), "default" => 'response_blog_slider,response_index'))->close_outersection()->subsection("Blog Options")->images($themeslug . "_blog_sidebar", "Sidebar Options", array('options' => array("none" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/none.png', "two-right" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/tworight.png', "right-left" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/rightleft.png', "left" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/left.png', "right" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/right.png'), 'default' => 'right'))->checkbox($themeslug . "_post_formats", "Post Format Icons", array('default' => true))->checkbox($themeslug . "_show_excerpts", "Post Excerpts")->text($themeslug . "_excerpt_link_text", "Excerpt Link Text", array('default' => '(More)…'))->text($themeslug . "_excerpt_length", "Excerpt Character Length", array('default' => '55'))->checkbox($themeslug . "_show_featured_images", "Featured Images")->select($themeslug . "_featured_image_align", "Featured Image Alignment", array('options' => array("key1" => "Left", "key2" => "Center", "key3" => "Right")))->text($themeslug . "_featured_image_height", "Featured Image Height", array('default' => '100'))->text($themeslug . "_featured_image_width", "Featured Image Width", array('default' => '100'))->multicheck($themeslug . "_hide_byline", "Post Byline Elements", array('options' => array($themeslug . "_hide_author" => "Author", $themeslug . "_hide_categories" => "Categories", $themeslug . "_hide_date" => "Date", $themeslug . "_hide_comments" => "Comments", $themeslug . "_hide_share" => "Share", $themeslug . "_hide_tags" => "Tags"), 'default' => array($themeslug . "_hide_tags" => true, $themeslug . "_hide_share" => true, $themeslug . "_hide_author" => true, $themeslug . "_hide_date" => true, $themeslug . "_hide_comments" => true, $themeslug . "_hide_categories" => true)))->subsection_end()->subsection("Feature Slider")->upload($themeslug . "_blog_slide_one_image", "Slide One Image", array('default' => array('url' => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/responseslider.jpg')))->text($themeslug . "_blog_slide_one_url", "Slide One Link", array('default' => ''))->upload($themeslug . "_blog_slide_two_image", "Slide Two", array('default' => array('url' => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/responseslider.jpg')))->text($themeslug . "_blog_slide_two_url", "Slide Two Link", array('default' => ''))->upload($themeslug . "_blog_slide_three_image", "Slide Three", array('default' => array('url' => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/responseslider.jpg')))->text($themeslug . "_blog_slide_three_url", "Slide Three Link", array('default' => ''))->subsection_end()->subsection("Callout Options")->textarea($themeslug . "_blog_callout_text", "Enter your Callout text")->subsection_end()->section("Templates")->subsection("Single Post")->images($themeslug . "_single_sidebar", "Sidebar Options", array('options' => array("left" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/left.png', "two-right" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/tworight.png', "right-left" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/rightleft.png', "none" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/none.png', "right" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/right.png'), 'default' => 'right'))->checkbox($themeslug . "_single_breadcrumbs", "Breadcrumbs", array('default' => true))->checkbox($themeslug . "_single_show_featured_images", "Featured Images")->checkbox($themeslug . "_single_post_formats", "Post Format Icons", array('default' => true))->multicheck($themeslug . "_single_hide_byline", "Post Byline Elements", array('options' => array($themeslug . "_hide_author" => "Author", $themeslug . "_hide_categories" => "Categories", $themeslug . "_hide_date" => "Date", $themeslug . "_hide_comments" => "Comments", $themeslug . "_hide_share" => "Share", $themeslug . "_hide_tags" => "Tags"), 'default' => array($themeslug . "_hide_tags" => true, $themeslug . "_hide_share" => true, $themeslug . "_hide_author" => true, $themeslug . "_hide_date" => true, $themeslug . "_hide_comments" => true, $themeslug . "_hide_categories" => true)))->checkbox($themeslug . "_post_pagination", "Post Pagination Links", array('default' => true))->subsection_end()->subsection("Archive")->images($themeslug . "_archive_sidebar", "Sidebar Options", array('options' => array("left" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/left.png', "two-right" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/tworight.png', "right-left" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/rightleft.png', "none" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/none.png', "right" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/right.png'), 'default' => 'right'))->checkbox($themeslug . "_archive_breadcrumbs", "Breadcrumbs", array('default' => true))->checkbox($themeslug . "_archive_show_excerpts", "Post Excerpts", array('default' => true))->checkbox($themeslug . "_archive_show_featured_images", "Featured Images")->checkbox($themeslug . "_archive_post_formats", "Post Format Icons", array('default' => true))->multicheck($themeslug . "_archive_hide_byline", "Post Byline Elements", array('options' => array($themeslug . "_hide_author" => "Author", $themeslug . "_hide_categories" => "Categories", $themeslug . "_hide_date" => "Date", $themeslug . "_hide_comments" => "Comments", $themeslug . "_hide_share" => "Share", $themeslug . "_hide_tags" => "Tags"), 'default' => array($themeslug . "_hide_tags" => true, $themeslug . "_hide_share" => true, $themeslug . "_hide_author" => true, $themeslug . "_hide_date" => true, $themeslug . "_hide_comments" => true, $themeslug . "_hide_categories" => true)))->subsection_end()->subsection("Search")->images($themeslug . "_search_sidebar", "Sidebar Options", array('options' => array("left" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/left.png', "two-right" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/tworight.png', "right-left" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/rightleft.png', "none" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/none.png', "right" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/right.png'), 'default' => 'right'))->checkbox($themeslug . "_search_show_excerpts", "Post Excerpts", array('default' => true))->subsection_end()->subsection("404")->images($themeslug . "_404_sidebar", "Select the Sidebar Type", array('options' => array("left" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/left.png', "two-right" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/tworight.png', "right-left" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/rightleft.png', "none" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/none.png', "right" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/right.png'), 'default' => 'right'))->textarea($themeslug . "_custom_404", "Custom 404 Content")->subsection_end()->section("Footer")->open_outersection()->text($themeslug . "_footer_text", "Footer Copyright Text")->close_outersection();
function chimps_init_options()
    global $options, $themeslug, $themename, $themenamefull;
    $options = new ClassyOptions($themename, $themenamefull . " Options");
    $terms2 = get_terms('category', 'hide_empty=0');
    $blogoptions = array();
    $blogoptions['all'] = "All";
    foreach ($terms2 as $term) {
        $blogoptions[$term->slug] = $term->name;
    $options->section("Welcome")->info("<h1>Business lite 3</h1>\n\t\t\n<p><strong>Business lite Professional Responsive WordPress Theme</strong></p>\n\n<p>Business lite 3 from CyberChimps WordPress Themes is a Free Professional Responsive Business WordPress Theme perfect for any business on any device. It gives your company the tools to turn WordPress into a modern Drag and Drop Content Management System (CMS).</p>\n\n<p>If you want even more amazing new features <a href='' target='_blank'>upgrade to Business Pro 3</a> which includes a Responsive Content Feature Slider, Portfolio, Product Element, Page Content, Image Carousel, Twitter bar, Widgetized boxes, Callout section, expanded typography including TypeKit support, and many more powerful new features. Please visit <a href='' target='_blank'></a> to learn more!</p>\n\n<p>We tried to make Business lite as easy to use as possible, but if you still need help please read the <a href='' target='_blank'>documentation</a>, and visit our <a href='' target='_blank'>support forum</a>.</p>\n\n<p>Thank you for using Business lite.</p>\n\n<p><strong>A Professional Business WordPress Theme</strong></p>\n")->section("Design")->open_outersection()->select($themeslug . "_color_scheme", "Select a Skin Color", array('options' => array("light" => "Light (default)", "dark" => "Dark"), 'default' => 'light'))->close_outersection()->subsection("Typography")->select($themeslug . "_font", "Choose a Font", array('options' => array("Arial" => "Arial (default)", "Courier New" => "Courier New", "Georgia" => "Georgia", "Helvetica" => "Helvetica", "Lucida Grande" => "Lucida Grande", "Tahoma" => "Tahoma", "Times New Roman" => "Times New Roman", "Verdana" => "Verdana", "Maven+Pro" => "Maven Pro", "Ubuntu" => "Ubuntu")))->subsection_end()->open_outersection()->checkbox($themeslug . "_lazy_load", "Lazy Load Image Effect", array('default' => true))->close_outersection()->section("Header")->open_outersection()->section_order("header_section_order", "Drag & Drop Elements", array('options' => array("business_logo_menu" => "Logo + Menu", "business_description_icons" => "Description + Icons"), 'default' => 'business_logo_menu'))->close_outersection()->subsection("Header Options")->checkbox($themeslug . "_custom_logo", "Custom Logo", array('default' => true))->upload($themeslug . "_logo", "Logo", array('default' => array('url' => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/logo.png')))->upload($themeslug . "_favicon", "Custom Favicon")->upload($themeslug . "_apple_touch", "Apple Touch Icon", array('default' => array('url' => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/apple-icon.png')))->subsection_end()->subsection("Social")->text($themeslug . "_twitter", "Twitter Icon URL", array('default' => ''))->checkbox($themeslug . "_hide_twitter_icon", "Hide Twitter Icon", array('default' => true))->text($themeslug . "_facebook", "Facebook Icon URL", array('default' => ''))->checkbox($themeslug . "_hide_facebook_icon", "Hide Facebook Icon", array('default' => true))->text($themeslug . "_gplus", "Google + Icon URL", array('default' => ''))->checkbox($themeslug . "_hide_gplus_icon", "Hide Google + Icon", array('default' => true))->text($themeslug . "_flickr", "Flickr Icon URL", array('default' => ''))->checkbox($themeslug . "_hide_flickr", "Hide Flickr Icon")->text($themeslug . "_linkedin", "LinkedIn Icon URL", array('default' => ''))->checkbox($themeslug . "_hide_linkedin", "Hide LinkedIn Icon")->text($themeslug . "_youtube", "YouTube Icon URL", array('default' => ''))->checkbox($themeslug . "_hide_youtube", "Hide YouTube Icon")->text($themeslug . "_googlemaps", "Google Maps Icon URL", array('default' => ''))->checkbox($themeslug . "_hide_googlemaps", "Hide Google maps Icon")->text($themeslug . "_email", "Email Address")->checkbox($themeslug . "_hide_email", "Hide Email Icon")->text($themeslug . "_rsslink", "RSS Icon URL")->checkbox($themeslug . "_hide_rss_icon", "Hide RSS Icon", array('default' => true))->subsection_end()->subsection("Tracking")->textarea($themeslug . "_ga_code", "Google Analytics Code")->subsection_end()->section("Front Page")->open_outersection()->section_order($themeslug . "_front_section_order", "Drag & Drop Elements", array('options' => array("business_page_slider" => "Slider", "business_callout_section" => "Callout Section", "business_box_section" => "Boxes"), "default" => 'business_page_slider,business_callout_section,business_box_section'))->close_outersection()->subsection("Slider")->upload($themeslug . "_front_slide_one_image", "Slide One Image", array('default' => array('url' => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/slide_default_1.jpg')))->text($themeslug . "_front_slide_one_url", "Slide One Link", array('default' => ''))->upload($themeslug . "_front_slide_two_image", "Slide Two", array('default' => array('url' => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/slide_default_2.jpg')))->text($themeslug . "_front_slide_two_url", "Slide Two Link", array('default' => ''))->upload($themeslug . "_front_slide_three_image", "Slide Three", array('default' => array('url' => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/slide_default_3.jpg')))->text($themeslug . "_blog_slide_three_url", "Slide Three Link", array('default' => ''))->subsection_end()->subsection("Callout")->textarea($themeslug . "_front_callout_text", "Enter your Callout text")->subsection_end()->section("Blog")->open_outersection()->section_order($themeslug . "_blog_section_order", "Drag & Drop Elements", array('options' => array("business_post" => "Post Page", "business_page_slider" => "Slider", "business_callout_section" => "Callout Section", "business_box_section" => "Boxes"), "default" => 'business_post'))->close_outersection()->subsection("Blog Options")->images($themeslug . "_blog_sidebar", "Sidebar Options", array('options' => array("none" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/none.png', "two-right" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/tworight.png', "right-left" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/rightleft.png', "left" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/left.png', "right" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/right.png'), 'default' => 'right'))->checkbox($themeslug . "_post_formats", "Post Format Icons", array('default' => true))->checkbox($themeslug . "_show_excerpts", "Post Excerpts")->text($themeslug . "_excerpt_link_text", "Excerpt Link Text", array('default' => 'Continue Reading…'))->text($themeslug . "_excerpt_length", "Excerpt Character Length", array('default' => '55'))->checkbox($themeslug . "_show_featured_images", "Featured Images")->multicheck($themeslug . "_hide_byline", "Post Byline Elements", array('options' => array($themeslug . "_hide_author" => "Author", $themeslug . "_hide_categories" => "Categories", $themeslug . "_hide_date" => "Date", $themeslug . "_hide_comments" => "Comments", $themeslug . "_hide_share" => "Share", $themeslug . "_hide_tags" => "Tags"), 'default' => array($themeslug . "_hide_tags" => true, $themeslug . "_hide_share" => true, $themeslug . "_hide_author" => true, $themeslug . "_hide_date" => true, $themeslug . "_hide_comments" => true, $themeslug . "_hide_categories" => true)))->subsection_end()->subsection("Feature Slider")->upload($themeslug . "_blog_slide_one_image", "Slide One Image", array('default' => array('url' => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/slide_default_1.jpg')))->text($themeslug . "_blog_slide_one_url", "Slide One Link", array('default' => ''))->upload($themeslug . "_blog_slide_two_image", "Slide Two", array('default' => array('url' => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/slide_default_2.jpg')))->text($themeslug . "_blog_slide_two_url", "Slide Two Link", array('default' => ''))->upload($themeslug . "_blog_slide_three_image", "Slide Three", array('default' => array('url' => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/slide_default_3.jpg')))->text($themeslug . "_blog_slide_three_url", "Slide Three Link", array('default' => ''))->subsection_end()->subsection("Callout Options")->textarea($themeslug . "_blog_callout_text", "Enter your Callout text")->subsection_end()->section("Templates")->subsection("Single Post")->images($themeslug . "_single_sidebar", "Sidebar Options", array('options' => array("none" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/none.png', "two-right" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/tworight.png', "right-left" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/rightleft.png', "left" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/left.png', "right" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/right.png'), 'default' => 'right'))->checkbox($themeslug . "_single_breadcrumbs", "Breadcrumbs", array('default' => true))->checkbox($themeslug . "_single_show_featured_images", "Featured Images")->checkbox($themeslug . "_single_post_formats", "Post Format Icons", array('default' => true))->multicheck($themeslug . "_single_hide_byline", "Post Byline Elements", array('options' => array($themeslug . "_hide_author" => "Author", $themeslug . "_hide_categories" => "Categories", $themeslug . "_hide_date" => "Date", $themeslug . "_hide_comments" => "Comments", $themeslug . "_hide_share" => "Share", $themeslug . "_hide_tags" => "Tags"), 'default' => array($themeslug . "_hide_tags" => true, $themeslug . "_hide_share" => true, $themeslug . "_hide_author" => true, $themeslug . "_hide_date" => true, $themeslug . "_hide_comments" => true, $themeslug . "_hide_categories" => true)))->checkbox($themeslug . "_post_pagination", "Post Pagination Links", array('default' => true))->subsection_end()->subsection("Archive")->images($themeslug . "_archive_sidebar", "Sidebar Options", array('options' => array("none" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/none.png', "two-right" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/tworight.png', "right-left" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/rightleft.png', "left" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/left.png', "right" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/right.png'), 'default' => 'right'))->checkbox($themeslug . "_archive_breadcrumbs", "Breadcrumbs", array('default' => true))->checkbox($themeslug . "_archive_show_excerpts", "Post Excerpts", array('default' => true))->checkbox($themeslug . "_archive_post_formats", "Post Format Icons", array('default' => true))->multicheck($themeslug . "_archive_hide_byline", "Post Byline Elements", array('options' => array($themeslug . "_hide_author" => "Author", $themeslug . "_hide_categories" => "Categories", $themeslug . "_hide_date" => "Date", $themeslug . "_hide_comments" => "Comments", $themeslug . "_hide_share" => "Share", $themeslug . "_hide_tags" => "Tags"), 'default' => array($themeslug . "_hide_tags" => true, $themeslug . "_hide_share" => true, $themeslug . "_hide_author" => true, $themeslug . "_hide_date" => true, $themeslug . "_hide_comments" => true, $themeslug . "_hide_categories" => true)))->subsection_end()->subsection("Search")->images($themeslug . "_search_sidebar", "Sidebar Options", array('options' => array("none" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/none.png', "two-right" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/tworight.png', "right-left" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/rightleft.png', "left" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/left.png', "right" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/right.png'), 'default' => 'right'))->checkbox($themeslug . "_search_show_excerpts", "Post Excerpts", array('default' => true))->subsection_end()->subsection("404")->images($themeslug . "_404_sidebar", "Sidebar Options", array('options' => array("none" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/none.png', "two-right" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/tworight.png', "right-left" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/rightleft.png', "left" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/left.png', "right" => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/options/right.png'), 'default' => 'right'))->textarea($themeslug . "_custom_404", "Custom 404 Content")->subsection_end()->section("Footer")->open_outersection()->text($themeslug . "_footer_text", "Footer Copyright Text")->close_outersection();
function chimps_init_options()
    global $options, $themeslug, $themename, $themenamefull;
    $options = new ClassyOptions($themename, $themenamefull . " Options");
    $carouselterms2 = get_terms('carousel_categories', 'hide_empty=0');
    $customcarousel = array();
    foreach ($carouselterms2 as $carouselterm) {
        $customcarousel[$carouselterm->slug] = $carouselterm->name;
    $customterms2 = get_terms('slide_categories', 'hide_empty=0');
    $customslider = array();
    foreach ($customterms2 as $customterm) {
        $customslider[$customterm->slug] = $customterm->name;
    $terms2 = get_terms('category', 'hide_empty=0');
    $blogoptions = array();
    $blogoptions['all'] = "All";
    foreach ($terms2 as $term) {
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