
require_once './ClashAPI/API.class.php';
$api = new ClashOfClans();
$location = new CoC_Location(0);
$params = array('name' => 'fox', 'minMembers' => 25, 'locationId' => $location->getLocationId());
$clans = $api->searchClan($params);
echo "All Clans that meet the following criteria: name => fox, minMembers => 25, locationId = [Germany's Location ID] <br/>" . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($clans->items as $clan) {
    $clan = new CoC_Clan($clan);
    echo "<img src=\"" . $clan->getBadgeUrl("small") . "\"> " . $clan->getName() . "<br/>" . PHP_EOL;

require_once "./ClashAPI/API.class.php";
$api = new ClashOfClans();
$germany = new CoC_Location(0);
//setting this to 0 because we set the Location using "setLocationByName"
//$germany->setLocationByCode("DE"); //works as well
$results = $api->getRankList($germany->getLocationId(), true);
//get the clan ranklist for the given location.
for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) {
    $clan = new CoC_Clan($results->items[$i], false);
    //updated constructor allows passing clan-classes returned from getRankList if the second parameter is set to false
    echo $clan->getName() . "<br/>";

require_once "./ClashAPI/API.class.php";
$api = new ClashOfClans();
if ($api->isWarlogPublic("#22UCCU0J")) {
    $warlog = new CoC_Warlog($api->getWarlog("#22UCCU0J", array("limit" => 10)));
    for ($i = 0; $i < $warlog->getLogEntryAmount(); $i++) {
        $logEntry = new CoC_LogEntry($warlog->getLogEntryByIndex($i));
        if ($logEntry->getResult() == "win") {
            echo '<font color="green">';
        } else {
            if ($logEntry->getResult() == "lose") {
                echo '<font color="red">';
            } else {
                if ($logEntry->getResult() == "draw") {
                    echo '<font color="black">';
        echo $logEntry->getClanName() . " " . $logEntry->getClanStars() . " - " . $logEntry->getOpponentStars() . " " . $logEntry->getOpponentName() . " </font><br/>";
} else {
    echo "This clan's warlog isn't public, sorry.";