public static function check($_cpt, $_cntry) { $city = City::model()->find('country_id=:cntry AND caption=:cpt', array(':cntry' => $_cntry, ':cpt' => $_cpt)); if ($city !== null) { return $city->getPrimaryKey(); } $city = new City(); $city->attributes = array('caption' => $_cpt, 'country_id' => $_cntry); if ($city->save()) { return $city->getPrimaryKey(); } return false; }
/** * Execute the action. * @param array command line parameters specific for this command */ public function actionIndex($type = 'airports', $filename = '') { if ($type == 'airports') { if ($filename) { $path = Yii::getPathOfAlias('application.runtime'); if (file_exists($filename)) { $fp = fopen($filename, 'r'); $outfp = fopen($path . '/' . basename($filename), 'w'); if (!$outfp) { echo "Cant open file " . $path . '/' . basename($filename) . " for writing\n"; die; } $formatLine = fgets($fp); $formatLine = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array(''), $formatLine); $columnNames = explode('|', $formatLine); //print_r($formatLine);die(); $column = array(); foreach ($columnNames as $i => $columnName) { $column[$columnName] = $i; } //print_r($column); $skipAll = false; while (!feof($fp)) { $lineData = fgets($fp); $lineData = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array(''), $lineData); $lineData = iconv("cp1251", "UTF-8", $lineData); $data = explode('|', $lineData); $needSave = true; $country = Country::getCountryByCode($data[$column['country_code']]); if ($country) { $cities = $this->getCities($country->id, $data[$column['city_en']], $data[$column['city_ru']]); if (!$cities) { $cities = City::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('countryId' => $country->id, 'code' => $data[$column['iata_code']])); } $abort = false; while (!$abort) { if ($cities) { if (count($cities) > 1) { $citiesTmp = City::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('countryId' => $country->id, 'code' => $data[$column['iata_code']])); if ($citiesTmp && count($citiesTmp) == 1) { $cities = $citiesTmp; } } if (count($cities) > 1) { echo "Found " . count($cities) . " cities for line: {$lineData}\n"; echo str_pad('code', 5, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT) . str_pad('localRu', 15, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . str_pad('localEn', 15, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . "\n"; foreach ($cities as $city) { echo str_pad($city->code, 5, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT) . str_pad($city->localRu, 15, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . str_pad($city->localEn, 15, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . "\n"; } echo "Type code of the selected city:\n"; $name = trim(fgets(STDIN)); $cities = $this->getCities($country->id, $name); } else { $this->selectAirport($data, $column, $lineData, $outfp, $cities[0]); $abort = true; } } else { echo "City not found in Db. Type s - skip, c - create, f - try find in db:\n"; echo "{$lineData}\n"; //$char = trim(fgets(STDIN)); $char = 's'; if ($char == 's') { echo "Dont found any same city. Skipping line: {$lineData} \n"; fwrite($outfp, $lineData . "|nocity\n"); $abort = true; } elseif ($char == 'c') { $city = new City(); echo "Creating new city...\n"; $city->countryId = $country->id; if (!$data[$column['city_ru']]) { $data[$column['city_ru']] = $data[$column['city_en']]; } echo "City name rus (default {$data[$column['city_ru']]}):\n"; $newName = trim(fgets(STDIN)); if ($newName) { $city->localRu = $newName; } else { $city->localRu = $data[$column['city_ru']]; } echo "City name eng (default {$data[$column['city_en']]}):\n"; $newName = trim(fgets(STDIN)); if ($newName) { $city->localEn = $newName; } else { $city->localEn = $data[$column['city_en']]; } echo "City code:\n"; $newCode = trim(fgets(STDIN)); if ($newCode) { $city->code = $newCode; } else { continue; } $city->position = 0; $city->save(); $city->id = $city->getPrimaryKey(); $this->selectAirport($data, $column, $lineData, $outfp, $city); } else { echo "Type part of city name:\n"; $name = trim(fgets(STDIN)); $cities = $this->getCities($country->id, $name); } } } } else { echo "Country not found, skipping line: {$lineData} \n"; fwrite($outfp, $lineData . "|nocountry\n"); } } fclose($fp); fclose($outfp); } else { echo 'Import file not found on path: ' . $filename; } } else { echo 'Option --filename cant be empty'; } } if ($type == 'airlineWeight') { echo 'INN'; if ($filename) { $path = Yii::getPathOfAlias('application.runtime'); if (file_exists($filename)) { $airlinessxe = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents($filename)); foreach ($airlinessxe->Item as $item) { $airlineCode = (string) $item['id']; $modified = false; try { $airline = Airline::getAirlineByCode($airlineCode); } catch (CException $e) { $airline = false; } if ($airline) { $airlineLocalRu = (string) $item['rusname']; $airlineLocalEn = (string) $item['name']; if (UtilsHelper::countRussianCharacters($airline->localRu) <= 0) { $airline->localRu = $airlineLocalRu; $modified = true; } else { echo "o_O !!! " . $airline->localRu; } if (!$airline->localEn && $airlineLocalEn) { $airline->localEn = $airlineLocalEn; $modified = true; } $economPrice = (string) $item->luggage->econom->price; $economFreeWeight = (string) $item->luggage->econom->weight; if ($airline->economFreeWeight && $economFreeWeight) { if ($economPrice == 'charge') { $airline->economFreeWeight = 0; } else { $airline->economFreeWeight = str_replace('kg', '', $economFreeWeight); } $modified = true; } $businessPrice = (string) $item->luggage->business->price; $businessFreeWeight = (string) $item->luggage->business->weight; if ($airline->businessFreeWeight && $businessFreeWeight) { if ($businessPrice == 'charge') { $airline->businessFreeWeight = 0; } else { $airline->businessFreeWeight = str_replace('kg', '', $businessFreeWeight); } $modified = true; } $economDescription = (string) $item->luggage->econom->description; if ($airline->economDescription && $economDescription) { $economDescription = substr($economDescription, strpos($economDescription, 'Багаж не должен')); $airline->economDescription = trim($economDescription); $modified = true; } $businessDescription = (string) $item->luggage->business->description; if ($airline->businessDescription && $businessDescription) { $businessDescription = substr($businessDescription, strpos($businessDescription, 'Багаж не должен')); $airline->businessDescription = trim($businessDescription); echo "try modyf "; $modified = true; } if ($modified) { $airline->save(); } } else { echo "!!!! NOT FOUND {$airlineCode}"; $airline = new Airline(); $airline->code = $airlineCode; $airlineLocalRu = (string) $item['rusname']; $airlineLocalEn = (string) $item['name']; if (UtilsHelper::countRussianCharacters($airline->localRu) <= 0) { $airline->localRu = $airlineLocalRu; $airline->localEn = $airlineLocalEn; $modified = true; } $economFreeWeight = (string) $item->luggage->econom->weight; if (!$airline->economFreeWeight && $economFreeWeight) { $airline->economFreeWeight = str_replace('kg', '', $economFreeWeight); $modified = true; } $businessFreeWeight = (string) $item->luggage->business->weight; if (!$airline->businessFreeWeight && $businessFreeWeight) { $airline->businessFreeWeight = str_replace('kg', '', $businessFreeWeight); $modified = true; } $economDescription = (string) $item->luggage->econom->description; if (!$airline->economDescription && $economDescription) { $airline->economDescription = $economDescription; $modified = true; } $businessDescription = (string) $item->luggage->business->description; if (!$airline->businessDescription && $businessDescription) { $airline->businessDescription = $businessDescription; $modified = true; } if (!$airline->save()) { CVarDumper::dump($airline->getErrors()); } } echo "airline {$airlineCode} {$airlineLocalRu} {$economFreeWeight}\n"; } echo 'ютф?'; //CVarDumper::dump($airlinessxe); } } } if ($type == 'iconv') { if ($filename) { $path = Yii::getPathOfAlias('application.runtime'); if (file_exists($filename)) { $data = file_get_contents($filename); echo iconv('cp1251', 'UTF-8', $data); } } } if ($type == 'test') { $cities = City::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('code' => 'LED', 'countryId' => 174)); if ($cities) { echo "Found " . count($cities) . " cities for line: \n"; echo str_pad('code', 5, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT) . str_pad('localRu', 19, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . str_pad('localEn', 19, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . "\n"; foreach ($cities as $city) { echo str_pad($city->code, 5, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT) . str_pad($city->localRu, 19, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . str_pad($city->localEn, 19, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . ' ' . $city->country->id . "\n"; } } } if ($type == 'hotelbookCountries') { Yii::import('site.common.modules.hotel.models.*'); $HotelClient = new HotelBookClient(); $countries = $HotelClient->getCountries(); print_r($countries); foreach ($countries as $hotelCountry) { $nameRu = $hotelCountry['nameRu']; $name = $hotelCountry['nameEn']; $ourCountries = $this->getCountries($name, $nameRu); if ($ourCountries) { if (count($ourCountries) > 1) { echo "Found " . count($ourCountries) . " countries for nameEn:{$hotelCountry['nameEn']} nameRu:{$hotelCountry['nameRu']} \n"; echo str_pad('code', 5, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT) . str_pad('localRu', 19, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . str_pad('localEn', 19, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . "\n"; foreach ($ourCountries as $country) { echo str_pad($country->code, 5, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT) . str_pad($country->localRu, 19, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . str_pad($country->localEn, 19, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . ' ' . $country->id . "\n"; } echo "Enter id of country or 's' - for skip \n"; $oldId = trim(fgets(STDIN)); if ($oldId !== 's') { $country = Country::getCountryByPk(intval($oldId)); $country->hotelbookId = $hotelCountry['id']; $country->save(); } } else { $country = $ourCountries[0]; if (!$country->hotelbookId) { $country->hotelbookId = $hotelCountry['id']; $country->save(); } } } else { $nameRu = substr($hotelCountry['nameRu'], 0, strpos($hotelCountry['nameRu'], ' ')); $name = substr($hotelCountry['nameEn'], 0, strpos($hotelCountry['nameRu'], ' ')); $ourCountries = $this->getCountries($name, $nameRu); if ($ourCountries) { if (count($ourCountries) > 1) { echo "Found " . count($ourCountries) . " countries for nameEn:{$hotelCountry['nameEn']} nameRu:{$hotelCountry['nameRu']} \n"; echo str_pad('code', 5, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT) . str_pad('localRu', 19, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . str_pad('localEn', 19, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . "\n"; foreach ($ourCountries as $country) { echo str_pad($country->code, 5, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT) . str_pad($country->localRu, 19, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . str_pad($country->localEn, 19, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . ' ' . $country->id . "\n"; } echo "Enter id of country or 's' - for skip \n"; $oldId = trim(fgets(STDIN)); if ($oldId !== 's') { $country = Country::getCountryByPk(intval($oldId)); $country->hotelbookId = $hotelCountry['id']; $country->save(); } } else { if (!$country->hotelbookId) { $country = $ourCountries[0]; $country->hotelbookId = $hotelCountry['id']; $country->save(); } } } } } } if ($type == 'geonames') { $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->condition = 'hotelbookId IS NOT NULL'; //$criteria->params=array(':postID'=>10); $start = false; $countries = Country::model()->findAll($criteria); $formatLine = 'geonameid|name_mixed|name|names|latitude|longitude|feature|feature_code|country_code|country_codes|state_code|admin2_code|admin3_code|admin4_code|population|elevation|dem|timezone|modification_date'; $formatLine = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array(''), $formatLine); $columnNames = explode('|', $formatLine); //print_r($formatLine);die(); $column = array(); foreach ($columnNames as $i => $columnName) { $column[$columnName] = $i; } foreach ($countries as $country) { $filename = '/srv/www/oleg.voyanga/public_html/console/data_files/' . $country->code . '.txt'; if (!$start) { if ($country->code == 'HR') { $start = true; } else { continue; } } if ($filename) { $path = Yii::getPathOfAlias('application.runtime'); if (file_exists($filename)) { echo "Starting parse " . $country->code . ".txt\n"; $fp = fopen($filename, 'r'); //$countryCode = basename($filename); //$countryCode = substr($countryCode,0,strpos($countryCode,'.')); $outfp = fopen($path . '/' . basename($filename), 'w'); if (!$outfp) { echo "Cant open file " . $path . '/' . basename($filename) . " for writing\n"; die; } //print_r($column); $skipAll = false; $lineCount = 0; $addedCount = 0; $haveAltNames = 0; $haveRuName = 0; $haveIataCode = 0; echo str_pad('Parsed', 10, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT) . str_pad('Added', 10, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT) . str_pad('AltNames', 10, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT) . str_pad('RuName', 10, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT) . str_pad('IataCode', 10, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT) . "\n"; while (!feof($fp)) { $lineData = fgets($fp); $lineData = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array(''), $lineData); $data = explode("\t", $lineData); if (!$data) { continue; } if (count($data) <= 11) { continue; } $lineCount++; $geoNames = new GeoNames(); if ($data[$column['feature_code']]) { if ($data[$column['feature_code']] == 'PPL' || $data[$column['feature_code']] == 'PPLA' || $data[$column['feature_code']] == 'PPLC' || $data[$column['feature_code']] == 'AIRP') { $geoNames->type = $data[$column['feature_code']]; $geoNames->nameEn = $data[$column['name']]; $geoNames->soundexEn = UtilsHelper::soundex($geoNames->nameEn); $geoNames->countryCode = $data[$column['country_code']]; $geoNames->latitude = $data[$column['latitude']]; $geoNames->longitude = $data[$column['longitude']]; if (in_array($data[$column['country_code']], self::$sng)) { $geoNames->nameRu = UtilsHelper::fromTranslite($geoNames->nameEn); $ruFactor = 6; } else { $geoNames->nameRu = UtilsHelper::ruTranscript($geoNames->nameEn); $ruFactor = 12; } if ($data[$column['state_code']]) { $geoNames->stateCode = $data[$column['state_code']]; } if ($data[$column['names']]) { $names = explode(',', $data[$column['names']]); $rusWord = array('index' => 0, 'count' => 0, 'replacements' => 20); $manyRusWords = false; $altNames = array(); $iataCode = ''; foreach ($names as $ind => $altName) { $altNames[] = $altName; if ($this->isIataCode($altName)) { if ($altName != mb_strtoupper($data[$column['name']])) { $iataCode = $altName; $geoNames->iataCode = $iataCode; $haveIataCode++; unset($altNames[$ind]); continue; } } $n = UtilsHelper::countRussianCharacters($altName); if ($n > 0) { $altCase = mb_convert_case($altName, MB_CASE_TITLE, "UTF-8"); $k = levenshtein($geoNames->nameRu, $altName); $l = levenshtein($geoNames->nameRu, $altCase); if ($l < $k) { $k = $l; $altNames[$ind] = $altCase; $names[$ind] = $altCase; } } if ($n > 0 && $k < $rusWord['replacements']) { if ($rusWord['count'] > 0) { $manyRusWords = true; } $rusWord['index'] = $ind; $rusWord['replacements'] = $k; $rusWord['count'] = $n; } } if ($manyRusWords) { fwrite($outfp, "{$geoNames->latitude}|{$geoNames->longitude}|{$data[$column['name']]}|{$names[$rusWord['index']]}\n"); } if ($rusWord['count'] > 0) { if ($rusWord['replacements'] < $ruFactor) { $geoNames->nameRu = $names[$rusWord['index']]; $haveRuName++; //unset($altNames[$rusWord['index']]); } } $geoNames->alternateNames = implode(',', $altNames); unset($names); unset($altNames); unset($rusWord); $haveAltNames++; } $geoNames->soundexRu = UtilsHelper::soundex($geoNames->nameRu, 'RU'); $geoNames->metaphoneRu = UtilsHelper::ruMetaphone($geoNames->nameRu); $geoNames->save(); $addedCount++; } } unset($geoNames); unset($lineData); unset($data); if ($lineCount % 30000 == 0) { echo str_pad($lineCount, 10, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT) . str_pad($addedCount, 10, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT) . str_pad($haveAltNames, 10, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT) . str_pad($haveRuName, 10, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT) . str_pad($haveIataCode, 10, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT) . "\n"; } } echo str_pad($lineCount, 10, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT) . str_pad($addedCount, 10, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT) . str_pad($haveAltNames, 10, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT) . str_pad($haveRuName, 10, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT) . str_pad($haveIataCode, 10, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT) . "\n"; fclose($outfp); } else { echo "Not found " . $country->code . ".txt\n"; } } //endif filename } //endforeach countries } if ($type == 'hotelbookCities') { Yii::import('site.common.modules.hotel.models.*'); $HotelClient = new HotelBookClient(); $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->condition = 'hotelbookId IS NOT NULL'; $path = Yii::getPathOfAlias('application.runtime'); //$criteria->params=array(':postID'=>10); $countries = Country::model()->findAll($criteria); $start = false; foreach ($countries as $country) { if (!$start) { /*if($country->code == 'UA') { $start = true; }else{ continue; }/**/ if ($country->code == 'US') { continue; } } $hotelCities = $HotelClient->getCities($country->hotelbookId); $oneResult = 0; $someResult = 0; $manyResult = 0; $noResult = 0; $outfp = fopen($path . '/' . $country->code . '-hotel-log.txt', 'w'); if (!$outfp) { echo "Cant open file " . $path . '/' . $country->code . "-hotel-log.txt for writing\n"; die; } foreach ($hotelCities as $hotelCity) { if (in_array($country->code, self::$sng)) { $hotelCity['nameRu'] = UtilsHelper::fromTranslite($hotelCity['nameEn']); } else { $hotelCity['nameRu'] = UtilsHelper::ruTranscript($hotelCity['nameEn']); } $hotelCity['metaphoneRu'] = UtilsHelper::ruMetaphone($hotelCity['nameRu']); $hotelCity['sondexEn'] = UtilsHelper::soundex($hotelCity['nameEn']); $hotels = $HotelClient->getHotels($hotelCity); if (count($hotels) == 0) { //We are don't need empty cities continue; } $cnt = 0; $haveCoordinates = false; foreach ($hotels as $hotelObj) { $cnt++; $query[$hotelObj['id']] = $HotelClient->hotelDetail($hotelObj['id'], true); if ($cnt > 10) { break; } } $HotelClient->processAsyncRequests(); foreach ($query as $hotelId => $responseId) { if (isset($HotelClient->requests[$responseId]['result'])) { if (isset($HotelClient->requests[$responseId]['result']->latitude, $HotelClient->requests[$responseId]['result']->longitude) && $HotelClient->requests[$responseId]['result']->latitude && $HotelClient->requests[$responseId]['result']->longitude) { $haveCoordinates = true; $possibleLatitude = $HotelClient->requests[$responseId]['result']->latitude; $possibleLongitude = $HotelClient->requests[$responseId]['result']->longitude; break; } } } $cityCriteria = new CityFindCriteria(); $cityCriteria->paramValues = array('countryCode' => $country->code, 'nameEn' => $hotelCity['nameEn'], 'metaphoneRu' => $hotelCity['metaphoneRu'], 'soundexEn' => $hotelCity['sondexEn']); //$prevCriteria = null; //$prevCount = 0; $currCriteria = null; $count = 0; $findEnd = false; $needSave = false; while (!$findEnd) { $prevCriteria = $currCriteria; $prevCount = $count; $currCriteria = $cityCriteria->getCriteria(); $count = GeoNames::model()->count($currCriteria); $findGeo = null; echo "Params: " . implode(',', $cityCriteria->paramUsed) . ' count:' . $count . "\n"; if ($haveCoordinates && $count < 15) { $geoNames = GeoNames::model()->findAll($currCriteria); foreach ($geoNames as $geoName) { if ($geoName->latitude && $geoName->longitude) { $distance = intval(UtilsHelper::calculateTheDistance($geoName->latitude, $geoName->longitude, $possibleLatitude, $possibleLongitude)); if ($distance < 10000) { $findGeo = $geoName; $count = 1; } } } } if ($count > 1) { $findEnd = !$cityCriteria->setPlus(); } elseif ($count < 1) { $findEnd = !$cityCriteria->setMinus(); } else { $findEnd = true; } } if ($count < 1) { if ($count < $prevCount) { $currCriteria = $prevCriteria; $count = $prevCount; $needSave = true; } } else { $needSave = true; } if ($needSave) { if ($count > 6) { echo "Many results for city {$hotelCity['nameEn']} - {$count}\n"; $manyResult++; fwrite($outfp, "{$hotelCity['nameEn']}|{$hotelCity['nameRu']}|{$hotelCity['id']}|{$count}\n"); } elseif ($count > 1) { //echo "Many results for city {$hotelCity['nameEn']} - $count\n"; $geoName = GeoNames::model()->find($currCriteria); echo "Possible by city name city {$hotelCity['nameEn']} City: {$geoName->nameEn} Ru: {$geoName->nameRu} IATA: {$geoName->iataCode} coords: {$geoName->longitude} {$geoName->latitude}\n"; $someResult++; fwrite($outfp, "{$hotelCity['nameEn']}|{$hotelCity['nameRu']}|{$hotelCity['id']}|{$count}\n"); } else { if ($findGeo) { $geoName = $findGeo; } else { $geoName = GeoNames::model()->find($currCriteria); } echo "Found by city name city {$hotelCity['nameEn']} City: {$geoName->nameEn} Ru: {$geoName->nameRu} IATA: {$geoName->iataCode} coords: {$geoName->longitude} {$geoName->latitude}" . ($findGeo ? " ByCoords" : "") . "\n"; if ($geoName->iataCode) { $city = City::model()->findByAttributes(array('code' => $geoName->iataCode, 'countryId' => $country->id)); if (!$city) { $city = new City(); $city->localEn = $geoName->nameEn; $city->localRu = $geoName->nameRu; $city->countryId = $country->id; $city->code = $geoName->iataCode; } $city->latitude = $geoName->latitude; $city->longitude = $geoName->longitude; $city->metaphoneRu = $geoName->metaphoneRu; $city->hotelbookId = $hotelCity['id']; if ($geoName->stateCode) { $city->stateCode = $geoName->stateCode; } $city->save(); } else { $city = City::model()->findByAttributes(array('localEn' => $geoName->nameEn, 'localRu' => $geoName->nameRu, 'countryId' => $country->id)); if (!$city) { $city = new City(); $city->localEn = $geoName->nameEn; $city->localRu = $geoName->nameRu; $city->countryId = $country->id; $city->code = $geoName->iataCode; } $city->latitude = $geoName->latitude; $city->longitude = $geoName->longitude; $city->metaphoneRu = $geoName->metaphoneRu; $city->hotelbookId = $hotelCity['id']; if ($geoName->stateCode) { $city->stateCode = $geoName->stateCode; } $city->save(); } $oneResult++; } } else { echo "Dont found anything for city {$hotelCity['nameEn']}\n"; $noResult++; fwrite($outfp, "{$hotelCity['nameEn']}|{$hotelCity['nameRu']}|{$hotelCity['id']}|{$count}\n"); } //$criteria = new EMongoCriteria(array('conditions'=>array('countryCode'=>array('equals'=>$country->code)) )); //$criteria->limit(10); //$geoNames = GeoNames::model()->findAll($criteria); } echo "NoResults:{$noResult} OneResult:{$oneResult} SomeResults:{$someResult} ManyResults: {$manyResult}\n"; fclose($outfp); //break; } } if ($type == 'iataCode') { $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->condition = 'hotelbookId IS NOT NULL'; $path = Yii::getPathOfAlias('application.runtime'); //$criteria->params=array(':postID'=>10); $countries = Country::model()->findAll($criteria); $start = false; foreach ($countries as $country) { if (!$start) { /* if($country->code == 'RU') { $start = true; }else{ continue; }/**/ /*if($country->code == 'US') { continue; }/**/ } $criteriaCity = new CDbCriteria(); $criteriaCity->addCondition('code IS NOT NULL'); $criteriaCity->addCondition('countryId=' . $country->id); $path = Yii::getPathOfAlias('application.runtime'); //$criteria->params=array(':postID'=>10); $countCities = City::model()->count($criteriaCity); echo "Start parsing for country {$country->code} {$countCities} results\n"; $pageLimit = 20; $n = ceil($countCities / $pageLimit); $criteriaCity->limit = $pageLimit; $oneResult = 0; $modifyCount = 0; $noResult = 0; $lineCount = 0; $outfp = fopen($path . '/' . $country->code . '-iata-log.txt', 'w'); if (!$outfp) { echo "Cant open file " . $path . '/' . $country->code . "-hotel-log.txt for writing\n"; die; } for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $criteriaCity->offset = $i * $pageLimit; //print_r($criteriaCity); //echo "\n"; $cities = City::model()->findAll($criteriaCity); foreach ($cities as $city) { $lineCount++; if (UtilsHelper::countRussianCharacters($city->localRu)) { $nameRu = $city->localRu; } else { if (in_array($country->code, self::$sng)) { $nameRu = UtilsHelper::fromTranslite($city->localEn); } else { $nameRu = UtilsHelper::ruTranscript($city->localEn); } } $metaphoneRu = UtilsHelper::ruMetaphone($nameRu); $sondexEn = UtilsHelper::soundex($city->localEn); $cityCriteria = new CityFindCriteria(); $cityCriteria->states = array('value' => array('iata')); $cityCriteria->states[0] = array('value' => array('nameEn')); $cityCriteria->states[1] = array('value' => array('iata', 'nameEn')); $cityCriteria->states[1][0] = array('value' => array('iata', 'metaphoneRu')); $cityCriteria->states[1][1] = array('value' => array('iata', 'nameEn', 'metaphoneRu')); $cityCriteria->states[0][1] = array('value' => array('nameEn', 'metaphoneRu')); $cityCriteria->states[0][0] = array('value' => array('metaphoneRu')); $cityCriteria->paramUsed = $cityCriteria->states['value']; $cityCriteria->paramValues = array('countryCode' => $country->code, 'nameEn' => $city->localEn, 'metaphoneRu' => $metaphoneRu, 'soundexEn' => $sondexEn, 'iata' => $city->code); $currCriteria = null; $count = 0; $findEnd = false; while (!$findEnd) { //$prevCriteria = $currCriteria; //$prevCount = $count; $currCriteria = $cityCriteria->getCriteria(); $count = GeoNames::model()->count($currCriteria); //echo "Params: ".implode(',',$cityCriteria->paramUsed).' count:'.$count."\n"; if ($count > 1) { $findEnd = !$cityCriteria->setPlus(); } elseif ($count < 1) { $findEnd = !$cityCriteria->setMinus(); } else { $findEnd = true; } } if ($count == 1) { $oneResult++; $geoName = GeoNames::model()->find($currCriteria); $needSave = false; if (!$city->latitude) { $city->latitude = $geoName->latitude; $city->longitude = $geoName->longitude; $needSave = true; } if (!UtilsHelper::countRussianCharacters($city->localRu)) { $city->localRu = $geoName->nameRu; $needSave = true; } if (!$city->metaphoneRu) { $city->metaphoneRu = $geoName->metaphoneRu; $needSave = true; } if (!$city->stateCode) { $city->stateCode = $geoName->stateCode; $needSave = true; } if ($needSave) { $modifyCount++; $city->save(); } } else { $noResult++; fwrite($outfp, "{$city->localEn}|{$city->code}|{$city->id}|{$count}\n"); } if ($lineCount % 30000 == 0) { echo "NoResults:{$noResult} OneResult:{$oneResult}\n"; } } } echo "Total NoResults:{$noResult} OneResult:{$oneResult} ModifyCount: {$modifyCount} line count: {$lineCount}\n"; fclose($outfp); //break; } } if ($type == 'updateMetaphone') { $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->condition = 'hotelbookId IS NOT NULL'; //$criteria->params=array(':postID'=>10); $countries = Country::model()->findAll($criteria); $start = false; foreach ($countries as $country) { if (!$start) { if ($country->code == 'UA') { $start = true; } else { continue; } } echo 'Update ' . $country->code . " metaphone\n"; $criteria = new EMongoCriteria(array('conditions' => array('countryCode' => array('equals' => $country->code)))); //$criteria->limit(10); $geoNames = GeoNames::model()->findAll($criteria); $k = 0; foreach ($geoNames as $geoName) { $geoName->metaphoneRu = UtilsHelper::ruMetaphone($geoName->nameRu); $geoName->save(); $k++; if ($k % 30000 == 0) { echo "Updated {$k} lines\n"; } } echo "{$country->code} complete. Updated {$k} lines\n"; //break; } //$criteria = new EMongoCriteria(array('conditions'=>array('countryCode'=>array('equals'=>$country),'metaphoneRu'=>array('equals'=>$metaphoneRu)) )); //VarDumper::dump(GeoNames::model()->find($criteria)); } }