function load($oid = null, $reset = true, $load_eav = true) { if ($return = parent::load($oid, $reset, $load_eav)) { // consolidate image gallery paths if necessary (SHA1 Images) $helper = CitruscartHelperBase::getInstance('Product'); if ($helper->consolidateGalleryImages($this) === true) { JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_IMAGES_CONSOLIDATED_MESSAGE')); } } return $return; }
/** * Loads a row from the database and binds the fields to the object properties * If $load_eav is true, binds also the eav fields linked to this entity * * @access public * @param mixed Optional primary key. If not specifed, the value of current key is used * @param bool reset the object values? * @param bool load the eav values for this object * * @return boolean True if successful */ function load($oid = null, $reset = true, $load_eav = true) { $this->_linked_table_key = $this->product_id; return parent::load($oid, $reset, $load_eav); }