Exemple #1
 private function autogenerateMenuItemFromPageId($itemId, $parentId, $recursive = false)
     $pageObject = new Pages();
     $select = $pageObject->select()->setIntegrityCheck(false)->from('Pages')->joinInner('PagesIndex', 'PI_PageID = P_ID')->where('PI_LanguageID = ?', Zend_Registry::get('languageID'))->where('P_ParentID = ?', $parentId)->order('P_Position');
     $pages = $pageObject->fetchAll($select)->toArray();
     foreach ($pages as $item) {
         $page_id = $item['P_ID'];
         $position = $this->_db->fetchCol("SELECT count(*) FROM MenuItemData WHERE MID_ParentID = '{$itemId}' AND MID_MenuID = '{$this->_id}'");
         $position = $position[0];
         $langs = Cible_FunctionsGeneral::getAllLanguage();
         foreach ($langs as $lang) {
             $page_details = Cible_FunctionsPages::getPageDetails($page_id, $lang['L_ID']);
             $page_title = !empty($page_details['PI_PageTitle']) ? $page_details['PI_PageTitle'] : null;
             if ($page_title != null) {
                 $found_status = $this->autogenerate_checkIfAlreadyExists($itemId, $page_id, $lang['L_ID']);
                 if (!$found_status['data']) {
                     $menuData = new MenuItem();
                     $_data = $menuData->createRow();
                     $_data->setFromArray(array('MID_MenuID' => $this->_id, 'MID_ParentID' => $itemId, 'MID_Position' => $position));
                     $_dataId = $this->_db->lastInsertId();
                     $menuIndex = new MenuItemIndex();
                     $_index = $menuIndex->createRow();
                     $_index->setFromArray(array('MII_LanguageID' => $item['PI_LanguageID'], 'MII_MenuItemDataID' => $_dataId, 'MII_Title' => $page_title, 'MII_Link' => '', 'MII_PageID' => $page_id));
                 } else {
                     if ($found_status['data'] && !$found_status['lang']) {
                         $_dataId = $found_status['dataID'];
                         $menuIndex = new MenuItemIndex();
                         $_index = $menuIndex->createRow();
                         $_index->setFromArray(array('MII_LanguageID' => $lang['L_ID'], 'MII_MenuItemDataID' => $_dataId, 'MII_Title' => $page_title, 'MII_Link' => '', 'MII_PageID' => $page_id));
         if ($_dataId != -1 && $recursive) {
             $this->autogenerateMenuItemFromPageId($_dataId, $page_id, $recursive);
Exemple #2
 function editAction()
     $this->view->assign('isXmlHttpRequest', $this->_isXmlHttpRequest);
     $this->view->assign('success', false);
     $this->view->title = "Modification de la page";
     // retrieve the ID of the requested page
     $PageID = (int) $this->_getParam('ID');
     if (Cible_ACL::hasAccess($PageID)) {
         // get page informations
         $Page = Cible_FunctionsPages::getPageDetails($PageID, $this->_currentEditLanguage);
         $page_info = $Page->toArray();
         $this->view->home = $page_info['P_Home'];
         $this->view->pageTitle = isset($page_info['PI_PageTitle']) ? $page_info['PI_PageTitle'] : '';
         $imageHeaderArray = $this->_findImagesFiles();
         $form = new FormPage(array('baseDir' => $this->view->baseUrl(), 'pageID' => $PageID, 'imageHeaderArray' => $imageHeaderArray));
         $layouts = Cible_FunctionsPages::getAvailableLayouts();
         $templates = Cible_FunctionsPages::getAvailableTemplates();
         $form = Cible_FunctionsPages::fillSelectLayouts($form, $layouts);
         $form = Cible_FunctionsPages::fillSelectTemplates($form, $templates);
         $this->view->form = $form;
         if ($this->_request->isPost()) {
             $formData = $this->_request->getPost();
             $PageIndex = $formData['PI_PageIndex'];
             // replace all double underscore by simple underscore
             while (substr_count($PageIndex, "__") > 0) {
                 $PageIndex = str_replace("__", "_", $PageIndex);
             if (isset($page_info['PI_PageIndex']) && $page_info['PI_PageIndex'] == $formData['PI_PageIndex']) {
             if ($form->isValid($formData)) {
                 $db = $this->_db;
                 // update the P_LayoutID for the current Page
                 $db->update('Pages', array('P_LayoutID' => $formData['P_LayoutID'], 'P_ShowTitle' => $formData['P_ShowTitle']), 'P_ID = ' . $PageID);
                 // check to update P_ViewID
                 if ($formData['P_ViewID'] != $page_info['P_ViewID']) {
                     //get current number of zones
                     $previous_zone_count = $page_info['V_ZoneCount'];
                     // update the P_ViewID for the current Page
                     $db->update('Pages', array('P_ViewID' => $formData['P_ViewID']), 'P_ID = ' . $PageID);
                     // Fetch the new selected view details
                     $new_view_details = Cible_FunctionsPages::getPageViewDetails($PageID);
                     $new_zone_count = $new_view_details['V_ZoneCount'];
                     // if our new zone count is smaller then our previous zone count, we need to move our deleted zone blocks to zone 1
                     if ($new_zone_count < $previous_zone_count) {
                         //reset where just in case
                         $where = array();
                         $where[] = $db->quoteInto('B_PageID = ?', $PageID);
                         $where[] = $db->quoteInto('B_ZoneID > ?', $new_zone_count);
                         $db->update('Blocks', array('B_ZoneID' => '-1'), $where);
                 //$Page['PI_LanguageID'] = $this->_currentEditLanguage;
                 if (isset($Page['PI_PageTitle'])) {
                     $Page['PI_PageTitle'] = $formData['PI_PageTitle'];
                     $Page['PI_PageIndex'] = $PageIndex;
                     $Page['PI_Status'] = $formData['PI_Status'];
                     $Page['PI_MetaTitle'] = $formData['PI_MetaTitle'];
                     $Page['PI_MetaDescription'] = $formData['PI_MetaDescription'];
                     $Page['PI_MetaKeywords'] = $formData['PI_MetaKeywords'];
                     $Page['PI_MetaOther'] = $formData['PI_MetaOther'];
                     if (!empty($formData['PI_TitleImageSrc'])) {
                         $Page['PI_TitleImageSrc'] = $formData['PI_TitleImageSrc'];
                     if (!empty($formData['PI_AltPremiereImage'])) {
                         $Page['PI_AltPremiereImage'] = $formData['PI_AltPremiereImage'];
                 } else {
                     $data = array('PI_PageID' => $PageID, 'PI_LanguageID' => $this->_currentEditLanguage, 'PI_PageTitle' => $formData['PI_PageTitle'], 'PI_PageIndex' => $PageIndex, 'PI_Status' => $formData['PI_Status'], 'PI_MetaTitle' => $formData['PI_MetaTitle'], 'PI_MetaDescription' => $formData['PI_MetaDescription'], 'PI_MetaKeywords' => $formData['PI_MetaKeywords'], 'PI_MetaOther' => $formData['PI_MetaOther'], 'PI_TitleImageSrc' => $formData['PI_TitleImageSrc'], 'PI_AltPremiereImage' => $formData['PI_AltPremiereImage']);
                     $this->_db->insert('PagesIndex', $data);
                 $indexData['pageID'] = $PageID;
                 $indexData['moduleID'] = 0;
                 $indexData['contentID'] = $PageID;
                 $indexData['languageID'] = Zend_Registry::get("currentEditLanguage");
                 $indexData['title'] = $formData['PI_PageTitle'];
                 $indexData['text'] = '';
                 $indexData['link'] = '';
                 $indexData['contents'] = $formData['PI_PageTitle'];
                 if ($formData['PI_Status'] == 1) {
                     $indexData['action'] = 'update';
                 } else {
                     $indexData['action'] = 'delete';
                 // if not and ajax request, redirect else simply return as json success code and page details
                 if (!$this->_isXmlHttpRequest) {
                 } else {
                     $buttonAction = $formData['buttonAction'];
                     $this->view->assign('buttonAction', $buttonAction);
                     $this->view->assign('success', true);
                     $this->view->assign('pageID', $PageID);
                     $this->view->assign('pageTitle', $formData['PI_PageTitle']);
                     $this->view->assign('currentEditLanguage', $this->_currentEditLanguage);
             } else {
         } else {
             if ($PageID > 0) {
Exemple #3
 public function editBlockAction()
     // variables
     $_pageID = $this->_getParam('ID');
     $_blockID = $this->_getParam('blockID');
     $_baseDir = $this->getFrontController()->getBaseUrl();
     $this->view->assign('success', false);
     if (Cible_ACL::hasAccess($_pageID)) {
         // generate the form
         $_options = array('baseDir' => $_baseDir, 'pageID' => $_pageID, 'blockID' => $_blockID);
         $form = $this->getForm($_options);
         // get page informations
         $page = $this->view->page = Cible_FunctionsPages::getPageDetails($_pageID);
         $page_info = $page->toArray();
         // get block informations
         $block = Cible_FunctionsBlocks::getBlockDetailsByLangID($_blockID, $this->_currentEditLanguage);
         $this->view->assign('block_zone', $block['B_ZoneID']);
         $this->view->assign('blockID', $block['B_ID']);
         // send form the the viewer
         $this->view->form = $form;
         // action if user save
         if ($this->_request->isPost()) {
             $formData = $this->_request->getPost();
             if ($form->isValid($formData)) {
                 $this->saveBlock($formData, $_pageID, $_blockID);
                 if (!$this->_isXmlHttpRequest) {
                     $this->_redirect('/page/manage/index/ID/' . $_pageID);
                 } else {
                     $this->view->assign('success', true);
                     $this->view->assign('block_id', $block['B_ID']);
                     $this->view->assign('blockTitle', $block['BI_BlockTitle']);
                     $this->view->assign('blockLangID', $this->_currentEditLanguage);
                     $this->view->assign('blockDescription', $this->getManageDescription($_blockID));
         } else {
             if ($_blockID > 0) {
                 $block = Cible_FunctionsBlocks::getBlockDetailsByLangID($_blockID, $this->_currentEditLanguage);
                 $blockParameters = Cible_FunctionsBlocks::getBlockParameters($_blockID);
                 foreach ($blockParameters as $parameter) {
                     $element = $form->getElement("Param{$parameter['P_Number']}");
                     if ($element) {
                     } else {
                         echo "Param{$parameter['P_Number']} is not found";
Exemple #4
 private function _getParentsMenuId(array $itemMenu, MenuObject $oMenu = null)
     if (is_null($oMenu)) {
         $page = Cible_FunctionsPages::getPageDetails($itemMenu['PageID'], Zend_Registry::get('languageID'));
         $page = $page->toArray();
         $menu = Cible_FunctionsPages::getMenuByPageId($page['P_ParentID']);
         $oMenu = new MenuObject($menu[0]['MID_MenuID']);
         $menuId = $menu[0]['MID_ID'];
     } else {
         $menuId = $itemMenu['MID_ParentID'];
     $menuId = $itemMenu['MID_ParentID'];
     $tmpArray = array();
     while ($menuId != 0) {
         $details = $oMenu->getMenuItemById($menuId);
         array_push($tmpArray, $details['MID_ID']);
         $menuId = $details['MID_ParentID'];
     $this->_parentsMenuId = $tmpArray;
  * Build the breadcrumd for the catalog page.
  * @param int $lang  <Optional> Id of the current language
  * @return string 
 public function breadcrumbCatalog($level = 1, $showHome = true, $langId = null)
     if ($langId == null) {
         $langId = Zend_Registry::get('languageID');
     $_baseUrl = Zend_Registry::get('baseUrl');
     $_breadcrumb = array();
     $_first = true;
     $pathInfo = $this->view->request->getPathInfo();
     $oProducts = new ProductsCollection();
     $catId = $oProducts->getCatId();
     $subCatId = $oProducts->getSubCatId();
     $prodId = $oProducts->getProdId();
     if ($catId == null && $subCatId == null && $prodId == null) {
         $_breadcrumb = $this->view->breadcrumb(true) . "<b>" . $this->view->selectedPage . "</b>";
         return $_breadcrumb;
     } else {
         $pathElemts = $oProducts->getActions();
         if ($prodId) {
             $_class = '';
             $product = new ProductsObject();
             $details = $product->populate($prodId, $langId);
             if ($_first) {
                 $_class = 'current_page';
             $link = $_first ? "<b>" . $details['PI_Name'] . "</b>" : "<a href='{$_baseUrl}/{$this->view->selectedPage}/{$pathElemts[0]}/{$pathElemts[1]}/{$pathElemts[2]}' class='{$_class}'>{$details['PI_Name']}</a>";
             array_push($_breadcrumb, $link);
             if ($_first) {
                 $_first = false;
         if ($subCatId) {
             $_class = '';
             $object = new SubCategoriesObject();
             $details = $object->populate($subCatId, $langId);
             if ($_first) {
                 $_class = 'current_page';
             $link = $_first ? "<b>" . $details['SCI_Name'] . "</b>" : "<a href='{$_baseUrl}/{$this->view->selectedPage}/{$pathElemts[0]}/{$pathElemts[1]}' class='{$_class}'>{$details['SCI_Name']}</a>";
             array_push($_breadcrumb, $link);
             if ($_first) {
                 $_first = false;
         if ($catId) {
             $_class = '';
             $object = new CatalogCategoriesObject();
             $details = $object->populate($catId, $langId);
             if ($_first) {
                 $_class = 'current_page';
             $link = $_first ? "<b>" . $details['CCI_Name'] . "</b>" : "<a href='{$_baseUrl}/{$this->view->selectedPage}/{$pathElemts[0]}' class='{$_class}'>{$details['CCI_Name']}</a>";
             array_push($_breadcrumb, $link);
             if ($_first) {
                 $_first = false;
         $details = Cible_FunctionsPages::getPageDetails($this->view->currentPageID, $langId);
         $link = $_first ? '' : "<a href='{$_baseUrl}/{$details['PI_PageIndex']}' class='{$_class}'>{$details['PI_PageTitle']}</a>";
         array_push($_breadcrumb, $link);
         if ($showHome) {
             $homeDetails = Cible_FunctionsPages::getHomePageDetails();
             $link = "<a href='{$_baseUrl}/{$homeDetails['PI_PageIndex']}' class='{$_class}'>" . $homeDetails['PI_PageTitle'] . "</a>";
             array_push($_breadcrumb, $link);
         $_breadcrumb = array_reverse($_breadcrumb);
         //            for($i=0;$i<$level;$i++){
         //                array_splice($_breadcrumb,$i+1,1);
         //            }
         // add the > after the breadcrumb when only on item is found
         if (count($_breadcrumb) == 1) {
             return "{$_breadcrumb[0]} > ";
         } else {
             return implode(' > ', $_breadcrumb);