function d($arg) { $declared = 'variable'; ChromePhp::log('xdebug_get_declared_vars', xdebug_get_declared_vars()); ChromePhp::groupCollapsed('backtrace'); ChromePhp::log(debug_backtrace()); ChromePhp::groupEnd(); ChromePhp::info('Triggered notice.'); trigger_error('Custom notice', E_USER_NOTICE); ChromePhp::warn('Triggered warning.'); trigger_error('Custom warning', E_USER_WARNING); ChromePhp::error('Triggered error.'); trigger_error('Custom error', E_USER_ERROR); }
function deleteRoom($name) { $idusuario = $this->usuario->getUsuarioId(); $sql = "DELETE FROM `habitaciones` WHERE descripcion=\"" . $name . " \"and id_usuario=" . $idusuario; ChromePhp::log($sql); $consulta = $this->db->prepare($sql); $consulta->execute(); }
public function followers(Request $request, User $user) { if (!($followers = $user->followers) or $followers->isEmpty()) { throw new HttpException('404', $user->name . " does not have any followers yet."); } \ChromePhp::log($followers); $this->authorize("viewFollowedUsers", $user); return $followers; }
/** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function update(Request $request, Setting $setting) { $this->validate($request, ['who_can_see_my_skills' => 'required|in:' . join(",", Setting::$options), 'who_can_see_who_i_am_following' => 'required|in:' . join(",", Setting::$options)]); \ChromePhp::log($setting->getTable()); $this->authorize('owns', $setting); $setting->who_can_see_my_skills = $request->who_can_see_my_skills; $setting->who_can_see_who_i_am_following = $request->who_can_see_who_i_am_following; $setting->save(); return "Settings updated."; }
/** * Renvoie un fournisseur * * @param type $id * @return type * @throws Exception */ public function getMarque($id) { $sql = "select ID_marque as id, libelle_court_marque as nom, libelle_long_marque, ad_1, ad_2, ad_num, ad_rue, ad_cp, ad_ville,\n \t\t ad_pays, ad_website, contact1, contact2, phone1, phone2, ad_mail1, ad_mail2\n from marques where ID_marque=?"; $marque = $this->executerRequete($sql, array($id)); ChromePhp::log('$id : ', $id); if ($marque->rowCount() == 1) { return $marque->fetch(); // Accès à la première ligne de résultat } else { throw new Exception("Aucune marque ne correspond à l'identifiant '{$id}'"); } }
function connect() { try { //$connection = new PDO( "sqlsrv:Server=". self::SERVER . " ; Database =". self::DATABASE , self::USER, self::PASSWORD); $connection = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=harvpren_magicCards;charset=utf8", self::USER, self::PASSWORD); $connection->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); return $connection; } catch (Exception $e) { ChromePhp::log($e); return $e->getMessage(); } }
public function canFollow(User $user, Connection $connection) { if ($user->id == $connection->follows) { throw new HttpException('403', "You can not follow yourself"); } $alreadyFollowing = Connection::where("follower", $user->id)->where("follows", $connection->follows)->first(); \ChromePhp::log($alreadyFollowing); if ($alreadyFollowing) { throw new HttpException('403', "You are already following this user."); } return true; }
/** * Renvoie un type machine * * @param type $id * @return type * @throws Exception */ public function getTypemachine($id) { $sql = "select ID_type_machine as id, code_type_machine as nom, libelle_type_machine\n from type_machines where ID_type_machine=?"; $typemachine = $this->executerRequete($sql, array($id)); ChromePhp::log('$id : ', $id); if ($typemachine->rowCount() == 1) { return $typemachine->fetch(); // Accès à la première ligne de résultat } else { throw new Exception("Aucun type machine ne correspond à l'identifiant '{$id}'"); } }
public static function init() { // \Template::instance()->extend('img',function($node){ // var_dump($node); // array(1) { // ["@attrib"]=> // array(1) { // ["src"]=> // string(25) "{{'ui/images/'.@article.image}}" // } // } // }); \ChromePhp::log('INIT'); }
/** * Renvoie les infos sur un menu * * @param type $id * @return type * @throws Exception */ public function getMenu($id) { // $sql = "select ID_menu as id, libelle_menu from menus where ID_menu=?"; $sql = "select code_menu, libelle_menu from menus where code_menu=?"; $menu = $this->executerRequete($sql, array($id)); // $menu = $this->executerRequete($sql, array($codeMenu)); ChromePhp::log('$menu : ', $menu); ChromePhp::log('$id : ', $id); if ($menu->rowCount() == 1) { return $menu->fetch(); // Accés à la première ligne de résultat } else { throw new Exception("La page '{$id}' est introuvable !"); } }
public function mergeClientes($clientes) { global $cnx; $idClientesAdd = array(); $idClientes = array(); $ind = 0; foreach ($clientes as $cliente) { $idCliente = $cliente[0]; $cveCliente = $cliente[1]; $nomCliente = utf8_decode($cliente[2]); $apCliente = utf8_decode($cliente[3]); $amCliente = utf8_decode($cliente[4]); $direccion = utf8_decode($cliente[5]); $fechaNacimiento = $cliente[6]; $telefono = $cliente[7]; $correo = $cliente[8]; $idTipCliente = $cliente[9]; $ind = $cliente[13]; if ($idCliente == "") { // NUEVO REGRISTRO $query = "INSERT INTO cliente(cveCliente,nombreCliente,apCliente,amCliente,direccionCliente,telefonoCliente,mailCliente,fechaNCliente,idTipoCliente) VALUES('{$cveCliente}','{$nomCliente}','{$apCliente}','{$amCliente}','{$direccion}',{$telefono},'{$correo}','{$fechaNacimiento}',{$idTipCliente})"; // ChromePhp::log($query); try { $rs = $cnx->Execute($query); array_push($idClientes, array($cnx->Insert_ID(), $ind)); $idClientesAdd['mesaje'] = "ok"; } catch (Exception $exc) { $idClientesAdd['mesaje'] = $exc->getTraceAsString(); return $idClientesAdd; } } else { //ACTUALIZACION DE PRODUCTO $query = "UPDATE cliente set cveCliente ='{$cveCliente}', nombreCliente = '{$nomCliente}', apCliente='{$apCliente}',amCliente = '{$amCliente}',direccionCliente='{$direccion}',telefonoCliente={$telefono},mailCliente='{$correo}',fechaNCliente='{$fechaNacimiento}' ,idTipoCliente={$idTipCliente} WHERE idCliente = {$idCliente}"; ChromePhp::log($query); try { $rs = $cnx->Execute($query); $idClientesAdd['mesaje'] = "ok"; } catch (Exception $exc) { $idClientesAdd['mesaje'] = $exc->getTraceAsString(); return $idClientesAdd; } } } $idClientesAdd['nuevosIds'] = $idClientes; // print_r($idProductosAdd); // return $idClientesAdd; }
public function ajouterReservation() { // on crée une nouvelle machine ChromePhp::log('$machineToAdd (Machines) : ', $machineToAdd); $error = false; $sql = 'insert into machines(code_machine,libelle_machine,image_machine, id_type_machine,id_sous_type_machine, id_marque, serial, date_entree, commentaire, lien_consigne ) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'; try { $this->executerRequete($sql, array($machineToAdd['code_machine'], $machineToAdd['libelle_machine'], $machineToAdd['image_machine'], $machineToAdd['id_type_machine'], $machineToAdd['id_sous_type_machine'], $machineToAdd['id_marque'], $machineToAdd['serial'], $machineToAdd['date_entree'], $machineToAdd['commentaire'], $machineToAdd['lien_consigne'])); } catch (Exception $e) { $error = true; ChromePhp::log('$machineToAdd (erreur) : ', $e); } return $error; }
/** * log to console directly with this method passing only the first required parameter and to change * the log type the third parameter according to allowed log types. pass a lable for second parameter * to describe the message send to console. * * @error 10908 * @param null|mixed $mixed expects the message of any type to send to console * @param null|string $label expects the optional label to describe the first parameter * @param string $type expects the log type - see log type array * @param array $options expects optional parameters * @return void * @throws Xapp_Error */ public function log($mixed = null, $label = null, $type = 'info', array $options = array()) { $type = strtolower((string) $type); if (array_key_exists($type, self::$_typeMap)) { if ($type === 'ini') { $this->ini($mixed, $label, $options); } if ($label !== null) { $label = trim(trim($label), ':') . ':'; } switch ($this->_driver) { case 'chromephp': switch ($type) { case $type === 'ungroup' || $mixed === null: $this->console->groupEnd(); break; case 'group': $this->console->group($mixed); break; case 'trace': $this->console->log((string) $label, $mixed, 'info'); break; default: $this->console->log((string) $label, $mixed, self::$_typeMap[$type]); } break; case 'firephp': switch ($type) { case $type === 'ungroup' || $mixed === null: $this->console->groupEnd(); break; case 'group': $this->console->group($mixed, $options); break; case 'trace': $this->console->trace($label); break; default: $this->console->{$type}($mixed, (string) $label, $options); } break; } } else { throw new Xapp_Error(xapp_sprintf(_("xapp console log type: %s not supported"), $type), 1090801); } }
/** * Using ChromePhp, log the message */ public function handle(PteLogMessage $message) { switch ($message->getType()) { case PteLogMessage::$ERROR: ChromePhp::error($message->getMessage()); break; case PteLogMessage::$WARN: ChromePhp::warn($message->getMessage()); break; case PteLogMessage::$INFO: ChromePhp::info($message->getMessage()); break; case PteLogMessage::$DEBUG: default: ChromePhp::log($message->getMessage()); break; } }
public function Add() { \ChromePhp::log("Subscr CRUD Add"); if ($subscriber = $this->getSubscriber()) { $this->user = \CUser::GetByID($subscriber)->Fetch(); \CUser::Authorize($this->user["ID"]); if ($subscribe = \CSubscription::GetList(False, array("ACTIVE" => "Y", "USER_ID" => $this->user["ID"]))->Fetch()) { return $subscribe["ID"]; } else { try { return $this->addSubscribe(); } catch (SubscribeException $e) { prentExpection($e->getMessage()); } } } else { throw new SubscribeUserException("No user for add to subscribers" . ". Line: " . __LINE__); } }
/** * @param null $obj * @param null $label * @param string $type */ public static function log($obj = null, $label = null, $type = LoggerLevel::LEVEL_LOG) { if (!static::$_enabled) { return; } if ($type == LoggerLevel::LEVEL_TRACE) { $e = new \Exception(); $obj = explode("\n", $e->getTraceAsString()); $label = empty($label) ? 'TRACE' : $label . ' | TRACE'; $type = null; } $type = strtoupper($type); $delay = static::getTimer(); $label = $delay . ' :: ' . $label; \ChromePhp::log($type, $label); \ChromePhp::log($type, $obj); $instance = \FirePHP::getInstance(true); $instance->fb($obj, $label, $type); }
function registrarse($email, $nombre, $pass) { if (!empty($nombre)) { // comprobamos que el campo nombre no esté vacío if (!empty($pass)) { if (preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9-_.+%]+@[A-Za-z0-9-.]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}$/', $email)) { $email = $this->db->quote($email); $pass = $this->db->quote($pass); $nombre = $this->db->quote($nombre); $consulta = 'SELECT usuario_email FROM usuarios WHERE usuario_email =' . $email . ''; $consulta = $this->db->prepare($consulta); $consulta->execute(); if ($row = $consulta->fetch()) { return "existe usuario"; } else { $pass = md5($pass); $consulta = "SELECT MAX(usuario_id) AS id FROM usuarios"; $consulta = $this->db->prepare($consulta); $consulta->execute(); if ($row = $consulta->fetch()) { $id = trim($row[0]); } else { $id = 0; } $id = $id + 1; ChromePhp::log($id); $consulta = 'INSERT INTO usuarios (usuario_id, usuario_nombre, usuario_clave, usuario_email, usuario_freg) VALUES (\'' . $id . '\', ' . $nombre . ', \'' . $pass . '\', ' . $email . ', NOW())'; ChromePhp::log($consulta); $consulta = $this->db->prepare($consulta); $consulta->execute(); return "Registrado"; } } else { return "Email incorrecto"; } } else { return "Password vacio"; } } else { return "Nombre vacio"; } }
function _log($data, $label = null, $backtrace = false) { // Stop execution and log to ChromePhp if the class exists if (class_exists('ChromePhp')) { if ($label) { $r = array('label' => $label, 'data' => $data); return ChromePhp::log($r); } return ChromePhp::log($data); } $output = ''; switch (gettype($data)) { case "array": case "object": $output .= print_r($data, TRUE); if ($label !== null) { $output .= "\n\n---^^^^^^^ END {$label} ^^^^^^^---"; } break; case "integer": case "float": case "string": $output .= $data; break; case "boolean": $converted_data = $data ? 'true' : 'false'; $output .= $converted_data; break; default: $output .= "ERROR: tried to log bad type [" . gettype($data) . "]"; break; } if ($backtrace) { _backtrace($label); } if (!empty($label)) { $output = "\t--- [ {$label} ] ---\n\n" . $output . "\n"; } error_log($output); }
public function mergePromociones($promociones) { global $cnx; $idProductosAdd = array(); $idProductos = array(); $ind = 0; $idPromocion = $promociones['idPromocion']; $idProducto = $promociones['idProducto']; $precioPromocion = $promociones['precioPromocion']; $fechaInicio = $promociones['fechaInicial']; $fechaFinal = $promociones['fechaFinal']; if ($idPromocion == "") { // NUEVO REGRISTRO $query = "INSERT INTO promocion(idProducto,precioPromocion,fechaInicio,fechaFinal) VALUES({$idProducto},{$precioPromocion},STR_TO_DATE('{$fechaInicio}','%d/%m/%Y'),STR_TO_DATE('{$fechaFinal}','%d/%m/%Y'))"; ChromePhp::log($query); try { $rs = $cnx->Execute($query); // array_push($idProductos, array($cnx->Insert_ID(), $ind)); $idProductosAdd['mesaje'] = "ok"; } catch (Exception $exc) { $idProductosAdd['mesaje'] = $exc->getTraceAsString(); return $idProductosAdd; } } else { //ACTUALIZACION DE PRODUCTO $query = "UPDATE promocion set idProducto = {$idProducto}, precioPromocion={$precioPromocion},fechaInicio = STR_TO_DATE('{$fechaInicio}','%d/%m/%Y'),fechaFinal=STR_TO_DATE('{$fechaFinal}','%d/%m/%Y') WHERE idPromocion = {$idPromocion}"; try { $rs = $cnx->Execute($query); $idProductosAdd['mesaje'] = "ok"; } catch (Exception $exc) { $idProductosAdd['mesaje'] = $exc->getTraceAsString(); return $idProductosAdd; } } // print_r($idProductosAdd); // return $idProductosAdd; }
public static function init() { return function ($info) { switch ($info['level']) { case \Analog\Analog::DEBUG: \ChromePhp::log($info['message']); break; case \Analog\Analog::INFO: case \Analog\Analog::NOTICE: \ChromePhp::info($info['message']); break; case \Analog\Analog::WARNING: \ChromePhp::warn($info['message']); break; case \Analog\Analog::ERROR: case \Analog\Analog::CRITICAL: case \Analog\Analog::ALERT: case \Analog\Analog::URGENT: \ChromePhp::error($info['message']); break; } }; }
/** * Check the BotSmasher API * * @param \string $ip IP address * @param \string $email Email address * @param \string $name Name * @param \boolean $debug Debug cUrl communication * @param \int BotSmasher status * @throws \Tollwerk\TwAntibot\Utility\BotSmasher\Exception If an invalid IP address is provided */ public function check($ip = null, $email = null, $name = null, $debug = false) { $status = self::STATUS_INVALID; $checks = array(); $errors = new BotSmasher\Exception(); // IP address check if (strlen(trim($ip))) { // If the IP address is invalid if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) === false) { $errors->addMessage(sprintf('Invalid IP address "%s"', $ip), self::IP_INVALID); // Else if the IP address is private } elseif (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE | FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE) === false) { $errors->addMessage(sprintf('Private IP address "%s"', $ip), self::IP_PRIVATE); // Else } else { $checks['ip'] = trim($ip); } } // Email address check if (strlen(trim($email))) { if (filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === false) { $errors->addMessage(sprintf('Invalid email address "%s"', $email), self::EMAIL_INVALID); } else { $checks['email'] = trim($email); } } // Name check if (strlen(trim($name))) { $checks['name'] = trim($name); } // If no checks are requested: Error if (!count($checks)) { if (count($errors)) { throw $errors; } else { return $status; } } $checks['key'] = $this->_apiKey; $checks['action'] = self::ACTION_CHECK; if ($debug) { \ChromePhp::log($checks); } $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->_apiUrl); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, TRUE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $checks); // Execute post and get results $result = curl_exec($ch); $info = curl_getinfo($ch); curl_close($ch); // $result = '{"response":{"summary":{"badguys":"false","requesttype":"check","code":"success","description":"Your request was successful - "},"request":{"email":{"submitted":"*****@*****.**","flaggedbyyou":"false","found":"false","count":"0"}}}}'; // $info = array( // 'url' => '', // 'content_type' => 'text/html; charset=utf-8', // 'http_code' => 200, // 'header_size' => 261, // 'request_size' => 191, // 'filetime' => -1, // 'ssl_verify_result' => 10, // 'redirect_count' => 0, // 'total_time' => 1.4916369999999999, // 'namelookup_time' => 0.0038340000000000002, // 'connect_time' => 0.122919, // 'pretransfer_time' => 0.37947500000000001, // 'size_upload' => 414, // 'size_download' => 236, // 'speed_download' => 158, // 'speed_upload' => 277, // 'download_content_length' => 236, // 'upload_content_length' => 414, // 'starttransfer_time' => 0.49339500000000003, // 'redirect_time' => 0, // 'redirect_url' => '', // 'primary_ip' => '', // 'certinfo' => array(), // 'primary_port' => 443, // 'local_ip' => '', // 'local_port' => 34043 // ); // $result = '{"response":{"summary":{"badguys":"true","requesttype":"check","code":"success","description":"Your request was successful - "},"request":{"email":{"submitted":"*****@*****.**","flaggedbyyou":"false","found":"true","count":"6","lastseen":"2015-08-08 10:10:04"}}}}'; // $info = array( // 'url' => '', // 'content_type' => 'text/html; charset=utf-8', // 'http_code' => 200, // 'header_size' => 261, // 'request_size' => 191, // 'filetime' => -1, // 'ssl_verify_result' => 10, // 'redirect_count' => 0, // 'total_time' => 0.70769400000000005, // 'namelookup_time' => 3.4999999999999997E-5, // 'connect_time' => 0.113187, // 'pretransfer_time' => 0.36741499999999999, // 'size_upload' => 409, // 'size_download' => 262, // 'speed_download' => 370, // 'speed_upload' => 577, // 'download_content_length' => 262, // 'upload_content_length' => 409, // 'starttransfer_time' => 0.47937000000000002, // 'redirect_time' => 0, // 'redirect_url' => '', // 'primary_ip' => '', // 'certinfo' => array(), // 'primary_port' => 443, // 'local_ip' => '', // 'local_port' => 39524 // ); if ($debug) { echo curl_error($ch) . PHP_EOL; var_export($info); print_r($result); } if ($info['http_code'] == 200 && strlen($result)) { $response = @json_decode($result); if (is_object($response) && isset($response->response) && is_object($response->response)) { $response = $response->response; $summary = isset($response->summary) && is_object($response->summary) ? $response->summary : null; $request = isset($response->request) && is_object($response->request) ? $response->request : null; if ($summary && $request) { if (!empty($summary->code) && strtolower($summary->code) == 'success') { if (!empty($summary->badguys) && strtolower($summary->badguys) == 'true') { // Run through all check results foreach ($request as $check => $checkResult) { if (is_object($checkResult) && isset($checkResult->found) && strtolower($checkResult->found) == 'true') { $status |= self::$_checks[$check]; } } } else { $status = self::STATUS_VALID; } } } } } return $status; }
if (mysql_num_rows($dupquery) > 0) { ChromePhp::log('User already exists.'); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> alert("This username is already registered."); </script> <?php } else { if (!isset($username)) { echo "Please provide a username"; ChromePhp::log('No username'); } else { if (!isset($name)) { echo "Please provide a name"; ChromePhp::log('No username'); } else { if (strlen($password) < 6) { echo "Password must be 6 characters."; ChromePhp::log('password < 6'); } else { if ($password != $confirm) { echo "Password does not match confirmation."; ChromePhp::log('password != confirm'); } else { ChromePhp::log('password > 6'); mysql_query("INSERT INTO users\n (username, name, password) VALUES('{$username}', '{$name}', '{$password}')") or die(mysql_error()); } } } } }
public static function log($var = '', $force = 0) { $debugroot = DISCUSS_HELPERS . '/debug'; $firephp = false; $chromephp = false; if (JFile::exists($debugroot . '/fb.php') && JFile::exists($debugroot . '/FirePHP.class.php')) { include_once $debugroot . '/fb.php'; fb($var); } if (JFile::exists($debugroot . '/chromephp.php')) { include_once $debugroot . '/chromephp.php'; ChromePhp::log($var); } }
<?php $app->group('/wb', function () use($app, $wb_oauth) { //callback $app->get('/callback/:code', function ($code) use($wb_oauth) { ChromePhp::log($code); }); //go to auth $app->get('/go', function () use($app, $wb_oauth) { $url = $wb_oauth->getAuthorizeURL(WB_CALLBACK_URL); //$url = ''; $app->redirect($url, 301); }); });
<?php require_once '../../db.php'; require_once '../../ChromePhp.php'; $imageSet = $_POST['imageSet']; $scientist = $_SESSION['user']['id']; $stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM pictureset " . "WHERE id = :id AND person = :scientist"); $stmt->execute(array(':id' => $imageSet, ':scientist' => $scientist)); $res = $stmt->fetch(); ChromePhp::log($res); echo json_encode($res); ?>
public static function log($id, $message) { if (!Logger::$test) { ChromePhp::log($id . ":" . $message); } }
public static function log($var, $force = 0) { if ($force == 1 || Komento::getKonfig()->get('komento_environment') == 'development') { $debugroot = KOMENTO_HELPERS . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'debug' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (JFile::exists($debugroot . 'fb.php') && JFile::exists($debugroot . 'FirePHP.class.php')) { include_once $debugroot . 'fb.php'; fb($var); } if (JFile::exists($debugroot . 'chromephp.php')) { include_once $debugroot . 'chromephp.php'; ChromePhp::log($var); } } }
public function table($caption, $data) { ChromePhp::log($caption, $data); }
try { $stmt = $db->exec("TRUNCATE TABLE experiment"); ChromePhp::log($stmt); echo json_encode($stmt); } catch (Exception $ex) { ChromePhp::log($ex->getMessage()); } } else { //user is presumed not admin therefore a check on owner of experiment. if ($userCheck == 1) { //user check is required, checks if user is the owner of experiments try { $stmt = $db->exec("DELETE FROM experiment WHERE date < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL '" . $interval . "' ) AND person = '" . $userId . "'"); echo json_encode($stmt); ChromePhp::log("Update complete"); //for logging purposes } catch (Exception $ex) { ChromePhp::log($ex->getMessage()); } } elseif ($access == 1) { //user is admin, deletes all experiments from chosen interval. try { $stmt = $db->exec("DELETE FROM experiment WHERE date < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL '" . $interval . "' )"); echo json_encode($stmt); ChromePhp::log("Update complete"); //for logging purposes } catch (Exception $ex) { ChromePhp::log($ex->getMessage()); } } }
public function guardarMontoAsignadoAut($post) { global $cnx; extract($post); // ChromePhp::log($post); try { $qobra = "UPDATE pobra SET MontoAsignado = {$montoInv}, MontoAutorizado = {$montoInv} WHERE idsol = {$idsol}"; // ChromePhp::log($qobra); $result = $cnx->Execute($qobra); $montoInversion = str_replace(",", "", $montoInversion); $municipal = str_replace(",", "", $municipal); $montoInversion = $montoInversion * 1 - ($montoTotalAAe * 1 + $municipal * 1); $hoy = date('Y-m-d'); $montoTotal = $montoInversion; $montoMunicipal = $municipal * 1; $porcenfed = explode(",", $porfed); $qmfed = "SELECT monto FROM relsolfte WHERE tipoFte = 1 AND idsol =" . $idsol; // ChromePhp::log($qmfed); $result = $cnx->GetRow($qmfed); for ($i = 0; $i < count($ffed); $i++) { if ($ffed[$i] != 0 && $ffed[$i] != "" && $federal[$i] != 0 && $federal[$i] != "") { $monto[$i] = $result[$i] * 1 + str_replace(",", "", $federal[$i]) * 1; $queryffed = "UPDATE relsolfte SET monto = " . $monto[$i] . ", MontoAutorizado = " . $monto[$i] . " " . "WHERE idSol = " . $idsol . " AND idFte = " . $ffed[$i] . " AND tipoFte = 1"; ChromePhp::log($queryffed); $resffed = $cnx->GetRow($queryffed); } } $porcenest = explode(",", $porest); $qmest = "SELECT monto FROM relsolfte WHERE tipoFte = 2 AND idsol =" . $idsol; // ChromePhp::log($qmest); $result2 = $cnx->GetRow($qmest); for ($j = 0; $j < count($fest); $j++) { if ($fest[$j] != 0 && $fest[$j] != "" && $estatal[$j] != 0 && $estatal[$j] != "") { $monto[$j] = $result2[$j] * 1 + str_replace(",", "", $estatal[$j]) * 1; $queryfest = "UPDATE relsolfte SET monto = " . $monto[$j] . ", MontoAutorizado = " . $monto[$j] . " " . "WHERE idSol = " . $idsol . " AND idFte = " . $fest[$j] . " AND tipoFte = 2"; ChromePhp::log($queryfest); $resffest = $cnx->GetRow($queryfest); } } $respuesta = $idsol; } catch (Exception $ex) { $respuesta = $ex; } return $respuesta; }