  * Sets up our actions/filters.
  * @since 1.0.0
 public function __construct()
     $this->plugin = Cherry_Social::get_instance();
     $this->prefix = $this->get_prefix();
     add_action('init', array($this, 'register_shortcodes'));
     add_filter('cherry_shortcodes/data/shortcodes', array($this, 'shortcodes'));
Exemple #2
  * Callbck method for register static.
  * @since 1.0.0
 public function callback()
     $plugin = Cherry_Social::get_instance();
     $title = $plugin->get_option('follow-title');
     if (!empty($title)) {
         $title_wrap = sprintf('<h3 class="%1$s">%2$s</h3>', 'cherry-follow_title', $title);
         $title_wrap = apply_filters('cherry_social_follow_static_title', $title_wrap);
         echo $title_wrap;
  * Initialize the plugin by loading admin scripts & styles and adding a
  * settings page and menu.
  * @since 1.0.0
 private function __construct()
     $plugin = Cherry_Social::get_instance();
     $this->plugin_slug = $plugin->get_plugin_slug();
     // Load admin stylesheet and JavaScript.
     add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'enqueue_admin_styles'));
     add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'enqueue_admin_scripts'));
     // Add the options page and menu item.
     add_action('admin_menu', array($this, 'add_plugin_admin_menu'));
     // Add an action link pointing to the options page.
     $plugin_basename = plugin_basename(plugin_dir_path(realpath(dirname(__FILE__))) . $this->plugin_slug . '.php');
     add_filter('plugin_action_links_' . $plugin_basename, array($this, 'add_action_links'));
  * Specifies the classname and description.
  * @since 1.0.0
 public function __construct()
     parent::__construct($this->get_widget_slug(), __('Cherry Follow Us', 'cherry-social'), array('classname' => $this->get_widget_slug() . '-class', 'description' => __('A social follow widget.', 'cherry-social')));
     $this->plugin = Cherry_Social::get_instance();
     $this->follow_items = $this->plugin->get_option('follow-items', array());
     if (!empty($this->follow_items)) {
         $values = wp_list_pluck($this->follow_items, 'link-label');
         $keys = array_map('sanitize_key', $values);
         $this->follow_items = array_combine($keys, $values);
     // Refreshing the widget's cached output with each new post.
     add_action('save_post', array($this, 'flush_widget_cache'));
     add_action('deleted_post', array($this, 'flush_widget_cache'));
     add_action('switch_theme', array($this, 'flush_widget_cache'));
Exemple #5
            // 	'type'        => 'select',
            // 	'title'       => __( 'Position', 'cherry-social' ),
            // 	'decsription' => __( 'Choose where you would like the share buttons to appear, before or after the main content.', 'cherry-social' ),
            // 	'value'       => 'bottom',
            // 	'options'     => array(
            // 		'top'    => __( 'Top', 'cherry-social' ),
            // 		'bottom' => __( 'Bottom', 'cherry-social' ),
            // 		'both'   => __( 'Top and Bottom', 'cherry-social' ),
            // 	)
            // );
            // Follow Us.
            $social_options['follow-title'] = array('type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Follow Us title', 'cherry-social'), 'decsription' => __('This title is used in `Follow Us` static.', 'cherry-social'), 'value' => __('Follow Us', 'cherry-social'));
            $social_options['follow-items'] = array('type' => 'repeater', 'title' => __('Follow Us networks', 'cherry-social'), 'decsription' => __('Set the social networks to display for following', 'cherry-social'), 'value' => array(array('external-link' => 'https://www.facebook.com/cherry.framework', 'font-class' => 'flaticon-facebook', 'link-label' => __('Facebook', 'cherry-social')), array('external-link' => 'https://twitter.com/CherryFramework', 'font-class' => 'flaticon-twitter', 'link-label' => __('Twitter', 'cherry-social')), array('external-link' => 'https://plus.google.com/u/0/110473764189007055556/posts', 'font-class' => 'flaticon-googleplus', 'link-label' => __('Google+', 'cherry-social'))));
            $sections['social-section'] = array('name' => __('Social', 'cherry-social'), 'icon' => 'dashicons dashicons-share', 'priority' => 120, 'options-list' => $social_options);
            // $sections['social-share-subsection'] = array(
            // 	'name'         => __( 'Sharing', 'cherry-social' ),
            // 	'icon'         => 'dashicons dashicons-arrow-right',
            // 	'parent'       => 'social-section',
            // 	'options-list' => $share_options,
            // );
            // $sections['social-follow-subsection'] = array(
            // 	'name'         => __( 'Follow', 'cherry-social' ),
            // 	'icon'         => 'dashicons dashicons-arrow-right',
            // 	'parent'       => 'social-section',
            // 	'options-list' => $follow_options,
            // );
            return $sections;