<div class="panel-heading text-center">Checkout Details</div> <div class="panel-body text-center"> <p> <?php printf("<strong>Checkout ID:</strong> %s<br /><br />", $checkout->getID()); printf("<strong>Description:</strong> %s<br /><br />", $checkout->getDescription()); if (!empty($checkout->getDRNumber())) { echo "<strong>DR:</strong> " . $checkout->getDRNumber() . "<br /><br />"; } if (!empty($checkout->getLocation())) { echo "<strong>Location:</strong> " . $checkout->getLocation() . "<br /><br />"; } $personName = getPersonName($checkout->getPerson()); printf("<strong>Person:</strong> %s<br /><br />", $personName); $co_start = new DateTime($checkout->getStart()); $co_end = new DateTime($checkout->getEnd()); printf("<strong>Start Time:</strong> %s<br /><br />", $co_start->format('m-d-y g:iA')); printf("<strong>End Time:</strong> %s<br /><br />", $co_end->format('m-d-y g:iA')); if ($checkout->getReturned()) { $retDate = new DateTime($checkout->getReturned()); echo "<strong>Returned:</strong> " . $retDate->format('m-d-y g:iA') . "<br /><br />"; } if ($loggedInUser->checkPermission(array(2)) || $loggedInUser->user_id == $checkout->getPerson()) { echo "<form id='retForm' role='form' action='" . htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]) . "' method='POST'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='co_id' value='" . $co_id . "' />"; echo "<input id='now' type='hidden' name='dateTime' />"; //fill with JS on button click echo "</form>"; echo "<a class='btn btn-success' href='edit-checkout.php?co_id=" . $co_id . "'>Edit</a> "; echo "<a class='btn btn-danger' href='checkout.php?co_id=" . $co_id . "&delete=true'>Delete</a>"; }
} } else { $dr_number = $co->getDRNumber(); } if (!empty($co_start) && $co->getStart() != $co_start) { //start change if ($validDates) { $co->setStart($co_start); $successes[] = "Start time/date updated successfully"; } else { $co_start = $co->getStart(); } } else { $co_start = $co->getStart(); } if (!empty($co_end) && $co->getEnd() != $co_end) { // end change if ($validDates) { $co->setEnd($co_end); $successes[] = "End time/date updated successfully"; } else { $co_end = $co->getEnd(); } } else { $co_end = $co->getEnd(); } } else { if ($step == 2) { //need to process gear list //collect vars from step 1 $co_id = test_input($_POST['co_id']);