function login($data) { //global $tpl; $objResponse = new xajaxResponse(); include 'settings/tables.php'; /* Crypt Password with MD5 Method */ $pw_crypted = MD5(mysql_real_escape_string($data['password'])); //encrypt password with MD5 $email = mysql_real_escape_string($data['email']); /******************************************/ /* Create Object :: EXIST */ $logon = new CheckExist(); /******************************************/ /* Check :: EXIST */ $logon->tableE = $tbl_users; $logon->conditionE = " UserEmail = '" . $email . "' && UserPass = '******' && activation_code = '' "; $CheckData = $logon->exist(); /******************************************/ /* Change Status :: Login successful or failed */ if ($CheckData == 1) { $logon->email = $email; $logon->pw = $pw_crypted; $logon->tbl_users = $tbl_users; //setcookie if (isset($data['autologon'])) { $logon->cookie_duration = 1; } else { $logon->cookie_duration = 0; } $logon->cookieset('ly'); $objResponse->Script("document.getElementById('submit_login').onclick()"); $objResponse->redirect(ROOT_DIR); //return true; } else { $logon->email = ''; $logon->pw = ''; //$logon->cookieset('l'); $objResponse->assign("p_logon_failure", "style.display", 'block'); $objResponse->assign("p_logon_failure", "innerHTML", "Login information could not be verified.<br> Please try it again."); //TODO move string to language file //$tpl->display("logon/login.tpl"); //return false; } unset($logon); /******************************************/ return $objResponse; }
$blog->update(); /******************************************/ /* Delete :: Object UPDATE */ unset($blog); /******************************************/ /* UPDATE :: RSS Feed */ include 'update_rss_blog.php'; /******************************************/ /* Load :: Updated Main Content */ $GetPage = new SelectEntrys(); $GetPage->cols = 'date'; $GetPage->table = $tbl_blog; $GetPage->condition = " id = '{$_POST['id']}' "; $Tdate = $GetPage->row(); unset($GetPage); $GetPage = new CheckExist(); $GetPage->tableE = $tbl_blog; $GetPage->conditionE = "date > '{$Tdate}' AND deleted = '0' "; $newer_entries = $GetPage->exist(); unset($GetPage); $page = $newer_entries / $set[0]['perpage_blog']; $page = floor($page); $page++; header("Location:" . ROOT_DIR . "blog/" . $_POST['id'] . "/"); /******************************************/ } else { if (isset($preview)) { include "modules/blog/output.php"; include 'modules/blog/preview.php'; $tpl->assign('array', $array); $tpl->display("formular/form_main.tpl");
<?php if ($_GET['module'] != 'flash') { $ay_cats_active = explode(",", $user_data['flash_categories_visible']); $flash_cats = new CheckExist(); $flash_cats->tableE = $tbl_flash_categories; $n_flash_cats = $flash_cats->exist(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $n_flash_cats; $i++) { if (in_array($i, $ay_cats_active)) { $tpl->assign('flash_cat_' . $i, "checked='checked'"); } else { $tpl->assign('flash_cat_' . $i, ""); } } } if ($user_data['flash_categories_visible'] != "" || $_GET['module'] == 'flash') { $cats = $user_data['flash_categories_visible']; $flashes = new SelectEntrys(); $flashes->cols = 'ID, section, category, type, question, likes, dislikes, opt1, opt2, opt3, opt4, opt5, opt6, opt7, opt8, opt9, opt10, opt1_votes, opt2_votes, opt3_votes, opt4_votes, opt5_votes, opt6_votes, opt7_votes, opt8_votes, opt9_votes, opt10_votes'; $flashes->table = $tbl_flashes; if ($_GET['module'] == 'flash') { $flashes->condition = "category = {$cid}"; } else { $flashes->condition = "category IN ({$cats})"; } $flashes->order = 'CreateDate DESC'; $flashes->limit = $per_page_flashes; $flashes->multiSelect = '1'; $ay_flashes = $flashes->row(); if ($ay_flashes == "") { $ay_flashes = array();
<?php require_once 'dbCon.php'; require_once '../settings/dbCon.php'; include "../settings/tables.php"; include "exist.php"; if ($_GET['s'] == "check_email") { $email = trim(stripslashes(mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['email']))); $email_exist = new CheckExist(); $email_exist->tableE = $tbl_users; $email_exist->conditionE = "UserEmail = '{$email}' "; $obj_return = $email_exist->exist(); echo $obj_return; }
/******************************************/ /* Clear thumbs directory */ $thumbs->directory = $dir_thumbs; $thumbs->listfolder('clear'); rmdir("gallery/{$folder}/thumbs"); /******************************************/ /* Delete entry */ $gallery->table = $tbl_gallery; $gallery->condition = " id = '{$_POST['gid']}' "; $gallery->delete(); /******************************************/ /* Delete :: Object INSERT */ unset($gallery); /******************************************/ /* Get total rows */ $gallery = new CheckExist(); $gallery->tableE = $tbl_gallery; $gallery->conditionE = ""; $TotalRows = $gallery->exist(); unset($gallery); /******************************************/ /* Load :: Updated Main Content */ if (!isset($_GET['page'])) { $page_current = '1'; } else { $page_current = $_GET['page']; } $max_pages = ceil($TotalRows / $set[0]["perpage_gallery"]); if ($max_pages > 1 && $page_current <= $max_pages) { $page_url = 'gallery/page/' . $page_current . '/'; } else {
$single_array[] = $array_blog_comments[$b]['bid']; $array_comments[$b]['bid'] = $array_blog_comments[$b]['bid']; $array_comments[$b]['comment_numbers'] = $array_blog_comments[$b]['COUNT(id)']; $array_comments[$b]['comment_time'] = convert_date_comments($array_blog_comments[$b]['MAXtime']); $array_comments[$b]['comment_time'] = substr($array_comments[$b]['comment_time'], 0, strlen($array_comments[$b]['comment_time']) - 8); } $string_bids = implode(",", $single_array); $b_title = new SelectEntrys(); $b_title->cols = 'id, title_DE, title_EN, date'; $b_title->table = $tbl_blog; $b_title->condition = "id IN ({$string_bids})"; $b_title->multiSelect = '1'; $array_b_titles = $b_title->row(); for ($b = 0; $b < count($array_b_titles); $b++) { $date = $array_b_titles[$b]['date']; $get_page = new CheckExist(); $get_page->tableE = $tbl_blog; $get_page->conditionE = " date > '{$date}' "; $_page = $get_page->exist(); unset($get_page); $bid = $array_b_titles[$b]['id']; $final_page = floor($_page / $set[0]['perpage_blog']) + 1; $array_b[$bid]['title_DE'] = $array_b_titles[$b]['title_DE']; $array_b[$bid]['title_EN'] = $array_b_titles[$b]['title_EN']; $array_b[$bid]['link'] = 'blog/' . $final_page . '/' . $bid . '/#c' . $bid; } for ($b = 0; $b < count($array_comments); $b++) { $bid = $array_comments[$b]['bid']; $array_comments[$b]['title_DE'] = $array_b[$bid]['title_DE']; $array_comments[$b]['title_EN'] = $array_b[$bid]['title_DE']; $array_comments[$b]['link'] = $array_b[$bid]['link'];
<?php /* Crypt Password with MD5 Method */ $pw_crypted = MD5($_POST['UserPass']); /******************************************/ /* Create Object :: EXIST */ $logon = new CheckExist(); /******************************************/ /* Check :: EXIST */ $logon->tableE = $tbl_users; $logon->conditionE = " UserEmail = '" . $_POST['UserEmail'] . "' && UserPass = '******' && activation_code = '' "; $CheckData = $logon->exist(); /******************************************/ /* Change Status :: Login successful or failed */ if ($CheckData == 1) { $logon->email = $_POST['UserEmail']; $logon->pw = $pw_crypted; $logon->tbl_users = $tbl_users; if (isset($_POST['autologon'])) { $logon->cookie_duration = 1; } else { $logon->cookie_duration = 0; } $logon->cookieset('l'); header("Location:" . ROOT_DIR); } else { $logon->email = ''; $logon->pw = ''; //$logon->cookieset('l'); $tpl->assign('logon_failure', true); //$tpl->display("logon/login.tpl");
function update_visiter_stats($tbl_visiter, $tbl_settings, $timestamp, $del_old_visiters, $time_new_visiter) { require_once 'lib/select.php'; require_once 'lib/modify.php'; require_once 'lib/exist.php'; $delimiter = $timestamp - $del_old_visiters * 60; // delete entries older than 2 weeks 60*60*24*14 $visiter = new ModifyEntry(); $visiter->table = $tbl_visiter; $visiter->condition = " UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) < {$delimiter} "; $visiter->delete(); unset($visiter); $delimiter = $timestamp - $time_new_visiter * 60; $visiter = new CheckExist(); $visiter->tableE = $tbl_visiter; $visiter->conditionE = " IP = '" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "' AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) >= {$delimiter} "; $visiter_exist = $visiter->exist(); unset($visiter); if ($visiter_exist == 0) { //$country = file_get_contents(''.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $timestamp); $visiter = new ModifyEntry(); $visiter->table = $tbl_visiter; $visiter->cols = 'IP, date, browser, country, referer'; $visiter->values = " '" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "', '{$date}', '" . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . "', 'unknown', '" . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . "' "; $visiter->insert(); $visiter->table = $tbl_settings; $visiter->changes = " visiters_total = visiters_total+1 "; $visiter->condition = " id = '1' "; $visiter->update(); unset($visiter); } return false; }
<?php /* Crypt Password with MD5 Method */ $pw_crypted = MD5($_POST[password]); /******************************************/ /* Create Object :: EXIST */ require_once './lib/exist.php'; $hits = new CheckExist(); /******************************************/ /* Check :: EXIST */ $hits->tableE = $tbl_users; $hits->conditionE = " UserName = '******'username']}' && UserPass = '******' "; $CheckData = $hits->exist(); /******************************************/ /* Change Status :: Login successful or failed */ if ($CheckData == 1) { $hits->user = $_POST[username]; $hits->pw = $pw_crypted; $hits->tbl_users = $tbl_users; $hits->cookieset(); header("Location:" . ROOT_DIR . "admin/"); } else { $hits->user = ''; $hits->pw = ''; $hits->cookieset(); $tpl->assign('failure', true); $tpl->display("logon/login.tpl"); } unset($hits); /******************************************/
if (empty($_POST[name])) { $_POST[name] = $name_guest; } $_POST["comment"] = strip_tags($_POST["comment"]); $blog->table = $tbl_blog_comments; $blog->cols = 'bid, name, comment, lang, ip'; $blog->values = " '{$_POST['bid']}', '{$_POST['name']}', '{$_POST['comment']}', '{$lang_active}', '{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}' "; $blog->insert(); /******************************************/ /* Prevent Spam :: Save IP and set cookie */ if ($set[0]["time_ban"] > 0) { $blog->table = $tbl_blog_spamban; $blog->cols = 'ip, bid'; $blog->values = " '{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}', '{$_POST['bid']}' "; $blog->insert(); $spam = new CheckExist(); $c_name = "ip_" . $_POST[bid]; $c_content = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $c_time = time() + 60 * $set[0]["time_ban"]; $spam->cookieIP($c_name, $c_content, $c_time, '/'); unset($spam); } /******************************************/ /* Load :: Updated Main Content */ header("Location:" . ROOT_DIR . $page_url); /******************************************/ } } else { /* Delete :: Old blocked IPs */ $blog = new ModifyEntry(); $blog->table = $tbl_blog_spamban;
<?php /* Create Object :: EXIST */ $logon = new CheckExist(); /******************************************/ /* Logout :: Delete Cookie */ $logon->email = ''; $logon->pw = ''; $logon->cookieset('l'); //$tpl->display("logon/login.tpl"); //$memcache->delete('user_data_'.$user_data['ID']); unset($logon); session_destroy(); header("Location:" . ROOT_DIR); /******************************************/
/* if (!isset($bd_scale_dates[0])) { $bd_check = new CheckExist(); $bd_check->tableE = $tbl_users; $validity_check->conditionE = "UserToken = '".$_GET['t']."' && activation_code = '".$_GET['c']."' "; $validity = $validity_check->exist(); } */ //require_once('././lib/functions/convert_date.php'); //Load Data that is displayed on landing page (diary, etc.) $diary_show_random = true; include "././lib/functions/fetch_diary.php"; $tpl->assign('ay_diary', $ay_diary); $diary_entry_tdy = new CheckExist(); $diary_entry_tdy->tableE = $tbl_diary; $diary_entry_tdy->conditionE = " userID = '" . $user_data['ID'] . "' AND DATE_FORMAT(date,'%Y-%m-%d') = CURDATE()"; $dy_entry_tdy = $diary_entry_tdy->exist(); if ($dy_entry_tdy == 1) { $tpl->assign('entry_today', 1); } else { $tpl->assign('entry_today', 0); } //define selected state for filter options $c_month = date("m", $timestamp); $c_year = date("Y", $timestamp); $tpl->assign('c_month', $c_month); $tpl->assign('c_year', $c_year); $goals_show_landing = true; include "././lib/functions/fetch_goals.php";
function save($site, $FormValues) { global $memcache; global $tpl; global $duration; global $_COOKIE; include 'settings/tables.php'; $objResponse = new xajaxResponse(); if (!isset($_COOKIE["l"])) { $objResponse->redirect(ROOT_DIR); return $objResponse; } $l["token"] = substr($_COOKIE["l"], 3, -35); $mem_key1 = "user_data_" . $l["token"]; $user_data = $memcache->get($mem_key1); $mem_key2 = "trigger_f_" . $l["token"]; $trigger_f = $memcache->get($mem_key2); include 'modules/logon/get_userdata.php'; $mem_key3 = "ay_flashes_voted_" . $l["token"]; $mem_key4 = "ay_flashes_rated_" . $l["token"]; $ay_flashes_voted = $memcache->get($mem_key3); $ay_flashes_rated = $memcache->get($mem_key4); $ay_flash_cats = $memcache->get('ay_flash_cats'); include 'modules/flash/flashfeed_add.php'; $mysqldate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()); if ($site == 'sections_public') { if (isset($FormValues['sections_public'])) { $sections_public = implode(',', $FormValues['sections_public']); } else { $sections_public = ''; } $upd_data = new ModifyEntry(); $upd_data->table = $tbl_users; $upd_data->condition = " ID = '" . $user_data['ID'] . "' "; $upd_data->changes = " sections_public = '{$sections_public}' "; $upd_data->update(); unset($upd_data); $user_data['sections_public'] = $sections_public; $mem_key1 = "user_data_" . $l["token"]; $memcache->replace($mem_key1, $user_data, false); if (isset($FormValues['sections_public'])) { for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) { if (in_array($i, $FormValues['sections_public'])) { $tpl->assign('f_sharing_' . $i, "checked='checked'"); } else { $tpl->assign('f_sharing_' . $i, ""); } } } else { for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) { $tpl->assign('f_sharing_' . $i, ""); } } } else { if ($site == 'flash_cat') { if (isset($FormValues['flash_cats'])) { $flash_cats = implode(',', $FormValues['flash_cats']); } else { $flash_cats = ''; } $upd_data = new ModifyEntry(); $upd_data->table = $tbl_users; $upd_data->condition = " ID = '" . $user_data['ID'] . "' "; $upd_data->changes = " flash_categories_visible = '{$flash_cats}' "; $upd_data->update(); unset($upd_data); $user_data['flash_categories_visible'] = $flash_cats; $mem_key1 = "user_data_" . $l["token"]; $memcache->replace($mem_key1, $user_data, false); $flash_cats_n = new CheckExist(); $flash_cats_n->tableE = $tbl_flash_categories; $n_flash_cats = $flash_cats_n->exist(); if (isset($FormValues['flash_cats'])) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $n_flash_cats; $i++) { if (in_array($i, $FormValues['flash_cats'])) { $tpl->assign('flash_cat_' . $i, "checked='checked'"); } else { $tpl->assign('flash_cat_' . $i, ""); } } } else { for ($i = 1; $i <= $n_flash_cats; $i++) { $tpl->assign('flash_cat_' . $i, ""); } } /*redundant*/ if ($flash_cats != "") { $flashes = new SelectEntrys(); $flashes->cols = 'ID, section, category, type, question, likes, dislikes, opt1, opt2, opt3, opt4, opt5, opt6, opt7, opt8, opt9, opt10, opt1_votes, opt2_votes, opt3_votes, opt4_votes, opt5_votes, opt6_votes, opt7_votes, opt8_votes, opt9_votes, opt10_votes'; $flashes->table = $tbl_flashes; $flashes->condition = 'category IN (' . $flash_cats . ')'; $flashes->order = 'CreateDate DESC'; $flashes->limit = 10; $flashes->multiSelect = '1'; $ay_flashes = $flashes->row(); if ($ay_flashes == "") { $ay_flashes = array(); } } else { $ay_flashes = array(); } /***/ $tpl->assign('ay_flashes', $ay_flashes); $tpl->assign('section', "category"); $tpl->assign('ay_flash_categories', $memcache->get('ay_flash_cats')); $mem_key3 = "ay_flashes_voted_" . $l["token"]; $mem_key4 = "ay_flashes_rated_" . $l["token"]; $tpl->assign('ay_flashes_voted', $memcache->get($mem_key3)); $tpl->assign('ay_flashes_rated', $memcache->get($mem_key4)); $html = $tpl->fetch("modules/flash/flash_cats.tpl"); $html2 = $tpl->fetch("modules/flash/flashfeed.tpl"); $objResponse->assign("flash_cats", "innerHTML", $html); $objResponse->assign("flashfeed", "innerHTML", $html2); } else { if ($site == 'flash') { $id = $FormValues['flashID']; $type = $FormValues['flash_type']; $flash_opt_str = 'flash_opt_' . $id; $flash_res = new ModifyEntry(); $str = ''; foreach ($FormValues['opt'] as $opt) { if ($str == '') { $str = "opt" . $opt . "_votes=opt" . $opt . "_votes+1"; } else { $str = $str . ", opt" . $opt . "_votes=opt" . $opt . "_votes+1"; } $flash_res->table = $tbl_flash_results; $flash_res->cols = 'userID, flashID, opt, time'; $flash_res->values = " '" . $user_data['ID'] . "', '{$id}', '{$opt}', '{$mysqldate}'"; $flash_res->insert(); } unset($flash_res); $upd_data = new ModifyEntry(); $upd_data->table = $tbl_flashes; $upd_data->condition = " ID = '{$id}' "; $upd_data->changes = " {$str}, total_votes = total_votes +1 "; $upd_data->update(); unset($upd_data); $flash_result = new SelectEntrys(); $flash_result->cols = 'opt1, opt2, opt3, opt4, opt5, opt6, opt7, opt8, opt9, opt10, opt1_votes, opt2_votes, opt3_votes, opt4_votes, opt5_votes, opt6_votes, opt7_votes, opt8_votes, opt9_votes, opt10_votes'; $flash_result->table = $tbl_flashes; $flash_result->condition = " ID = '{$id}' "; $flash_result->multiSelect = 1; $ay_flash_result = $flash_result->row(); unset($flash_result); foreach ($ay_flash_result as $key => $value) { $arr = $value; } $ay_flashes_voted[] = $id; sort($ay_flashes_voted); $mem_key3 = "ay_flashes_voted_" . $l["token"]; $memcache->replace($mem_key3, $ay_flashes_voted, false); $tpl->assign("section", "category"); $tpl->assign("i", $arr); $html = $tpl->fetch("modules/flash/flash_result.tpl"); $objResponse->assign($flash_opt_str, "innerHTML", $html); } else { if ($site == 'friends') { //$str_restricted = explode(",", $user_data['fb_friends_restricted']); $FormValues = intval(substr($FormValues, 3)); //settype($FormValues, "string"); foreach ($user_data['fb_friends'] as $key => $value) { if ($value["friendID"] == "{$FormValues}") { if ($value["restricted"] == 1) { $restri = 0; } if ($value["restricted"] == 0) { $restri = 1; } $user_data['fb_friends'][$key]["restricted"] = $restri; } } $upd_data = new ModifyEntry(); $upd_data->table = $tbl_friends; $upd_data->condition = " userID = '" . $user_data['ID'] . "' AND friendID = '{$FormValues}' "; $upd_data->changes = " restricted = '{$restri}' "; $upd_data->update(); $mem_key1 = "user_data_" . $l["token"]; $memcache->replace($mem_key1, $user_data, false); } else { if ($site == 'favorite') { $already_fav = new CheckExist(); $already_fav->tableE = $tbl_favorites; $already_fav->conditionE = " userID = '" . $user_data['ID'] . "' AND flashID = '{$FormValues}' "; $already_fav = $already_fav->exist(); if ($already_fav == 0) { $ins_data = new ModifyEntry(); $ins_data->table = $tbl_favorites; $ins_data->cols = 'userID, flashID'; $ins_data->values = " '" . $user_data['ID'] . "', '{$FormValues}' "; $ins_data->insert(); unset($ins_data); } $p_favorited_id = 'p_favorited_' . $FormValues; $objResponse->assign($p_favorited_id, "innerHTML", "Favorite saved successfully"); } } } } } return $objResponse; }
if (isset($submitC)) { $toggleS_style = ''; $toggleS_img = 'collapse'; $toggleS_title = $toggle_collapseC; } $counter++; if (isset($save_pages)) { $tpl->assign("array_p", $save_pages); $lastpage = end($save_pages); $tpl->assign("pagesT", $lastpage['page']); $tpl->assign("title_pagenavi", $blog_navi); } $tpl->assign("page", $page); /* Spam Ban still active? */ $c_name = "ip_" . $id; $spamban_D = new CheckExist(); $spamban_D->tableE = $tbl_blog_spamban; $spamban_D->conditionE = "bid = '{$id}' AND ip = '{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}' "; $spamban = $spamban_D->exist(); if (isset($_COOKIE[$c_name])) { $spamban = 1; } /**************************/ } // end :: module != 'admin' if (!isset($preview)) { //date format: 0000-00-00 00:00:00 $c_year = substr($b_timestamp, 0, 4); $c_month = substr($b_timestamp, 5, 2); $c_day = substr($b_timestamp, 8, 2); $c_hour = substr($b_timestamp, 11, 2);
/******************************************/ /* Administrator Login Status */ if ($_COOKIE["userdata"]) { /* Call Method :: Explode the Cookie */ $str = explode("|", $_COOKIE["userdata"]); /******************************************/ /* Maybe user is locked? */ $status = new SelectEntrys(); $status->userid = $str[1]; $status->cols = 'status'; $Mystatus = $status->getUserData(); unset($status); /******************************************/ if ($Mystatus == 1) { /* Admin or Superadmin status? */ $admin = new SelectEntrys(); $admin->userid = $str[1]; $admin->cols = 'admin'; $Myadmin = $admin->getUserData(); unset($admin); /******************************************/ /* Compare Cookie data with database */ require_once './lib/exist.php'; $logon = new CheckExist(); $logon->tableE = $tbl_users; $logon->conditionE = " UserID = '{$str['1']}' && UserPass = '******'2']}' "; $logon_true = $logon->exist(); /******************************************/ } } /******************************************/
} else { if ($Myadmin != "1") { $links_c->condition = "visibility = '1' "; } } } $links_c->multiSelect = '1'; $array_c = $links_c->row(); unset($links_c); $tpl->assign('array_c_names', $array_c_names); $tpl->assign('array_c', $array_c); $tpl->assign("form_nopreview", "1"); /**************************/ /* Check if links are available in the selected category */ if ($_GET['cid'] > 0) { $links = new CheckExist(); $links->tableE = $tbl_links; if ($Myadmin == "1") { $links->conditionE = " cid = '{$_GET['cid']}' "; } else { $links->conditionE = " cid = '{$_GET['cid']}' AND visibility = '1' "; } $links_total = $links->exist(); unset($links); } /**************************/ /* Load :: Link section */ $links = new SelectEntrys(); $links->cols = ' id, cid, link, description, description_EN, position, visibility '; $links->table = $tbl_links; $links->order = "cid, position";
<?php /* Create Object :: EXIST */ $hits = new CheckExist(); /******************************************/ /* Logout :: Delete Cookie */ $hits->user = ''; $hits->pw = ''; $hits->cookieset(); $tpl->display("logon/login.tpl"); header("Location:" . ROOT_DIR . "admin/"); unset($hits); /******************************************/
$cats = $f_cats->row(); //same for sections_public if needed foreach ($cats as $key => $value) { $arr[] = $value['ID']; } $str_cats = implode(",", $arr); $upd_data = new ModifyEntry(); $upd_data->table = $tbl_users; $upd_data->condition = " UserToken = '" . $_POST['t'] . "' "; $upd_data->changes = " nationality = '" . $_POST['nationality'] . "', residence = '" . $_POST['residence'] . "', gender = '" . $_POST['gender'] . "', birthday = '{$birthday}', flash_categories_visible = '{$str_cats}', activation_code = '' "; $upd_data->update(); unset($upd_data); header("Location:" . ROOT_DIR . "register/activation.html?t=" . $_POST['t'] . "&e=success"); } else { if (isset($_GET['c']) && isset($_GET['t'])) { $validity_check = new CheckExist(); $validity_check->tableE = $tbl_users; $validity_check->conditionE = "UserToken = '" . $_GET['t'] . "' && activation_code = '" . $_GET['c'] . "' "; $validity = $validity_check->exist(); $tpl->assign('validity', $validity); if ($validity == 1) { /* Prepare country list for registration */ $countries = new SelectEntrys(); $countries->cols = 'ID, ' . $lang_active; $countries->table = $tbl_countries; $countries->order = $lang_active; $countries->multiSelect = '1'; $ay_countries = $countries->row(); unset($countries); $ay_born = array(); $year_born_i = '1950';
function registerUser($data, $action) { global $db; global $debug_mode; $objResponse = new xajaxResponse(); include 'settings/tables.php'; $reg_failure = ""; $email = trim(stripslashes(mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $data['email']))); $firstname = trim(stripslashes(mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $data['firstname']))); if ($action == 'register') { $password = trim(stripslashes(mysqli_real_escape_string($db, md5($data['password'])))); $password2 = trim(stripslashes(mysqli_real_escape_string($db, md5($data['password2'])))); $beta_code = trim(stripslashes(mysqli_real_escape_string($db, md5($data['betacode'])))); //generate activation code $act_code = md5(uniqid(rand())); $token = time() . uniqid(); //check if email is already registered $checkemail = new CheckExist(); $checkemail->tableE = $tbl_users; $checkemail->conditionE = " UserEmail = '" . $email . "' "; $CheckData = $checkemail->exist(); //error handling and validation if (!preg_match('/^([a-zA-Z0-9])+([\\.a-zA-Z0-9_-])*@([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+(\\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)+/', $email)) { $reg_failure = "Email not valid."; } elseif (strlen($email) < 5) { $reg_failure = "Email not valid."; } elseif ($CheckData > 0) { $reg_failure = "Email already taken."; } elseif ($password != $password2) { $reg_failure = "Passwords do not match. Please correct your information and try it again."; } elseif (strlen($data['password']) < 5 || strlen($data['password2']) < 5) { $reg_failure = "Password is too short. Please correct your information and try it again."; } elseif (strlen($firstname) < 3) { $reg_failure = "Firstname is too short. Please correct your information and try it again."; } elseif ($beta_code != 'X2DH38u3z') { $reg_failure = "Beta Access Code not valid. Please correct your information and try it again."; } //registration validation successful if ($reg_failure == "") { //create new user in database $user_register = new ModifyEntry(); $user_register->table = $tbl_users; $user_register->cols = 'UserToken, UserEmail, UserPass, firstname, activation_code, language'; $user_register->values = " '{$token}', '{$email}', '{$password}', '{$firstname}', '{$act_code}', 'EN' "; $user_register->insert(); if ($user_register->errno() == 0) { //send email confirmation with activation link to user $Header = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"; $Header .= "Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"; $Header .= "From:"; //$from = "From:"; //activation.html?c=bebf08f7af79422ced07be79c2f2f5c0&t=13140575844e52ed70736d2 $act_link = ROOT_DIR . "logon/activation.html?c=" . $act_code . "&t=" . $token; $subject = "Activation link"; $message = "Activation link: " . $act_link; if ($debug_mode != "OFF") { require "../phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php"; $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->IsSMTP(); // send via SMTP //IsSMTP(); // send via SMTP $mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl"; // sets the prefix to the servier $mail->Host = ""; // sets GMAIL as the SMTP server $mail->Port = 465; $mail->SMTPDebug = 0; $mail->SMTPAuth = true; // turn on SMTP authentication $mail->Username = "******"; // SMTP username $mail->Password = "******"; // SMTP password $webmaster_email = "*****@*****.**"; //Reply to this email ID //$email="*****@*****.**"; // Recipients email ID //$name=$firstname; // Recipient's name //$mail->From = $webmaster_email; //$mail->FromName = "Happify"; $mail->SetFrom($webmaster_email, "Happify"); $mail->AddAddress($email, $firstname); //$mail->AddReplyTo($webmaster_email,"Webmaster"); //$mail->WordWrap = 50; // set word wrap //$mail->AddAttachment("/var/tmp/file.tar.gz"); // attachment //$mail->AddAttachment("/tmp/image.jpg", "new.jpg"); // attachment //$mail->IsHTML(true); // send as HTML $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Body = $message; //HTML Body $mail->AltBody = $message; //Text Body $mail->Send(); } else { mail($email, $subject, $message, $Header); } $objResponse->assign("form_reg", "style.display", 'none'); $objResponse->assign("reg_success", "style.display", 'block'); unset($user_register); } else { $objResponse->assign("p_reg_failure", "style.display", 'block'); $objResponse->assign("p_reg_failure", "innerHTML", "Registration not successful. Please try again."); // TODO move string to language file } } else { $objResponse->assign("p_reg_failure", "style.display", 'block'); $objResponse->assign("p_reg_failure", "innerHTML", $reg_failure); } } else { if ($action == 'notify') { //check if email is already registered $checkemail = new CheckExist(); $checkemail->tableE = $tbl_notify; $checkemail->conditionE = " UserEmail = '" . $email . "' "; $CheckData = $checkemail->exist(); //TODO why does it not work on server if (!preg_match('/^([a-zA-Z0-9])+([\\.a-zA-Z0-9_-])*@([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+(\\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)+/', $email)) { $reg_failure = "Email not valid."; } // TODO move string to language file if ($CheckData > 0) { $reg_failure = "Email already registered."; } // TODO move string to language file //registration validation successful if ($reg_failure == "") { //$firstname = $data['firstname']; //create new user in database $user_register = new ModifyEntry(); $user_register->table = $tbl_notify; $user_register->cols = 'UserEmail'; $user_register->values = " '" . $email . "' "; $user_register->insert(); if ($user_register->errno() == 0) { //send email confirmation with activation link to user $Header = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"; $Header .= "Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"; $Header .= "From:"; $subject = " Launch"; $message = "Hi! \r\n\n \nThank you for your registration. We will inform you as soon as Happify launches!\r\n\r\n\n \n \nUntil then: stay happy!"; if ($debug_mode != "OFF") { require "../phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php"; $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->IsSMTP(); // send via SMTP //IsSMTP(); // send via SMTP $mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl"; // sets the prefix to the server $mail->Host = ""; // sets GMAIL as the SMTP server $mail->Port = 465; $mail->SMTPDebug = 0; $mail->SMTPAuth = true; // turn on SMTP authentication $mail->Username = "******"; // SMTP username $mail->Password = "******"; // SMTP password $webmaster_email = "*****@*****.**"; //Reply to this email ID //$email="*****@*****.**"; // Recipients email ID //$name=$firstname; // Recipient's name //$mail->From = $webmaster_email; //$mail->FromName = "Happify"; $mail->SetFrom($webmaster_email, "Happify"); $mail->AddAddress($email, $firstname); //$mail->AddReplyTo($webmaster_email,"Webmaster"); //$mail->WordWrap = 50; // set word wrap //$mail->AddAttachment("/var/tmp/file.tar.gz"); // attachment //$mail->AddAttachment("/tmp/image.jpg", "new.jpg"); // attachment //$mail->IsHTML(true); // send as HTML $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Body = $message; //HTML Body $mail->AltBody = $message; //Text Body $mail->Send(); //mail does not work } else { mail($email, $subject, $message, $Header); } $objResponse->assign("form_reg", "style.display", 'none'); $objResponse->assign("reg_success", "style.display", 'block'); unset($user_register); } else { $objResponse->assign("p_reg_failure", "style.display", 'block'); $objResponse->assign("p_reg_failure", "innerHTML", "Registration not successful. Please try again."); // TODO move string to language file } } else { $objResponse->assign("p_reg_failure", "style.display", 'block'); $objResponse->assign("p_reg_failure", "innerHTML", $reg_failure); } } } return $objResponse; }