function showEntryAction() { @($id = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['id'], 'integer', 0)); $tpl = DevblocksPlatform::getTemplateService(); $tpl_path = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/templates/'; $tpl->assign('path', $tpl_path); $tpl->cache_lifetime = "0"; /* * [IMPORTANT -- Yes, this is simply a line in the sand.] * You're welcome to modify the code to meet your needs, but please respect * our licensing. Buy a legitimate copy to help support the project! * */ $license = CerberusLicense::getInstance(); // if(empty($id) && (empty($license['serial']) || (!empty($license['serial']) && !empty($license['users']))) // && 10 <= DAO_TimeTrackingEntry::getItemCount()) { // $tpl->display('file:' . $tpl_path . 'calls/ajax/trial.tpl'); // return; // } /* * This treats procedurally created model objects * the same as existing objects */ // if(!empty($id)) { // Were we given a model ID to load? // if(null != ($model = DAO_TimeTrackingEntry::get($id))) // $tpl->assign('model', $model); // } elseif (!empty($model)) { // Were we passed a model object without an ID? // $tpl->assign('model', $model); // } // Org Name // if(!empty($model->debit_org_id)) { // if(null != ($org = DAO_ContactOrg::get($model->debit_org_id))) // $tpl->assign('org', $org); // } $workers = DAO_Worker::getAllActive(); $tpl->assign('workers', $workers); $tpl->display('file:' . $tpl_path . 'calls/ajax/call_entry_panel.tpl'); }
function getTeamAction() { $translate = DevblocksPlatform::getTranslationService(); $worker = CerberusApplication::getActiveWorker(); if (!$worker || !$worker->is_superuser) { echo $translate->_('common.access_denied'); return; } @($id = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['id'])); $tpl = DevblocksPlatform::getTemplateService(); $tpl->assign('path', $this->_TPL_PATH); $teams = DAO_Group::getAll(); $tpl->assign('teams', $teams); @($team = $teams[$id]); $tpl->assign('team', $team); if (!empty($id)) { @($members = DAO_Group::getTeamMembers($id)); $tpl->assign('members', $members); } $workers = DAO_Worker::getAllActive(); $tpl->assign('workers', $workers); $tpl->assign('license', CerberusLicense::getInstance()); $tpl->display('file:' . $this->_TPL_PATH . 'configuration/tabs/groups/edit_group.tpl'); }
public function writeResponse(DevblocksHttpResponse $response) { $path = $response->path; // [JAS]: Ajax? // [TODO] Explore outputting whitespace here for Safari // if(empty($path)) // return; $tpl = DevblocksPlatform::getTemplateService(); $session = DevblocksPlatform::getSessionService(); $settings = CerberusSettings::getInstance(); $translate = DevblocksPlatform::getTranslationService(); $active_worker = CerberusApplication::getActiveWorker(); $visit = $session->getVisit(); $page_manifests = $this->_getAllowedPages(); $controller = array_shift($path); // Default page [TODO] This is supposed to come from framework.config.php if (empty($controller)) { $controller = 'home'; } // [JAS]: Require us to always be logged in for Cerberus pages if (empty($visit) && 0 != strcasecmp($controller, 'login')) { $query = array(); if (!empty($response->path)) { $query = array('url' => urlencode(implode('/', $response->path))); } DevblocksPlatform::redirect(new DevblocksHttpRequest(array('login'), $query)); } $page_id = $this->_getPageIdByUri($controller); @($page = DevblocksPlatform::getExtension($page_id, true)); /* @var $page CerberusPageExtension */ if (empty($page)) { header("Status: 404"); return; // [TODO] 404 } // [JAS]: Listeners (Step-by-step guided tour, etc.) $listenerManifests = DevblocksPlatform::getExtensions('devblocks.listener.http'); foreach ($listenerManifests as $listenerManifest) { /* @var $listenerManifest DevblocksExtensionManifest */ $inst = $listenerManifest->createInstance(); /* @var $inst DevblocksHttpRequestListenerExtension */ $inst->run($response, $tpl); } $tpl->assign('active_worker', $active_worker); $tour_enabled = false; if (!empty($visit) && !is_null($active_worker)) { $tour_enabled = intval(DAO_WorkerPref::get($active_worker->id, 'assist_mode', 1)); if (DEMO_MODE) { $tour_enabled = 1; } // override for DEMO $keyboard_shortcuts = intval(DAO_WorkerPref::get($active_worker->id, 'keyboard_shortcuts', 1)); $tpl->assign('pref_keyboard_shortcuts', $keyboard_shortcuts); $active_worker_memberships = $active_worker->getMemberships(); $tpl->assign('active_worker_memberships', $active_worker_memberships); $unread_notifications = DAO_WorkerEvent::getUnreadCountByWorker($active_worker->id); $tpl->assign('active_worker_notify_count', $unread_notifications); DAO_Worker::logActivity($active_worker->id, $page->getActivity()); } $tpl->assign('tour_enabled', $tour_enabled); // [JAS]: Variables provided to all page templates $tpl->assign('settings', $settings); $tpl->assign('session', $_SESSION); $tpl->assign('translate', $translate); $tpl->assign('visit', $visit); $tpl->assign('license', CerberusLicense::getInstance()); $tpl->assign('page_manifests', $page_manifests); $tpl->assign('page', $page); $tpl->assign('response_uri', implode('/', $response->path)); $core_tpl = DEVBLOCKS_PLUGIN_PATH . 'cerberusweb.core/templates/'; $tpl->assign('core_tpl', $core_tpl); // Prebody Renderers $preBodyRenderers = DevblocksPlatform::getExtensions('cerberusweb.renderer.prebody', true); if (!empty($preBodyRenderers)) { $tpl->assign('prebody_renderers', $preBodyRenderers); } // Postbody Renderers $postBodyRenderers = DevblocksPlatform::getExtensions('cerberusweb.renderer.postbody', true); if (!empty($postBodyRenderers)) { $tpl->assign('postbody_renderers', $postBodyRenderers); } // Timings $tpl->assign('render_time', microtime(true) - DevblocksPlatform::getStartTime()); if (function_exists('memory_get_usage') && function_exists('memory_get_peak_usage')) { $tpl->assign('render_memory', memory_get_usage() - DevblocksPlatform::getStartMemory()); $tpl->assign('render_peak_memory', memory_get_peak_usage() - DevblocksPlatform::getStartPeakMemory()); } $tpl->display($core_tpl . 'border.tpl'); // $cache = DevblocksPlatform::getCacheService(); // $cache->printStatistics(); }
function showOppPanelAction() { @($opp_id = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['id'], 'integer', 0)); @($view_id = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['view_id'], 'string', '')); @($email = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['email'], 'string', '')); $tpl = DevblocksPlatform::getTemplateService(); $tpl_path = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/templates/'; $tpl->assign('path', $tpl_path); /* * [IMPORTANT -- Yes, this is simply a line in the sand.] * You're welcome to modify the code to meet your needs, but please respect * our licensing. Buy a legitimate copy to help support the project! * */ $license = CerberusLicense::getInstance(); if (empty($id) && (empty($license['serial']) || !empty($license['serial']) && isset($license['a'])) && 10 <= DAO_FeedbackEntry::getItemCount()) { $tpl->display('file:' . $tpl_path . 'crm/opps/rpc/trial.tpl'); return; } $tpl->assign('view_id', $view_id); $tpl->assign('email', $email); if (!empty($opp_id) && null != ($opp = DAO_CrmOpportunity::get($opp_id))) { $tpl->assign('opp', $opp); if (null != ($address = DAO_Address::get($opp->primary_email_id))) { $tpl->assign('address', $address); } } $custom_fields = DAO_CustomField::getBySource(CrmCustomFieldSource_Opportunity::ID); $tpl->assign('custom_fields', $custom_fields); if (!empty($opp_id)) { $custom_field_values = DAO_CustomFieldValue::getValuesBySourceIds(CrmCustomFieldSource_Opportunity::ID, $opp_id); if (isset($custom_field_values[$opp->id])) { $tpl->assign('custom_field_values', $custom_field_values[$opp->id]); } } $workers = DAO_Worker::getAllActive(); $tpl->assign('workers', $workers); $tpl->display('file:' . $tpl_path . 'crm/opps/rpc/peek.tpl'); }
public function writeResponse(DevblocksHttpResponse $response) { /* @var $response DevblocksHttpResponse */ $path = $response->path; $uri_prefix = array_shift($path); // should be mobile // [JAS]: Ajax? // [TODO] Explore outputting whitespace here for Safari // if(empty($path)) // return; $tpl = DevblocksPlatform::getTemplateService(); $session = DevblocksPlatform::getSessionService(); $settings = CerberusSettings::getInstance(); $translate = DevblocksPlatform::getTranslationService(); $visit = $session->getVisit(); $controller = array_shift($path); $pages = DevblocksPlatform::getExtensions('', true); // Default page [TODO] This is supposed to come from framework.config.php if (empty($controller)) { $controller = 'tickets'; } // [JAS]: Require us to always be logged in for Cerberus pages // [TODO] This should probably consult with the page itself for ::authenticated() if (empty($visit)) { $controller = 'login'; } $page_id = $this->_getPageIdByUri($controller); /* @var $page CerberusPageExtension */ @($page = $pages[$page_id]); if (empty($page)) { return; } // 404 // [TODO] Reimplement if (!empty($visit) && !is_null($visit->getWorker())) { DAO_Worker::logActivity($visit->getWorker()->id, $page->getActivity()); } // [JAS]: Listeners (Step-by-step guided tour, etc.) $listenerManifests = DevblocksPlatform::getExtensions('devblocks.listener.http'); foreach ($listenerManifests as $listenerManifest) { /* @var $listenerManifest DevblocksExtensionManifest */ $inst = $listenerManifest->createInstance(); /* @var $inst DevblocksHttpRequestListenerExtension */ $inst->run($response, $tpl); } // [JAS]: Pre-translate any dynamic strings $common_translated = array(); if (!empty($visit) && !is_null($visit->getWorker())) { $common_translated['header_signed_in'] = vsprintf($translate->_('header.signed_in'), array('<b>' . $visit->getWorker()->getName() . '</b>')); } $tpl->assign('common_translated', $common_translated); // $tour_enabled = false; // if(!empty($visit) && !is_null($visit->getWorker())) { // $worker = $visit->getWorker(); // $tour_enabled = DAO_WorkerPref::get($worker->id, 'assist_mode'); // $tour_enabled = ($tour_enabled===false) ? 1 : $tour_enabled; // if(DEMO_MODE) $tour_enabled = 1; // override for DEMO // } // $tpl->assign('tour_enabled', $tour_enabled); // [JAS]: Variables provided to all page templates $tpl->assign('settings', $settings); $tpl->assign('session', $_SESSION); $tpl->assign('translate', $translate); $tpl->assign('visit', $visit); $tpl->assign('license', CerberusLicense::getInstance()); $active_worker = CerberusApplication::getActiveWorker(); $tpl->assign('active_worker', $active_worker); if (!empty($active_worker)) { $active_worker_memberships = $active_worker->getMemberships(); $tpl->assign('active_worker_memberships', $active_worker_memberships); } $tpl->assign('pages', $pages); $tpl->assign('page', $page); $tpl->assign('response_uri', implode('/', $response->path)); $tpl_path = DEVBLOCKS_PLUGIN_PATH . ''; $tpl->assign('core_tpl', DEVBLOCKS_PLUGIN_PATH . 'cerberusweb.core/templates/'); // Timings $tpl->assign('render_time', microtime(true) - DevblocksPlatform::getStartTime()); if (function_exists('memory_get_usage') && function_exists('memory_get_peak_usage')) { $tpl->assign('render_memory', memory_get_usage() - DevblocksPlatform::getStartMemory()); $tpl->assign('render_peak_memory', memory_get_peak_usage() - DevblocksPlatform::getStartPeakMemory()); } $tpl->display($tpl_path . 'border.tpl'); }
function hasPriv($priv_id) { // We don't need to do much work if we're a superuser if ($this->is_superuser) { return true; } $settings = CerberusSettings::getInstance(); $acl_enabled = $settings->get(CerberusSettings::ACL_ENABLED); // ACL is a paid feature (please respect the licensing and support the project!) $license = CerberusLicense::getInstance(); if (!$acl_enabled || !isset($license['serial']) || isset($license['a'])) { return "core.config" == substr($priv_id, 0, 11) ? false : true; } // Check the aggregated worker privs from roles $acl = DAO_WorkerRole::getACL(); $privs_by_worker = $acl[DAO_WorkerRole::CACHE_KEY_PRIVS_BY_WORKER]; if (!empty($priv_id) && isset($privs_by_worker[$this->id][$priv_id])) { return true; } return false; }
static function sendTicketMessage($properties = array()) { $settings = DevblocksPlatform::getPluginSettingsService(); $helpdesk_senders = CerberusApplication::getHelpdeskSenders(); @($from_addy = $settings->get('cerberusweb.core', CerberusSettings::DEFAULT_REPLY_FROM, $_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN'])); @($from_personal = $settings->get('cerberusweb.core', CerberusSettings::DEFAULT_REPLY_PERSONAL, '')); // [TODO] If we still don't have a $from_addy we need a graceful failure. /* * [TODO] Move these into constants? 'message_id' -----'ticket_id' 'subject' 'to' 'cc' 'bcc' 'content' 'files' 'closed' 'ticket_reopen' 'unlock_date' 'bucket_id' 'agent_id', 'is_autoreply', 'dont_send', 'dont_save_copy' */ $mail_succeeded = true; try { // objects $mail_service = DevblocksPlatform::getMailService(); $mailer = $mail_service->getMailer(CerberusMail::getMailerDefaults()); $mail = $mail_service->createMessage(); // properties @($reply_message_id = $properties['message_id']); @($content = $properties['content']); @($files = $properties['files']); @($forward_files = $properties['forward_files']); @($worker_id = $properties['agent_id']); @($subject = $properties['subject']); $message = DAO_Ticket::getMessage($reply_message_id); $message_headers = DAO_MessageHeader::getAll($reply_message_id); $ticket_id = $message->ticket_id; $ticket = DAO_Ticket::getTicket($ticket_id); // [TODO] Check that message|ticket isn't NULL // If this ticket isn't spam trained and our outgoing message isn't an autoreply if ($ticket->spam_training == CerberusTicketSpamTraining::BLANK && (!isset($properties['is_autoreply']) || !$properties['is_autoreply'])) { CerberusBayes::markTicketAsNotSpam($ticket_id); } // Allow teams to override the default from/personal @($group_reply = DAO_GroupSettings::get($ticket->team_id, DAO_GroupSettings::SETTING_REPLY_FROM, '')); @($group_personal = DAO_GroupSettings::get($ticket->team_id, DAO_GroupSettings::SETTING_REPLY_PERSONAL, '')); @($group_personal_with_worker = DAO_GroupSettings::get($ticket->team_id, DAO_GroupSettings::SETTING_REPLY_PERSONAL_WITH_WORKER, 0)); if (!empty($group_reply)) { $from_addy = $group_reply; } if (!empty($group_personal)) { $from_personal = $group_personal; } // Prefix the worker name on the personal line? if (!empty($group_personal_with_worker) && null != ($reply_worker = DAO_Worker::getAgent($worker_id))) { $from_personal = $reply_worker->getName() . (!empty($from_personal) ? ', ' . $from_personal : ""); } // Headers $mail->setFrom(array($from_addy => $from_personal)); $mail->generateId(); $headers = $mail->getHeaders(); $headers->addTextHeader('X-Mailer', 'Cerberus Helpdesk (Build ' . APP_BUILD . ')'); // Subject if (empty($subject)) { $subject = $ticket->subject; } if (!empty($properties['to'])) { // forward $mail->setSubject($subject); } else { // reply @($group_has_subject = intval(DAO_GroupSettings::get($ticket->team_id, DAO_GroupSettings::SETTING_SUBJECT_HAS_MASK, 0))); @($group_subject_prefix = DAO_GroupSettings::get($ticket->team_id, DAO_GroupSettings::SETTING_SUBJECT_PREFIX, '')); $prefix = sprintf("[%s#%s] ", !empty($group_subject_prefix) ? $group_subject_prefix . ' ' : '', $ticket->mask); $mail->setSubject(sprintf('Re: %s%s', $group_has_subject ? $prefix : '', $subject)); } // References if (!empty($message) && false !== @($in_reply_to = $message_headers['message-id'])) { $headers->addTextHeader('References', $in_reply_to); $headers->addTextHeader('In-Reply-To', $in_reply_to); } // Auto-reply handling (RFC-3834 compliant) if (isset($properties['is_autoreply']) && $properties['is_autoreply']) { $headers->addTextHeader('Auto-Submitted', 'auto-replied'); if (null == ($first_address = DAO_Address::get($ticket->first_wrote_address_id))) { return; } // Don't send e-mail to ourselves if (isset($helpdesk_senders[$first_address->email])) { return; } // Make sure we haven't mailed this address an autoreply within 5 minutes if ($first_address->last_autoreply > 0 && $first_address->last_autoreply > time() - 300) { return; } $first_email = strtolower($first_address->email); $first_split = explode('@', $first_email); if (!is_array($first_split) || count($first_split) != 2) { return; } // If return-path is blank if (isset($message_headers['return-path']) && $message_headers['return-path'] == '<>') { return; } // Ignore bounces if ($first_split[0] == "postmaster" || $first_split[0] == "mailer-daemon") { return; } // Ignore autoresponses to autoresponses if (isset($message_headers['auto-submitted']) && $message_headers['auto-submitted'] != 'no') { return; } if (isset($message_headers['precedence']) && ($message_headers['precedence'] == 'list' || $message_headers['precedence'] == 'junk' || ($message_headers['precedence'] = 'bulk'))) { return; } // Set the auto-reply date for this address to right now DAO_Address::update($ticket->first_wrote_address_id, array(DAO_Address::LAST_AUTOREPLY => time())); // Auto-reply just to the initial requester $mail->addTo($first_address->email); // Not an auto-reply } else { // Forwards if (!empty($properties['to'])) { $aTo = DevblocksPlatform::parseCsvString(str_replace(';', ',', $properties['to'])); if (is_array($aTo)) { foreach ($aTo as $to_addy) { $mail->addTo($to_addy); } } // Replies } else { // Recipients $requesters = DAO_Ticket::getRequestersByTicket($ticket_id); if (is_array($requesters)) { foreach ($requesters as $requester) { /* @var $requester Model_Address */ $mail->addTo($requester->email); } } } // Ccs if (!empty($properties['cc'])) { $aCc = DevblocksPlatform::parseCsvString(str_replace(';', ',', $properties['cc'])); $mail->setCc($aCc); } // Bccs if (!empty($properties['bcc'])) { $aBcc = DevblocksPlatform::parseCsvString(str_replace(';', ',', $properties['bcc'])); $mail->setBcc($aBcc); } } /* * [IMPORTANT -- Yes, this is simply a line in the sand.] * You're welcome to modify the code to meet your needs, but please respect * our licensing. Buy a legitimate copy to help support the project! * */ $license = CerberusLicense::getInstance(); if (empty($license) || @empty($license['serial'])) { $content .= base64_decode("DQoNCi0tLQ0KQ29tYmF0IHNwYW0gYW5kIGltcHJvdmUgcmVzc" . "G9uc2UgdGltZXMgd2l0aCBDZXJiZXJ1cyBIZWxwZGVzayA0LjAhDQpodHRwOi8vd3d3LmNlc" . "mJlcnVzd2ViLmNvbS8NCg"); } // Body $mail->setBody($content); // Mime Attachments if (is_array($files) && !empty($files)) { foreach ($files['tmp_name'] as $idx => $file) { if (empty($file) || empty($files['name'][$idx])) { continue; } $mail->attach(Swift_Attachment::fromPath($file)->setFilename($files['name'][$idx])); } } // Forward Attachments if (!empty($forward_files) && is_array($forward_files)) { $attachments_path = APP_STORAGE_PATH . '/attachments/'; foreach ($forward_files as $file_id) { $attachment = DAO_Attachment::get($file_id); $attachment_path = $attachments_path . $attachment->filepath; $mail->attach(Swift_Attachment::fromPath($attachment_path)->setFilename($attachment->display_name)); } } if (!DEMO_MODE) { // If we're not supposed to send if (isset($properties['dont_send']) && $properties['dont_send']) { // nothing } else { // otherwise send if (!$mailer->send($mail)) { $mail_succeeded = false; throw new Exception('Mail not sent.'); } } } } catch (Exception $e) { // tag failure, so we can add a note to the message later $mail_succeeded = false; } // Handle post-mail actions $change_fields = array(); $fromAddressInst = CerberusApplication::hashLookupAddress($from_addy, true); $fromAddressId = $fromAddressInst->id; if ((!isset($properties['dont_keep_copy']) || !$properties['dont_keep_copy']) && (!isset($properties['is_autoreply']) || !$properties['is_autoreply'])) { $change_fields[DAO_Ticket::LAST_WROTE_ID] = $fromAddressId; $change_fields[DAO_Ticket::UPDATED_DATE] = time(); if (!empty($worker_id)) { $change_fields[DAO_Ticket::LAST_WORKER_ID] = $worker_id; $change_fields[DAO_Ticket::LAST_ACTION_CODE] = CerberusTicketActionCode::TICKET_WORKER_REPLY; } // Only change the subject if not forwarding if (!empty($subject) && empty($properties['to'])) { $change_fields[DAO_Ticket::SUBJECT] = $subject; } $fields = array(DAO_Message::TICKET_ID => $ticket_id, DAO_Message::CREATED_DATE => time(), DAO_Message::ADDRESS_ID => $fromAddressId, DAO_Message::IS_OUTGOING => 1, DAO_Message::WORKER_ID => !empty($worker_id) ? $worker_id : 0); $message_id = DAO_Message::create($fields); // Content DAO_MessageContent::create($message_id, $content); $headers = $mail->getHeaders(); // Headers foreach ($headers->getAll() as $hdr) { if (null != ($hdr_val = $hdr->getFieldBody())) { if (!empty($hdr_val)) { DAO_MessageHeader::create($message_id, $hdr->getFieldName(), CerberusParser::fixQuotePrintableString($hdr_val)); } } } // Attachments if (is_array($files) && !empty($files)) { $attachment_path = APP_STORAGE_PATH . '/attachments/'; reset($files); foreach ($files['tmp_name'] as $idx => $file) { if (empty($file) || empty($files['name'][$idx]) || !file_exists($file)) { continue; } $fields = array(DAO_Attachment::MESSAGE_ID => $message_id, DAO_Attachment::DISPLAY_NAME => $files['name'][$idx], DAO_Attachment::MIME_TYPE => $files['type'][$idx], DAO_Attachment::FILE_SIZE => filesize($file)); $file_id = DAO_Attachment::create($fields); $attachment_bucket = sprintf("%03d/", mt_rand(1, 100)); $attachment_file = $file_id; if (!file_exists($attachment_path . $attachment_bucket)) { mkdir($attachment_path . $attachment_bucket, 0775, true); } if (!is_writeable($attachment_path . $attachment_bucket)) { echo "Can't write to bucket " . $attachment_path . $attachment_bucket . "<BR>"; } copy($file, $attachment_path . $attachment_bucket . $attachment_file); @unlink($file); DAO_Attachment::update($file_id, array(DAO_Attachment::FILEPATH => $attachment_bucket . $attachment_file)); } } // add note to message if email failed if ($mail_succeeded === false) { $fields = array(DAO_MessageNote::MESSAGE_ID => $message_id, DAO_MessageNote::CREATED => time(), DAO_MessageNote::WORKER_ID => 0, DAO_MessageNote::CONTENT => 'Exception thrown while sending email: ' . $e->getMessage(), DAO_MessageNote::TYPE => Model_MessageNote::TYPE_ERROR); DAO_MessageNote::create($fields); } } // Post-Reply Change Properties if (isset($properties['closed'])) { switch ($properties['closed']) { case 0: // open $change_fields[DAO_Ticket::IS_WAITING] = 0; $change_fields[DAO_Ticket::IS_CLOSED] = 0; $change_fields[DAO_Ticket::IS_DELETED] = 0; $change_fields[DAO_Ticket::DUE_DATE] = 0; break; case 1: // closed $change_fields[DAO_Ticket::IS_WAITING] = 0; $change_fields[DAO_Ticket::IS_CLOSED] = 1; $change_fields[DAO_Ticket::IS_DELETED] = 0; if (isset($properties['ticket_reopen'])) { @($time = intval(strtotime($properties['ticket_reopen']))); $change_fields[DAO_Ticket::DUE_DATE] = $time; } break; case 2: // waiting $change_fields[DAO_Ticket::IS_WAITING] = 1; $change_fields[DAO_Ticket::IS_CLOSED] = 0; $change_fields[DAO_Ticket::IS_DELETED] = 0; if (isset($properties['ticket_reopen'])) { @($time = intval(strtotime($properties['ticket_reopen']))); $change_fields[DAO_Ticket::DUE_DATE] = $time; } break; } } // Who should handle the followup? if (isset($properties['next_worker_id'])) { $change_fields[DAO_Ticket::NEXT_WORKER_ID] = $properties['next_worker_id']; } // Allow anybody to reply after if (isset($properties['unlock_date']) && !empty($properties['unlock_date'])) { $unlock = strtotime($properties['unlock_date']); if (intval($unlock) > 0) { $change_fields[DAO_Ticket::UNLOCK_DATE] = $unlock; } } // Move if (!empty($properties['bucket_id'])) { // [TODO] Use API to move, or fire event // [TODO] Ensure team/bucket exist list($team_id, $bucket_id) = CerberusApplication::translateTeamCategoryCode($properties['bucket_id']); $change_fields[DAO_Ticket::TEAM_ID] = $team_id; $change_fields[DAO_Ticket::CATEGORY_ID] = $bucket_id; } if (!empty($ticket_id) && !empty($change_fields)) { DAO_Ticket::updateTicket($ticket_id, $change_fields); } // Outbound Reply Event (not automated reply, etc.) if (!empty($worker_id)) { $eventMgr = DevblocksPlatform::getEventService(); $eventMgr->trigger(new Model_DevblocksEvent('ticket.reply.outbound', array('ticket_id' => $ticket_id, 'worker_id' => $worker_id))); } }
function showEntryAction($model = null) { $tpl = DevblocksPlatform::getTemplateService(); $tpl_path = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/templates/'; $tpl->assign('path', $tpl_path); $tpl->cache_lifetime = "0"; @($id = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['id'], 'integer', 0)); /* * [IMPORTANT -- Yes, this is simply a line in the sand.] * You're welcome to modify the code to meet your needs, but please respect * our licensing. Buy a legitimate copy to help support the project! * */ $license = CerberusLicense::getInstance(); if (empty($id) && (empty($license['serial']) || !empty($license['serial']) && isset($license['a'])) && 10 <= DAO_TimeTrackingEntry::getItemCount()) { $tpl->display('file:' . $tpl_path . 'timetracking/rpc/trial.tpl'); return; } /* * This treats procedurally created model objects * the same as existing objects */ if (!empty($id)) { // Were we given a model ID to load? if (null != ($model = DAO_TimeTrackingEntry::get($id))) { $tpl->assign('model', $model); } } elseif (!empty($model)) { // Were we passed a model object without an ID? $tpl->assign('model', $model); } /* @var $model Model_TimeTrackingEntry */ // Source extension if (!empty($model->source_extension_id)) { if (null != ($source = DevblocksPlatform::getExtension($model->source_extension_id, true))) { $tpl->assign('source', $source); } } // Org Name if (!empty($model->debit_org_id)) { if (null != ($org = DAO_ContactOrg::get($model->debit_org_id))) { $tpl->assign('org', $org); } } // Activities // [TODO] Cache $billable_activities = DAO_TimeTrackingActivity::getWhere(sprintf("%s!=0", DAO_TimeTrackingActivity::RATE)); $tpl->assign('billable_activities', $billable_activities); $nonbillable_activities = DAO_TimeTrackingActivity::getWhere(sprintf("%s=0", DAO_TimeTrackingActivity::RATE)); $tpl->assign('nonbillable_activities', $nonbillable_activities); // Custom fields $custom_fields = DAO_CustomField::getBySource(ChCustomFieldSource_TimeEntry::ID); $tpl->assign('custom_fields', $custom_fields); $custom_field_values = DAO_CustomFieldValue::getValuesBySourceIds(ChCustomFieldSource_TimeEntry::ID, $id); if (isset($custom_field_values[$id])) { $tpl->assign('custom_field_values', $custom_field_values[$id]); } $types = Model_CustomField::getTypes(); $tpl->assign('types', $types); $tpl->display('file:' . $tpl_path . 'timetracking/rpc/time_entry_panel.tpl'); }