Exemple #1
     * update category
    public function edit()

        if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission('Categories::', '::', ACCESS_EDIT)) {
            return LogUtil::registerPermissionError();

        $dr = (int)FormUtil::getPassedValue('dr', 0, 'POST');
        $ref = System::serverGetVar('HTTP_REFERER');

        $returnfunc = strpos($ref, "useredit") !== false ? 'useredit' : 'edit';
        $url = ModUtil::url('Categories', 'user', $returnfunc, array('dr' => $dr));

        if (!$dr) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! The document root is invalid.'), null, $url);

        $obj = new Categories_DBObject_Category ();
        $data = $obj->getDataFromInput();
        $oldData = $obj->get($data['id']);

        if (!$oldData) {
            $msg = $this->__f('Error! Cannot retrieve category with ID %s.', $data['id']);

            return LogUtil::registerError($msg, null, $url);

        if ($oldData['is_locked']) {
            //! %1$s is the id, %2$s is the name
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__f('Notice: The administrator has locked the category \'%2$s\' (ID \'%$1s\'). You cannot edit or delete it.', array($data['id'], $oldData['name'])), null, $url);

        if (!$obj->validate()) {
            $_POST['cid'] = (int)$_POST['category']['id'];
            $this->redirect(ModUtil::url('Categories', 'user', 'edit', $_POST) . '#top');

        $attributes = array();
        $values = FormUtil::getPassedValue('attribute_value', 'POST');
        foreach (FormUtil::getPassedValue('attribute_name', 'POST') as $index => $name) {
            if (!empty($name)) $attributes[$name] = $values[$index];

        $obj->setDataField('__ATTRIBUTES__', $attributes);

        // update new category data

        // since a name change will change the object path, we must rebuild it here
        if ($oldData['name'] != $data['name']) {
            CategoryUtil::rebuildPaths('path', 'name', $data['id']);

        $msg = $this->__f('Done! Saved the %s category.', $oldData['name']);
Exemple #2
     * Return a category object by ID
     * @param string $rootPath    The path of the parent category.
     * @param string $name        The name of the category.
     * @param string $value       The value of the category (optional) (default=null).
     * @param string $displayname The displayname of the category (optional) (default=null, uses $name).
     * @param string $description The description of the category (optional) (default=null, uses $name).
     * @param string $attributes  The attributes array to bind to the category (optional) (default=null).
     * @return The resulting folder object
    public static function createCategory($rootPath, $name, $value=null, $displayname=null, $description=null, $attributes=null)
        if (!isset($rootPath) || !$rootPath) {
            return LogUtil::registerError(__f("Error! Received invalid parameter '%s'", 'rootPath'));
        if (!isset($name) || !$name) {
            return LogUtil::registerError(__f("Error! Received invalid parameter '%s'", 'name'));

        if (!$displayname) {
            $displayname = $name;
        if (!$description) {
            $description = $name;

        $lang = ZLanguage::getLanguageCode();

        $rootCat = self::getCategoryByPath($rootPath);
        if (!$rootCat) {
            return LogUtil::registerError(__f("Error! Non-existing root category '%s' received", $rootPath));

        $checkCat = self::getCategoryByPath("$rootPath/$name");
        if (!$checkCat) {
            $cat = new Categories_DBObject_Category();
            $data = array();
            $data['parent_id'] = $rootCat['id'];
            $data['name'] = $name;
            $data['display_name'] = array($lang => $displayname);
            $data['display_desc'] = array($lang => $description);
            if ($value) {
                $data['value'] = $value;
            if ($attributes && is_array($attributes)) {
                $data['__ATTRIBUTES__'] = $attributes;
            if (!$cat->validate('admin')) {
                return false;
            return $cat->getDataField('id');

        return false;
Exemple #3
     * edit categories for the currently logged in user
    public function edituser()
        if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission('Categories::category', '::', ACCESS_EDIT)) {
            return LogUtil::registerPermissionError();

        if (!UserUtil::isLoggedIn()) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! Editing mode for user-owned categories is only available to users who have logged-in.'));

        $allowUserEdit = $this->getVar('allowusercatedit', 0);
        if (!$allowUserEdit) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! User-owned category editing has not been enabled. This feature can be enabled by the site administrator.'));

        $userRoot = $this->getVar('userrootcat', 0);
        if (!$userRoot) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! Could not determine the user root node.'));

        $userRootCat = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath($userRoot);
        if (!$userRoot) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__f('Error! The user root node seems to point towards an invalid category: %s.', $userRoot));

        if ($userRootCat == 1) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__("Error! The root directory cannot be modified in 'user' mode"));

        $userCatName = $this->getusercategoryname();
        if (!$userCatName) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! Cannot determine user category root node name.'));

        $thisUserRootCatPath = $userRoot . '/' . $userCatName;
        $thisUserRootCat = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath($thisUserRootCatPath);

        $dr = null;
        if (!$thisUserRootCat) {
            $autoCreate = $this->getVar('autocreateusercat', 0);
            if (!$autoCreate) {
                return LogUtil::registerError($this->__("Error! The user root category node for this user does not exist, and the automatic creation flag (autocreate) has not been set."));

            $installer = new Categories_Installer(ServiceUtil::getManager());
            $cat = array('id' => '',
                    'parent_id' => $userRootCat['id'],
                    'name' => $userCatName,
                    'display_name' => unserialize($installer->makeDisplayName($userCatName)),
                    'display_desc' => unserialize($installer->makeDisplayDesc()),
                    'security_domain' => 'Categories::',
                    'path' => $thisUserRootCatPath,
                    'status' => 'A');

            $obj = new Categories_DBObject_Category();
            // since the original insert can't construct the ipath (since
            // the insert id is not known yet) we update the object here
            $dr = $obj->getID();

            $autoCreateDefaultUserCat = $this->getVar('autocreateuserdefaultcat', 0);
            if ($autoCreateDefaultUserCat) {
                $userdefaultcatname = $this->getVar('userdefaultcatname', $this->__('Default'));
                $cat = array('id' => '',
                        'parent_id' => $dr,
                        'name' => $userdefaultcatname,
                        'display_name' => unserialize($installer->makeDisplayName($userdefaultcatname)),
                        'display_desc' => unserialize($installer->makeDisplayDesc()),
                        'security_domain' => 'Categories::',
                        'path' => $thisUserRootCatPath . '/' . $userdefaultcatname,
                        'status' => 'A');
                // since the original insert can't construct the ipath (since
                // the insert id is not known yet) we update the object here
        } else {
            $dr = $thisUserRootCat['id'];

        $url = ModUtil::url('Categories', 'user', 'edit', array('dr' => $dr));
Exemple #4
     * migrate old local categories to the categories module
    private function _news_migratecategories()
        // load the admin language file
        // pull all data from the old tables
        $tables = DBUtil::getTables();
        $columns = $tables['news_column'];
        $sql = "SELECT $columns[catid], $columns[title] FROM {$tables[stories_cat]}";
        $result = DBUtil::executeSQL($sql);
        $categories = array(array(0, 'Articles'));
        for (; !$result->EOF; $result->MoveNext()) {
            $categories[] = $result->fields;
        $sql = "SELECT $columns[topicid], $columns[topicname], $columns[topicimage], $columns[topictext] FROM {$tables[topics]}";
        $result = DBUtil::executeSQL($sql);
        $topics = array();
        for (; !$result->EOF; $result->MoveNext()) {
            $topics[] = $result->fields;

        // get the language file
        $lang = ZLanguage::getLanguageCode();

        // create the Main category and entry in the categories registry

        // create the Topics category and entry in the categories registry

        // get the category path for which we're going to insert our upgraded News categories
        $rootcat = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath('/__SYSTEM__/Modules/News');

        // migrate our main categories
        $categorymap = array();
        foreach ($categories as $category) {
            $cat = new Categories_DBObject_Category();
            $cat->setDataField('parent_id', $rootcat['id']);
            $cat->setDataField('name', $category[1]);
            $cat->setDataField('display_name', array($lang => $category[1]));
            $cat->setDataField('display_desc', array($lang => $category[1]));
            if (!$cat->validate('admin')) {
                return false;
            $categorymap[$category[0]] = $cat->getDataField('id');

        // get the category path for which we're going to insert our upgraded Topics categories
        $rootcat = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath('/__SYSTEM__/Modules/Topics');

        // migrate our topic categories
        $topicsmap = array();
        foreach ($topics as $topic) {
            $cat = new Categories_DBObject_Category();
            $data = $cat->getData();
            $data['parent_id']                     = $rootcat['id'];
            $data['name']                          = $topic[1];
            $data['value']                         = -1;
            $data['display_name']                  = array($lang => $topic[3]);
            $data['display_desc']                  = array($lang => $topic[3]);
            $data['__ATTRIBUTES__']['topic_image'] = $topic[2];
            $cat->setData ($data);
            if (!$cat->validate('admin')) {
                return false;
            $topicsmap[$topic[0]] = $cat->getDataField('id');

        // After an upgrade we want the legacy topic template variables to point to the Topic property
        $this->setVar('topicproperty', 'Topic');

        // migrate page category assignments
        $sql = "SELECT $columns[sid], $columns[catid], $columns[topic] FROM {$tables[stories]}";
        $result = DBUtil::executeSQL($sql);
        $pages = array();
        for (; !$result->EOF; $result->MoveNext()) {
            $pages[] = array('sid' => $result->fields[0],
                    '__CATEGORIES__' => array(
                        'Main' => $categorymap[$result->fields[1]],
                        'Topic' => $topicsmap[$result->fields[2]]),
                    '__META__' => array('module' => 'News'));
        foreach ($pages as $page) {
            if (!DBUtil::updateObject($page, 'stories', '', 'sid')) {
                return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! Could not update the article categories.'));

        // drop old table
        // we don't drop the topics table - this is the job of the topics module

        // finally drop the secid column
        DBUtil::dropColumn('stories', $columns['catid']);
        DBUtil::dropColumn('stories', $columns['topic']);

        return true;