Exemple #1
 public function executeUpdate($request)
     $source = $request->getParameter('transUnit');
     $unitvars = $request->getParameter('unitvars');
     foreach ($unitvars as $lang => $val) {
         // 1. check that $lang catalogue exists
         $catalogue = Doctrine::getTable('Catalogue')->findOneByTargetLangAndName($lang, 'messages.' . $lang);
         if (!$catalogue) {
             //1.1 if not then add it
             $catalogue = new Catalogue();
             $catalogue->fromArray(array('name' => 'messages.' . $lang, 'source_lang' => 'en', 'target_lang' => $lang));
         $transUnit = Doctrine::getTable('TransUnit')->findOneByLangAndCategory($source, $catalogue->cat_id);
         if (!$transUnit) {
             $transUnit = new TransUnit();
             $transUnit->fromArray(array('source' => $source));
         $transUnit->translated = empty($val) ? 0 : 1;
     $this->redirect('@admin_page?module=translation&action=edit&source=' . $source);
Exemple #2
 public function getItems()
     $this->_basket = Session::getSession('basket');
     if (!empty($this->_basket)) {
         $objCatalogue = new Catalogue();
         foreach ($this->_basket as $key => $value) {
             $this->_items[$key] = $objCatalogue->getProduct($key);
 public function getCatalogueID($lang)
     $cat = Doctrine::getTable('Catalogue')->findOneByNameAndTargetLang($this->getCatalogueBaseName() . '.' . $lang, $lang);
     if ($cat) {
         return $cat['cat_id'];
     } else {
         $cat = new Catalogue();
         $cat->fromArray(array('name' => $this->getCatalogueBaseName() . '.' . $lang, 'source_lang' => 'en', 'target_lang' => $lang));
         return $cat['cat_id'];
Exemple #4
  * Setup the instance (singleton)
  * @return Catalogue
 public static function getInstance()
     if (!self::$_instance instanceof self) {
         self::$_instance = new self();
     return self::$_instance;
Exemple #5
 public function validate()
     $result = parent::validate();
     if (Catalogue::get()->filter(array('Video_title' => $this->Video_Title))->first()) {
         $result->error('This media has already been inserted to the catalogue.');
     return $result;
  * Constructor
 private function __construct()
     // Register post type and settings
     add_action('init', [$this, 'registerPostType']);
     add_filter('init', [$this, 'registerTaxonomies']);
     add_filter('init', [$this, 'registerFields']);
     // Edit search template
     add_filter('search_template', [$this, 'registerSearchTemplate']);
     add_filter('wp_title', [$this, 'fixSearchTitle'], 5, 3);
     // Apply price discounts on save
     add_action('acf/save_post', [$this, 'saveDiscountedPrice'], 20);
     // Set default product meta query
     add_filter('cgit_product_meta_query', [$this, 'setMetaQuery'], 10, 2);
     // Register widgets
     add_action('widgets_init', [$this, 'registerWidgets']);
     // Initialize catalogue
  * Check catalogue URL's before we get to the CMS (if it exists)
  * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request
  * @param DataModel|null $model
  * @return SS_HTTPResponse
 public function handleRequest(SS_HTTPRequest $request, DataModel $model)
     $this->request = $request;
     $catalogue_enabled = Catalogue::config()->enable_frontend;
     // Create a response just in case init() decides to redirect
     $this->response = new SS_HTTPResponse();
     // If we had a redirection or something, halt processing.
     if ($this->response->isFinished()) {
         return $this->response;
     // If DB is not present, build
     if (!DB::isActive() || !ClassInfo::hasTable('CatalogueProduct') || !ClassInfo::hasTable('CatalogueCategory')) {
         return $this->response->redirect(Director::absoluteBaseURL() . 'dev/build?returnURL=' . (isset($_GET['url']) ? urlencode($_GET['url']) : null));
     $urlsegment = $request->param('URLSegment');
     // Find link, regardless of current locale settings
     if (class_exists('Translatable')) {
     $filter = array('URLSegment' => $urlsegment, 'Disabled' => 0);
     if ($catalogue_enabled && ($object = CatalogueProduct::get()->filter($filter)->first())) {
         $controller = $this->controller_for($object);
     } elseif ($catalogue_enabled && ($object = CatalogueCategory::get()->filter($filter)->first())) {
         $controller = $this->controller_for($object);
     } elseif (class_exists('ModelAsController')) {
         // If CMS installed
         $controller = ModelAsController::create();
     } else {
         $controller = Controller::create();
     if (class_exists('Translatable')) {
     $result = $controller->handleRequest($request, $model);
     return $result;
 public function getItemSummary()
     $modify_price = $this->ModifyPrice;
     $price = new Currency();
     $tax_id = $this->Parent()->Parent()->TaxRateID;
     if ($tax_id && Catalogue::config()->price_includes_tax) {
         $modify_price += $modify_price / 100 * $this->Parent()->Parent()->TaxRate()->Amount;
     if ($price->RAW() > 0) {
         $summary = $this->Title . ' +' . $price->nice();
     } elseif ($price->RAW() < 0) {
         $summary = $this->Title . ' -' . str_replace(array("(", ")"), "", $price->nice());
     } else {
         $summary = $this->Title;
     $this->extend('updateItemSummary', $summary);
     return $summary;
Exemple #9
  * gets genres as a separate query sorts and removes duplicates
  * @return string
 public function getGenres()
     $result = Catalogue::get()->sort('Genre')->where('Genre is not null')->column($colName = "Genre");
     if ($result != null) {
         /** clean up keywords from DB **/
         $_list = array(parent::__convertAndCleanList($result, '|'));
         $genreList = "";
         foreach ($_list as $list) {
             foreach ($list as $value) {
                 $genreList .= "<li><span data-path=\"." . str_replace(' ', '', $value) . "\">" . $value . "</span></li>";
         return $genreList;
  * Generate a string to go with the the product price. We can
  * overwrite the wording of this by using Silverstripes language
  * files
  * @return String
 public function getTaxString()
     if ($this->TaxRateID && Catalogue::config()->price_includes_tax) {
         $return = _t("Catalogue.TaxIncludes", "Includes") . " " . $this->TaxRate()->Title;
     } elseif ($this->TaxRateID && !Catalogue::config()->price_includes_tax) {
         $return = _t("Catalogue.TaxExcludes", "Excludes") . " " . $this->TaxRate()->Title;
     } else {
         $return = "";
     return $return;
$GLOBALS['hooks'] = HookLoader::getInstance();
//Initialize SEO
$GLOBALS['seo'] = SEO::getInstance();
if (isset($_GET['seo_path']) && !empty($_GET['seo_path'])) {
    $_GET['seo_path'] = preg_replace('/(\\/\\~[a-z0-9]{1,}\\/)/', '', $_GET['seo_path']);
    // Remove /~username/ from seo_path
//Initialize SSL
$GLOBALS['ssl'] = SSL::getInstance();
//Initialize GUI
$GLOBALS['gui'] = GUI::getInstance();
//Initialize Taxes
$GLOBALS['tax'] = Tax::getInstance();
//Initialize catalogue
$GLOBALS['catalogue'] = Catalogue::getInstance();
//Initialize cubecart
$GLOBALS['cubecart'] = Cubecart::getInstance();
//Initialize user
$GLOBALS['user'] = User::getInstance();
//Initialize cart
$GLOBALS['cart'] = Cart::getInstance();
// Set store timezone - default to UTC
date_default_timezone_set($GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'time_zone') ? $GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'time_zone') : 'UTC');
if ($GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'recaptcha') && !$GLOBALS['session']->get('confirmed', 'recaptcha')) {
    $recaptcha['error'] = null;
    $recaptcha['confirmed'] = false;
    if ($GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'recaptcha') == 2 && isset($_POST['g-recaptcha-response'])) {
        if (empty($_POST['g-recaptcha-response'])) {
            $recaptcha['error'] = $GLOBALS['language']->form['verify_human_fail'];
        } else {
  * Adds an object to the instance pool.
  * Propel keeps cached copies of objects in an instance pool when they are retrieved
  * from the database.  In some cases -- especially when you override doSelect*()
  * methods in your stub classes -- you may need to explicitly add objects
  * to the cache in order to ensure that the same objects are always returned by doSelect*()
  * and retrieveByPK*() calls.
  * @param      Catalogue $value A Catalogue object.
  * @param      string $key (optional) key to use for instance map (for performance boost if key was already calculated externally).
 public static function addInstanceToPool(Catalogue $obj, $key = null)
     if (Propel::isInstancePoolingEnabled()) {
         if ($key === null) {
             $key = (string) $obj->getCatId();
         // if key === null
         self::$instances[$key] = $obj;
Exemple #13
     foreach ($inventory as $product) {
         $subtotal += $product['price'] * $product['quantity'];
         $product['line'] = $product['price'];
         $price_total = $product['price'] * $product['quantity'];
         $product['price_total'] = number_format($price_total, 2);
         $product['line_formatted'] = Tax::getInstance()->priceFormat($product['price']);
         $product['price_total_formatted'] = Tax::getInstance()->priceFormat($price_total);
         $product['options'] = Catalogue::getInstance()->displayProductOptions($product['product_id'], unserialize($product['options_array']));
         $product['options_array'] = false;
         if (!empty($product['product_options']) && preg_match('/^a:[0-9]/', $product['product_options'])) {
             $product['options_array'] = cc_unserialize($product['product_options']);
             $product['options_text'] = implode(' ', cc_unserialize($product['product_options']));
         } elseif (!empty($product['product_options'])) {
             $product['options_text'] = $product['product_options'];
         $product['line_price_less_options'] = sprintf("%.2F", $product['line'] - Catalogue::getInstance()->getOptionsLinePrice());
         $smarty_data['products'][] = $product;
     $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('PRODUCTS', $smarty_data['products']);
     $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('SUBTOTAL', number_format($subtotal, 2));
 // Assign summary to overview
 $overview_summary = $summary[0];
 $overview_summary['percent'] = '';
 if ($overview_summary['discount_type'] == 'p') {
     $overview_summary['percent'] = number_format($overview_summary['discount'] / $overview_summary['subtotal'] * 100) . '%';
 } else {
     if ($overview_summary['discount_type'] == 'pp') {
         $overview_summary['percent'] = number_format($overview_summary['discount'] / ($overview_summary['subtotal'] + $overview_summary['discount']) * 100) . '%';
Exemple #14
<!DOCTYPE html>
To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
and open the template in the editor.
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
include '../logic/Catalogue.php';
$catalogue = new Catalogue();
$retailerNames = $catalogue->getRetailerNames();
foreach ($retailerNames as $name) {
    echo $name . '<br>';
$storeNames = $catalogue->getStoreNamesByRetailer('Sobeys');
foreach ($retailerNames as $name) {
    echo $name . '<br>';
$categoryNames = $catalogue->getCategoryNames();
foreach ($retailerNames as $name) {
    echo $name . '<br>';
$itemNames = $catalogue->getItemNamesByCategory('meat');
foreach ($retailerNames as $name) {
    echo $name . '<br>';

$id = Url::getParam('id');
if (!empty($id)) {
    $objCatalogue = new Catalogue();
    $product = $objCatalogue->getProduct($id);
    if (!empty($product)) {
        $category = $objCatalogue->getCategory($product['category']);
        require_once '_header.php';
        echo "<h1>Catalogue :: " . $category['name'] . "</h1>";
        $image = !empty($product['image']) ? 'media/catalogue/' . $product['image'] : null;
        if (!empty($image)) {
            $width = Helper::getImgSize($image, 0);
            $width = $width > 120 ? 120 : $width;
            echo "<div class=\"fl_l\">";
            echo "<div class=\"lft\"><img src=\"{$image}\" alt=\"";
            echo Helper::encodeHTML($product['name'], 1);
            echo "\" width=\"{$width}\" /></div>";
        echo "<div class=\"rgt\"><h3>" . $product['name'] . "</h3>";
        echo "<h4><strong>&pound;" . $product['price'] . "</strong></h4>";
        echo Basket::activeButton($product['id']);
        echo "</div></div>";
        echo "<div class=\"dev\">&#160;</div>";
        echo "<p>" . Helper::encodeHTML($product['description']) . "</p>";
        echo "<div class=\"dev br_td\">&#160;</div>";
        echo "<p><a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1)\">Go back</a></p>";
        require_once '_footer.php';
    } else {
        require_once 'error.php';
  * List file type
  * @param string $type
  * @param bool $select_button
  * @return array/false
 public function listFiles($type = false, $select_button = false)
     // Display Breadcrumbs
     if (!empty($this->_sub_dir)) {
         $elements = explode('/', $this->_sub_dir);
         if ($elements) {
             foreach ($elements as $sub_dir) {
                 $path[] = $sub_dir;
                 $GLOBALS['gui']->addBreadcrumb($sub_dir, currentPage(null, array('subdir' => $this->formatPath(implode('/', $path), false))));
     $type_desc = $this->_mode == self::FM_FILETYPE_IMG ? $GLOBALS['language']->filemanager['file_type_image'] : $GLOBALS['language']->filemanager['file_type_dl'];
     $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('FILMANAGER_TITLE', $type_desc . " Filemanager");
     $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('FILMANAGER_MODE', (string) $this->_mode);
     // Create a backlink to the parent directory, if is exists
     if ($this->_directories && isset($this->_directories[$this->formatPath($this->_sub_dir)])) {
         // List subdirectories
         foreach ($this->_directories[$this->formatPath($this->_sub_dir)] as $dir) {
             if ($this->_mode == self::FM_FILETYPE_IMG && in_array($this->makeFilename($dir), array('thumbs', 'source'))) {
             $name = $this->makeFilename($dir);
             $folder = array('name' => $name, 'link' => currentPage(null, array('subdir' => $this->formatPath($this->_sub_dir . $dir, false))), 'delete' => substr($name, 0, 1) !== '.' ? currentPage(null, array('delete' => $this->formatPath($this->_sub_dir . $dir, false))) : null);
             $list_folders[] = $folder;
         $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('FOLDERS', $list_folders);
     $filepath_where = empty($this->_sub_dir) ? 'IS NULL' : '= \'' . str_replace('\\', '/', $this->_sub_dir) . '\'';
     $where = '`disabled` = 0 AND `type` = ' . (int) $this->_mode . ' AND `filepath` ' . $filepath_where;
     if (($files = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_filemanager', false, $where, array('filename' => 'ASC'))) !== false) {
         $catalogue = new Catalogue();
         $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('ROOT_REL', $GLOBALS['rootRel']);
         foreach ($files as $key => $file) {
             $file['icon'] = $this->getFileIcon($file['mimetype']);
             $file['class'] = preg_match('#^image#', $file['mimetype']) ? 'class="colorbox"' : '';
             $file['edit'] = currentPage(null, array('fm-edit' => $file['file_id']));
             $file['delete'] = currentPage(null, array('delete' => $file['file_id']));
             $file['random'] = mt_rand();
             $file['description'] = !empty($file['description']) ? $file['description'] : $file['filename'];
             $file['master_filepath'] = str_replace(chr(92), "/", $this->_manage_dir . '/' . $file['filepath'] . $file['filename']);
             $file['filepath'] = $this->_mode == self::FM_FILETYPE_IMG ? $catalogue->imagePath($file['file_id'], 'medium') : $this->_manage_dir . '/' . $file['filepath'] . $file['filename'];
             $file['select_button'] = (bool) $select_button;
             if ($select_button) {
                 $file['master_filepath'] = $GLOBALS['rootRel'] . $file['master_filepath'];
             // Fix the image path added to the FCK editor area
             $list_files[$key] = $file;
         $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('FILES', $list_files);
         return $list_files;
     return false;
Exemple #17
    function getContent($args)
        global $structureMgr, $templatesMgr, $authenticationMgr;
        $userId = $authenticationMgr->getUserID();
        $userData = $authenticationMgr->getUserData($userId, '');
        $userName = $userData['FirstName'] . " " . $userData['LastName'];
        $this->setItemData('userData', $userData);
        $this->setItemData('userName', $userName);
        $blocks = $templatesMgr->getValidTags($templatesMgr->getTemplate(-1, GetCfg("TemplatesPath") . "/Cart/cart.xml"), array("container", "goods", "cart", "emptycart", "order", "quickorder", "login", "comment"));
        $sessionID = $authenticationMgr->getSessionID();
        $tpl = $blocks["container"];
        $goodsline = $blocks["goods"];
        $qr = mysql_query("SELECT p.sID, p.accID, p.ptID, ShortTitle, salePrice, accCount, ptPercent, p.accPlantID, logotype, p.smallPicture, s.MetaDesc, s.pms_sID, pc.PicturePath FROM pm_as_parts p \n                               LEFT JOIN pm_structure s ON (p.sID = s.sID) \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   LEFT JOIN pm_as_producer ap ON (ap.accPlantID = p.accPlantID)\n                               LEFT JOIN pm_as_cart c ON (c.accID = p.accID)\n                               LEFT JOIN pm_as_pricetypes pt ON (pt.ptID = p.ptID)\n                               LEFT JOIN pm_as_categories pc ON (s.pms_sID = pc.sID)\n                               WHERE c.sessionID='{$sessionID}'");
        if (!$qr) {
            trigger_error("Error getting cart items - \n" . mysql_error(), PM_FATAL);
        $goodsCount = mysql_num_rows($qr);
        $goods = "";
        $cardSum = 0;
        $curSum = 0;
        $sum = 0;
        $total = 0;
        if (mysql_num_rows($qr) > 0) {
            $cat = new Catalogue();
            //goods list from $qr
            $goodsArray = array();
            while (false !== ($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($qr))) {
                	if ($catItem["ptPercent"] == 0)
                		$firstPrice = "<strong>" . round($catItem["salePrice"] - ($catItem["salePrice"] * 5 / 100)) . "</strong>";
                		$firstPrice = "<strong><font class=\"".$typeClass."\">" . 
                					  round($catItem["salePrice"] - ($catItem["salePrice"] * $catItem["ptPercent"] / 100)) . 
                $gl = $goodsline;
                $URL = $structureMgr->getPathByPageID($r['sID'], false);
                $isCardInCart = Cart::isItemInCart(GetCfg('Club.GoodID'));
                $isClubMember = isset($userData['cardID']) && $userData['cardID'] != '0' || $isCardInCart;
                switch ($r['ptID']) {
                    case 1:
                        if ($userData['cardID'] || $isCardInCart) {
                            $curPrice = round($r["salePrice"] - $r["salePrice"] * 5 / 100);
                        } else {
                            $curPrice = $r['salePrice'];
                        $cardPrice = round($r["salePrice"] - $r["salePrice"] * 5 / 100);
                    case 2:
                        if ($userData['cardID'] || $isCardInCart) {
                            $curPrice = round($r["salePrice"] - $r["salePrice"] * $r["ptPercent"] / 100);
                        } else {
                            $curPrice = $r['salePrice'];
                        $cardPrice = round($r["salePrice"] - $r["salePrice"] * $r["ptPercent"] / 100);
                    case 3:
                        if ($userData['cardID'] || $isCardInCart) {
                            $curPrice = round($r["salePrice"] - $r["salePrice"] * $r["ptPercent"] / 100);
                        } else {
                            $curPrice = $r['salePrice'];
                        $cardPrice = round($r["salePrice"] - $r["salePrice"] * $r["ptPercent"] / 100);
                    case 4:
                        if ($userData['cardID'] || $isCardInCart) {
                            $curPrice = round($r["salePrice"] - $r["salePrice"] * $r["ptPercent"] / 100);
                        } else {
                            $curPrice = $r['salePrice'];
                        $cardPrice = round($r["salePrice"] - $r["salePrice"] * $r["ptPercent"] / 100);
                    case 5:
                        $curPrice = round($r["salePrice"] - $r["salePrice"] * $r["ptPercent"] / 100);
                        $cardPrice = round($r["salePrice"] - $r["salePrice"] * $r["ptPercent"] / 100);
                    case 6:
                        $curPrice = round($r["salePrice"] - $r["salePrice"] * $r["ptPercent"] / 100);
                        $cardPrice = round($r["salePrice"] - $r["salePrice"] * $r["ptPercent"] / 100);
                    case 7:
                        $curPrice = round($r["salePrice"] - $r["salePrice"] * $r["ptPercent"] / 100);
                        $cardPrice = round($r["salePrice"] - $r["salePrice"] * $r["ptPercent"] / 100);
                        $curPrice = $r['salePrice'];
                        $cardPrice = $r['salePrice'];
                $curPrice *= $r["accCount"];
                $cardPrice *= $r["accCount"];
                $price = $r['salePrice'] * $r["accCount"];
                //must calc as needed
                $priceCells = '<td class="gray"><p> <a href="%good_link%" class="bluem" target="_blank">%good_name%</a></p></td>
                if ($isClubMember) {
                    $priceCells = '<td>%cur_price%</td>';
                $gl = str_replace("%good_name%", $r['ShortTitle'], $gl);
                $gl = str_replace("%good_link%", $URL, $gl);
                $gl = str_replace("%card_price%", $cardPrice . " * " . $r["accCount"], $gl);
                $gl = str_replace("%cur_price%", $curPrice . " * " . $r["accCount"], $gl);
                $gl = str_replace("%price%", $price . " * " . $r["accCount"], $gl);
                $gl = str_replace("%good_count%", $r['accCount'], $gl);
                $gl = str_replace("%goodID%", $r['accID'], $gl);
                $cardSum += $cardPrice;
                $curSum += $curPrice;
                $sum += $price;
                $total += $r['accCount'];
                //echo "$curSum in Cart<br>";
                if (file_exists(GetCfg("ROOT") . $r["PicturePath"] . "/" . $r["sID"] . ".gif")) {
                    $r["smallPicture"] = $r["PicturePath"] . "/" . $r["sID"] . ".gif";
                } else {
                    if ($r["logotype"] == NULL) {
                        $r["smallPicture"] = "/products/empty.gif";
                    } else {
                        $r["smallPicture"] = $r["logotype"];
                $good = new Good(array('goodID' => $r['sID'], 'good_name' => $r['ShortTitle'], 'PicturePath' => $r['PicturePath'], 'good_link' => $URL, 'card_price' => $cardPrice, 'smallPicture' => $r["smallPicture"], 'cur_price' => $curPrice, 'price' => $price, 'good_count' => $r['accCount']));
                foreach ($r as $var => $val) {
                    $good->setItemData($var, $val);
                $good->setItemData('priceClass', $this->getPriceClass($r['ptID']));
                $good->setItemData('ptID', $r['ptID']);
                $good->setItemData('ptPercent', $r['ptPercent']);
                $good->setItemData('props', $props = $cat->getCatItemProperties($r['sID'], "CatItem", $structureMgr->getParentPageID($r['sID'])));
                $this->goods[$r['sID']] = $good;
                $imgRes = mysql_query("SELECT accPlantName, logotype FROM pm_as_producer WHERE accPlantID = '{$r["accPlantID"]}'");
                if (mysql_num_rows($imgRes) > 0) {
                    $imgRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($imgRes);
                    $this->goods[$r['sID']]->setItemData('accPlantName', $imgRow['accPlantName']);
                    $this->goods[$r['sID']]->setItemData('logotype', $imgRow['logotype']);
                $goods .= $gl;
            $tcart = $blocks["cart"];
        } else {
            $tcart = $blocks["emptycart"];
        if ($total > 0) {
            $order = $blocks["order"];
            $qorder = $blocks["quickorder"];
            if ($authenticationMgr->getUserID() == 1) {
                $blocks["login"] = str_replace("%currentpath%", getenv("REQUEST_URI"), $blocks["login"]);
                $order = str_replace("%right%", $blocks["login"], $order);
                $order = str_replace("%left%", $qorder, $order);
            } else {
                $order = str_replace("%right%", $blocks["comment"], $order);
                $order = str_replace("%left%", $qorder, $order);
                //echo $order;
        } else {
            $order = "";
        $ret = '';
        $isCardInCart = Cart::isItemInCart(GetCfg('Club.GoodID'));
        $isClubMember = isset($userData['cardID']) && $userData['cardID'] != '0' || $isCardInCart;
        $this->setItemData('isCardInCart', $isCardInCart);
        $this->setItemData('isClubMember', $isClubMember);
        $this->setItemData('userID', $userId);
        $this->userData = $userData;
        $carName = 'марка автомобиля не определена';
        if ($userId > 1 && $isClubMember && $userData['carID'] != 0) {
            $carRow = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pm_as_cars WHERE carID='{$userData['carID']}'"));
            $carName = "ВАЗ " . $carRow['carModel'] . (isset($carRow['carName']) && $carRow['carName'] != '' ? "({$carRow['carName']})" : '');
        $this->setItemData('carName', $carName);
        if ($userId == 1) {
            $ret .= '<p><strong>Внимание!:</strong></p>
						<p>Для вашего удобства мы предлагаем вам:</p>
						<p><a href="/registration" class="levm"><img src="/images/arr_gray2.gif" width="7" height="9" border="0" align="absmiddle"/>Зарегестрироваться</a><br/>
						<a href="/main/club" class="levm"><img src="/images/arr_gray2.gif" width="7" height="9" border="0" align="absmiddle"/>Стать членом клуба</a></p>';
        } elseif ($userId > 1 && !$isClubMember) {
            $ret .= '<p><strong>Внимание:</strong></p>
						<p>Для вашего удобства мы предлагаем вам:</p>
						<a href="/main/club" class="levm"><img src="/images/arr_gray2.gif" width="7" height="9" border="0" align="absmiddle"/>Стать членом клуба</a></p>';
        } elseif ($userId > 1 && $isClubMember) {
            $carName = 'марка автомобиля не определена';
            if ($userData['carID'] != 0) {
                $carRow = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pm_as_cars WHERE carID='{$userData['carID']}'"));
                $carName = "ВАЗ " . $carRow['carModel'] . (isset($carRow['carName']) && $carRow['carName'] != '' ? "({$carRow['carName']})" : '');
            $ret .= '<p><strong>Здравствуйте!</strong></p>
						<p>' . $userName . '</p>
						<p>№ Вашей карты: ' . ($userData['cardID'] == '0' ? 'Будет присвоен после оплаты.' : $userData['cardID']) . '</p>
						<p>' . $carName . '</p>
							<a href="#" class="levm"><img src="/images/arr_gray2.gif" width="7" height="9" border="0" align="absmiddle"/>Изменить анкету </a> 
						<a href="#" class="levm"><img src="/images/arr_gray2.gif" width="7" height="9" border="0" align="absmiddle"/>Выход (log out)</a></p>
        $club = $ret;
        $this->setItemData('cart', $tcart);
        $this->setItemData('cardsum', $cardSum);
        $this->setItemData('cursum', $curSum);
        $this->setItemData('sum', $sum);
        $this->setItemData('total', $total);
        $this->setItemData('goods', $goods);
        $this->setItemData('order', $order);
        $this->setItemData('club', $club);
        $dost = new Template('blockdost', $this);
        $this->setItemData('blockdost', $dost->getContent());
        if ($userId == 1) {
            $header = new Template('header', 'Быстрый заказ');
            $of = new Template('orderQuick');
            $orderForm = $header->getContent() . $of->getContent();
        } else {
            $header = new Template('header', 'Контактная информация');
            $of = new Template('orderUser', $this->getItemData('userData'));
            $orderForm = $header->getContent() . $of->getContent();
        $this->setItemData('orderForm', $orderForm);
        $cartTpl = new Template('cart', $this);
        $tpl = $cartTpl->getContent();
        $msg = _get("msg");
        if ($msg == 1) {
            $msg = '<div class="podbor">Заполните пожалуйства поле &quot;Ваше имя&quot;</div>';
        } elseif ($msg == 2) {
            $msg = '<div class="podbor">Заполните пожалуйства поле &quot;Ваше имя&quot;</div>';
        return $msg . $tpl;
Exemple #18

$id = Url::getParam('id');
if (!empty($id)) {
    $objCatalogue = new Catalogue();
    $product = $objCatalogue->getProduct($id);
    if (!empty($product)) {
        $objForm = new Form();
        $objValid = new Validation($objForm);
        $categories = $objCatalogue->getCategories();
        if ($objForm->isPost('name')) {
            $objValid->_expected = array('category', 'name', 'description', 'price');
            $objValid->_required = array('category', 'name', 'description', 'price');
            if ($objValid->isValid()) {
                if ($objCatalogue->updateProduct($objValid->_post, $id)) {
                    $objUpload = new Upload();
                    if ($objUpload->upload(CATALOGUE_PATH)) {
                        if (is_file(CATALOGUE_PATH . DS . $product['image'])) {
                            unlink(CATALOGUE_PATH . DS . $product['image']);
                        $objCatalogue->updateProduct(array('image' => $objUpload->_names[0]), $id);
                        Helper::redirect('/admin' . Url::getCurrentUrl(array('action', 'id')) . '&action=edited');
                    } else {
                        Helper::redirect('/admin' . Url::getCurrentUrl(array('action', 'id')) . '&action=edited-no-upload');
                } else {
                    Helper::redirect('/admin' . Url::getCurrentUrl(array('action', 'id')) . '&action=edited-failed');
        require_once 'template/_header.php';
Exemple #19

$cat = Url::getParam('category');
if (empty($cat)) {
    require_once "error.php";
} else {
    $objCatalogue = new Catalogue();
    $category = $objCatalogue->getCategory($cat);
    if (empty($category)) {
        require_once "error.php";
    } else {
        $rows = $objCatalogue->getProducts($cat);
        // instantiate paging class
        $objPaging = new Paging($rows, 3);
        $rows = $objPaging->getRecords();
        require_once "_header.php";

<h1>Catalogue :: <?php 
        echo $category['name'];

        if (!empty($rows)) {
            foreach ($rows as $row) {

<div class="catalogue_wrapper">
	<div class="catalogue_wrapper_left">
  * Inject our product catalogue object into the controller
  * @return ProductCatalogue
 public function getCatalogue()
     return Catalogue::create();
Exemple #21

$id = Url::getParam('id');
if (!empty($id)) {
    $objCatalogue = new Catalogue();
    $category = $objCatalogue->getCategory($id);
    if (!empty($category)) {
        $yes = '/admin' . Url::getCurrentUrl() . '&amp;remove=1';
        $no = 'javascript:history.go(-1)';
        $remove = Url::getParam('remove');
        if (!empty($remove)) {
            Helper::redirect('/admin' . Url::getCurrentUrl(array('action', 'id', 'remove', 'srch', Paging::$_key)));
        require_once 'template/_header.php';
<h1>Categories :: Remove</h1>
<p>Are you sure you want to remove this record?<br />
There is no undo!<br />
<a href="<?php 
        echo $yes;
">Yes</a> | <a href="<?php 
        echo $no;
        require_once 'template/_footer.php';
  * Declares an association between this object and a Catalogue object.
  * @param      Catalogue $v
  * @return     Usuario The current object (for fluent API support)
  * @throws     PropelException
 public function setCatalogue(Catalogue $v = null)
     if ($v === null) {
     } else {
     $this->aCatalogue = $v;
     // Add binding for other direction of this n:n relationship.
     // If this object has already been added to the Catalogue object, it will not be re-added.
     if ($v !== null) {
     return $this;
  * returns an array of results that contain titles based on keyword metadata
  * @return array
 public function seeAlsoTitles()
     //check how many keywords
     //if keywords <= 1 then check trilogy == keyword
     $trilogy = array($this->video[0]->trilogy);
     $trilogy = array_map('strtolower', $trilogy);
     $array = array_diff(array_map('strtolower', $this->keywordsArr), $trilogy);
     //loop over values so we can create WHERE like clauses
     $clauses = array();
     foreach ($array as $value) {
         $clauses[] = 'keywords LIKE \'%' . Convert::raw2sql($value) . '%\'';
     if ($this->video[0]->trilogy == null && count($this->keywordsArr) > 1) {
         return Catalogue::get()->where(implode(' OR ', $clauses))->exclude('ID', $this->id);
     if (count($this->keywordsArr) <= 1) {
         return false;
         //nothing to return so return a false so view doesn't display anything.
     } else {
         //keywords are only 1, so we will return back array of keyword results.
         return Catalogue::get()->where(implode(' OR ', $clauses))->exclude('trilogy', $this->video[0]->trilogy);
         //get all titles related to wolverine and exclude itself from result.
Exemple #24

$objCatalogue = new Catalogue();
$srch = Url::getParam('srch');
if (!empty($srch)) {
    $products = $objCatalogue->getAllProducts($srch);
    $empty = 'There are no results matching your searching criteria.';
} else {
    $products = $objCatalogue->getAllProducts();
    $empty = 'There are currently no records.';
$objPaging = new Paging($products, 5);
$rows = $objPaging->getRecords();
$objPaging->_url = '/admin' . $objPaging->_url;
require_once 'template/_header.php';


<form action="" method="get">
echo Url::getParams4Search(array('srch', Paging::$_key));
	<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="tbl_insert">
			<th><label for="srch">Product:</label></th>
				<input type="text" name="srch" id="srch" 
echo stripslashes($srch);

// If subsites is installed
if (class_exists('Subsite')) {
// Setup google sitemaps
$catalogue_enabled = Catalogue::config()->enable_frontend;
if ($catalogue_enabled && class_exists("GoogleSitemap")) {
Exemple #26
  * Dynamic template load
  * @param string $type
  * @param string $search_string
  * @return data/false
 public static function template($type, $search_string)
     switch (strtolower($type)) {
         case 'prod_options':
             $options['options'] = Catalogue::getInstance()->displayProductOptions($search_string);
             $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('product', $options);
     return false;
 public function reactCatalogue()
     $id = Input::get('reactID');
     $isAdded = FALSE;
     if (!$isAdded) {
         $catalogue = Catalogue::find($id);
         $reas = Input::get('reactInactiveCatalogue');
         $reason = DB::table('tblReasonCatalogue')->where('strInactiveCatalogueID', '=', $reas)->delete();
         $catalogue->boolIsActive = 1;
         return Redirect::to('/utilities/inactiveData?successRec=true');
     } else {
         return Redirect::to('/utilities/inactiveData?successRec=false');
    $GLOBALS['main']->addTabControl($lang['catalogue']['title_manufacturer'], false, currentPage(array('edit')));
    $GLOBALS['main']->addTabControl($lang['catalogue']['title_manufacturer_edit'], 'manu_edit');
    if (($manufacturers = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_manufacturers', array('name', 'id', 'URL'), array('id' => (int) $_GET['edit']))) !== false) {
        $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('EDIT', $manufacturers[0]);
    } else {
    foreach ($GLOBALS['hooks']->load('admin.product.manufacturer.tabs') as $hook) {
        include $hook;
    $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('PLUGIN_TABS', $smarty_data['plugin_tabs']);
    $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('DISPLAY_FORM', true);
} else {
    $GLOBALS['main']->addTabControl($lang['catalogue']['title_manufacturer'], 'manufacturers');
    $GLOBALS['main']->addTabControl($lang['catalogue']['title_manufacturer_add'], 'manu_add');
    $catalogue = Catalogue::getInstance();
    $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1;
    $per_page = 10;
    if (($manufacturers = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_manufacturers', false, false, 'name', $per_page, $page)) !== false) {
        $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('PAGINATION', $GLOBALS['db']->pagination(false, $per_page, $page));
        foreach ($manufacturers as $i => $manufacturer) {
            if (filter_var($manufacturer['URL'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
                $manufacturers[$i]['name'] = '<a href="' . $manufacturer['URL'] . '" target="_blank">' . $manufacturer['name'] . '</a>';
        $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('MANUFACTURERS', $manufacturers);
    $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('DISPLAY_LIST', true);
$page_content = $GLOBALS['smarty']->fetch('templates/products.manufacturers.php');
Exemple #29

$token1 = mt_rand();
$token2 = Login::string2hash($token1);
Session::setSession('token2', $token2);
$objBasket = new Basket();
$out = array();
$session = Session::getSession('basket');
if (!empty($session)) {
    $objCatalogue = new Catalogue();
    foreach ($session as $key => $value) {
        $out[$key] = $objCatalogue->getProduct($key);
require_once "_header.php";

<h1>Order summary</h1>

if (!empty($out)) {

<div id="big_basket">

	<form action="" method="post" id="frm_basket">
		<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="tbl_repeat">
Exemple #30

$id = Url::getParam('id');
if (!empty($id)) {
    $objOrder = new Order();
    $order = $objOrder->getOrder($id);
    if (!empty($order)) {
        $items = $objOrder->getOrderItems($id);
        $objCatalogue = new Catalogue();
        $objUser = new User();
        $user = $objUser->getUser($order['client']);
        $objCountry = new Country();
        $objBusiness = new Business();
        $business = $objBusiness->getBusiness();
        $objBasket = new Basket();

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<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<meta name="description" content="" />
<meta name="keywords" content="" />
<meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no" />
<link href="/css/invoice.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<div id="wrapper">