public static function process_action($action, $catalogs, $options = null) { if (!$options || !is_array($options)) { $options = array(); } switch ($action) { case 'add_to_all_catalogs': $catalogs = Catalog::get_catalogs(); case 'add_to_catalog': if ($catalogs) { foreach ($catalogs as $catalog_id) { $catalog = Catalog::create_from_id($catalog_id); if ($catalog !== null) { $catalog->add_to_catalog($options); } } if (!defined('SSE_OUTPUT')) { AmpError::display('catalog_add'); } } break; case 'update_all_catalogs': $catalogs = Catalog::get_catalogs(); case 'update_catalog': if ($catalogs) { foreach ($catalogs as $catalog_id) { $catalog = Catalog::create_from_id($catalog_id); if ($catalog !== null) { $catalog->verify_catalog(); } } } break; case 'full_service': if (!$catalogs) { $catalogs = Catalog::get_catalogs(); } /* This runs the clean/verify/add in that order */ foreach ($catalogs as $catalog_id) { $catalog = Catalog::create_from_id($catalog_id); if ($catalog !== null) { $catalog->clean_catalog(); $catalog->verify_catalog(); $catalog->add_to_catalog(); } } Dba::optimize_tables(); break; case 'clean_all_catalogs': $catalogs = Catalog::get_catalogs(); case 'clean_catalog': if ($catalogs) { foreach ($catalogs as $catalog_id) { $catalog = Catalog::create_from_id($catalog_id); if ($catalog !== null) { $catalog->clean_catalog(); } } // end foreach catalogs Dba::optimize_tables(); } break; case 'update_from': $catalog_id = 0; // First see if we need to do an add if ($options['add_path'] != '/' && strlen($options['add_path'])) { if ($catalog_id = Catalog_local::get_from_path($options['add_path'])) { $catalog = Catalog::create_from_id($catalog_id); if ($catalog !== null) { $catalog->add_to_catalog(array('subdirectory' => $options['add_path'])); } } } // end if add // Now check for an update if ($options['update_path'] != '/' && strlen($options['update_path'])) { if ($catalog_id = Catalog_local::get_from_path($options['update_path'])) { $songs = Song::get_from_path($options['update_path']); foreach ($songs as $song_id) { Catalog::update_single_item('song', $song_id); } } } // end if update if ($catalog_id <= 0) { AmpError::add('general', T_("This subdirectory is not part of an existing catalog. Update cannot be processed.")); } break; case 'gather_media_art': if (!$catalogs) { $catalogs = Catalog::get_catalogs(); } // Iterate throught the catalogs and gather as needed foreach ($catalogs as $catalog_id) { $catalog = Catalog::create_from_id($catalog_id); if ($catalog !== null) { require AmpConfig::get('prefix') . UI::find_template(''); flush(); $catalog->gather_art(); } } break; } }
break; case 'update_from': $catalog_id = 0; // First see if we need to do an add if ($_REQUEST['add_path'] != '/' and strlen($_REQUEST['add_path'])) { if ($catalog_id = Catalog_local::get_from_path($_REQUEST['add_path'])) { $catalog = Catalog::create_from_id($catalog_id); if ($catalog !== null) { $catalog->add_to_catalog(array('subdirectory' => $_REQUEST['add_path'])); } } } // end if add // Now check for an update if ($_REQUEST['update_path'] != '/' and strlen($_REQUEST['update_path'])) { if ($catalog_id = Catalog_local::get_from_path($_REQUEST['update_path'])) { $songs = Song::get_from_path($_REQUEST['update_path']); foreach ($songs as $song_id) { Catalog::update_single_item('song', $song_id); } } } // end if update if ($catalog_id <= 0) { Error::add('general', T_("This subdirectory is not part of an existing catalog. Update cannot be processed.")); } break; case 'add_catalog': $catalog_id = intval($_REQUEST['catalog_id']); $catalog = Catalog::create_from_id($catalog_id); if ($catalog !== null) {