  * Checks and repairs the internal consistency of the object.
  * This method is executed after an already-instantiated object is re-hydrated
  * from the database.  It exists to check any foreign keys to make sure that
  * the objects related to the current object are correct based on foreign key.
  * You can override this method in the stub class, but you should always invoke
  * the base method from the overridden method (i.e. parent::ensureConsistency()),
  * in case your model changes.
  * @throws PropelException
 public function ensureConsistency()
     if ($this->aCartItem !== null && $this->cart_item_id !== $this->aCartItem->getId()) {
         $this->aCartItem = null;
     if ($this->aAttribute !== null && $this->attribute_id !== $this->aAttribute->getId()) {
         $this->aAttribute = null;
     if ($this->aAttributeAv !== null && $this->attribute_av_id !== $this->aAttributeAv->getId()) {
         $this->aAttributeAv = null;
Exemple #2
  * Add an item within an order
  * @param Cart $item
  * @throws Exception
  * @return unknown
 public static function addOrderItem(CartItem $item)
     if (empty(self::$order)) {
         throw new Exception('The order has not been created yet', 1000);
     try {
         // get the item subtotals
         $subtotals = $item->getSubtotals();
         // get the options
         $options = $item->getOptions();
         // Get the order object previously created
         $order = self::$order;
         // add a new item
         $orderitem = new OrdersItems();
         $orderitem->order_id = $order['order_id'];
         if ("domain" == $item->getType()) {
             // Create a new domain order item
             $orderitem->tld_id = !empty($options['domain']['tld']) ? $options['domain']['tld'] : null;
             $orderitem->parameters = json_encode($options);
         } else {
             $orderitem->product_id = $item->getId();
             $orderitem->parameters = json_encode(ProductsAttributes::getSystemAttributes($item->getId()));
         $orderitem->status_id = Statuses::id("tobepaid", "orders");
         $orderitem->date_start = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $orderitem->date_end = null;
         $orderitem->description = $item->getName();
         $orderitem->quantity = $item->getQty();
         $orderitem->price = $item->getUnitprice();
         $orderitem->billing_cycle_id = $item->getBillingid();
         $orderitem->vat = $subtotals['taxes'];
         $orderitem->percentage = $subtotals['percentage'];
         $orderitem->uuid = $item->getUid();
         // Count of the day until the expiring
         if ($item->getIsrecurring()) {
             // get the months until of the next service expiration
             $months = $subtotals['months'];
             if ($months > 0) {
                 $totmonths = intval($item->getQty() * $months);
                 // Calculate the total of the months
                 $date_end = Shineisp_Commons_Utilities::add_date(date('d-m-Y H:i:s'), null, $totmonths);
                 $orderitem->date_end = Shineisp_Commons_Utilities::formatDateIn($date_end);
             } else {
                 $orderitem->date_end = null;
         $orderitem->cost = $item->getCost();
         $orderitem->setupfee = $subtotals['setupfee'];
         $orderitem->subtotal = $subtotals['subtotal'];
         // Save the order item
         if ($orderitem->trySave()) {
             // Attach all the the domain to the order
             if ("domain" == $item->getType()) {
                 $domain = $options['domain']['name'];
                 $tld = $options['domain']['tld'];
                 $domainId = Domains::Create($domain, $tld, $order->customer_id, $orderitem->detail_id);
                 if (is_numeric($domainId)) {
                     $ordersitemsdomains = new OrdersItemsDomains();
                     $ordersitemsdomains->domain_id = $domainId;
                     $ordersitemsdomains->order_id = $order['order_id'];
                     $ordersitemsdomains->orderitem_id = $orderitem->detail_id;
             // Update the totals of the order
             return $orderitem;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         Shineisp_Commons_Utilities::log('There was a problem during the order creation: ' . $e->getMessage());
     return false;
Exemple #3
  * All the cart functionalities are handled here
  * Add a product to the cart, remove a product from the cart, checkout, etc
  * @return string
 public function handleCart($action)
     switch ($action) {
         case 'Add':
             //Add a new product to the cart
             $productId = e(@$_REQUEST["productId"]);
             $product = new Product($productId);
             if (!$product->getId()) {
                 return $this->smarty->fetch("Error.tpl");
             require_once 'plugins/products/ECommProduct.php';
             $hookResults = ECommProduct::clientPluginHooks("BeforeAddToCart", $product, $this);
             //Add the product to cart
             $session = Session::getActiveSession();
             $cartItem = new CartItem();
             $hookResults = ECommProduct::clientPluginHooks("AfterAddToCart", $cartItem, $this);
             $returnURL = @$_REQUEST["returnURL"];
             if (!$returnURL) {
                 $returnURL = "/Store/";
             $this->smarty->assign('returnURL', $returnURL);
             return $this->smarty->fetch("ProductAddedToCart.tpl");
         case 'Details':
             //Get the details of the cart for an ajax call, it will have the format: "subTotal tax shipping total"
             $cartDetails = Module_EComm::getCartDetails();
             return $cartDetails["subTotal"] . " " . $cartDetails["tax"] . " " . $cartDetails["shipping"] . " " . $cartDetails["total"];
         case 'Delete':
             //Delete an item from the cart
             $cartItem = new CartItem(@$_REQUEST["id"]);
             if ($cartItem->getId()) {
                 if ($cartItem->getSession() == @$_SESSION["ECommSessionId"]) {
                     return "True";
             return "Could not be deleted";
         case 'Display':
             //Display the cart (before the checkout page)
             $session = Session::getActiveSession();
             $sessionId = $session->getId();
             $cartProducts = CartItem::getAll($sessionId);
             $cartDetails = Module_EComm::getCartDetails($sessionId, $cartProducts);
             $this->smarty->assign('cartProducts', $cartProducts);
             $this->smarty->assign('cartDetails', $cartDetails);
             $auth_container = new User();
             $auth = new Auth($auth_container, null, 'authInlineHTML');
             if ($auth->checkAuth()) {
                 $this->smarty->assign('loggedIn', 1);
             $user = Module::factory("User");
             $form = $user->getUserAddEditForm('/Store/Cart/&action=Checkout&createAccount=1');
             //In case the administrator is logged in, remove this element because it is not needed
             //In case the administrator is logged in, remove this element because it is not needed
             //Remove the section hidden variable from here
             //Remove the action hidden variable from here
             $this->smarty->assign('user_form', $form);
             $this->smarty->assign('userExist', @$_REQUEST["userExist"]);
             $this->smarty->assign('loginFail', @$_REQUEST["loginFail"]);
             return $this->smarty->fetch("DisplayCart.tpl");
         case 'displayCartProduct':
             //Display a product in a cart (similar to display a product from the database but without the option of adding to cart and with some other differences)
             $cartItem = new CartItem(@$_REQUEST["cartItemId"]);
             if ($cartItem->getId()) {
                 if ($cartItem->getSession() == @$_SESSION["ECommSessionId"]) {
                     //Make sure the owner of this item is viewing it
                     $product = $cartItem->getCartItemProduct();
                     $this->smarty->assign('cartItem', $cartItem);
                     require_once 'plugins/products/ECommProduct.php';
                     $hookResults = ECommProduct::clientPluginHooks("BeforeDisplayCartItem", $cartItem, $this);
                     $html = "";
                     foreach ($hookResults as $key => $val) {
                         $html .= @$val['HTML'];
                     $this->smarty->assign('html', $html);
                     $this->smarty->assign('returnURL', '/Store/Cart/&action=' . @$_REQUEST["returnURL"]);
                     return $this->smarty->fetch("DisplayCartItem.tpl");
             return "Item could not be displayed";
         case 'Checkout':
             //Display the checkout page
             if (@$_REQUEST["createAccount"] == 1) {
                 //Create a new user
                 $user = Module::factory("User");
                 $form = $user->getUserAddEditForm();
                 //Then try to log the user in using their username and password
                 $auth_container = new CMSAuthContainer();
                 $auth = new Auth($auth_container, null, 'authInlineHTML');
                 //First, log the current user out (if exists)
                 //And then, log the new user in using the new username and password
                 $_POST["username"] = @$_REQUEST["a_username"];
                 $_POST["password"] = @$_REQUEST["a_password"];
                 $_POST["doLogin"] = "******";
                 if (!$auth->checkAuth()) {
                     //The login did not happen successfully, which means creating a new user was not successful
                     header('Location: /Store/Cart/&action=Display&userExist=1');
             $auth_container = new User();
             $auth = new Auth($auth_container, null, 'authInlineHTML');
             if (!$auth->checkAuth()) {
                 //You need to login to access this page
                 header('Location: /Store/Cart/&action=Display&loginFail=1');
                 //Invalid username or password
             //From this point on, the user is actually logged in
             $userId = $_SESSION['authenticated_user']->getId();
             require_once 'plugins/shipping/ECommShipping.php';
             require_once 'plugins/payment/ECommPayment.php';
             $this->smarty->assign('username', $_SESSION['authenticated_user']->getUsername());
             $session = Session::getActiveSession();
             //Set the default shipping class and payment option, if empty
             if (!$session->getShippingClass()) {
             if (!$session->getPaymentClass()) {
             $sessionId = $session->getId();
             $cartProducts = CartItem::getAll($sessionId);
             $cartDetails = Module_EComm::getCartDetails($sessionId, $cartProducts);
             $this->smarty->assign('cartProducts', $cartProducts);
             $this->smarty->assign('cartDetails', $cartDetails);
             $userDetails = UserDetails::getUserDetailsBasedOnUserId($userId);
             $this->smarty->assign('userDetails', $userDetails);
             $ECommShipping = new ECommShipping();
             $this->smarty->assign('shippingClass', $ECommShipping);
             $this->smarty->assign('selectedShipping', $session->getShippingClass());
             $this->smarty->assign('shippingClassDetails', $ECommShipping->getPlugin($session->getShippingClass())->getShippingDetails());
             $ECommPayment = new ECommPayment();
             $this->smarty->assign('paymentClass', $ECommPayment);
             $this->smarty->assign('selectedPayment', $session->getPaymentClass());
             $this->smarty->assign('paymentClassDetails', $ECommPayment->getPlugin($session->getPaymentClass())->getPaymentDetails());
             $this->smarty->assign('paymentForm', $ECommPayment->getPlugin($session->getPaymentClass())->getPaymentForm());
             return $this->smarty->fetch("Checkout.tpl");
         case 'ShippingChange':
             //Change the shipping class through an ajax call. It returns the details of the new shipping class so it is displayed for the end user
             if (@$_REQUEST["shippingClass"]) {
                 $session = Session::getActiveSession();
             require_once 'plugins/shipping/ECommShipping.php';
             $ECommShipping = new ECommShipping();
             return $ECommShipping->getPlugin(@$_REQUEST["shippingClass"])->getShippingDetails();
         case 'PaymentChange':
             //Change the payment class as an ajax call. Returns the details of the new payment method to be displayed to the end user
             if (@$_REQUEST["paymentClass"]) {
                 $session = Session::getActiveSession();
             require_once 'plugins/payment/ECommPayment.php';
             $ECommPayment = new ECommPayment();
             $details = $ECommPayment->getPlugin(@$_REQUEST["paymentClass"])->getPaymentDetails();
             $form = $ECommPayment->getPlugin(@$_REQUEST["paymentClass"])->getPaymentForm();
             //This will return the details and the form separated by a new line.
             //The details must not contain any new line and neither must the form
             //The ajax call will split the result by \n. The first will will be the details and the second line will be the form
             return str_replace("\n", " ", $details) . "\n" . str_replace("\n", " ", $form);
         case 'Address':
             //Change the address or the phone number of the end user in an ajax call
             $userId = $_SESSION['authenticated_user']->getId();
             if (!$userId) {
                 //If the user is not logged in, don't do anything
                 return "";
             $userDetails = UserDetails::getUserDetailsBasedOnUserId($userId);
             $adr_type = @$_REQUEST['adr_type'];
             if ($adr_type == "phone_number") {
                 //Change the phone number
                 $form = new Form('phone_addedit', 'post', '/Store/Cart/&action=Address');
                 $form->addElement('text', 'number', 'Phone Number', array('value' => $userDetails->getPhoneNumber()));
                 $form->setConstants(array('adr_type' => $adr_type));
                 $form->addElement('hidden', 'adr_type');
                 $form->addElement('submit', 'submit', 'Submit');
                 if (isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) {
                     $this->smarty->assign('phoneNumber', $userDetails->getPhoneNumber());
                     return $this->smarty->fetch('PhoneNumber.tpl');
                 } else {
                     return $form->display();
             } else {
                 //Change the shipping address or billing address
                 $address = $userDetails->getAddress($adr_type);
                 $form = $address->getAddEditForm();
                 $form->addElement('submit', 'submit', 'Submit');
                 $form->updateAttributes(array('action' => '/Store/Cart/&action=Address'));
                 $form->setConstants(array('adr_type' => $adr_type));
                 $form->addElement('hidden', 'adr_type');
                 if (isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) {
                     $userDetails->setAddress($adr_type, $address);
                     $this->smarty->assign('address', $address);
                     $this->smarty->assign('adr_type', $adr_type);
                     return $this->smarty->fetch('Address.tpl');
                 } else {
                     return $form->display();
         case 'CheckBeforePayment':
             //This action is called when the user clicks on the "Buy now" button
             //Mmake sure that they can checkout in an ajax call before redirecting the user to the payment
             //For example, the shipping address must be present, the billing address, etc
             //If the user can checkout, return "0" to the ajax call. Right after doing that, there will be another ajax call to refresh the payment form and then submitting the form
             $session = Session::getActiveSession();
             $cartDetails = Module_EComm::getCartDetails();
             $canPurchase = Module_EComm::canUserCheckOut($session, $cartDetails);
             if ($canPurchase == "0") {
                 //The user can checkout
                 //Create a new transaction and fill it with all the details that the user has enetered
                 $userDetails = UserDetails::getUserDetailsBasedOnUserId($session->getUser());
                 $shippingAddress = $userDetails->getAddress('shipping_address');
                 $billingAddress = $userDetails->getAddress('billing_address');
                 //Proceed to payment:
                 //Create a transaction entity
                 //and change the session so the user won't mess up with it
                 //First, create a random transaction number (30 digits)
                 $tid = Transaction::generateNewTID();
                 $transaction = new Transaction();
                 $transaction->setCostSubtotal((double) $cartDetails["subTotal"]);
                 $transaction->setCostTax((double) $cartDetails["tax"]);
                 $transaction->setCostShipping((double) $cartDetails["shipping"]);
                 $transaction->setCostTotal((double) $cartDetails["total"]);
                 $_SESSION['ECommTID'] = $tid;
                 //Store $tid in PHP session so when the payment form is generated, we can include it there.
                 //After creating the transaction, regenerate the session ID to prevent users from messing up with the session after proceeding to payment
                 //The user will be assigned a new session. So, their cart will be empty. They can add new items to the cart if they want, and that will not affect their transaction
             return $canPurchase;
Exemple #4
  * Calculate the subtotal for each product in the cart
  * @param integer $id        	
  * @param integer $qty        	
  * @param boolean $isvatfree        	
  * @return ArrayObject
 private function calcSubtotal(CartItem $item, $isvatfree = false)
     foreach ($this->items as $item) {
         $isrecurring = false;
         $months = 0;
         $percentage = 0;
         $tax = 0;
         if ("domain" == $item->getType()) {
             // Get the billyng cycle / term / recurring period price
             if ($item->getTerm()) {
                 $priceInfo = ProductsTranches::getTranchebyId($item->getTerm());
                 $months = $priceInfo['BillingCycle']['months'];
             } else {
                 $priceInfo = BillingCycle::getDefaultDomainBillingCycle();
                 $months = $priceInfo['months'];
             $unitprice = $item->getUnitPrice();
             $setupfee = 0;
             // Calculate the price per Quantity
             $subtotal = $unitprice * $item->getQty();
             // check the taxes
             if (Taxes::get_percentage($item->getTaxId())) {
                 $percentage = Taxes::get_percentage($item->getTaxId());
                 $tax = $subtotal * $percentage / 100;
                 $price = $subtotal * (100 + $percentage) / 100;
         } else {
             // Get all the product information
             $product = Products::getAllInfo($item->getId());
             // Check the type of the product and get the price information
             if ($product['ProductsAttributesGroups']['isrecurring']) {
                 // Get the billyng cycle / term / recurring period price
                 $priceInfo = ProductsTranches::getTranchebyId($item->getTerm());
                 // Price multiplier
                 $months = $priceInfo['BillingCycle']['months'];
                 $unitprice = $priceInfo['price'];
                 $setupfee = $priceInfo['setupfee'];
                 // Calculate the price per the months per Quantity
                 $subtotal = $unitprice * $months * $item->getQty();
             } else {
                 $unitprice = $product['price_1'];
                 $setupfee = $product['setupfee'];
                 // Calculate the price per Quantity
                 $subtotal = $unitprice * $item->getQty();
             // check the taxes for each product
             if (!empty($product['tax_id']) && !$isvatfree) {
                 if (!empty($product['Taxes']['percentage']) && is_numeric($product['Taxes']['percentage'])) {
                     $percentage = $product['Taxes']['percentage'];
                     $tax = $subtotal * $percentage / 100;
                     $price = $subtotal * (100 + $percentage) / 100;
         // ... and add the setup fees
         $price = $subtotal + $setupfee;
         $item->setSubtotals(array('months' => $months, 'subtotal' => $subtotal, 'setupfee' => $setupfee, 'price' => $price, 'taxes' => $tax, 'percentage' => $percentage));
     return $this->items;