User: Hacker Date: 27-09-2015 Time: 14:53
Inheritance: extends CI_Controller
Exemple #1
 public function checkTemposCard(Card $card)
     $tcard = $this->getTemposCard();
     if (!is_null($tcard)) {
         return $tcard->getId() == $card->getId();
 public function testCard()
     $Card = new Card(0, '♦');
     $cardstring = $Card->getCardEvalString();
     $this->assertEquals('Ad', $cardstring);
     $value = $Card->getValue();
     $isRoyal = $Card->isRoyal();
     $label = $Card->getCardPrintLabel();
     $this->assertEquals(14, $value);
     $this->assertEquals('A♦', $label);
     $Card = new Card(10, '♣');
     $label = $Card->getCardPrintLabel();
     $isRoyal = $Card->isRoyal();
     $cardstring = $Card->getCardEvalString();
     $this->assertEquals('Jc', $cardstring);
     $this->assertEquals('J♣', $label);
     $Card = new Card(9, '♥');
     $label = $Card->getCardPrintLabel();
     $isRoyal = $Card->isRoyal();
     $cardstring = $Card->getCardEvalString();
     $this->assertEquals('Th', $cardstring);
     $this->assertEquals('10♥', $label);
     $Card = new Card(8, '♠');
     $label = $Card->getCardPrintLabel();
     $isRoyal = $Card->isRoyal();
     $cardstring = $Card->getCardEvalString();
     $this->assertEquals('9s', $cardstring);
     $this->assertEquals('9♠', $label);
 public function delete_card($card_id = 0)
     $card = new Card($card_id);
     $deck_id = $card->deck_id;
     $ref = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
     redirect('/admin/cards/list_cards/' . $deck_id);
Exemple #4
  * Add a card to the deck
  * If the card already exists, increase the count
  * @param Card $card
  * @return self
 public function addCard(Card $card)
     $hash = $card->getHash();
     if (array_key_exists($hash, $this->cards)) {
     } else {
         $this->cards[$hash] = ['count' => 1, 'details' => $card];
     return $this;
 public function addCard()
     try {
         $db = new DB();
         $card = new Card($_POST["name"], $_POST["description"], $_GET["list"]);
         $sql = "INSERT INTO card(name,description,list_id) VALUES (:name,:description,:list_id)";
         $q = $db->getConnection()->prepare($sql);
         $q->execute(array(':name' => $card->getName(), ':description' => $card->getDescription(), ':list_id' => $card->getListId()));
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         echo $e->getMessage();
    private function carte_et_scoreOracle()
        include './sys/load_iso.php';
        require_once './controllers/update_score_coeff.php';
        if (!isset($_SESSION["timeOutOracle"])) {
            // récupération d'enregistrementID pour récupérer l'id de l'Oracle et l'id de la carte
            //connexion à la BD
            $db = db::getInstance();
            //Récupération de enregistrementID
            $sql = 'SELECT enregistrementID FROM parties WHERE idDevin="' . $this->diviner . '" ORDER BY tpsDevin DESC LIMIT 1 ';
            $res1 = $db->query($sql);
            $this->res2 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res1);
            // récupération de l'id de l'oracle et de la carte grâce à enregistrementID
            $sql = 'SELECT idOracle,carteID,OracleLang
	                    FROM enregistrement WHERE enregistrementID=' . $this->res2['enregistrementID'] . '';
            $res1 = $db->query($sql);
            $res3 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res1);
            $this->oracle = $res3['idOracle'];
            // récupération du contenu de la carte avec carteID
            $carte = new Card($res3['carteID']);
            $this->res = $carte->dirtify();
            // Requête de modification des scores de l'Oracle qui a fait une description non trouvée par le devin
            updateScoreOracleDevinEchec($this->oracle, $iso[$res3["OracleLang"]], $this->res2['enregistrementID']);
            //~ 			//récupération du score précédent;
            //~ 			$sql = 'SELECT `scoreGlobal`,`scoreOracle` FROM `score` WHERE `userid`="'.$this->oracle.'" AND langue="'.$iso[$res3["OracleLang"]].'"';
            //~ 			$result=$db->query($sql);
            //~ 			$res5= mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
            //~ 			$this->previousSGO= $res5['scoreGlobal'];
            //~ 			$this->previousSO= $res5['scoreOracle'];
            //~ 			//maj des variables de scores: le score ne doit jamais être négatif.
            //~ 			$points = $this->points*0.5;
            //~ 			$_SESSION["pointsCoef"] = $points;
            //~ 			if($this->previousSO >= $points)
            //~ 			{
            //~ 				$this->previousSGO = $this->previousSGO - $points;
            //~ 				$this->previousSO = $this->previousSO - $points;
            //~ 			}
            //~ 			//maj du score dans la BD
            //~ 			$sql = 'UPDATE score
            //~ 					SET  scoreGlobal='.$db->escape((string) $this->previousSGO) . ', ' .
            //~ 					'scoreOracle='.$db->escape((string) $this->previousSO) . '
            //~ 					WHERE userid='.$this->oracle.' AND langue="'.$iso[$res3["OracleLang"]].'"';
            //~ 			$db->query($sql);
            $_SESSION["timeOutOracle"] = true;
            return false;
        } else {
            header('Location: index.php?page.home.html');
            return false;
 public function generate()
     $serial = new Serial();
     $serial->serial = $this->serial;
     $serial->duration = $this->duration;
     for ($number = 1; $number <= $this->quantity; $number++) {
         $card = new Card();
         $card->serial_id = $serial->id;
         $card->number = $number;
Exemple #8
 public function updateCard(Card $card)
     $inputs = ['color' => Input::get('color'), 'content' => Input::get('content'), 'comment' => Input::get('comment'), 'worker_id' => Input::get('worker_id')];
     $valid = Validator::make($inputs, Card::$rules);
     if ($valid->passes()) {
         $card->color = $inputs['color'];
         $card->content = $inputs['content'];
         $card->comment = $inputs['comment'];
         $card->worker_id = $inputs['worker_id'];
         return Redirect::route('card.list')->with('success', Lang::choice('messages.Cards', 1) . ' ' . trans('is updated'));
     } else {
         return Redirect::back()->withErrors($valid)->withInput();
 public function run()
     $cid = Card::create(array())['id'];
     echo $cid;
     Side::create(array('card_id' => $cid, 'descriptor' => 'front', 'text' => 'front'));
     Side::create(array('card_id' => $cid, 'descriptor' => 'back', 'text' => 'back'));
         Card::create(array('front' => 'hello',
         'back' => 'back of card',
         'count' => 10));
         Card::create(array('front' => 'hello',
     'back' => 'konnichiha',
     'count' => 10));
     for ($i=0; $i<1000; $i++) {
         Card::create(array('front' => 'hello',
                       'back' => 'konnichiha',
                       'count' => 10));
Exemple #10
 public function __tostring()
     if (null === self::$__tostring || !is_callable(self::$__tostring)) {
         self::$__tostring = create_function('$c', 'return \'<img src="/images/\'.$c->suit.\'_\'.$c->short.\'.gif" />\';');
     return call_user_func(self::$__tostring, $this);
Exemple #11
 public function __construct($deck = null)
     if (is_string($deck)) {
         $reg_comment = '/^\\s*\\/\\/(.*)/';
         $reg_empty = "/^\\s*\n\$/";
         $reg_side = '/^SB:(.*)$/';
         $reg_card_mwd = '/(\\d+)\\s*\\[(.*)\\]\\s*(.+)$/';
         $reg_card_apr = '/(\\d+)\\s*(.+)$/';
         $lines = explode("\n", $deck);
         // Cut file content in lines
         $notfound = 0;
         foreach ($lines as $value) {
             // Parse lines one by one
             // Not a card line
             if (preg_match($reg_comment, $value, $matches)) {
                 // Comment line
             if (preg_match($reg_empty, $value, $matches)) {
                 // Empty line
             // Sideboard
             if ($side = preg_match($reg_side, $value, $matches)) {
                 $value = $matches[1];
             // Search
             $card = null;
             if (preg_match($reg_card_mwd, $value, $matches)) {
                 // MWS
                 list($line, $nb, $ext, $name) = $matches;
                 $card = Card::get(trim($name), $ext);
             } else {
                 if (preg_match($reg_card_apr, $value, $matches)) {
                     // Aprentice
                     list($line, $nb, $name) = $matches;
                     $card = Card::get(trim($name));
             // (not) Found
             if ($card == null) {
                 if (++$notfound > 3) {
                     echo "Too many cards not found, deck parsing canceled\n";
                     return false;
             } else {
                 if ($notfound > 0) {
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $nb; $i++) {
                     if ($side) {
                         $this->side[] = $card;
                     } else {
                         $this->main[] = $card;
Exemple #12
 public function __construct()
     foreach (Card::getSuits() as $suit) {
         foreach (Card::getValues() as $value) {
             $this->cards[] = new Card($suit, $value);
Exemple #13
 public function community_cards($game = NULL)
     if (is_a($game, 'Game')) {
         return $game->render_community_cards();
     } else {
         return Card::render_card_space() . Card::render_card_space() . Card::render_card_space() . Card::render_card_space() . Card::render_card_space();
Exemple #14
 public function setCardsAttribute($cards)
     if (count($cards) > 0) {
         foreach ($cards as $card) {
             Card::create((array) $card);
Exemple #15
 public function get_content($content)
     global $db_cards;
     $this->fullcontent = array();
     foreach ($content as $card) {
         $this->fullcontent[] = Card::get($card->name, $card->ext, property_exists($card, 'nb') ? $card->nb : 0);
Exemple #16
	public function render () {
		global $config;

		echo $this->card . '...';
		$card = $this->card;
		$settings = $this->getSettings();
		$costColors = Card::getCostColors($card->cost);
		$white = '255,255,255';

		$canvas = imagecreatetruecolor(1050, 736);

		// Art image.
		$this->drawArt($canvas, $card->artFileName, $settings[''], $settings['art.left'], $settings['art.bottom'], $settings['art.right'], !$config['art.keep.aspect.ratio']);

		echo '.';

		// Background image.
		$bgImage = @imagecreatefrompng('images/plane/plane.png');
		imagecopy($canvas, $bgImage, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1050, 736);

		echo '.';

		// Set and rarity.
		$rarityLeft = $this->drawRarity($canvas, $card->rarity, $card->set, $settings['rarity.right'], $settings[''], $settings['rarity.height'], $settings['rarity.width'], false);

		// Card title.
		$this->drawText($canvas, $settings['title.x'], $settings['title.y'], null, $card->getDisplayTitle(), $this->font('title'));

		echo '.';

		// Type.
		$this->drawText($canvas, $settings['type.x'], $settings['type.y'], null, $card->type, $this->font('type'));

		//Chaos Symbol
		$this->drawSymbol($canvas, 632, 115, 50, 'C', null);

		// Legal text.
		if (!preg_match('/(.*\n)(.*?)$/s', $card->legal, $matches)) error('Missing chaos ability from legal text: ' . $card->title);
		$this->drawLegalAndFlavorText($canvas, $settings[''], $settings['text.left'], $settings['text.bottom'], $settings['text.right'], $matches[1], null, $this->font('text'), 0);
		$this->drawLegalAndFlavorText($canvas, $settings[''], $settings['chaos.left'], $settings['chaos.bottom'], $settings['chaos.right'], $matches[2], null, $this->font('text'), 0);

		// Artist and copyright.
		// The artist color is white if the frame behind it is black.
		$footerColor = '255,255,255';
		if ($card->artist) {
			if ($settings['card.artist.gears']) {
				$artistSymbol = '{gear}';
			} else {
				$artistSymbol = '{brush}';
			$this->drawText($canvas, $settings['artist.x'], $settings['artist.y'], null, $artistSymbol . $card->artist, $this->font('artist', 'color:' . $footerColor));
		if ($card->copyright) $this->drawText($canvas, $settings['copyright.x'], $settings['copyright.y'], null, $card->copyright, $this->font('copyright', 'color:' . $footerColor));

		echo "\n";
		return $canvas;
Exemple #17
 function __construct()
     foreach (Card::get_ranks() as $rank) {
         foreach (Card::get_suits() as $suit) {
             $this->add(new Card($rank, $suit));
Exemple #18
	private function GetEntries()
		require_once "Records/card.php";
		require_once "Records/entry.php";
		$s = Card::GetAllCardsQuery()
			->join(array("e" => Entry::$TABLE), "e.card =", array())
			->where("e.cube = ?", $this->id);
		$r = DB::zdb()->fetchAll($s);
		$this->cards = array();
		foreach ( $r as $rr )
			$this->cards[] = new Card($rr);
Exemple #19
	public function __construct($card)
		$this->keys = array_keys($this->data);
		foreach( $this->keys as $key )
			if ( array_key_exists( $key, $_GET ) )
				$this->Mutate( $key, $_GET[$key] );
				$this->data[$key] = $_GET[$key];
Exemple #20
 public function render_cards($game_id, $face_down = false)
     if ($face_down) {
         $count = $this->cards[$game_id]->count();
         if ($count == 2) {
             return Card::render_card_back() . Card::render_card_back();
         } elseif ($count == 1) {
             return Card::render_card_back() . Card::render_card_space();
         } else {
             return Card::render_card_space() . Card::render_card_space();
     } else {
         return $this->cards[$game_id]->render(2);
 public function actionCreate()
     $model = new ConsumerLog();
     if ($_POST['ConsumerLog']) {
         $model->attributes = $_POST['ConsumerLog'];
         if ($model->validate()) {
             $model->setAttribute('fee', $model->price / $model->total);
             if ($model->save() && Card::model()->updateByPk($model->card_id, ['used_num' => $model->used + 1])) {
                 Yii::app()->user->setFlash('ConsumerLog', '提交成功');
     $stores = Store::model()->getName();
     $this->render('create', ['model' => $model, 'stores' => $stores]);
Exemple #22
 public function cardInfo($params = array())
     if (isset($type_id)) {
         $num = isset($num) && $num > 0 ? $num : 1;
         $result = Card::model()->getCards($type_id, $num);
         if ($result) {
             $ret = $this->notice('OK', 0, '成功', $result);
         } else {
             $ret = $this->notice('OK', 0, '成功', []);
     } else {
         $ret = $this->notice('ERR', 301, '缺少参数', []);
     return $ret;
 public function newcardAction()
     $em = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Doctrine\\ORM\\EntityManager');
     $card = new Card();
     echo "OK";
Exemple #24
  * Convert to an array suitable for use as Twitter Card structured properties
  * @since 1.0.0
  * @return array {
  *  @type string Twitter card property
  *  @type mixed property value
  * }
 public function toArray()
     $card = parent::toArray();
     $image_properties = $this->imageCardProperties();
     if (!empty($image_properties)) {
         $card['image'] = $image_properties;
     if (isset($this->creator) && $this->creator) {
         $creator = $this->creator->asCardProperties();
         if ($creator) {
             $card['creator'] = $creator;
     return $card;
Exemple #25
	public function __construct($card)
		if ( !is_array($card) )
			$s = Card::GetAllCardsQuery()
				->where(" = ?", $card);
			$card = DB::zdb()->fetchRow($s);
		$this->data = $card;

		$this->id = $card["id"];
		$this->name = $card["name"];
		$this->cardFrame = $card["frame_url"];
		$this->text = $card["text"];
Exemple #26
 public static function get_all($sort_query = ' ORDER BY serial, number')
     $db = new DB();
     $query = 'SELECT c.card_id, serial, c.number, c.release_date, c.end_date, c.status, (
         SELECT COUNT( bill_number )
         FROM bills
         WHERE card_id = c.card_id
         ) AS purchases
         FROM cards c
         NATURAL JOIN cards_series s WHERE s.serial_id <> ' . ADMCARDSERIAL . ' ' . $sort_query;
     $data = $db->query_all($query, 'Card') or die($sort_query);
     foreach ($data as $obj) {
         if ((string) $obj->end_date < ($current_date = (string) date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))) {
             $obj->status = 2;
             Card::deactivate($obj->card_id, 2);
     return $data;
Exemple #27
 private function get_cards()
     // Import card list from DB and dispatch by rarity/transformability
     if (count($this->cards) > 0) {
         return false;
     if ($this->get_data('all', false)) {
         $this->cards = Card::$cache;
         $this->cards_rarity['C'] = $this->cards;
         //$cards = $db_cards->select("SELECT `card`.`name` FROM `card` ORDER BY `card`.`id` ASC") ;
     } else {
         echo 'Cache not fill';
         global $db_cards;
         $cards = $db_cards->select("SELECT `card`.`name`\n\t\t\tFROM `card_ext`, `card`\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t`card_ext`.`card` = `card`.`id` AND\n\t\t\t\t`card_ext`.`ext` = {$this->id}\n\t\t\tORDER BY `card`.`id` ASC");
         foreach ($cards as $card) {
             $this->add_card(Card::get($card->name, $this->se));
 private function loadWonders()
     $wonders = json_decode(file_get_contents("cards/wonders.json"), true);
     foreach ($wonders as &$wonder) {
         foreach ($wonder as $side => &$value) {
             if ($side == 'name') {
             if (isset($value['resource'])) {
                 $value['resource'] = Card::csvResources($value['resource'], true)[0];
             foreach ($value['stages'] as &$stage) {
                 if (isset($stage['resource'])) {
                     $stage['resource'] = Card::csvResources($stage['resource'], false)[0];
                 $stage['requirements'] = Card::csvResources($stage['requirements'], false);
     return $wonders;
 public function render($count = 0)
     if ($count) {
         $return = '';
         for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
             if (array_key_exists($i, $this->cards)) {
                 if (is_a($this->cards[$i], 'Card')) {
                     $return .= $this->cards[$i]->render();
                 } else {
                     $return .= Card::render_card_space();
             } else {
                 $return .= Card::render_card_space();
     } else {
         foreach ($this->cards as $card) {
             $return .= $card->render();
     return $return;
Exemple #30
 public function checkCard($attribute, $params)
     if ($this->flag < 2) {
         if ($this->flag_content) {
             $obj = Card::model()->find(array('condition' => 'card_num=:num and is_sale =:sale', 'params' => array(':num' => $this->flag_content, ':sale' => '1')));
             if ($obj) {
                 if (strtotime($obj->start_time) > time()) {
                     $this->addError($attribute, '使用时间未开始');
                     return false;
                 if (strtotime($obj->end_time) < time()) {
                     $this->addError($attribute, '有效时间已过');
                     return false;
                 if ($obj->total_num > $obj->used_num) {
                     $this->total = $obj->total_num;
                     $this->used = $obj->used_num;
                     $this->price = $obj->price;
                     $this->card_id = $obj->card_id;
                     return true;
                 } else {
                     $this->addError($attribute, '次数已用完');
             } else {
                 $this->addError($attribute, '卡号不存在');
         } else {
             $this->addError($attribute, '卡号不能为空');
     } else {
         if ($this->flag == 2) {
             return true;
         } else {
             $this->addError($attribute, '卡号不存在');