//And the item is due for exchange //If the exchange is over (case1 or case2) if ($case1 || $case2) { //Print out the rating tool $newRating = new Rater($other_id); $newRating->output(); } else { if ($case3) { //Show the pickup countdown $newPickup = new Pickup($duedate); $newPickup->output(); } else { //If the meeting date has not been determined... if ($meetdt == 0) { //...show the calender $newCal = new Calender(trim($oid)); $newCal->output(); } else { //...print out the countdown to the meetup $newMeetup = new Meetup($meetdt); $newMeetup->output(); } } } echo "</div>"; //Close the main container ?> <script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.exp&sensor=true"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/lib/min/?g=js"></script> <?php
$days = $this->getWDay(); for ($i = 0; $i < $days; $i++) { $html .= "<td> </td>"; } return $html; } //日历末尾填充 function padLast() { $html = ''; $days = 6 - $this->getWday($this->getDays()); for ($i = 0; $i < $days; $i++) { $html .= "<td> </td>"; } return $html; } //上个月 function lastMonth() { $year = $this->date['year']; $lastmonth = $this->date['mon'] - 1; if ($lastmonth < 1) { $year = $year - 1; $laetmonth = 1; } return "<a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?date={$year}-{$lastmonth}'><<</a>"; } } list($year, $month) = explode('-', $_GET['date']); $c = new Calender(); echo $c->build($year, $month);
$html .= "</tr>"; } } $html .= "</table>"; return $html; } function buildMonth() { return date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->month, 1, $this->year)); } function isFirst($day) { if (date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->month, $day, $this->year)) == 0) { return true; } return false; } function isLast($day) { if (date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->month, $day, $this->year)) == 6) { return true; } return false; } function getDay($day) { return date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->month, $day, $this->year)); } } $c = new Calender(); echo $c->build();
<?php namespace vhOrganizer\calender; class Calender { function __construct($month) { //$month should be an integer between 1-12 if (is_int($month)) { if ($month > 0 && $month < 13) { $this->month = $month; } else { throw new Exception(); } } else { throw new Exception(); } } public function returnEmpty() { require 'content/calender.html'; } public function returnMonth() { } } $calender = new Calender(1); $calender->returnEmpty();