Exemple #1
 public function addPlans($plans, $repid, $begindate, $enddate, $uid, $type, $exedetail = "")
     foreach ($plans as $plan) {
         $remindDate = empty($plan["reminddate"]) ? 0 : strtotime($plan["reminddate"]);
         $record = array("repid" => $repid, "content" => StringUtil::filterCleanHtml($plan["content"]), "uid" => $uid, "flag" => isset($plan["process"]) && $plan["process"] == 10 ? 1 : 0, "planflag" => $type, "process" => isset($plan["process"]) ? $plan["process"] : 0, "exedetail" => StringUtil::filterCleanHtml($exedetail), "begindate" => $begindate, "enddate" => $enddate, "reminddate" => $remindDate);
         $rid = $this->add($record, true);
         $isInstallCalendar = ModuleUtil::getIsEnabled("calendar");
         if ($isInstallCalendar && $remindDate) {
             $calendar = array("subject" => $record["content"], "starttime" => $remindDate, "endtime" => $remindDate, "uid" => $uid, "upuid" => $uid, "lock" => 1, "category" => 4, "isalldayevent" => 1);
             $cid = Calendars::model()->add($calendar, true);
             CalendarRepRecord::model()->add(array("rid" => $rid, "cid" => $cid, "repid" => $repid));
Exemple #2
 public function actionDel()
     if (Ibos::app()->request->isAjaxRequest) {
         $repids = EnvUtil::getRequest("repids");
         $uid = Ibos::app()->user->uid;
         if (empty($repids)) {
             $this->error(Ibos::lang("Parameters error", "error"), $this->createUrl("default/index"));
         $pk = "";
         if (strpos($repids, ",")) {
             $repids = trim($repids, ",");
             $pk = explode(",", $repids);
         } else {
             $pk = array($repids);
         $reports = Report::model()->fetchAllByPk($pk);
         foreach ($reports as $report) {
             if ($report["uid"] != $uid) {
                 $this->ajaxReturn(array("isSuccess" => false, "msg" => Ibos::lang("You do not have permission to delete the report")));
         $aids = Report::model()->fetchAllAidByRepids($pk);
         if ($aids) {
         $isInstallCalendar = ModuleUtil::getIsEnabled("calendar");
         if ($isInstallCalendar) {
             Calendars::model()->deleteALL("`calendarid` IN(select `cid` from {{calendar_rep_record}} where FIND_IN_SET(`repid`, '{$repids}')) ");
             CalendarRepRecord::model()->deleteAll("repid IN ({$repids})");
         $delSuccess = Report::model()->deleteByPk($pk);
         if ($delSuccess) {
             ReportRecord::model()->deleteAll("repid IN('{$repids}')");
             ReportStats::model()->deleteAll("repid IN ({$repids})");
             $this->ajaxReturn(array("isSuccess" => true, "msg" => Ibos::lang("Del succeed", "message")));
         } else {
             $this->ajaxReturn(array("isSuccess" => false, "msg" => Ibos::lang("Del failed", "message")));