function displayCalendar($paramstring, $params = array()) { global $wgParser; global $wgScript, $wgScriptPath; global $wgTitle, $wgUser; global $wgRestrictCalendarTo, $wgCalendarDisableRedirects; global $wgCalendarForceNamespace, $wgCalendarDateFormat; $wgParser->disableCache(); $wikiRoot = $wgScript . "?title="; $userMode = 'month'; // grab the page title $title = $wgTitle->getPrefixedText(); $config_page = " "; $calendar = null; $calendar = new Calendar($wikiRoot, isset($params["debug"])); //return $calendar->getURLRelativePath(); $calendar->namespace = $wgTitle->getNsText(); if (!isset($params["name"])) { $params["name"] = "Public"; } // append simplemonth to name to seperate from normal calendar names //if(isset($params["simplemonth"])) $params["name"] .= "_simplemonth"; $calendar->paramstring = $paramstring; // set path $params['path'] = str_replace("\\", "/", dirname(__FILE__)); $name = Common::checkForMagicWord($params["name"]); // normal calendar... $calendar->calendarPageName = "{$title}/{$name}"; // if the calendar isn't in a namespace(s) specificed in $wgCalendarForceNamespace, return a warning // this can be a string or an array if (isset($wgCalendarForceNamespace)) { if (is_array($wgCalendarForceNamespace)) { if (!in_array($calendar->namespace, $wgCalendarForceNamespace)) { $namespaces = ""; foreach ($wgCalendarForceNamespace as $namespace) { $namespaces .= $namespace . ", "; } return Common::translate('invalid_namespace') . '<b>' . $namespaces . '</b>'; } } else { if ($wgCalendarForceNamespace != $calendar->namespace) { return Common::translate('invalid_namespace') . '<b>' . $wgCalendarForceNamespace . '</b>'; } } } //set defaults that are required later in the code... if (!isset($params["timetrackhead"])) { $params["timetrackhead"] = "Event, Value"; } if (!isset($params["maxdailyevents"])) { $params["maxdailyevents"] = 5; } if (!isset($params["yearoffset"])) { $params["yearoffset"] = 2; } if (!isset($params["charlimit"])) { $params["charlimit"] = 25; } if (!isset($params["css"])) { $params["css"] = "default.css"; } //if(!isset($params["formatdate"])) $params["formatdate"] = 'M-D-YYYY'; //if($params["formatdate"] == 'formatdate'){ // return 'Invalid date format'; //} //set secure mode via $wgRestrictCalendarTo global // this global is set via LocalSetting.php (ex: $wgRestrictCalendarTo = 'sysop'; if (isset($wgRestrictCalendarTo)) { $arrGroups = $wgUser->getGroups(); if (is_array($wgRestrictCalendarTo)) { if (count(array_intersect($wgRestrictCalendarTo, $arrGroups)) == 0) { $params["lockdown"] = true; } } else { if (!in_array($wgRestrictCalendarTo, $arrGroups)) { $params["lockdown"] = true; } } } if (isset($wgCalendarDisableRedirects)) { $params['disableredirects'] = true; } // no need to pass a parameter here... isset check for the params name, thats it if (isset($params["lockdown"])) { $params['disableaddevent'] = true; $params['disablelinks'] = true; $params['locktemplates'] = true; } // this needs to be last after all required $params are updated, changed, defaulted or whatever $calendar->arrSettings = $params; // finished special conditions; set the $title and $name in the class $calendar->setTitle($title); $calendar->setName($name); $cookie_name = preg_replace('/(\\.|\\s)/', '_', $title . " " . $name); //replace periods and spaces if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name])) { $calendar->debug->set('cookie loaded'); $arrSession = split("`", $_COOKIE[$cookie_name]); $calendar->setMonth($arrSession[0]); $calendar->setDay($arrSession[1]); $calendar->setYear($arrSession[2]); $calendar->setTitle($arrSession[3]); $calendar->setName($arrSession[4]); if (strlen($arrSession[5]) > 0) { $userMode = $arrSession[5]; } } else { // defaults from the <calendar /> parameters; must restart browser to enable if (isset($params['week'])) { $userMode = 'week'; } if (isset($params['year'])) { $userMode = 'year'; } } if (isset($params['useeventlist'])) { $userMode = 'events'; } if (isset($params['date'])) { $userMode = 'day'; } if (isset($params['simplemonth'])) { $userMode = 'simplemonth'; } $render = $calendar->renderCalendar($userMode); // purge main calendar before displaying the calendar if ($calendar->invalidateCache) { $article = new Article(Title::newFromText($title)); $article->purge(); header("Location: " . $wikiRoot . $title); } return $render; }
function displayCalendar($paramstring, $params = array()) { global $wgParser; global $wgScript, $wgScriptPath; global $wgTitle, $wgUser; global $wgRestrictCalendarTo, $wgCalendarDisableRedirects; global $wgCalendarForceNamespace, $wgCalendarDateFormat; $wgParser->disableCache(); $wikiRoot = $wgScript . "?title="; $userMode = 'month'; // grab the page title $title = $wgTitle->getPrefixedText(); $config_page = " "; $calendar = null; $calendar = new Calendar($wikiRoot, isset($params["debug"])); //return $calendar->getURLRelativePath(); $calendar->namespace = $wgTitle->getNsText(); if (!isset($params["name"])) { $params["name"] = "Public"; } // append simplemonth to name to seperate from normal calendar names //if(isset($params["simplemonth"])) $params["name"] .= "_simplemonth"; $calendar->paramstring = $paramstring; // set path $params['path'] = str_replace("\\", "/", dirname(__FILE__)); $name = Common::checkForMagicWord($params["name"]); // normal calendar... $calendar->calendarPageName = "{$title}/{$name}"; $calendar->configPageName = "{$title}/{$name}/config"; if (isset($params["useconfigpage"])) { $configs = $calendar->getConfig("{$title}/{$name}"); //merge the config page and the calendar tag params; tag params overwrite config file $params = array_merge($configs, $params); } // just in case i rename some preferences... we can make them backwards compatible here... legacyAliasChecks($params); // if the calendar isn't in a namespace(s) specificed in $wgCalendarForceNamespace, return a warning // this can be a string or an array if (isset($wgCalendarForceNamespace)) { if (is_array($wgCalendarForceNamespace)) { if (!in_array($calendar->namespace, $wgCalendarForceNamespace) && !isset($params["fullsubscribe"])) { $namespaces = ""; foreach ($wgCalendarForceNamespace as $namespace) { $namespaces .= $namespace . ", "; } return Common::translate('invalid_namespace') . '<b>' . $namespaces . '</b>'; } } else { if ($wgCalendarForceNamespace != $calendar->namespace && !isset($params["fullsubscribe"])) { return Common::translate('invalid_namespace') . '<b>' . $wgCalendarForceNamespace . '</b>'; } } } //set defaults that are required later in the code... if (!isset($params["timetrackhead"])) { $params["timetrackhead"] = "Event, Value"; } if (!isset($params["maxdailyevents"])) { $params["maxdailyevents"] = 5; } if (!isset($params["yearoffset"])) { $params["yearoffset"] = 2; } if (!isset($params["charlimit"])) { $params["charlimit"] = 25; } if (!isset($params["css"])) { $params["css"] = "default.css"; } //if(!isset($params["formatdate"])) $params["formatdate"] = 'M-D-YYYY'; //if($params["formatdate"] == 'formatdate'){ // return 'Invalid date format'; //} //set secure mode via $wgRestrictCalendarTo global // this global is set via LocalSetting.php (ex: $wgRestrictCalendarTo = 'sysop'; if (isset($wgRestrictCalendarTo)) { $arrGroups = $wgUser->getGroups(); if (is_array($wgRestrictCalendarTo)) { if (count(array_intersect($wgRestrictCalendarTo, $arrGroups)) == 0) { $params["lockdown"] = true; } } else { if (!in_array($wgRestrictCalendarTo, $arrGroups)) { $params["lockdown"] = true; } } } if (isset($wgCalendarDisableRedirects)) { $params['disableredirects'] = true; } // no need to pass a parameter here... isset check for the params name, thats it if (isset($params["lockdown"])) { $params['disableaddevent'] = true; $params['disablelinks'] = true; $params['locktemplates'] = true; } if (isset($params["5dayweek"])) { $params['monday'] = true; } // this needs to be last after all required $params are updated, changed, defaulted or whatever $calendar->arrSettings = $params; // joint calendar...pulling data from our calendar and the "title/name" format if (isset($params["subscribe"])) { if ($params["subscribe"] != "subscribe") { $calendar->subscribedPages = split(",", $params["subscribe"]); } } // subscriber only calendar...basically, taking the subscribers identity "title/name" format if (isset($params["fullsubscribe"])) { if ($params["fullsubscribe"] != "fullsubscribe") { $arrString = explode('/', $params["fullsubscribe"]); array_pop($arrString); $string = implode('/', $arrString); $article = new Article(Title::newFromText($string)); // if the fullsubscribe calendar doesn't exisit, return a warning... if (!$article->exists()) { return "Invalid 'fullsubscribe' calendar page: <b><i>{$string}</i></b>"; } $calendar->calendarPageName = htmlspecialchars($params["fullsubscribe"]); $calendar->isFullSubscribe = true; } } // finished special conditions; set the $title and $name in the class $calendar->setTitle($title); $calendar->setName($name); $cookie_name = preg_replace('/(\\.|\\s)/', '_', $title . " " . $name); //replace periods and spaces if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name])) { $calendar->debug->set('cookie loaded'); $arrSession = split("`", $_COOKIE[$cookie_name]); $calendar->setMonth($arrSession[0]); $calendar->setDay($arrSession[1]); $calendar->setYear($arrSession[2]); $calendar->setTitle($arrSession[3]); $calendar->setName($arrSession[4]); if (strlen($arrSession[5]) > 0) { $userMode = $arrSession[5]; } } else { // defaults from the <calendar /> parameters; must restart browser to enable if (isset($params['week'])) { $userMode = 'week'; } if (isset($params['year'])) { $userMode = 'year'; } } if (isset($params['useeventlist'])) { $userMode = 'events'; } if (isset($params['date'])) { $userMode = 'day'; } if (isset($params['simplemonth'])) { $userMode = 'simplemonth'; } if (isset($_COOKIE['calendar_ical'])) { $calendar->debug->set('ical cookie loaded'); $calendar->load_iCal($_COOKIE['calendar_ical']); //delete ical file in "mediawiki/images" folder @unlink($_COOKIE['calendar_ical']); // delete the ical path cookie setcookie('calendar_ical', "", time() - 3600); // refresh the calendar's newly added events $calendar->invalidateCache = true; } $render = $calendar->renderCalendar($userMode); // purge main calendar before displaying the calendar if ($calendar->invalidateCache) { $article = new Article(Title::newFromText($title)); $article->purge(); header("Location: " . $wikiRoot . $title); } return $render; }
<?php include "calendar.php"; $calendar = new Calendar("Tomorrow"); echo "Tomorrow: " . $calendar->getDate() . "<br>"; $calendar->setDay("yesterday"); echo "Yesterday: " . $calendar->getDate() . "<br>"; $calendar->setDay("today"); echo "Today is : " . $calendar->getDate() . "<br>";