Exemple #1
  * Calculates the date of the Nth weekday of the month,
  * such as the second Saturday of January 2000
  * @param int $week
  *        	the number of the week to get
  *        	(1 = first, etc. Also can be 'last'.)
  * @param int $dow
  *        	the day of the week (0 = Sunday)
  * @param int $month
  *        	the month
  * @param int $year
  *        	the year. Use the complete year instead of the
  *        	abbreviated version. E.g. use 2005, not 05.
  *        	Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000.
  * @param string $format
  *        	the string indicating how to format the output
  * @return string the date in the desired format
  * @access public
  * @static
 static function NWeekdayOfMonth($week, $dow, $month, $year, $format = DATE_CALC_FORMAT)
     if (is_numeric($week)) {
         $DOW1day = ($week - 1) * 7 + 1;
         $DOW1 = Calc::dayOfWeek($DOW1day, $month, $year);
         $wdate = ($week - 1) * 7 + 1 + (7 + $dow - $DOW1) % 7;
         if ($wdate > Calc::daysInMonth($month, $year)) {
             return -1;
         } else {
             return Calc::dateFormat($wdate, $month, $year, $format);
     } elseif ($week == 'last' && $dow < 7) {
         $lastday = Calc::daysInMonth($month, $year);
         $lastdow = Calc::dayOfWeek($lastday, $month, $year);
         $diff = $dow - $lastdow;
         if ($diff > 0) {
             return Calc::dateFormat($lastday - (7 - $diff), $month, $year, $format);
         } else {
             return Calc::dateFormat($lastday + $diff, $month, $year, $format);
     } else {
         return -1;