Exemple #1
  * Delete a message from the CalDAV server.
  * @see BackendDiff::DeleteMessage()
 public function DeleteMessage($folderid, $id, $contentParameters)
     ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("BackendCalDAV->DeleteMessage('%s','%s')", $folderid, $id));
     $url = $this->_caldav_path . substr($folderid, 1) . "/" . $id;
     $http_status_code = $this->_caldav->DoDELETERequest($url);
     if ($http_status_code == "204") {
         return true;
     return false;
 static function rmcalendar($data, $params = false)
     require_once ROOTPATH . '/plugins/davicalCliente/caldav-client-v2.php';
     $cal = new CalDAVClient(Config::service('CalDAV', 'url') . '/', Config::me('uid'), Config::me('password'));
     $cal->DoDELETERequest(Config::service('CalDAV', 'url') . '/' . Config::me('uid') . '/' . $data . '/');
Exemple #3
  * Deletes one VCALENDAR
  * @access public
  * @param $id       string      ID of the VCALENDAR
  * @return boolean
 public function DeleteCalendar($id)
     $http_status_code = $this->_caldav->DoDELETERequest(sprintf("%s%s/%s", $this->_caldav_path, CALDAV_PERSONAL, $id));
     return $http_status_code == "204";
        simple_write_resource($local_fname, $event, isset($insert_urls[$href]) ? 'INSERT' : 'UPDATE');
        $newcache->local_etags[$fname] = md5($event);
    $qry = new AwlQuery('SELECT collection_id, dav_displayname AS displayname, dav_etag AS getctag FROM collection WHERE dav_name = :collection_dav_name', array(':collection_dav_name' => $args->local_collection_path));
    if ($qry->Exec('sync-pull', __LINE__, __FILE__) && $qry->rows() > 0) {
        $local_calendar = $qry->Fetch();
        if (isset($local_calendar->getctag)) {
            $newcache->local_ctag = $local_calendar->getctag;
if ($sync_out) {
    printf("Sync out\n");
    // Delete any remote events which have been removed from the local server
    foreach ($server_delete_urls as $href => $etag) {
        $caldav->DoDELETERequest($args->url . $href, $etag);
        printf("\nDELETE Response:\n%s\n", $caldav->GetResponseHeaders());
    // Push locally updated events to the remote server
    foreach ($push_urls as $href => $etag) {
        $new_etag = $caldav->DoPUTRequest($args->url . $href, $push_events[$href], $etag);
        printf("\nPUT:\n%s\nResponse:\n%s\n", $caldav->GetHttpRequest(), $caldav->GetResponseHeaders());
        if (!isset($new_etag) || $new_etag == '') {
            if (preg_match('{^Location:\\s+.*/([^/]+)$}im', $caldav->GetResponseHeaders(), $matches)) {
                /** How annoying.  It seems the other server renamed the event on PUT so we move the local copy to match their name */
                $new_href = preg_replace('{\\r?\\n.*$}s', '', $matches[1]);
                $qry = new AwlQuery('UPDATE caldav_data SET dav_name = :new_dav_name WHERE dav_name = :old_dav_name', array(':new_dav_name' => $args->local_collection_path . $new_href, ':old_dav_name' => $args->local_collection_path . $href));
                $qry->Exec('sync_pull', __LINE__, __FILE__);
                $new_cache->local_etags[$new_href] = $new_cache->local_etags[$href];