?> "> <option value="none" selected disabled>select a frosting color</option> <?php echo Cakes::selectOptions(Cakes::$frosting_color_opt); ?> </select> <select id="cake_flavor" name="cake_flavor" value="<?php echo $cake->cake_flavor; ?> "> <option value="none" selected disabled>select a cake flavor</option> <?php echo Cakes::selectOptions(Cakes::$cake_flavor_opt); ?> </select> <input id="cake" placeholder="input your cake message" name="decor_message" value="<?php echo $cake->decor_message; ?> "> <input type="submit"> </form> </div>
public function getView($order_id) { $order = Order::where('order_id', '=', $order_id)->get()->toArray(); // $order_master = Ordermaster::where('order_id','=',$order_id)->get()->toArray(); if ($order[0]['type'] == "cake") { $prod_details = Cakes::where('id', '=', $order[0]['product_id'])->get(array('image', 'title', 'description'))->toArray(); } else { $prod_details = Product::where('id', '=', $order[0]['product_id'])->get(array('image', 'title', 'description'))->toArray(); } $order_addon_id = $order[0]['add_on_id']; $addon_det = array(); if ($order_addon_id != "") { $order_addons = explode(',', $order_addon_id); foreach ($order_addons as $k => $v) { $temp = Addon::find($v)->toArray(); array_push($addon_det, $temp); } } $order[0]['prod_details'] = $prod_details[0]; // $order[0]['master_details'] = $order_master[0]; return View::make('orders.view')->with('order', $order[0])->with('addon_det', $addon_det); }
public function postAddtocart() { $cake = Cakes::find(Input::get('id')); $quantity = Input::get('quantity'); $delivery_date = Input::get('delivery_date'); $price = Input::get('price'); Cart::insert(array('id' => $cake->id, 'code' => $cake->product_code, 'name' => $cake->title, 'price' => $price, 'quantity' => $quantity, 'vendor_id' => Input::get('vend_id'), 'type' => 'p', 'delivery_date' => $delivery_date, 'image' => $cake->image)); return Redirect::to('home/cart')->with('purchase_type', 'cake'); }
$cakes->save(); return new JsonResponse($cake); }); //show a cake $app->get("/cakes/{id}", function ($id) { $cakes = new Cakes(); return new JsonResponse($cakes->getCake($id)); }); $app->patch("/cakes/{id}/update", function (Request $request, $id) { $cakes = new Cakes(); $oldCake = $cakes->getCake($id); if (!$oldCake) { return new Response("No cake by id {$id}", 404); } $newCake = json_decode($request->getContent(), true); // var_dump($newCake, $oldCake);die; $cake = array_merge($oldCake, $newCake); $cakes->updateCake($id, $cake); $cakes->save(); return new JsonResponse($cake); }); $app->delete("/cakes/{id}/delete", function ($id) { $cakes = new Cakes(); if (!$cakes->getCake($id)) { return new Response("No cake by id {$id}"); } $cakes->deleteCake($id); $cakes->save(); return new Response(); }); $app->run();
public static function getproductdesc($id) { $description = Cakes::where('id', '=', $id)->get(array('title', 'description'))->toArray(); $desc = $description[0]['title'] . " " . $description[0]['description']; return $desc; }
public function getSendtocity() { $city = ""; $sendtype = ""; //Set type session if (Input::has('sendtype')) { $sendtype = Input::get('sendtype'); Session::put('sendtype', $sendtype); } if (Session::has('sendtype')) { $sendtype = Session::get('sendtype'); } //Set flowers session if (Input::has('sendtocity')) { $city = Input::get('sendtocity'); Session::put('city', $city); } if (Session::has('city')) { $city = Session::get('city'); } // Pagination calulation $perPage = 8; if (isset($_GET['page'])) { $currentPage = $_GET['page'] - 1; } else { $currentPage = 0; } if ($sendtype == 'flower') { $products1 = Product::where('city', 'like', '%' . $city . '%')->get()->toArray(); $products2 = Prodvenrelations::where('city', 'like', '%' . $city . '%')->get()->toArray(); if (!empty($products2)) { foreach ($products2 as $key => $value) { $parent_prod = Product::find($value['product_id'])->toArray(); $products2[$key]['id'] = $parent_prod['id']; $products2[$key]['image'] = $parent_prod['image']; $products2[$key]['title'] = $parent_prod['title']; } } $products = array_merge($products1, $products2); $pagedData = array_slice($products, $currentPage * $perPage, $perPage); $links = Paginator::make($products, count($products), $perPage); return View::make('home.sendtocity')->with('products', $pagedData)->with('city_to_go', $city)->with('links', $links)->with('city_list', City::all()); } else { $category_selected = "all"; $cakes = Cakes::where('city', '=', $city)->get()->toArray(); $tmp = array(); foreach ($cakes as $arg) { $tmp[$arg['title']][] = $arg; } $cakes = $tmp; $pagedData = array_slice($cakes, $currentPage * $perPage, $perPage); $links = Paginator::make($cakes, count($cakes), $perPage); return View::make('cake.index')->with('category_selected', $category_selected)->with('city_list', City::all())->with('cakes', $pagedData)->with('links', $links)->with('city_to_go', $city)->with('tocity', $city); } }
</tbody> </table> <hr> </div> The order has been successfully placed. Thanks for shopping with us.<br/> <h5>Billing details : </h5> <br/><br/> Order id : <?php echo $details_for_order['txnid']; ?> <br/><br/> Amount : <?php echo $details_for_order['subtotal']; ?> <br/><br/> Product info : <?php echo $info = $details_for_order['udf2'] == 'cake' ? Cakes::getproductdesc($details_for_order['product_id'][0]) : Product::getproductdesc($details_for_order['product_id'][0]); ?> <br/><br/> First name : <?php echo $billing_det['first_name']; ?> <br/><br/> Last name : <?php echo $billing_det['last_name']; ?> <br/><br/> Address1 : <?php echo $billing_det['address']; ?> <br/><br/> Address2 : <?php