  * launches the book build process
  * @param int $chaucerBookId
  * @return boolean
 public function runBookProcess()
     $bookSource = $this->getBookSourceType();
     if (!$bookSource) {
         throw new Exception("Book {$this->bookId} not found in chaucer database.");
     $objProcessor = $this->getBookProcessor($bookSource);
     if (is_object($objProcessor)) {
         $objProcessor->progressBookId = $this->updateBookId;
         $objProcessor->completedState = $this->completedState;
         $objProcessor->uploadedFiles = $this->sourceFiles;
         try {
             return $objProcessor->process();
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $msg = trim($e->getMessage());
             if (strlen($msg) > 0) {
                 if (substr($msg, 0, 1) == '[') {
                     $displayMsg = substr($msg, strpos($msg, ']') + 1);
                 } else {
                     $displayMsg = $msg;
             if (is_object($objProcessor->progress)) {
             } else {
                 trigger_error($e->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR);
     } else {
         throw new Exception('[ProcessQueue::runBookProcess] Unknown book source');
     return false;
  * Starts a new background task by passing some data to it with a priority
  * @param string $taskName name of the task to be executed
  * @param mixed $data info to be passed to background task
  * @param sting $priority null for normal or either "low" or "high"
  * @return boolean success
 public static function execute($taskName, $data = null, $priority = null)
     if (!empty($priority)) {
         $priority = strtolower($priority);
         if (!in_array($priority, array('low', 'high'))) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('%s is not a valid priority, only accepting low and high', $priority));
     $prefix = Configure::read('Gearman.prefix');
     if ($prefix) {
         $taskName = $prefix . '_' . $taskName;
     $data = json_encode($data);
     CakeLog::debug(sprintf('Creating background job: %s', $taskName), array('gearman'));
     if ($priority == 'low') {
         $job = static::client()->doLowBackground($taskName, $data);
     if ($priority == 'high') {
         $job = static::client()->doHighBackground($taskName, $data);
     if (empty($priority)) {
         $job = static::client()->doBackground($taskName, $data);
     if (static::client()->returnCode() !== GEARMAN_SUCCESS) {
         CakeLog::error(sprintf('Could not create background job for task %s and data %s. Got %s (%s)', $taskName, $data, $job, static::client()->error()), array('gearman'));
         return false;
     return true;
  * Save questionnaire settings
  * @param array $data received post data
  * @return bool True on success, false on failure
  * @throws InternalErrorException
 public function saveQuestionnaireBlocksSetting($data)
     $this->loadModels(['BlockRolePermission' => 'Blocks.BlockRolePermission']);
     $dataSource = $this->getDataSource();
     try {
         if (!$this->validateQuestionnaireBlocksSetting($data)) {
             return false;
         foreach ($data[$this->BlockRolePermission->alias] as $value) {
             if (!$this->BlockRolePermission->validateBlockRolePermissions($value)) {
                 $this->validationErrors = Hash::merge($this->validationErrors, $this->BlockRolePermission->validationErrors);
                 return false;
         if (!$this->save(null, false)) {
             throw new InternalErrorException(__d('net_commons', 'Internal Server Error'));
         foreach ($data[$this->BlockRolePermission->alias] as $value) {
             if (!$this->BlockRolePermission->saveMany($value, ['validate' => false])) {
                 throw new InternalErrorException(__d('net_commons', 'Internal Server Error'));
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         throw $ex;
     return true;
  * view
  * @return void
  * @throws Exception
 public function view()
     if (!Current::read('Block.id')) {
         $this->autoRender = false;
     $isAccessed = 'block_key_' . Current::read('Block.key');
     $counterFrameSetting = $this->AccessCounterFrameSetting->getAccessCounterFrameSetting(true);
     $this->set('accessCounterFrameSetting', $counterFrameSetting['AccessCounterFrameSetting']);
     $accessCounter = $this->AccessCounter->getAccessCounter(true);
     // カウントアップ処理
     if (!$this->Session->read($isAccessed)) {
         try {
             // アクセス情報を記録
             $this->Session->write($isAccessed, CakeSession::read('Config.userAgent'));
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             throw $ex;
     $this->set('accessCounter', $accessCounter['AccessCounter']);
 public static function execute($command, $cwd = null, $env = null, $allowSudo = true)
     $descriptorspec = array(0 => array("pipe", "r"), 1 => array("pipe", "w"), 2 => array("pipe", "w"));
     \CakeLog::debug("Executing command: {$command}");
     if (!empty($cwd)) {
         \CakeLog::debug("--> cwd = {$cwd}");
     // Execute command
     $process = proc_open($command, $descriptorspec, $pipes, $cwd, $env);
     if (!is_resource($process)) {
         \CakeLog::error("Could not execute command: {$command}");
         throw new Exception("Could not execute command: {$command}");
     // close stdin
     $stdout = $stderr = $buffer = $errbuf = "";
     while (($buffer = fgets($pipes[1], 1024)) != NULL || ($errbuf = fgets($pipes[2], 1024)) != NULL) {
         if (!empty($buffer)) {
             $stdout .= $buffer;
             \CakeLog::debug('--> stdout: ' . trim($buffer));
         if (!empty($errbuf)) {
             $stderr .= $errbuf;
             \CakeLog::error('--> stderr: ' . trim($errbuf));
     $exit_code = proc_close($process);
     \CakeLog::debug("--> exit_code: {$exit_code}");
     unset($pipes[0], $pipes[1], $pipes[2], $pipes);
     unset($descriptorspec[0], $descriptorspec[1], $descriptorspec[2], $descriptorspec);
     return compact('stdout', 'stderr', 'exit_code', 'command', 'cwd', 'env');
  * Uninstall plugin
  * @param Model $model Model using this behavior
  * @param array $data Plugin data
  * @return bool True on success
  * @throws InternalErrorException
 public function uninstallPlugin(Model $model, $data)
     $model->loadModels(['Plugin' => 'PluginManager.Plugin', 'PluginsRole' => 'PluginManager.PluginsRole', 'PluginsRoom' => 'PluginManager.PluginsRoom']);
     $dataSource = $model->getDataSource();
     if (is_string($data)) {
         $key = $data;
     } else {
         $key = $data[$model->alias]['key'];
     try {
         if (!$model->deleteAll(array($model->alias . '.key' => $key), false)) {
             throw new InternalErrorException(__d('net_commons', 'Internal Server Error'));
         if (!$model->PluginsRoom->deleteAll(array($model->PluginsRoom->alias . '.plugin_key' => $key), false)) {
             throw new InternalErrorException(__d('net_commons', 'Internal Server Error'));
         if (!$model->PluginsRole->deleteAll(array($model->PluginsRole->alias . '.plugin_key' => $key), false)) {
             throw new InternalErrorException(__d('net_commons', 'Internal Server Error'));
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         throw $ex;
     return true;
  * PING
  * @param string|null $url pingのURL(テストで使用する)
  * @return mixed fsockopenの結果
 public function ping($url = null)
     $errno = 0;
     $errstr = null;
     if (!$url) {
         $url = self::NOTIFICATION_PING_URL;
     CakeLog::info('Execute ping ' . $url);
     try {
         $resource = fsockopen($url, 80, $errno, $errstr, 3);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $resource = false;
     if (!$resource) {
         CakeLog::info('Failure ping ' . $url);
         $result = false;
     } else {
         $result = true;
         CakeLog::info('Success ping ' . $url);
     return $result;
  * Move Order UserAttributes
  * @param array $data received post data
  * @return bool True on success, false on validation errors
  * @throws InternalErrorException
 public function saveUserAttributesOrder($data)
     $dataSource = $this->getDataSource();
     try {
         //$indexes = array_keys($data['LinkOrders']);
         //foreach ($indexes as $i) {
         //	if (! $this->validateLinkOrder($data['LinkOrders'][$i])) {
         //		return false;
         //	}
         //foreach ($indexes as $i) {
         //	if (! $this->save($data['LinkOrders'][$i], false, false)) {
         //		throw new InternalErrorException(__d('net_commons', 'Internal Server Error'));
         //	}
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         throw $ex;
     return true;
Exemple #9
  * save blog
  * @param array $data received post data
  * @return mixed On success Model::$data if its not empty or true, false on failure
  * @throws InternalErrorException
 public function saveBlogFrameSetting($data)
     $this->loadModels(['BlogFrameSetting' => 'Blogs.BlogFrameSetting']);
     $dataSource = $this->getDataSource();
     try {
         if (!$this->validateBlogFrameSetting($data)) {
             return false;
         if (!($resultData = $this->save(null, false))) {
             throw new InternalErrorException(__d('net_commons', 'Internal Server Error'));
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         throw $ex;
     return $resultData;
  * Load a list of $fixtures into a $source
  * @param string $source The name of your datasource (e.g. default)
  * @param array $fixtures An array of fixtures - same format as in CakeTest $fixtures
  * @return void
 public function loadAllFixtures($source, $fixtures)
     CakeLog::debug('Begin fixture import');
     $nested = $this->_db->useNestedTransactions;
     $this->_db->useNestedTransactions = false;
     foreach ($fixtures as $f) {
         CakeLog::debug(sprintf('Working on %s', $f));
         if (empty($this->_loaded[$f])) {
             CakeLog::notice('-> Can not find it in the loaded array.. weird');
         $fixture = $this->_loaded[$f];
         CakeLog::debug(sprintf('-> Found fixture: %s', get_class($fixture)));
         $this->_setupTable($fixture, $this->_db, true);
         CakeLog::debug('-> Created table "OK"');
         if ($fixture->insert($this->_db)) {
             CakeLog::debug('-> Inserted fixture data "OK"');
         } else {
             CakeLog::error('-> Inserted fixture data "ERROR"');
     $this->_useNestedTransactions = $nested;
 public function lookup($url)
     $results = $this->http->get($url);
     if (!$results->isOk()) {
         CakeLog::error("GooglePlayApi::lookup: Error: {$url} {$results->reasonPhrase} {$results->body}");
         return false;
     $results = $this->parseHtml($results->body);
     return $results;
 public function rotate()
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         CakeLog::error('LogRotation::rotate() - ' . $e->getMessage(), 'backend');
         return false;
     return true;
 public function saveTest()
     $data['Test'] = $this->request->data;
     //        CakeLog::error(print_r($data, true));
     if ($this->Test->save($data)) {
         $this->Session->setFlash('Your post has been saved.');
         $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'departments', 'action' => 'viewTime', $data['Test']['department_id']));
     } else {
         $this->Session->setFlash('Unable to add your post.');
Exemple #14
 public function parse()
     $xml_string = trim(file_get_contents($this->path));
     try {
         $this->xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml_string);
         return true;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         CakeLog::error("Unable to parse TOC: " . implode(', ', libxml_get_errors()));
         return false;
 public function create($db)
     $ok = parent::create($db);
     // Workaround: CakeSchema cannot create FULLTEXT fixtures, so we change the table manually after creation
     if ($ok) {
         $query = "ALTER TABLE `{$this->table}` ADD FULLTEXT INDEX `data` (`data` ASC)";
         try {
             $this->created[] = $db->configKeyName;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $msg = __d('cake_dev', 'Fixture creation for "%s" failed "%s"', $this->table, $e->getMessage());
             trigger_error($msg, E_USER_WARNING);
             return false;
         return true;
     return false;
Exemple #16
  * Load Event Handlers during bootstrap.
  * Plugins can add their own custom EventHandler in Config/events.php
  * with the following format:
  * $config = array(
  *     'EventHandlers' => array(
  *         'Example.ExampleEventHandler' => array(
  *             'eventKey' => null,
  *             'options' => array(
  *                 'priority' => 1,
  *                 'passParams' => false,
  *                 'className' => 'Plugin.ClassName',
  *      )));
  * @return void
 public static function loadListeners()
     $eventManager = CroogoEventManager::instance();
     $cached = Cache::read('EventHandlers', 'cached_settings');
     if ($cached === false) {
         $eventHandlers = Configure::read('EventHandlers');
         $validKeys = array('eventKey' => null, 'options' => array());
         $cached = array();
         if (!empty($eventHandlers) && is_array($eventHandlers)) {
             foreach ($eventHandlers as $eventHandler => $eventOptions) {
                 $eventKey = null;
                 if (is_numeric($eventHandler)) {
                     $eventHandler = $eventOptions;
                     $eventOptions = array();
                 list($plugin, $class) = pluginSplit($eventHandler);
                 if (!empty($eventOptions)) {
                     extract(array_intersect_key($eventOptions, $validKeys));
                 if (isset($eventOptions['options']['className'])) {
                     list($plugin, $class) = pluginSplit($eventOptions['options']['className']);
                 App::uses($class, $plugin . '.Event');
                 if (class_exists($class)) {
                     $cached[] = compact('plugin', 'class', 'eventKey', 'eventOptions');
                 } else {
                     CakeLog::error(__d('croogo', 'EventHandler %s not found in plugin %s', $class, $plugin));
             Cache::write('EventHandlers', $cached, 'cached_settings');
     foreach ($cached as $cache) {
         if (CakePlugin::loaded($plugin)) {
             App::uses($class, $plugin . '.Event');
             $settings = isset($eventOptions['options']) ? $eventOptions['options'] : array();
             $listener = new $class($settings);
             $eventManager->attach($listener, $eventKey, $eventOptions);
  * ブロック一覧表示
  * @return CakeResponse
  * @throws Exception
 public function index()
     $this->Paginator->settings = array('VideoBlockSetting' => array('order' => array('VideoBlockSetting.id' => 'desc'), 'joins' => array(array('type' => 'LEFT', 'table' => '( SELECT b.key, SUM(f.size) size_byte' . ' FROM videos v, blocks b, files f' . ' WHERE v.block_id = b.id' . ' AND (v.mp4_id = f.id OR v.thumbnail_id = f.id)' . " AND b.plugin_key = '" . $this->request->params['plugin'] . "'" . ' GROUP BY b.key )', 'alias' => 'Size', 'conditions' => 'VideoBlockSetting.block_key = Size.key')), 'conditions' => array('Block.key = VideoBlockSetting.block_key', 'Block.language_id' => $this->viewVars['languageId'], 'Block.room_id' => $this->viewVars['roomId']), 'fields' => array('*', 'Size.size_byte')));
     try {
         if (!($videoBlockSetting = $this->Paginator->paginate('VideoBlockSetting'))) {
             $this->view = 'not_found';
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         if (isset($this->request['paging']) && $this->params['named']) {
             $this->redirect('/videos/video_block_settings/index/' . $this->viewVars['frameId']);
         throw $ex;
     $results['videoBlockSettings'] = $videoBlockSetting;
     $results = $this->camelizeKeyRecursive($results);
Exemple #18
  * Execute Task
  * @return bool
 public function execute()
     $this->out('  >> Email Task', 1, Shell::VERBOSE);
      * Exit if no message id
     if (empty($this->message_id) || empty($this->ddb)) {
         $this->out('     Failed. No Message id.');
         return false;
     $message_data = $this->ddb->getData($this->message_id);
      * Exit if no data
     if (empty($message_data)) {
         $this->out('     Failed. No Message data.', 1, Shell::NORMAL);
         return false;
     $payload = $message_data['payload'];
     $to = $payload['to'];
     $locale = $payload['locale'];
     $data = $payload['email_data'];
     $template = $payload['template'];
     $tag = $payload['tag'];
     $subject = $payload['subject'];
     $emailOptions = $payload['email_options'];
     try {
          * Send user email
         $this->out('     Sending Email.', 1, Shell::VERBOSE);
         $this->sendEmail($data, $to, $locale, $template, $tag, $subject, $emailOptions);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->out('     Failed.');
         CakeLog::error('CRITICAL: Error encountered in Email Task');
         return false;
     $this->out('     Done.', 1, Shell::VERBOSE);
     return true;
Exemple #19
  * Convert XML file to DOMDocument and validate against Edexml XSD
  * @param string $filename Filename of XML file
  * @return mixed A DOMDocument (DOMDocument), or false (boolean) on validation errors
 protected function _parse($filename)
     $dom = false;
     if (file_exists($filename)) {
         // Enable user error handling
         $dom = Xml::build($filename, ['return' => 'domdocument']);
         if ($dom) {
             $schemaFile = CakePlugin::path('Edexml') . 'File' . DS . 'EDEXML-2.0' . DS . 'EDEXML.structuur.xsd';
             if (!$dom->schemaValidate($schemaFile)) {
                 $dom = false;
                 foreach (libxml_get_errors() as $error) {
                     CakeLog::error($this->_displayXmlError($error), 'debug');
     return $dom;
Exemple #20
  * Save topic
  * @param array $data received post data
  * @return mixed On success Model::$data if its not empty or true, false on failure
  * @throws InternalErrorException
 public function saveTopic($data)
     $con = $this->getDataSource();
     try {
         $this->Topic = ClassRegistry::init('Topics.Topic');
         if (!$this->Topic->validateTopic(['block_id' => $data['block_id'], 'status' => $data['status'], 'is_active' => $data['is_active'], 'is_latest' => $data['is_latest'], 'is_auto_translated' => $data['is_auto_translated'], 'is_first_auto_translation' => $data['is_first_auto_translation'], 'translation_engine' => $data['translation_engine'], 'title' => Search::prepareTitle($data['contents']), 'contents' => Search::prepareContents([$data['contents']]), 'plugin_key' => $data['plugin_key'], 'path' => $data['path'], 'from' => $data['from']])) {
             $this->validationErrors = Hash::merge($this->validationErrors, $this->Topic->validationErrors);
             return false;
         if (!$this->Topic->save(null, false)) {
             throw new InternalErrorException(__d('net_commons', 'Internal Server Error'));
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         throw $ex;
     /* return $announcement; */
  * index
  * @return void
 public function index()
     if (!$this->Notification->validCacheTime() && !$this->Session->read('getNotificationError')) {
         try {
             $this->Session->write('getNotificationError', true);
             if ($this->Notification->ping()) {
                 $notifications = $this->Notification->serialize();
                 $this->Notification->updateNotifications(array('Notification' => $notifications));
                 $this->Session->write('getNotificationError', false);
         } catch (XmlException $e) {
             // Xmlが取得できなくても、エラーにしない
     $notifications = $this->Notification->find('all', array('recursive' => -1, 'limit' => Notification::MAX_ROW, 'order' => array('modified' => 'desc')));
     $this->set('notifications', $notifications);
     $this->set('title', __d('notifications', 'Notifications'));
 public function lookup($url)
     $_url = parse_url($url);
     if ($_url == false) {
         CakeLog::error("AppStoreApi::lookup error: url={$url}");
         return false;
     $path = explode('/', $_url['path']);
     foreach ($path as $p) {
         if (preg_match('/id([0-9]+)/', $p, $m)) {
             $id = $m[1];
     $res = $this->http->get('https://itunes.apple.com/jp/lookup', compact('id'));
     if (!$res->isOk()) {
         CakeLog::error("AppStoreApi::lookup error: url={$url} code={$res->code}");
         return false;
     $result = json_decode($res->body, true);
     return $result['results'][0];
  * Save plugin
  * @param array $data Request data
  * @return bool True on success
  * @throws InternalErrorException
 public function saveUserAttributeLayout($data)
     $this->loadModels(['UserAttributeLayout' => 'UserAttributes.UserAttributeLayout']);
     $dataSource = $this->getDataSource();
     try {
         if (!$this->save($data)) {
             throw new InternalErrorException(__d('net_commons', 'Internal Server Error'));
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         throw $ex;
     return true;
  * save RssReaderFrameSetting
  * @param array $data received post data
  * @return bool true success, false error
  * @throws InternalErrorException
 public function saveRssReaderFrameSetting($data)
     $this->loadModels(['RssReaderFrameSetting' => 'RssReaders.RssReaderFrameSetting']);
     $dataSource = $this->getDataSource();
     try {
         if (!$this->validateRssReaderFrameSetting($data)) {
             return false;
         if (!$this->save(null, false)) {
             throw new InternalErrorException(__d('net_commons', 'Internal Server Error'));
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         throw $ex;
     return true;
Exemple #25
  * login
  * @return void
  * @throws InternalErrorException
 public function login()
     if ($this->request->is('post')) {
         if ($this->Auth->login()) {
             $dataSource = $this->User->getDataSource();
             try {
                 $update = array('User.last_login' => '\'' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '\'');
                 $conditions = array('User.id' => (int) $this->Auth->user('id'));
                 $this->User->updateAll($update, $conditions);
             } catch (Exception $ex) {
                 throw $ex;
         $this->Flash->set(__d('auth', 'Invalid username or password, try again'));
Exemple #26
  * Save menu frame setting
  * @param array $data received post data
  * @return bool True on success, false on failure
  * @throws InternalErrorException
 public function saveMenuFrameSetting($data)
     $this->loadModels(['MenuFrameSetting' => 'Menus.MenuFrameSetting', 'MenuFramesPage' => 'Menus.MenuFramesPage']);
     $dataSource = $this->getDataSource();
     if (!$this->validateMenuFrameSetting($data['MenuFrameSetting'])) {
         return false;
     if (!$this->MenuFramesPage->validateMany($data['Menus'])) {
         $this->validationErrors = Hash::merge($this->validationErrors, $this->MenuFramesPage->validationErrors);
         return false;
     try {
         if (!$this->save($data['MenuFrameSetting'], false)) {
             throw new InternalErrorException(__d('net_commons', 'Internal Server Error'));
         foreach ($data['Menus'] as $menu) {
             if (!$this->MenuFramesPage->save($menu['MenuFramesPage'], false)) {
                 throw new InternalErrorException(__d('net_commons', 'Internal Server Error'));
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         throw $ex;
     return true;
  * Generate tided HTML code
  * @param string $content
  * @return string modified content if avaible, otherwise origin content
 public static function tidy($content, $options = array())
     $options += array('tidy' => dirname(__DIR__) . DS . 'Vendor' . DS . 'tidy-html5' . DS . 'bin' . DS . 'tidy');
     if (!is_executable($options['tidy'])) {
         CakeLog::error('Tidy not executable.');
         return $content;
     $configFile = self::_config($options);
     $origFile = CACHE . md5($content);
     $tidedFile = CACHE . 'tided_' . md5($content);
     if (is_writeable(dirname($origFile)) && $configFile) {
         if (file_put_contents($origFile, $content)) {
             exec($options['tidy'] . ' -config ' . $configFile . ' ' . $origFile . ' > ' . $tidedFile);
             if (file_exists($tidedFile)) {
                 $tidedContent = file_get_contents($tidedFile);
             } else {
                 $tidedContent = null;
     return empty($tidedContent) ? $content : $tidedContent;
Exemple #28
  * Delete RolesRoomsUser
  * @param array $data received post data
  * @return mixed On success Model::$data if its not empty or true, false on failure
  * @throws InternalErrorException
 public function deleteRolesRoomsUser($data)
     $dataSource = $this->getDataSource();
     try {
         if (!$this->delete($data['RolesRoomsUser']['id'], false)) {
             throw new InternalErrorException(__d('net_commons', 'Internal Server Error'));
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         throw $ex;
     return true;
Exemple #29
  * Get url
  * @return void
 public function get()
     $url = Hash::get($this->request->query, 'url');
     if (!$url) {
         return false;
     try {
         $socket = new HttpSocket(array('request' => array('redirect' => 10)));
         $response = $socket->get($url);
         if (!$response->isOk()) {
             $this->throwBadRequest(__d('links', 'Failed to obtain the title for this page.'));
     } catch (SocketException $ex) {
         $this->throwBadRequest(__d('links', 'Failed to obtain the title for this page.'));
     $results = array('title' => null, 'description' => null);
     $body = $response->body;
     $pattern = '/<title>(.*)<\\/title>/i';
     $matches = array();
     if (preg_match($pattern, $body, $matches)) {
         $results['title'] = mb_convert_encoding($matches[1], 'utf-8', 'auto');
     $pattern = '/<meta[^"\'<>\\]]*name=([\'"]?)description\\1[^"\'<>\\]]*content=([\'"]?)([^"\'<>\\]]*)\\2[^"\'<>\\]]*>/i';
     $matches = array();
     if (preg_match($pattern, $body, $matches)) {
         $results['description'] = mb_convert_encoding($matches[3], 'utf-8', 'auto');
Exemple #30
  * AWS S3のファイルをコピーする
  * @param string $srcFilePath 移動元のファイル
  * @param string $dstFilePath 移動先のファイル
  * @return mixed
 protected function copyFile($srcFilePath, $dstFilePath)
     // 行頭にスラッシュが入っていた場合は消す
     $srcFilePath = preg_replace("/^\\/(.+)\$/", "\$1", $srcFilePath);
     $dstFilePath = preg_replace("/^\\/(.+)\$/", "\$1", $dstFilePath);
     try {
         $this->S3->copyObject(array('Bucket' => $this->bucketName, 'CopySource' => $this->bucketName . '/' . $srcFilePath, 'Key' => $dstFilePath, 'ACL' => CannedAcl::PUBLIC_READ));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         CakeLog::error('AWS S3 [copyObject]: ' . $exc->getMessage());
         return false;
     return true;