function TestComponent()
     global $APPLICATION;
     $client = new CSOAPClient("bitrix.soap", $APPLICATION->GetCurPage());
     $request = new CSOAPRequest("GetHTTPUserInfo", CWebService::GetDefaultTargetNS());
     //$request->addParameter("stub", 0);
     $response = $client->send($request);
     if ($response->FaultString) {
         echo $response->FaultString;
     } else {
         echo "Call GetHTTPUserInfo(): <br>" . mydump($response->Value) . "<br>";
 function GetWebServiceDesc()
     $wsdesc = new CWebServiceDesc();
     $wsdesc->wsname = "bdv.webservice.addproducts";
     // название сервиса
     $wsdesc->wsclassname = "CMainWS";
     // название класса
     $wsdesc->wsdlauto = true;
     $wsdesc->wsendpoint = CWebService::GetDefaultEndpoint();
     $wsdesc->wstargetns = CWebService::GetDefaultTargetNS();
     $wsdesc->classTypes = array();
     $wsdesc->structTypes = array();
     $wsdesc->classes = array("CMainWS" => array("AddProduct" => array("type" => "public", "input" => array("NAME" => array("varType" => "string")), "output" => array("id" => array("varType" => "integer")), "httpauth" => "Y"), "AddCategory" => array("type" => "public", "input" => array("NAME" => array("varType" => "string"), "PARENT_ID" => array("varType" => "string", "strict" => "no")), "output" => array("id" => array("varType" => "integer")), "httpauth" => "Y"), "DeleteCategory" => array("type" => "public", "input" => array("ID" => array("varType" => "integer")), "output" => array("OK" => array("varType" => "integer")), "httpauth" => "Y"), "GetCategory" => array("type" => "public", "input" => array(), "output" => array("return" => array("varType" => "ArrayOfsCategoryDataLite", "arrType" => "sCategoryDataLite")), "httpauth" => "Y"), "GetIBlockCatalog" => array("type" => "public", "input" => array(), "output" => array("return" => array("varType" => "integer")), "httpauth" => "Y")));
     $wsdesc->structTypes["sCategoryDataLite"] = array("ID" => array("varType" => "integer", "strict" => "no"), "NAME" => array("varType" => "string", "strict" => "no"), "DEPTH_LEVEL" => array("varType" => "integer", "strict" => "no"));
     return $wsdesc;
 function ProcessRequestBody(&$cserver, $body)
     $functionName = $body->name();
     $namespaceURI = $body->namespaceURI();
     $requestNode = $body;
     // If this is request name in functionName, get functionName.
     if (!in_array($functionName, $this->FunctionList) and isset($this->MessageTags[$functionName])) {
         $functionName = $this->MessageTags[$functionName];
     if (!in_array($functionName, $this->FunctionList)) {
         CSOAPServer::ShowSOAPFault("Trying to access unregistered function: " . $functionName);
         return true;
     $objectName = "";
     $params = array();
     $paramsDecoder = new CSOAPResponse($functionName, $namespaceURI);
     if (!isset($this->TypensVars[$functionName]) or !isset($this->TypensVars[$functionName]["myclassname"]) or !isset($this->TypensVars[$functionName]["input"])) {
         CSOAPServer::ShowSOAPFault("Requested function has no type specified: " . $functionName);
         return true;
     $objectName = $this->TypensVars[$functionName]["myclassname"];
     $inputParams = $this->TypensVars[$functionName]["input"];
     $httpAuth = "N";
     if (isset($this->TypensVars[$functionName]["httpauth"])) {
         $httpAuth = $this->TypensVars[$functionName]["httpauth"];
     if ($httpAuth == "Y" and !CWebService::MethodRequireHTTPAuth($objectName, $functionName)) {
         CSOAPServer::ShowSOAPFault("Requested function requires HTTP Basic Auth to be done before.");
         return true;
     $requestParams = array();
     // reorganize params
     foreach ($requestNode->children() as $parameterNode) {
         if (!$parameterNode->name()) {
         $requestParams[$parameterNode->name()] = $parameterNode;
     // check parameters/decode // check strict params
     foreach ($inputParams as $pname => $param) {
         $decoded = null;
         if (isset($requestParams[$pname])) {
             $decoded = $paramsDecoder->decodeDataTypes($requestParams[$pname]);
         if (is_object($decoded) and (get_class($decoded) == "CSOAPFault" or get_class($decoded) == "csoapfault")) {
             return true;
         if (!isset($decoded) and (!isset($param["strict"]) or isset($param["strict"]) and $param["strict"] == "strict")) {
             CSOAPServer::ShowSOAPFault("Request has no enought params of strict type to be decoded. ");
             return true;
         $params[] = $decoded;
     $object = null;
     if (class_exists($objectName)) {
         $object = new $objectName();
     if (is_object($object) && method_exists($object, $functionName)) {
         $this->ShowResponse($cserver, $functionName, $namespaceURI, call_user_func_array(array($object, $functionName), $params));
     } else {
         if (!class_exists($objectName)) {
             $this->ShowResponse($cserver, $functionName, $namespaceURI, new CSOAPFault('Server Error', 'Object not found'));
         } else {
             $this->ShowResponse($cserver, $functionName, $namespaceURI, new CSOAPFault('Server Error', 'Method not found'));
     return true;
Exemple #4
	public static function GetWebServiceDesc()
		$wsdesc = new CWebServiceDesc();
		$wsdesc->wsname = "bitrix.webservice.calendar";
		$wsdesc->wsclassname = "CCalendarWebService";
		$wsdesc->wsdlauto = true;
		$wsdesc->wsendpoint = CWebService::GetDefaultEndpoint();
		$wsdesc->wstargetns = CWebService::GetDefaultTargetNS();

		$wsdesc->classTypes = array();
		$wsdesc->structTypes = array();

		$wsdesc->classes = array(
			"CCalendarWebService" => array(
				"GetList" => array(
					"type" => "public",
					"name" => "GetList",
					"input" => array(
						"listName" => array("varType" => "string"),
					"output"	=> array(
						"GetListResult" => array("varType" => 'any'),
					'httpauth' => 'Y'

				'GetListItemChanges' => array(
					'type' => 'public',
					'name' => 'GetListItemChanges',
					'input' => array(
						"listName" => array("varType" => "string"),
						"viewFields" => array("varType" => "any", 'strict'=> 'no'),
						'since' => array('varType' => 'string', 'strict' => 'no'),
					'output' => array(
						'GetListItemChangesResult' => array('varType' => 'any'),
					'httpauth' => 'Y'

				'GetListItemChangesSinceToken' => array(
					'type' => 'public',
					'name' => 'GetListItemChangesSinceToken',
					'input' => array(
						"listName" => array("varType" => "string"),
						"viewFields" => array("varType" => "any", 'strict'=> 'no'),
						'query' => array('varType' => 'any', 'strict' => 'no'),
						'rowLimit' => array('varType' => 'string', 'strict' => 'no'),
						'changeToken' => array('varType' => 'string', 'strict' => 'no'),
					'output' => array(
						'GetListItemChangesSinceTokenResult' => array('varType' => 'any'),
					'httpauth' => 'Y'

				'UpdateListItems' => array(
					'type' => 'public',
					'name' => 'UpdateListItems',
					'input' => array(
						"listName" => array("varType" => "string"),
						'updates' => array('varType' => 'any', 'strict' => 'no'),
					'output' => array(
						'UpdateListItemsResult' => array('varType' => 'any')
					'httpauth' => 'Y'


		return $wsdesc;
 function &GetWebServiceDeclaration($className)
     if (isset($GLOBALS["wsdescs"][$className])) {
         return $GLOBALS["wsdescs"][$className];
     $ifce =& CWebService::GetInterface($className);
     if (!is_object($ifce)) {
         return false;
     return $ifce->GetWebServiceDesc();
Exemple #6
 function GetWebServiceDesc()
     $wsdesc = new CWebServiceDesc();
     $wsdesc->wsname = "bitrix.webservice.intranet.contacts";
     $wsdesc->wsclassname = "CIntranetContactsWS";
     $wsdesc->wsdlauto = true;
     $wsdesc->wsendpoint = CWebService::GetDefaultEndpoint();
     $wsdesc->wstargetns = CWebService::GetDefaultTargetNS();
     $wsdesc->classTypes = array();
     $wsdesc->structTypes = array();
     $wsdesc->classes = array("CIntranetContactsWS" => array("GetList" => array("type" => "public", "name" => "GetList", "input" => array("listName" => array("varType" => "string")), "output" => array("GetListResult" => array("varType" => 'any')), 'httpauth' => 'Y'), 'GetListItemChanges' => array('type' => 'public', 'name' => 'GetListItemChanges', 'input' => array("listName" => array("varType" => "string"), "viewFields" => array("varType" => "any", 'strict' => 'no'), 'since' => array('varType' => 'string', 'strict' => 'no')), 'output' => array('GetListItemChangesResult' => array('varType' => 'any')), 'httpauth' => 'Y'), 'GetListItemChangesSinceToken' => array('type' => 'public', 'name' => 'GetListItemChangesSinceToken', 'input' => array("listName" => array("varType" => "string"), "viewFields" => array("varType" => "any", 'strict' => 'no'), 'query' => array('varType' => 'any', 'strict' => 'no'), 'rowLimit' => array('varType' => 'string', 'strict' => 'no'), 'changeToken' => array('varType' => 'string', 'strict' => 'no')), 'output' => array('GetListItemChangesSinceTokenResult' => array('varType' => 'any')), 'httpauth' => 'Y'), 'GetAttachmentCollection' => array('type' => 'public', 'name' => 'GetAttachmentCollection', 'input' => array("listName" => array("varType" => "string"), "listItemID" => array("varType" => "string")), 'output' => array('GetAttachmentCollectionResult' => array('varType' => 'any')), 'httpauth' => 'Y')));
     return $wsdesc;
Exemple #7
 public function GetWebServiceDesc()
     $wsdesc = new CWebServiceDesc();
     $wsdesc->wsname = 'bitrix.crm.lead.webservice';
     $wsdesc->wsclassname = 'CCrmLeadWS';
     $wsdesc->wsdlauto = true;
     $wsdesc->wsendpoint = CWebService::GetDefaultEndpoint();
     $wsdesc->wstargetns = CWebService::GetDefaultTargetNS();
     $wsdesc->classTypes = array();
     $wsdesc->structTypes = array();
     $wsdesc->classes = array('CCrmLeadWS' => array('GetFieldsList' => array('type' => 'public', 'name' => 'GetFieldsList', 'input' => array(), 'output' => array('GetFieldsListResult' => array('varType' => 'any')), 'httpauth' => 'Y'), 'Add' => array('type' => 'public', 'name' => 'Add', 'input' => array('data' => array('varType' => 'any')), 'output' => array('result' => array('varType' => 'string')), 'httpauth' => 'Y')));
     return $wsdesc;
 function GetWebServiceDesc()
     $wsdesc = new CWebServiceDesc();
     $wsdesc->wsname = "bitrix.webservice.tasks";
     $wsdesc->wsclassname = "CTasksWebService";
     $wsdesc->wsdlauto = true;
     $wsdesc->wsendpoint = CWebService::GetDefaultEndpoint();
     $wsdesc->wstargetns = CWebService::GetDefaultTargetNS();
     $wsdesc->classTypes = array();
     $wsdesc->structTypes = array();
     $wsdesc->classes = array("CTasksWebService" => array("GetList" => array("type" => "public", "name" => "GetList", "input" => array("listName" => array("varType" => "string")), "output" => array("GetListResult" => array("varType" => 'any')), 'httpauth' => 'Y'), 'GetListItemChanges' => array('type' => 'public', 'name' => 'GetListItemChanges', 'input' => array("listName" => array("varType" => "string"), "viewFields" => array("varType" => "any", 'strict' => 'no'), 'since' => array('varType' => 'string', 'strict' => 'no')), 'output' => array('GetListItemChangesResult' => array('varType' => 'any')), 'httpauth' => 'Y'), 'GetListItemChangesSinceToken' => array('type' => 'public', 'name' => 'GetListItemChangesSinceToken', 'input' => array("listName" => array("varType" => "string"), "viewFields" => array("varType" => "any", 'strict' => 'no'), 'query' => array('varType' => 'any', 'strict' => 'no'), 'rowLimit' => array('varType' => 'string', 'strict' => 'no'), 'changeToken' => array('varType' => 'string', 'strict' => 'no')), 'output' => array('GetListItemChangesSinceTokenResult' => array('varType' => 'any')), 'httpauth' => 'Y'), 'GetAttachmentCollection' => array('type' => 'public', 'name' => 'GetAttachmentCollection', 'input' => array("listName" => array("varType" => "string"), "listItemID" => array("varType" => "string")), 'output' => array('GetAttachmentCollectionResult' => array('varType' => 'any')), 'httpauth' => 'Y'), 'DeleteAttachment' => array('type' => 'public', 'name' => 'DeleteAttachment', 'input' => array("listName" => array("varType" => "string"), "listItemID" => array("varType" => "string"), "url" => array("varType" => "string")), 'output' => array('DeleteAttachmentResult' => array('varType' => 'string')), 'httpauth' => 'Y'), 'AddAttachment' => array('type' => 'public', 'name' => 'AddAttachment', 'input' => array("listName" => array("varType" => "string"), "listItemID" => array("varType" => "string"), "fileName" => array("varType" => "string"), "attachment" => array("varType" => "base64Binary")), 'output' => array('AddAttachmentResult' => array('varType' => 'string')), 'httpauth' => 'Y'), 'UpdateListItems' => array('type' => 'public', 'name' => 'UpdateListItems', 'input' => array("listName" => array("varType" => "string"), 'updates' => array('varType' => 'any', 'strict' => 'no')), 'output' => array('UpdateListItemsResult' => array('varType' => 'any')), 'httpauth' => 'Y')));
     return $wsdesc;
Exemple #9
        $arParams["WSDESCR"] = CWebService::GetWebServiceDeclaration($arParams["WEBSERVICE_CLASS"]);
    } else {
        header("Pragma: no-cache");
        if (!class_exists($arParams["WEBSERVICE_CLASS"]) and !CModule::IncludeModule($arParams["WEBSERVICE_MODULE"])) {
        if (isset($_GET["wsdl"])) {
            header("Content-Type: text/xml");
            echo CWebService::GetWSDL($arParams["WEBSERVICE_NAME"]);
        } else {
            if (isset($_GET["test"])) {
                echo CWebService::TestComponent($arParams["WEBSERVICE_NAME"]);
            } else {
                if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST" and !isset($_REQUEST["directcall"])) {
                } else {
                    $arParams["WSDESCR"] = CWebService::GetWebServiceDeclaration($arParams["WEBSERVICE_NAME"]);
Exemple #10
 function GetWebServiceDesc()
     $wsdesc = new CWebServiceDesc();
     $wsdesc->wsname = "bitrix.webservice.statistic";
     $wsdesc->wsclassname = "CStatisticWS";
     $wsdesc->wsdlauto = true;
     $wsdesc->wsendpoint = CWebService::GetDefaultEndpoint();
     $wsdesc->wstargetns = CWebService::GetDefaultTargetNS();
     $wsdesc->classTypes = array();
     $wsdesc->structTypes["Session"] = array("ID" => array("varType" => "integer"), "ADV_ID" => array("varType" => "integer"), "REFERER1" => array("varType" => "string"), "REFERER2" => array("varType" => "string"), "REFERER3" => array("varType" => "string"), "ADV_BACK" => array("varType" => "string"), "LAST_SITE_ID" => array("varType" => "string"), "URL_LAST" => array("varType" => "string"), "URL_LAST_404" => array("varType" => "string"), "IP_LAST" => array("varType" => "string"), "HITS" => array("varType" => "integer"), "USER_AUTH" => array("varType" => "string"), "STOP_LIST_ID" => array("varType" => "integer"), "GUEST_ID" => array("varType" => "integer"), "FAVORITES" => array("varType" => "string"), "LAST_USER_ID" => array("varType" => "string"), "SESSION_TIME" => array("varType" => "string"), "DATE_LAST" => array("varType" => "string"), "NEW_GUEST" => array("varType" => "string"), "FIRST_URL_FROM" => array("varType" => "string"), "FIRST_SITE_ID" => array("varType" => "string"), "URL_FROM" => array("varType" => "string"), "COUNTRY_ID" => array("varType" => "string"), "COUNTRY_NAME" => array("varType" => "string"));
     $wsdesc->structTypes["Top"] = array("id" => array("varType" => "int"), "name" => array("varType" => "string"), "today" => array("varType" => "integer"), "yesterday" => array("varType" => "integer"), "bef_yesterday" => array("varType" => "integer"), "all" => array("varType" => "integer"));
     $wsdesc->structTypes["UsersOnlineList"] = array("GUEST_COUNT" => array("varType" => "integer"), "SESSION_COUNT" => array("varType" => "integer"), "SESSIONS" => array("varType" => "ArrayOfSession", "arrType" => "Session"));
     $wsdesc->structTypes["CommonValues"] = array("TOTAL_HITS" => array("varType" => "integer"), "TODAY_HITS" => array("varType" => "integer"), "YESTERDAY_HITS" => array("varType" => "integer"), "B_YESTERDAY_HITS" => array("varType" => "integer"), "TOTAL_SESSIONS" => array("varType" => "integer"), "TODAY_SESSIONS" => array("varType" => "integer"), "YESTERDAY_SESSIONS" => array("varType" => "integer"), "B_YESTERDAY_SESSIONS" => array("varType" => "integer"), "TOTAL_EVENTS" => array("varType" => "integer"), "TODAY_EVENTS" => array("varType" => "integer"), "YESTERDAY_EVENTS" => array("varType" => "integer"), "B_YESTERDAY_EVENTS" => array("varType" => "integer"), "TOTAL_HOSTS" => array("varType" => "integer"), "TODAY_HOSTS" => array("varType" => "integer"), "YESTERDAY_HOSTS" => array("varType" => "integer"), "B_YESTERDAY_HOSTS" => array("varType" => "integer"), "TOTAL_GUESTS" => array("varType" => "integer"), "TODAY_GUESTS" => array("varType" => "integer"), "YESTERDAY_GUESTS" => array("varType" => "integer"), "B_YESTERDAY_GUESTS" => array("varType" => "integer"), "TODAY_NEW_GUESTS" => array("varType" => "integer"), "YESTERDAY_NEW_GUESTS" => array("varType" => "integer"), "B_YESTERDAY_NEW_GUESTS" => array("varType" => "integer"), "TOTAL_FAVORITES" => array("varType" => "integer"), "TODAY_FAVORITES" => array("varType" => "integer"), "YESTERDAY_FAVORITES" => array("varType" => "integer"), "B_YESTERDAY_FAVORITES" => array("varType" => "integer"), "ONLINE_GUESTS" => array("varType" => "integer"), "ONLINE_LIST" => array("varType" => "UsersOnlineList"));
     $wsdesc->structTypes["LiveFeedData"] = array("TITLE" => array("varType" => "string"), "MESSAGE" => array("varType" => "string"), "TEXT_MESSAGE" => array("varType" => "string"), "URL" => array("varType" => "string"));
     $wsdesc->classes = array("CStatisticWS" => array("UsersOnline" => array("type" => "public", "name" => "UsersOnline", "input" => array(), "output" => array("user" => array("varType" => "UsersOnlineList"))), "GetCommonValues" => array("type" => "public", "name" => "GetCommonValues", "input" => array(), "output" => array("user" => array("varType" => "CommonValues"))), "GetAdv" => array("type" => "public", "name" => "GetAdv", "input" => array(), "output" => array("adv" => array("varType" => "ArrayOfTop", "arrType" => "Top"))), "GetEvents" => array("type" => "public", "name" => "GetEvents", "input" => array(), "output" => array("adv" => array("varType" => "ArrayOfTop", "arrType" => "Top"))), "GetPhrases" => array("type" => "public", "name" => "GetPhrases", "input" => array(), "output" => array("adv" => array("varType" => "ArrayOfTop", "arrType" => "Top"))), "GetRefSites" => array("type" => "public", "name" => "GetRefSites", "input" => array(), "output" => array("adv" => array("varType" => "ArrayOfTop", "arrType" => "Top"))), "GetSearchers" => array("type" => "public", "name" => "GetSearchers", "input" => array(), "output" => array("adv" => array("varType" => "ArrayOfTop", "arrType" => "Top"))), "GetLiveFeedData" => array("type" => "public", "name" => "GetLiveFeedData", "input" => array("site_id" => array("varType" => "string", "strict" => "no"), "lang" => array("varType" => "string", "strict" => "no")), "output" => array("livefeeddata" => array("varType" => "LiveFeedData")))));
     return $wsdesc;
Exemple #11
 function GetWebServiceDesc()
     $wsdesc = new CWebServiceDesc();
     $wsdesc->wsname = "";
     $wsdesc->wsclassname = "CSaleWS";
     $wsdesc->wsdlauto = true;
     $wsdesc->wsendpoint = CWebService::GetDefaultEndpoint();
     $wsdesc->wstargetns = CWebService::GetDefaultTargetNS();
     $wsdesc->classTypes = array();
     $wsdesc->structTypes["LiveFeedData"] = array("TITLE" => array("varType" => "string"), "MESSAGE" => array("varType" => "string"), "TEXT_MESSAGE" => array("varType" => "string"), "URL" => array("varType" => "string"));
     $wsdesc->classes = array("CSaleWS" => array("GetLiveFeedData" => array("type" => "public", "name" => "GetLiveFeedData", "input" => array("site_id" => array("varType" => "string", "strict" => "no"), "lang" => array("varType" => "string", "strict" => "no")), "output" => array("livefeeddata" => array("varType" => "LiveFeedData")))));
     return $wsdesc;