$destockages[$code_cip]["nb_produit"] = $presentation;
 if (strstr($destockages[$code_cip]["nb_produit"], '.')) {
     $destockages[$code_cip]["nb_produit"] = ceil($destockages[$code_cip]["nb_produit"]);
 $destockages[$code_cip]["stock"] = CProductStockService::getFromCode($code_cip, $service_id);
 if ($destockages[$code_cip]["stock"]) {
     $destockages[$code_cip]["stock"]->quantity -= $destockages[$code_cip]["nb_produit"];
     $stock = $destockages[$code_cip]["stock"];
     $log = new CUserLog();
     $where = array();
     $order = "date DESC";
     $where["object_id"] = " = '{$stock->_id}'";
     $where["object_class"] = " = '{$stock->_class}'";
     $where["date"] = " BETWEEN '{$date_min}' AND '{$date_max}'";
     $where["fields"] = " LIKE '%quantity%'";
     $destockages[$code_cip]["stock"]->_ref_logs = $log->loadList($where, $order);
     foreach ($destockages[$code_cip]["stock"]->_ref_logs as $log) {
 } else {
     $product = new CProduct();
     $product->code = $code_cip;
     $product->category_id = CAppUI::conf('dPmedicament CBcbProduitLivretTherapeutique product_category_id');
     if ($product->loadMatchingObject()) {
         $stock = new CProductStockService();
         $stock->object_id = $service_id;
         $stock->object_class = "CService";
         // XXX
         $stock->product_id = $product->_id;
         $destockages[$code_cip]['stock'] = $stock;
  * Load logs concerning a given field
  * @param string $fieldName          Field name
  * @param bool   $strict             Be strict about the field name
  * @param int    $limit              Limit the number of results
  * @param bool   $require_extra_data Return only logs with extra data
  * @return self[]
 function loadLogsForField($fieldName = null, $strict = false, $limit = null, $require_extra_data = false)
     $where = array();
     $where["object_id"] = " = '{$this->_id}'";
     $where["object_class"] = " = '{$this->_class}'";
     if ($require_extra_data) {
         $where[] = "`extra` IS NOT NULL AND `extra` != '[]' AND `extra` != '{}'";
     $log = new CUserLog();
     if ($strict) {
         $fields = $fieldName;
         if (!is_array($fieldName)) {
             $fields = array($fieldName);
         $whereOr = array("`type` = 'create'");
         foreach ($fields as $_field) {
             $whereOr[] = "\n        `fields` = '{$_field}' OR \n        `fields` LIKE '{$_field} %' OR \n        `fields` LIKE '% {$_field} %' OR \n        `fields` LIKE '% {$_field}'";
         $where[] = implode(" OR ", $whereOr);
     } else {
         $where["fields"] = " LIKE '%{$fieldName}%'";
     return $log->loadList($where, "`user_log_id` DESC", $limit, null, null, "object_id");
$where = array("object_class" => "= '{$object_class}'");
if ($user_id) {
    $where["user_id"] = " = '{$user_id}'";
if ($date) {
    $where["date"] = ">= '{$date}'";
$where["type"] = "= 'store'";
if ($fields) {
    $whereField = array();
    foreach ($fields as $_field) {
        $whereField[] = "\r\n      fields LIKE '{$_field} %' OR \r\n      fields LIKE '% {$_field} %' OR \r\n      fields LIKE '% {$_field}' OR \r\n      fields LIKE '{$_field}'";
    $where[] = implode(" OR ", $whereField);
$logs = $user_log->loadList($where, "date ASC", null, "object_id");
foreach ($logs as $_log) {
foreach ($logs as $_log) {
    foreach ($_log->_old_values as $_field => $_value) {
        if (count($fields) == 0 || in_array($_field, $fields)) {
            $_log->_ref_object->{$_field} = $_value;
    if ($do_it) {
        if ($msg = $_log->_ref_object->store()) {
  * @see parent::loadLogs()
 function loadLogs()
     $ds = $this->_spec->ds;
     $where = array("object_class" => $ds->prepare("=%", $this->_class), "object_id" => $ds->prepare("=%", $this->_id));
     $log = new CUserLog();
     $this->_ref_logs = $log->loadList($where, "user_log_id DESC", 100, null, null, "object_id");
     // loadRefsFwd will fail because the ExObject's class doesn't really exist
     foreach ($this->_ref_logs as &$_log) {
     // the first is at the end because of the date order !
     $this->_ref_first_log = end($this->_ref_logs);
     $this->_ref_last_log = reset($this->_ref_logs);
$id_min = CValue::get("id_min");
$id_max = CValue::get("id_max");
$date_min = CValue::get("_date_min");
$date_max = CValue::get("_date_max");
$step = CValue::get("step");
$simulate = CValue::get("simulate");
$user_log = new CUserLog();
$where = array();
$where["object_class"] = "= '{$object_class}'";
$where["date"] = "BETWEEN '{$date_min}' AND '{$date_max}'";
$where['type'] = "= 'create'";
$where["object_id"] = "BETWEEN '{$id_min}' AND '{$id_max}'";
if ($user_id) {
    $where["user_id"] = "= '{$user_id}'";
// Mode simulation (on compte les objets correspondants
if ($simulate) {
    $nb_objects = $user_log->countList($where);
    CAppUI::stepAjax("Il y a {$nb_objects} qui correspondent à la recherche");
// Purge réelle
/** @var CUserLog[] $user_logs */
$user_logs = $user_log->loadList($where, null, $step);
foreach ($user_logs as $_user_log) {
    $object = $_user_log->loadTargetObject();
    $object_id = $object->_id;
    $msg = $object->purge();
    CAppUI::setMsg($msg ? $msg : "Objet {$object_id} supprimé", $msg ? UI_MSG_ERROR : UI_MSG_OK);
echo CAppUI::getMsg();
if ($filter->_date_min) {
    $where[] = "date >= '{$filter->_date_min}'";
if ($filter->_date_max) {
    $where[] = "date <= '{$filter->_date_max}'";
$log = new CUserLog();
$list = null;
$list_count = null;
$is_admin = CCanDo::admin();
$dossiers_medicaux_shared = CAppUI::conf("dPetablissement dossiers_medicaux_shared");
if (!$stats) {
    $index = isset($where["object_id"]) ? "object_id" : null;
    /** @var CUserLog[] $list */
    $list = $log->loadList($where, "date DESC", "{$start}, 100", null, null, $index);
    // Sort by id with PHP cuz dumbass MySQL won't limit rowscan before sorting
    // even though `date` is explicit as first intention sorter AND obvious index in most cases
    // Tends to be a known limitation
    array_multisort(CMbArray::pluck($list, "_id"), SORT_DESC, $list);
    $list_count = $log->countList($where, null, null, $index);
    $group_id = CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id;
    $users = CStoredObject::massLoadFwdRef($list, "user_id");
    CStoredObject::massLoadFwdRef($list, "object_id");
    // Mass loading des mediusers et des fonctions
    $mediuser = new CMediusers();
    $mediusers = $mediuser->loadList(array("user_id" => CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($users))));
    CStoredObject::massLoadFwdRef($mediusers, "function_id");
    foreach ($list as $_log) {
        $function = isset($mediusers[$_log->user_id]) ? $mediusers[$_log->user_id]->loadRefFunction() : $_log->_ref_user->loadRefMediuser()->loadRefFunction();
$date = CValue::get('date');
$ids = CValue::get('ids');
if (!$ids || !$date) {
    CAppUI::stepAjax('common-error-Missing parameter', UI_MSG_ERROR);
$patient_ids = explode('-', $ids);
$date = preg_replace('/(\\d\\d)\\/(\\d\\d)\\/(\\d\\d\\d\\d)/', '\\3-\\2-\\1', $date);
if (!$patient_ids || !$date) {
    CAppUI::stepAjax('common-error-Invalid parameter', UI_MSG_ERROR);
$user_log = new CUserLog();
$ds = $user_log->getDS();
$where = array('object_class' => "= 'CPatient'", 'object_id' => $ds->prepareIn($patient_ids), 'type' => "= 'merge'", 'date' => $ds->prepare("BETWEEN ?1 AND ?2", "{$date} 00:00:00", "{$date} 23:59:59"));
$logs = $user_log->loadList($where);
foreach ($logs as $_log) {
    /** @var CPatient $patient */
    $patient = $_log->_ref_object;
    $identifiants = $patient->loadBackRefs('identifiants');
    /** @var CIdSante400 $_id */
    foreach ($identifiants as $_id) {
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign('date', $date);
$smarty->assign('logs', $logs);
$smarty->assign('logs_count', count($logs));