Exemple #1
 public function __call($method, $args)
     $method = explode('_', $method);
     $method = array_reverse($method);
     $method = implode('/', $method);
     $data = $args[0];
     $url = 'https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/' . $method . '?access_token=' . $this->access_token;
     $param = json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
     $ret_json = CURL::post($url, $param);
     $ret_array = json_decode($ret_json, true);
     return $ret_array;
Exemple #2
 public static function transfers($params)
     $url = 'https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/mmpaymkttransfers/promotion/transfers';
     $params['mchid'] = self::$config['mch_id'];
     //微信支付分配的商户号 1900000109
     $params['mch_appid'] = self::$config['wxappid'];
     //微信分配的公众账号ID(企业号corpid即为此appId) wx8888888888888888
     $params['spbill_create_ip'] = self::get_client_ip();
     $params['check_name'] = 'NO_CHECK';
     $params['nonce_str'] = self::random(16);
     $params['sign'] = self::sign($params);
     $opts = array(CURLOPT_SSLCERT => 'apiclient_cert.pem', CURLOPT_SSLKEY => 'apiclient_key.pem', CURLOPT_CAINFO => 'rootca.pem');
     $params_xml = self::array2xml($params);
     $ret_xml = CURL::post($url, $params_xml, $opts);
     $ret_array = self::xml2array($ret_xml);
     return $ret_array;
 public function push_bstock_order()
     global $dbConn;
     //$id = $_POST['combine_id'];
     $id = $_POST['idArr'];
     //$idArr = $_POST['idArr'];
     //$idStr = implode(",",$idArr);
     $sql = " SELECT * FROM  `ph_ow_order` where id={$id} and status=3";
     $sql = $dbConn->execute($sql);
     $item = $dbConn->fetch_one($sql);
     $url = "http://wh.valsun.cn/openapi.php?jsonp=1&mod=syncPreGoodsOrder&act=syncPreGoodsOrderInfo";
     $curl = new CURL();
     $ordersn = $item['recordnumber'];
     $owner = $item['purchaseuser_id'];
     $createtime = $item['addtime'];
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM  `ph_ow_order_detail` where recordnumber='{$ordersn}'";
     $sql = $dbConn->execute($sql);
     $orderdetail = $dbConn->getResultArray($sql);
     $data = array();
     foreach ($orderdetail as $itemdetail) {
         $data[$itemdetail['sku']] = $itemdetail['count'];
     $postData = array("orderSn" => $ordersn, "owner" => $owner, "createtime" => $createtime, "data" => json_encode($data));
     $rtn = $curl->post($url, $postData, false);
     $rtn = json_decode($rtn, true);
     if ($rtn['data']['code'] == "success") {
         $sql = "update ph_ow_order set status=4 where recordnumber='{$ordersn}'";
     return json_encode($rtn);
Exemple #4
  * Perform a REST "post" method at a URL
  * @param String $url the URL to "post"
  * @param Array $data the data to "post"
  * @param String $type the content type to use (optional)
  * @param String $charset the charset encoding to use (optional)
  * @return Array any decoded data returned from the method
 public static function post($url, $data, $type = NULL, $charset = NULL)
     $type = first($type, self::$type);
     $charset = first($charset, self::$charset);
     $data = Data::to($type, $data);
     $text = CURL::post($url, $data, self::headers_for($type));
     return self::decode($type, $text, 'post');
Exemple #5
 public function setMenu()
     $access_token = $this->weixin_access_token_get();
     $setMenuUrl = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/menu/create?access_token={$access_token}";
     $menu = ['button' => [['type' => 'view', 'name' => "搞机干货", 'url' => 'http://mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/getmasssendmsg?__biz=MzIzNjM4NzAzMg==#wechat_webview_type=1&wechat_redirect'], ['type' => 'view', 'name' => "商城", 'url' => 'https://kdt.im/EX31Ur'], ['type' => 'click', 'name' => "用户服务", 'key' => 'user_service']]];
     $res = CURL::post($setMenuUrl, json_encode($menu, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE));