Exemple #1
  * Build the form object.
  * @param CRM_Core_Form $form
  * @return void
 public static function buildQuickForm(&$form)
     $toArray = array();
     $providers = CRM_SMS_BAO_Provider::getProviders(NULL, NULL, TRUE, 'is_default desc');
     $providerSelect = array();
     foreach ($providers as $provider) {
         $providerSelect[$provider['id']] = $provider['title'];
     $suppressedSms = 0;
     //here we are getting logged in user id as array but we need target contact id. CRM-5988
     $cid = $form->get('cid');
     if ($cid) {
         $form->_contactIds = array($cid);
     $to = $form->add('text', 'to', ts('To'), array('class' => 'huge'), TRUE);
     $form->add('text', 'activity_subject', ts('Name The SMS'), array('class' => 'huge'), TRUE);
     $toSetDefault = TRUE;
     if (property_exists($form, '_context') && $form->_context == 'standalone') {
         $toSetDefault = FALSE;
     // when form is submitted recompute contactIds
     $allToSMS = array();
     if ($to->getValue()) {
         $allToPhone = explode(',', $to->getValue());
         $form->_contactIds = array();
         foreach ($allToPhone as $value) {
             list($contactId, $phone) = explode('::', $value);
             if ($contactId) {
                 $form->_contactIds[] = $contactId;
                 $form->_toContactPhone[] = $phone;
         $toSetDefault = TRUE;
     //get the group of contacts as per selected by user in case of Find Activities
     if (!empty($form->_activityHolderIds)) {
         $extendTargetContacts = 0;
         $invalidActivity = 0;
         $validActivities = 0;
         foreach ($form->_activityHolderIds as $key => $id) {
             //valid activity check
             if (CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity', $id, 'subject', 'id') != self::RECIEVED_SMS_ACTIVITY_SUBJECT) {
             $activityContacts = CRM_Core_OptionGroup::values('activity_contacts', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, 'name');
             $targetID = CRM_Utils_Array::key('Activity Targets', $activityContacts);
             //target contacts limit check
             $ids = array_keys(CRM_Activity_BAO_ActivityContact::getNames($id, $targetID));
             if (count($ids) > 1) {
             $form->_contactIds = empty($form->_contactIds) ? $ids : array_unique(array_merge($form->_contactIds, $ids));
         if (!$validActivities) {
             $errorMess = "";
             if ($extendTargetContacts) {
                 $errorMess = ts('One selected activity consists of more than one target contact.', array('count' => $extendTargetContacts, 'plural' => '%count selected activities consist of more than one target contact.'));
             if ($invalidActivity) {
                 $errorMess = $errorMess ? ' ' : '';
                 $errorMess .= ts('The selected activity is invalid.', array('count' => $invalidActivity, 'plural' => '%count selected activities are invalid.'));
             CRM_Core_Error::statusBounce(ts("%1: SMS Reply will not be sent.", array(1 => $errorMess)));
     if (is_array($form->_contactIds) && !empty($form->_contactIds) && $toSetDefault) {
         $returnProperties = array('sort_name' => 1, 'phone' => 1, 'do_not_sms' => 1, 'is_deceased' => 1, 'display_name' => 1);
         list($form->_contactDetails) = CRM_Utils_Token::getTokenDetails($form->_contactIds, $returnProperties, FALSE, FALSE);
         // make a copy of all contact details
         $form->_allContactDetails = $form->_contactDetails;
         foreach ($form->_contactIds as $key => $contactId) {
             $value = $form->_contactDetails[$contactId];
             //to check if the phone type is "Mobile"
             $phoneTypes = CRM_Core_OptionGroup::values('phone_type', TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, 'name');
             if (CRM_Utils_System::getClassName($form) == 'CRM_Activity_Form_Task_SMS') {
                 //to check for "if the contact id belongs to a specified activity type"
                 $actDetails = CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::getContactActivity($contactId);
                 if (self::RECIEVED_SMS_ACTIVITY_SUBJECT != CRM_Utils_Array::retrieveValueRecursive($actDetails, 'subject')) {
             if (isset($value['phone_type_id']) && $value['phone_type_id'] != CRM_Utils_Array::value('Mobile', $phoneTypes) || $value['do_not_sms'] || empty($value['phone']) || !empty($value['is_deceased'])) {
                 //if phone is not primary check if non-primary phone is "Mobile"
                 if (!empty($value['phone']) && $value['phone_type_id'] != CRM_Utils_Array::value('Mobile', $phoneTypes) && empty($value['is_deceased'])) {
                     $filter = array('do_not_sms' => 0);
                     $contactPhones = CRM_Core_BAO_Phone::allPhones($contactId, FALSE, 'Mobile', $filter);
                     if (count($contactPhones) > 0) {
                         $mobilePhone = CRM_Utils_Array::retrieveValueRecursive($contactPhones, 'phone');
                         $form->_contactDetails[$contactId]['phone_id'] = CRM_Utils_Array::retrieveValueRecursive($contactPhones, 'id');
                         $form->_contactDetails[$contactId]['phone'] = $mobilePhone;
                         $form->_contactDetails[$contactId]['phone_type_id'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('Mobile', $phoneTypes);
                     } else {
                 } else {
             if (isset($mobilePhone)) {
                 $phone = $mobilePhone;
             } elseif (empty($form->_toContactPhone)) {
                 $phone = $value['phone'];
             } else {
                 $phone = CRM_Utils_Array::value($key, $form->_toContactPhone);
             if ($phone) {
                 $toArray[] = array('text' => '"' . $value['sort_name'] . '" (' . $phone . ')', 'id' => "{$contactId}::{$phone}");
         if (empty($toArray)) {
             CRM_Core_Error::statusBounce(ts('Selected contact(s) do not have a valid Phone, or communication preferences specify DO NOT SMS, or they are deceased'));
     //activity related variables
     if (isset($invalidActivity)) {
         $form->assign('invalidActivity', $invalidActivity);
     if (isset($extendTargetContacts)) {
         $form->assign('extendTargetContacts', $extendTargetContacts);
     $form->assign('toContact', json_encode($toArray));
     $form->assign('suppressedSms', $suppressedSms);
     $form->assign('totalSelectedContacts', count($form->_contactIds));
     $form->add('select', 'sms_provider_id', ts('From'), $providerSelect, TRUE);
     if ($form->_single) {
         // also fix the user context stack
         if ($form->_context) {
             $url = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/dashboard', 'reset=1');
         } else {
             $url = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/contact/view', "&show=1&action=browse&cid={$form->_contactIds[0]}&selectedChild=activity");
         $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton();
         $form->addDefaultButtons(ts('Send SMS'), 'upload', 'cancel');
     } else {
         $form->addDefaultButtons(ts('Send SMS'), 'upload');
     $form->addFormRule(array('CRM_Contact_Form_Task_SMSCommon', 'formRule'), $form);
Exemple #2
  * @param $token
  * @param $contribution
  * @param bool $html
  * @param bool $escapeSmarty
  * @return mixed|string
 public static function getContributionTokenReplacement($token, &$contribution, $html = FALSE, $escapeSmarty = FALSE)
     switch ($token) {
         case 'total_amount':
         case 'net_amount':
         case 'fee_amount':
         case 'non_deductible_amount':
             $value = CRM_Utils_Money::format(CRM_Utils_Array::retrieveValueRecursive($contribution, $token));
         case 'receive_date':
             $value = CRM_Utils_Array::retrieveValueRecursive($contribution, $token);
             $value = CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat($value, NULL, array('j', 'm', 'Y'));
             if (!in_array($token, self::$_tokens['contribution'])) {
                 $value = "{contribution.{$token}}";
             } else {
                 $value = CRM_Utils_Array::retrieveValueRecursive($contribution, $token);
     if ($escapeSmarty) {
         $value = self::tokenEscapeSmarty($value);
     return $value;
  * @param array $params
  * @param int $participantId
  * @param int $contributionId
  * @param $feeBlock
  * @param array $lineItems
  * @param $paidAmount
  * @param int $priceSetId
 public static function changeFeeSelections($params, $participantId, $contributionId, $feeBlock, $lineItems, $paidAmount, $priceSetId)
     $contributionStatuses = CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::contributionStatus(NULL, 'name');
     $partiallyPaidStatusId = array_search('Partially paid', $contributionStatuses);
     $pendingRefundStatusId = array_search('Pending refund', $contributionStatuses);
     $previousLineItems = CRM_Price_BAO_LineItem::getLineItems($participantId, 'participant');
     CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet::processAmount($feeBlock, $params, $lineItems);
     // get the submitted
     foreach ($feeBlock as $id => $values) {
         CRM_Price_BAO_LineItem::format($id, $params, $values, $submittedLineItems);
         $submittedFieldId[] = CRM_Utils_Array::retrieveValueRecursive($submittedLineItems, 'price_field_id');
     if (!empty($submittedLineItems)) {
         $insertLines = $submittedLineItems;
         $submittedFieldValueIds = array_keys($submittedLineItems);
         $updateLines = array();
         foreach ($previousLineItems as $id => $previousLineItem) {
             // check through the submitted items if the previousItem exists,
             // if found in submitted items, do not use it for new item creations
             if (in_array($previousLineItem['price_field_value_id'], $submittedFieldValueIds)) {
                 // if submitted line items are existing don't fire INSERT query
                 // for updating the line items i.e. use-case - once deselect-option selecting again
                 if ($previousLineItem['line_total'] != $submittedLineItems[$previousLineItem['price_field_value_id']]['line_total'] || $submittedLineItems[$previousLineItem['price_field_value_id']]['line_total'] == 0 && $submittedLineItems[$previousLineItem['price_field_value_id']]['qty'] == 1 || $previousLineItem['qty'] != $submittedLineItems[$previousLineItem['price_field_value_id']]['qty']) {
                     $updateLines[$previousLineItem['price_field_value_id']] = $submittedLineItems[$previousLineItem['price_field_value_id']];
                     $updateLines[$previousLineItem['price_field_value_id']]['id'] = $id;
         $submittedFields = implode(', ', $submittedFieldId);
         $submittedFieldValues = implode(', ', $submittedFieldValueIds);
     if (!empty($submittedFields) && !empty($submittedFieldValues)) {
         $updateLineItem = "UPDATE civicrm_line_item li\nINNER JOIN civicrm_financial_item fi\n   ON (li.id = fi.entity_id AND fi.entity_table = 'civicrm_line_item')\nSET li.qty = 0,\n    li.line_total = 0.00,\n    li.tax_amount = NULL\nWHERE (li.entity_table = 'civicrm_participant' AND li.entity_id = {$participantId}) AND\n       (price_field_value_id NOT IN ({$submittedFieldValues}))\n";
         // gathering necessary info to record negative (deselected) financial_item
         $updateFinancialItem = "\n  SELECT fi.*, SUM(fi.amount) as differenceAmt, price_field_value_id, financial_type_id, tax_amount\n    FROM civicrm_financial_item fi LEFT JOIN civicrm_line_item li ON (li.id = fi.entity_id AND fi.entity_table = 'civicrm_line_item')\nWHERE (li.entity_table = 'civicrm_participant' AND li.entity_id = {$participantId})\nGROUP BY li.entity_table, li.entity_id, price_field_value_id, fi.id\n";
         $updateFinancialItemInfoDAO = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($updateFinancialItem);
         $trxn = CRM_Core_BAO_FinancialTrxn::getFinancialTrxnId($contributionId, 'DESC', TRUE);
         $trxnId['id'] = $trxn['financialTrxnId'];
         $invoiceSettings = Civi::settings()->get('contribution_invoice_settings');
         $taxTerm = CRM_Utils_Array::value('tax_term', $invoiceSettings);
         $updateFinancialItemInfoValues = array();
         $financialItemsArray = array();
         while ($updateFinancialItemInfoDAO->fetch()) {
             $updateFinancialItemInfoValues = (array) $updateFinancialItemInfoDAO;
             $updateFinancialItemInfoValues['transaction_date'] = date('YmdHis');
             // the below params are not needed
             // if not submitted and difference is not 0 make it negative
             if (!in_array($updateFinancialItemInfoValues['price_field_value_id'], $submittedFieldValueIds) && $updateFinancialItemInfoValues['differenceAmt'] != 0) {
                 // INSERT negative financial_items
                 $updateFinancialItemInfoValues['amount'] = -$updateFinancialItemInfoValues['amount'];
                 if ($previousLineItems[$updateFinancialItemInfoValues['entity_id']]['tax_amount']) {
                     $updateFinancialItemInfoValues['tax']['amount'] = -$previousLineItems[$updateFinancialItemInfoValues['entity_id']]['tax_amount'];
                     $updateFinancialItemInfoValues['tax']['description'] = $taxTerm;
                     if ($updateFinancialItemInfoValues['financial_type_id']) {
                         $updateFinancialItemInfoValues['tax']['financial_account_id'] = CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::getFinancialAccountId($updateFinancialItemInfoValues['financial_type_id']);
                 // INSERT negative financial_items for tax amount
                 $financialItemsArray[] = $updateFinancialItemInfoValues;
             } elseif (in_array($updateFinancialItemInfoValues['price_field_value_id'], $submittedFieldValueIds) && $updateFinancialItemInfoValues['differenceAmt'] == 0) {
                 $updateFinancialItemInfoValues['amount'] = $updateFinancialItemInfoValues['amount'];
                 // INSERT financial_items for tax amount
                 if ($updateFinancialItemInfoValues['entity_id'] == $updateLines[$updateFinancialItemInfoValues['price_field_value_id']]['id'] && isset($updateLines[$updateFinancialItemInfoValues['price_field_value_id']]['tax_amount'])) {
                     $updateFinancialItemInfoValues['tax']['amount'] = $updateLines[$updateFinancialItemInfoValues['price_field_value_id']]['tax_amount'];
                     $updateFinancialItemInfoValues['tax']['description'] = $taxTerm;
                     if ($updateLines[$updateFinancialItemInfoValues['price_field_value_id']]['financial_type_id']) {
                         $updateFinancialItemInfoValues['tax']['financial_account_id'] = CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::getFinancialAccountId($updateLines[$updateFinancialItemInfoValues['price_field_value_id']]['financial_type_id']);
                 $financialItemsArray[] = $updateFinancialItemInfoValues;
     } elseif (empty($submittedFields) && empty($submittedFieldValues)) {
         $updateLineItem = "UPDATE civicrm_line_item li\n        INNER JOIN civicrm_financial_item fi\n        ON (li.id = fi.entity_id AND fi.entity_table = 'civicrm_line_item')\n        SET li.qty = 0,\n        li.line_total = 0.00,\n        li.tax_amount = NULL\n        WHERE (li.entity_table = 'civicrm_participant' AND li.entity_id = {$participantId})";
     $amountLevel = array();
     $totalParticipant = $participantCount = 0;
     if (!empty($updateLines)) {
         foreach ($updateLines as $valueId => $vals) {
             $taxAmount = "NULL";
             if (isset($vals['tax_amount'])) {
                 $taxAmount = $vals['tax_amount'];
             $amountLevel[] = $vals['label'] . ' - ' . (double) $vals['qty'];
             if (isset($vals['participant_count'])) {
                 $participantCount = $vals['participant_count'];
                 $totalParticipant += $vals['participant_count'];
             $updateLineItem = "\nUPDATE civicrm_line_item li\nSET li.qty = {$vals['qty']},\n    li.line_total = {$vals['line_total']},\n    li.tax_amount = {$taxAmount},\n    li.unit_price = {$vals['unit_price']},\n    li.participant_count = {$participantCount},\n    li.label = %1\nWHERE (li.entity_table = 'civicrm_participant' AND li.entity_id = {$participantId}) AND\n      (price_field_value_id = {$valueId})\n";
             CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($updateLineItem, array(1 => array($vals['label'], 'String')));
     // insert new 'adjusted amount' transaction entry and update contribution entry.
     // ensure entity_financial_trxn table has a linking of it.
     // insert new line items
     if (!empty($insertLines)) {
         foreach ($insertLines as $valueId => $lineParams) {
             $lineParams['entity_table'] = 'civicrm_participant';
             $lineParams['entity_id'] = $participantId;
             $lineParams['contribution_id'] = $contributionId;
             $lineObj = CRM_Price_BAO_LineItem::create($lineParams);
     // the recordAdjustedAmt code would execute over here
     $ids = CRM_Event_BAO_Participant::getParticipantIds($contributionId);
     if (count($ids) > 1) {
         $total = 0;
         foreach ($ids as $val) {
             $total += CRM_Price_BAO_LineItem::getLineTotal($val, 'civicrm_participant');
         $updatedAmount = $total;
     } else {
         $updatedAmount = $params['amount'];
     if (strlen($params['tax_amount']) != 0) {
         $taxAmount = $params['tax_amount'];
     } else {
         $taxAmount = "NULL";
     $displayParticipantCount = '';
     if ($totalParticipant > 0) {
         $displayParticipantCount = ' Participant Count -' . $totalParticipant;
     $updateAmountLevel = NULL;
     if (!empty($amountLevel)) {
         $updateAmountLevel = CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR . implode(CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR, $amountLevel) . $displayParticipantCount . CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR;
     $trxn = self::recordAdjustedAmt($updatedAmount, $paidAmount, $contributionId, $taxAmount, $updateAmountLevel);
     $trxnId = array();
     if ($trxn) {
         $trxnId['id'] = $trxn->id;
         foreach ($financialItemsArray as $updateFinancialItemInfoValues) {
             CRM_Financial_BAO_FinancialItem::create($updateFinancialItemInfoValues, NULL, $trxnId);
             if (!empty($updateFinancialItemInfoValues['tax'])) {
                 $updateFinancialItemInfoValues['tax']['amount'] = $updateFinancialItemInfoValues['amount'];
                 $updateFinancialItemInfoValues['tax']['description'] = $updateFinancialItemInfoValues['description'];
                 if (!empty($updateFinancialItemInfoValues['financial_account_id'])) {
                     $updateFinancialItemInfoValues['financial_account_id'] = $updateFinancialItemInfoValues['tax']['financial_account_id'];
                 CRM_Financial_BAO_FinancialItem::create($updateFinancialItemInfoValues, NULL, $trxnId);
     $fetchCon = array('id' => $contributionId);
     $updatedContribution = CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::retrieve($fetchCon, CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray, CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray);
     // insert financial items
     if (!empty($insertLines)) {
         foreach ($insertLines as $valueId => $lineParams) {
             $lineParams['entity_table'] = 'civicrm_participant';
             $lineParams['entity_id'] = $participantId;
             $lineObj = CRM_Price_BAO_LineItem::retrieve($lineParams, CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray);
             // insert financial items
             // ensure entity_financial_trxn table has a linking of it.
             $prevItem = CRM_Financial_BAO_FinancialItem::add($lineObj, $updatedContribution, NULL, $trxnId);
             if (isset($lineObj->tax_amount)) {
                 CRM_Financial_BAO_FinancialItem::add($lineObj, $updatedContribution, TRUE, $trxnId);
     // update participant fee_amount column
     $partUpdateFeeAmt['id'] = $participantId;
     $getUpdatedLineItems = "SELECT *\nFROM civicrm_line_item\nWHERE (entity_table = 'civicrm_participant' AND entity_id = {$participantId} AND qty > 0)";
     $getUpdatedLineItemsDAO = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($getUpdatedLineItems);
     while ($getUpdatedLineItemsDAO->fetch()) {
         $line[$getUpdatedLineItemsDAO->price_field_value_id] = $getUpdatedLineItemsDAO->label . ' - ' . (double) $getUpdatedLineItemsDAO->qty;
     $partUpdateFeeAmt['fee_level'] = implode(', ', $line);
     $partUpdateFeeAmt['fee_amount'] = $params['amount'];
     //activity creation
     self::addActivityForSelection($participantId, 'Change Registration');
  * Format profile contact parameters.
  * @param array $params
  * @param $fields
  * @param int $contactID
  * @param int $ufGroupId
  * @param null $ctype
  * @param bool $skipCustom
  * @return array
 public static function formatProfileContactParams(&$params, &$fields, $contactID = NULL, $ufGroupId = NULL, $ctype = NULL, $skipCustom = FALSE)
     $data = $contactDetails = array();
     // get the contact details (hier)
     if ($contactID) {
         list($details, $options) = self::getHierContactDetails($contactID, $fields);
         $contactDetails = $details[$contactID];
         $data['contact_type'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('contact_type', $contactDetails);
         $data['contact_sub_type'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('contact_sub_type', $contactDetails);
     } else {
         //we should get contact type only if contact
         if ($ufGroupId) {
             $data['contact_type'] = CRM_Core_BAO_UFField::getProfileType($ufGroupId);
             //special case to handle profile with only contact fields
             if ($data['contact_type'] == 'Contact') {
                 $data['contact_type'] = 'Individual';
             } elseif (CRM_Contact_BAO_ContactType::isaSubType($data['contact_type'])) {
                 $data['contact_type'] = CRM_Contact_BAO_ContactType::getBasicType($data['contact_type']);
         } elseif ($ctype) {
             $data['contact_type'] = $ctype;
         } else {
             $data['contact_type'] = 'Individual';
     //fix contact sub type CRM-5125
     if (array_key_exists('contact_sub_type', $params) && !empty($params['contact_sub_type'])) {
         $data['contact_sub_type'] = CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR . implode(CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR, (array) $params['contact_sub_type']) . CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR;
     } elseif (array_key_exists('contact_sub_type_hidden', $params) && !empty($params['contact_sub_type_hidden'])) {
         // if profile was used, and had any subtype, we obtain it from there
         $data['contact_sub_type'] = CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR . implode(CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR, (array) $params['contact_sub_type_hidden']) . CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR;
     if ($ctype == 'Organization') {
         $data['organization_name'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('organization_name', $contactDetails);
     } elseif ($ctype == 'Household') {
         $data['household_name'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('household_name', $contactDetails);
     $locationType = array();
     $count = 1;
     if ($contactID) {
         //add contact id
         $data['contact_id'] = $contactID;
         $primaryLocationType = self::getPrimaryLocationType($contactID);
     } else {
         $defaultLocation = CRM_Core_BAO_LocationType::getDefault();
         $defaultLocationId = $defaultLocation->id;
     // get the billing location type
     $locationTypes = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Core_DAO_Address', 'location_type_id', array(), 'validate');
     $billingLocationTypeId = array_search('Billing', $locationTypes);
     $blocks = array('email', 'phone', 'im', 'openid');
     $multiplFields = array('url');
     // prevent overwritten of formatted array, reset all block from
     // params if it is not in valid format (since import pass valid format)
     foreach ($blocks as $blk) {
         if (array_key_exists($blk, $params) && !is_array($params[$blk])) {
     $primaryPhoneLoc = NULL;
     $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton();
     foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
         $fieldName = $locTypeId = $typeId = NULL;
         list($fieldName, $locTypeId, $typeId) = CRM_Utils_System::explode('-', $key, 3);
         //store original location type id
         $actualLocTypeId = $locTypeId;
         if ($locTypeId == 'Primary') {
             if ($contactID) {
                 if (in_array($fieldName, $blocks)) {
                     $locTypeId = self::getPrimaryLocationType($contactID, FALSE, $fieldName);
                 } else {
                     $locTypeId = self::getPrimaryLocationType($contactID, FALSE, 'address');
                 $primaryLocationType = $locTypeId;
             } else {
                 $locTypeId = $defaultLocationId;
         if (is_numeric($locTypeId) && !in_array($fieldName, $multiplFields) && substr($fieldName, 0, 7) != 'custom_') {
             $index = $locTypeId;
             if (is_numeric($typeId)) {
                 $index .= '-' . $typeId;
             if (!in_array($index, $locationType)) {
                 $locationType[$count] = $index;
             $loc = CRM_Utils_Array::key($index, $locationType);
             $blockName = in_array($fieldName, $blocks) ? $fieldName : 'address';
             $data[$blockName][$loc]['location_type_id'] = $locTypeId;
             //set is_billing true, for location type "Billing"
             if ($locTypeId == $billingLocationTypeId) {
                 $data[$blockName][$loc]['is_billing'] = 1;
             if ($contactID) {
                 //get the primary location type
                 if ($locTypeId == $primaryLocationType) {
                     $data[$blockName][$loc]['is_primary'] = 1;
             } elseif ($locTypeId == $defaultLocationId) {
                 $data[$blockName][$loc]['is_primary'] = 1;
             if (in_array($fieldName, array('phone'))) {
                 if ($typeId) {
                     $data['phone'][$loc]['phone_type_id'] = $typeId;
                 } else {
                     $data['phone'][$loc]['phone_type_id'] = '';
                 $data['phone'][$loc]['phone'] = $value;
                 //special case to handle primary phone with different phone types
                 // in this case we make first phone type as primary
                 if (isset($data['phone'][$loc]['is_primary']) && !$primaryPhoneLoc) {
                     $primaryPhoneLoc = $loc;
                 if ($loc != $primaryPhoneLoc) {
             } elseif ($fieldName == 'phone_ext') {
                 $data['phone'][$loc]['phone_ext'] = $value;
             } elseif ($fieldName == 'email') {
                 $data['email'][$loc]['email'] = $value;
             } elseif ($fieldName == 'im') {
                 if (isset($params[$key . '-provider_id'])) {
                     $data['im'][$loc]['provider_id'] = $params[$key . '-provider_id'];
                 if (strpos($key, '-provider_id') !== FALSE) {
                     $data['im'][$loc]['provider_id'] = $params[$key];
                 } else {
                     $data['im'][$loc]['name'] = $value;
             } elseif ($fieldName == 'openid') {
                 $data['openid'][$loc]['openid'] = $value;
             } else {
                 if ($fieldName === 'state_province') {
                     // CRM-3393
                     if (is_numeric($value) && (int) $value >= 1000) {
                         $data['address'][$loc]['state_province_id'] = $value;
                     } elseif (empty($value)) {
                         $data['address'][$loc]['state_province_id'] = '';
                     } else {
                         $data['address'][$loc]['state_province'] = $value;
                 } elseif ($fieldName === 'country') {
                     // CRM-3393
                     if (is_numeric($value) && (int) $value >= 1000) {
                         $data['address'][$loc]['country_id'] = $value;
                     } elseif (empty($value)) {
                         $data['address'][$loc]['country_id'] = '';
                     } else {
                         $data['address'][$loc]['country'] = $value;
                 } elseif ($fieldName === 'county') {
                     $data['address'][$loc]['county_id'] = $value;
                 } elseif ($fieldName == 'address_name') {
                     $data['address'][$loc]['name'] = $value;
                 } elseif (substr($fieldName, 0, 14) === 'address_custom') {
                     $data['address'][$loc][substr($fieldName, 8)] = $value;
                 } else {
                     $data['address'][$loc][$fieldName] = $value;
         } else {
             if (substr($key, 0, 4) === 'url-') {
                 $websiteField = explode('-', $key);
                 $data['website'][$websiteField[1]]['website_type_id'] = $websiteField[1];
                 $data['website'][$websiteField[1]]['url'] = $value;
             } elseif (in_array($key, self::$_greetingTypes, TRUE)) {
                 //save email/postal greeting and addressee values if any, CRM-4575
                 $data[$key . '_id'] = $value;
             } elseif (!$skipCustom && ($customFieldId = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getKeyID($key))) {
                 // for autocomplete transfer hidden value instead of label
                 if ($params[$key] && isset($params[$key . '_id'])) {
                     $value = $params[$key . '_id'];
                 // we need to append time with date
                 if ($params[$key] && isset($params[$key . '_time'])) {
                     $value .= ' ' . $params[$key . '_time'];
                 // if auth source is not checksum / login && $value is blank, do not proceed - CRM-10128
                 if (($session->get('authSrc') & CRM_Core_Permission::AUTH_SRC_CHECKSUM + CRM_Core_Permission::AUTH_SRC_LOGIN) == 0 && ($value == '' || !isset($value))) {
                 $valueId = NULL;
                 if (!empty($params['customRecordValues'])) {
                     if (is_array($params['customRecordValues']) && !empty($params['customRecordValues'])) {
                         foreach ($params['customRecordValues'] as $recId => $customFields) {
                             if (is_array($customFields) && !empty($customFields)) {
                                 foreach ($customFields as $customFieldName) {
                                     if ($customFieldName == $key) {
                                         $valueId = $recId;
                 $type = $data['contact_type'];
                 if (!empty($data['contact_sub_type'])) {
                     $type = $data['contact_sub_type'];
                     $type = explode(CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR, trim($type, CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR));
                     // generally a contact even if, has multiple subtypes the parent-type is going to be one only
                     // and since formatCustomField() would be interested in parent type, lets consider only one subtype
                     // as the results going to be same.
                     $type = $type[0];
                 CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::formatCustomField($customFieldId, $data['custom'], $value, $type, $valueId, $contactID);
             } elseif ($key == 'edit') {
             } else {
                 if ($key == 'location') {
                     foreach ($value as $locationTypeId => $field) {
                         foreach ($field as $block => $val) {
                             if ($block == 'address' && array_key_exists('address_name', $val)) {
                                 $value[$locationTypeId][$block]['name'] = $value[$locationTypeId][$block]['address_name'];
                 if ($key == 'phone' && isset($params['phone_ext'])) {
                     $data[$key] = $value;
                     foreach ($value as $cnt => $phoneBlock) {
                         if ($params[$key][$cnt]['location_type_id'] == $params['phone_ext'][$cnt]['location_type_id']) {
                             $data[$key][$cnt]['phone_ext'] = CRM_Utils_Array::retrieveValueRecursive($params['phone_ext'][$cnt], 'phone_ext');
                 } elseif (in_array($key, array('nick_name', 'job_title', 'middle_name', 'birth_date', 'gender_id', 'current_employer', 'prefix_id', 'suffix_id')) && ($value == '' || !isset($value)) && ($session->get('authSrc') & CRM_Core_Permission::AUTH_SRC_CHECKSUM + CRM_Core_Permission::AUTH_SRC_LOGIN) == 0) {
                     // CRM-10128: if auth source is not checksum / login && $value is blank, do not fill $data with empty value
                     // to avoid update with empty values
                 } else {
                     $data[$key] = $value;
     if (!isset($data['contact_type'])) {
         $data['contact_type'] = 'Individual';
     //set the values for checkboxes (do_not_email, do_not_mail, do_not_trade, do_not_phone)
     $privacy = CRM_Core_SelectValues::privacy();
     foreach ($privacy as $key => $value) {
         if (array_key_exists($key, $fields)) {
             // do not reset values for existing contacts, if fields are added to a profile
             if (array_key_exists($key, $params)) {
                 $data[$key] = $params[$key];
                 if (empty($params[$key])) {
                     $data[$key] = 0;
             } elseif (!$contactID) {
                 $data[$key] = 0;
     return array($data, $contactDetails);
Exemple #5
  * format params for update and fill mode
  * @param $params       array  referance to an array containg all the
  *                             values for import
  * @param $onDuplicate  int
  * @param $cid          int    contact id
 function formatParams(&$params, $onDuplicate, $cid)
     if ($onDuplicate == CRM_Import_Parser::DUPLICATE_SKIP) {
     $contactParams = array('contact_id' => $cid);
     $defaults = array();
     $contactObj = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::retrieve($contactParams, $defaults);
     $modeUpdate = $modeFill = false;
     if ($onDuplicate == CRM_Import_Parser::DUPLICATE_UPDATE) {
         $modeUpdate = true;
     if ($onDuplicate == CRM_Import_Parser::DUPLICATE_FILL) {
         $modeFill = true;
     require_once 'CRM/Core/BAO/CustomGroup.php';
     $groupTree = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomGroup::getTree($params['contact_type'], CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullObject, $cid, 0, null);
     CRM_Core_BAO_CustomGroup::setDefaults($groupTree, $defaults, false, false);
     $contact = get_object_vars($contactObj);
     $location = null;
     foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
         if ($key == 'id' || $key == 'contact_type') {
         if ($key == 'location') {
             $location = true;
         } else {
             if (in_array($key, array('email_greeting', 'postal_greeting', 'addressee'))) {
                 // CRM-4575, need to null custom
                 if ($params["{$key}_id"] != 4) {
                     $params["{$key}_custom"] = 'null';
             } else {
                 if ($customFieldId = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getKeyID($key)) {
                     $custom = true;
                 } else {
                     $getValue = CRM_Utils_Array::retrieveValueRecursive($contact, $key);
                     if ($key == 'contact_source') {
                         $params['source'] = $params[$key];
                     if ($modeFill && isset($getValue)) {
     if ($location) {
         for ($loc = 1; $loc <= count($params['location']); $loc++) {
             //if location block is already present for the contact
             //then do not fill any data for that location type, CRM-4424
             if ($modeFill) {
                 foreach ($contact['location'] as $location => $locationDetails) {
                     $getValue = CRM_Utils_Array::value('location_type_id', $locationDetails);
                     if (isset($getValue) && $getValue == $params['location'][$loc]['location_type_id']) {
             if (array_key_exists('address', $contact['location'][$loc])) {
                 $fields = array('street_address', 'city', 'state_province_id', 'postal_code', 'postal_code_suffix', 'country_id');
                 foreach ($fields as $field) {
                     $getValue = CRM_Utils_Array::retrieveValueRecursive($contact['location'][$loc]['address'], $field);
                     if ($modeFill && isset($getValue)) {
             $fields = array('email' => 'email', 'phone' => 'phone', 'im' => 'name');
             foreach ($fields as $key => $field) {
                 if (array_key_exists($key, $contact['location'][$loc])) {
                     for ($c = 1; $c <= count($params['location'][$loc][$key]); $c++) {
                         $getValue = CRM_Utils_Array::retrieveValueRecursive($contact['location'][$loc][$key][$c], $field);
                         if ($modeFill && isset($getValue)) {
  * Format params for update and fill mode.
  * @param array $params
  *   reference to an array containing all the.
  *   values for import
  * @param int $onDuplicate
  * @param int $cid
  *   contact id.
 public function formatParams(&$params, $onDuplicate, $cid)
     if ($onDuplicate == CRM_Import_Parser::DUPLICATE_SKIP) {
     $contactParams = array('contact_id' => $cid);
     $defaults = array();
     $contactObj = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::retrieve($contactParams, $defaults);
     $modeUpdate = $modeFill = FALSE;
     if ($onDuplicate == CRM_Import_Parser::DUPLICATE_UPDATE) {
         $modeUpdate = TRUE;
     if ($onDuplicate == CRM_Import_Parser::DUPLICATE_FILL) {
         $modeFill = TRUE;
     $groupTree = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomGroup::getTree($params['contact_type'], CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullObject, $cid, 0, NULL);
     CRM_Core_BAO_CustomGroup::setDefaults($groupTree, $defaults, FALSE, FALSE);
     $locationFields = array('email' => 'email', 'phone' => 'phone', 'im' => 'name', 'website' => 'website', 'address' => 'address');
     $contact = get_object_vars($contactObj);
     foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
         if ($key == 'id' || $key == 'contact_type') {
         if (array_key_exists($key, $locationFields)) {
         } elseif (in_array($key, array('email_greeting', 'postal_greeting', 'addressee'))) {
             // CRM-4575, need to null custom
             if ($params["{$key}_id"] != 4) {
                 $params["{$key}_custom"] = 'null';
         } elseif ($customFieldId = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getKeyID($key)) {
             $custom = TRUE;
         } else {
             $getValue = CRM_Utils_Array::retrieveValueRecursive($contact, $key);
             if ($key == 'contact_source') {
                 $params['source'] = $params[$key];
             if ($modeFill && isset($getValue)) {
     foreach ($locationFields as $locKeys) {
         if (is_array(CRM_Utils_Array::value($locKeys, $params))) {
             foreach ($params[$locKeys] as $key => $value) {
                 if ($modeFill) {
                     $getValue = CRM_Utils_Array::retrieveValueRecursive($contact, $locKeys);
                     if (isset($getValue)) {
                         foreach ($getValue as $cnt => $values) {
                             if ($locKeys == 'website') {
                                 if ($getValue[$cnt]['website_type_id'] == $params[$locKeys][$key]['website_type_id']) {
                             } else {
                                 if (!empty($getValue[$cnt]['location_type_id']) && !empty($params[$locKeys][$key]['location_type_id']) && $getValue[$cnt]['location_type_id'] == $params[$locKeys][$key]['location_type_id']) {
             if (count($params[$locKeys]) == 0) {
  * build form elements.
  * params object $form object of the form
  * @param CRM_Core_Form $form
  *   The form object that we are operating on.
  * @param int $contactId
  *   Contact id.
  * @param int $type
  *   What components are we interested in.
  * @param bool $visibility
  *   Visibility of the field.
  * @param null $isRequired
  * @param string $groupName
  *   If used for building group block.
  * @param string $tagName
  *   If used for building tag block.
  * @param string $fieldName
  *   This is used in batch profile(i.e to build multiple blocks).
  * @param string $groupElementType
 public static function buildQuickForm(&$form, $contactId = 0, $type = self::ALL, $visibility = FALSE, $isRequired = NULL, $groupName = 'Group(s)', $tagName = 'Tag(s)', $fieldName = NULL, $groupElementType = 'checkbox')
     if (!isset($form->_tagGroup)) {
         $form->_tagGroup = array();
     // NYSS 5670
     if (!$contactId && !empty($form->_contactId)) {
         $contactId = $form->_contactId;
     $type = (int) $type;
     if ($type & self::GROUP) {
         $fName = 'group';
         if ($fieldName) {
             $fName = $fieldName;
         $groupID = isset($form->_grid) ? $form->_grid : NULL;
         if ($groupID && $visibility) {
             $ids = array($groupID => $groupID);
         } else {
             if ($visibility) {
                 $group = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::allGroup();
             } else {
                 $group = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::group();
             $ids = $group;
         if ($groupID || !empty($group)) {
             $groups = CRM_Contact_BAO_Group::getGroupsHierarchy($ids);
             $attributes['skiplabel'] = TRUE;
             $elements = array();
             $groupsOptions = array();
             foreach ($groups as $id => $group) {
                 // make sure that this group has public visibility
                 if ($visibility && $group['visibility'] == 'User and User Admin Only') {
                 if ($groupElementType == 'select') {
                     $groupsOptions[$id] = $group['title'];
                 } else {
                     $form->_tagGroup[$fName][$id]['description'] = $group['description'];
                     $elements[] =& $form->addElement('advcheckbox', $id, NULL, $group['title'], $attributes);
             if ($groupElementType == 'select' && !empty($groupsOptions)) {
                 $form->add('select', $fName, $groupName, $groupsOptions, FALSE, array('id' => $fName, 'multiple' => 'multiple', 'class' => 'crm-select2'));
                 $form->assign('groupCount', count($groupsOptions));
             if ($groupElementType == 'checkbox' && !empty($elements)) {
                 $form->addGroup($elements, $fName, $groupName, '&nbsp;<br />');
                 $form->assign('groupCount', count($elements));
                 if ($isRequired) {
                     $form->addRule($fName, ts('%1 is a required field.', array(1 => $groupName)), 'required');
             $form->assign('groupElementType', $groupElementType);
     if ($type & self::TAG) {
         $fName = 'tag';
         if ($fieldName) {
             $fName = $fieldName;
         $form->_tagGroup[$fName] = 1;
         // get the list of all the categories
         $tags = new CRM_Core_BAO_Tag();
         $tree = $tags->getTree('civicrm_contact', TRUE);
         // let's not load jstree if there are not children. This also fixes blank
         // display at the beginning of checkboxes
         $loadJsTree = CRM_Utils_Array::retrieveValueRecursive($tree, 'children');
         $form->assign('loadjsTree', FALSE);
         if (!empty($loadJsTree)) {
             // CODE FROM CRM/Tag/Form/Tag.php //
             CRM_Core_Resources::singleton()->addScriptFile('civicrm', 'packages/jquery/plugins/jstree/jquery.jstree.js', 0, 'html-header', FALSE)->addStyleFile('civicrm', 'packages/jquery/plugins/jstree/themes/default/style.css', 0, 'html-header');
             $form->assign('loadjsTree', TRUE);
         $elements = array();
         self::climbtree($form, $tree, $elements);
         $form->addGroup($elements, $fName, $tagName, '<br />');
         $form->assign('tagCount', count($elements));
         $form->assign('tree', $tree);
         $form->assign('tag', $tree);
         $form->assign('entityID', $contactId);
         $form->assign('entityTable', 'civicrm_contact');
         if ($isRequired) {
             $form->addRule($fName, ts('%1 is a required field.', array(1 => $tagName)), 'required');
         // build tag widget
         $parentNames = CRM_Core_BAO_Tag::getTagSet('civicrm_contact');
         CRM_Core_Form_Tag::buildQuickForm($form, $parentNames, 'civicrm_contact', $contactId, FALSE, TRUE);
     $form->assign('tagGroup', $form->_tagGroup);
  * @param $params
  * @param $participantId
  * @param $contributionId
  * @param $feeBlock
  * @param $lineItems
  * @param $paidAmount
  * @param $priceSetId
 static function changeFeeSelections($params, $participantId, $contributionId, $feeBlock, $lineItems, $paidAmount, $priceSetId)
     $contributionStatuses = CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::contributionStatus(NULL, 'name');
     $partiallyPaidStatusId = array_search('Partially paid', $contributionStatuses);
     $pendngRefundStatusId = array_search('Pending refund', $contributionStatuses);
     $previousLineItems = CRM_Price_BAO_LineItem::getLineItems($participantId, 'participant');
     CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet::processAmount($feeBlock, $params, $lineItems);
     // get the submitted
     foreach ($feeBlock as $id => $values) {
         CRM_Price_BAO_LineItem::format($id, $params, $values, $submittedLineItems);
         $submittedFieldId[] = CRM_Utils_Array::retrieveValueRecursive($submittedLineItems, 'price_field_id');
     $insertLines = $submittedLineItems;
     $submittedFieldValueIds = array_keys($submittedLineItems);
     $updateLines = array();
     foreach ($previousLineItems as $id => $previousLineItem) {
         // check through the submitted items if the previousItem exists,
         // if found in submitted items, do not use it for new item creations
         if (in_array($previousLineItem['price_field_value_id'], $submittedFieldValueIds)) {
             // if submitted line items are existing don't fire INSERT query
             // for updating the line items i.e. use-case - once deselect-option selecting again
             if ($previousLineItem['line_total'] != $submittedLineItems[$previousLineItem['price_field_value_id']]['line_total']) {
                 $updateLines[$previousLineItem['price_field_value_id']]['qty'] = $submittedLineItems[$previousLineItem['price_field_value_id']]['qty'];
                 $updateLines[$previousLineItem['price_field_value_id']]['line_total'] = $submittedLineItems[$previousLineItem['price_field_value_id']]['line_total'];
     $submittedFields = implode(', ', $submittedFieldId);
     $submittedFieldValues = implode(', ', $submittedFieldValueIds);
     if (!empty($submittedFields) && !empty($submittedFieldValues)) {
         $updateLineItem = "UPDATE civicrm_line_item li\nINNER JOIN civicrm_financial_item fi\n   ON (li.id = fi.entity_id AND fi.entity_table = 'civicrm_line_item')\nSET li.qty = 0,\n    li.line_total = 0.00\nWHERE (li.entity_table = 'civicrm_participant' AND li.entity_id = {$participantId}) AND\n       (price_field_value_id NOT IN ({$submittedFieldValues}))\n";
         // gathering necessary info to record negative (deselected) financial_item
         $updateFinancialItem = "\n  SELECT fi.*, SUM(fi.amount) as differenceAmt, price_field_value_id\n    FROM civicrm_financial_item fi LEFT JOIN civicrm_line_item li ON (li.id = fi.entity_id AND fi.entity_table = 'civicrm_line_item')\nWHERE (li.entity_table = 'civicrm_participant' AND li.entity_id = {$participantId})\nGROUP BY li.entity_table, li.entity_id, price_field_value_id\n";
         $updateFinancialItemInfoDAO = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($updateFinancialItem);
         $trxn = CRM_Core_BAO_FinancialTrxn::getFinancialTrxnId($contributionId, 'ASC', TRUE);
         $trxnId['id'] = $trxn['financialTrxnId'];
         $updateFinancialItemInfoValues = array();
         while ($updateFinancialItemInfoDAO->fetch()) {
             $updateFinancialItemInfoValues = (array) $updateFinancialItemInfoDAO;
             $updateFinancialItemInfoValues['transaction_date'] = date('YmdHis');
             // the below params are not needed
             // if not submitted and difference is not 0 make it negative
             if (!in_array($updateFinancialItemInfoValues['price_field_value_id'], $submittedFieldValueIds) && $updateFinancialItemInfoValues['differenceAmt'] != 0) {
                 // INSERT negative financial_items
                 $updateFinancialItemInfoValues['amount'] = -$updateFinancialItemInfoValues['amount'];
                 CRM_Financial_BAO_FinancialItem::create($updateFinancialItemInfoValues, NULL, $trxnId);
             } elseif (in_array($updateFinancialItemInfoValues['price_field_value_id'], $submittedFieldValueIds) && $updateFinancialItemInfoValues['differenceAmt'] == 0) {
                 $updateFinancialItemInfoValues['amount'] = $updateFinancialItemInfoValues['amount'];
                 CRM_Financial_BAO_FinancialItem::create($updateFinancialItemInfoValues, NULL, $trxnId);
     if (!empty($updateLines)) {
         foreach ($updateLines as $valueId => $vals) {
             $updateLineItem = "\nUPDATE civicrm_line_item li\nSET li.qty = {$vals['qty']},\n    li.line_total = {$vals['line_total']}\nWHERE (li.entity_table = 'civicrm_participant' AND li.entity_id = {$participantId}) AND\n      (price_field_value_id = {$valueId})\n";
     // insert new 'adjusted amount' transaction entry and update contribution entry.
     // ensure entity_financial_trxn table has a linking of it.
     // insert new line items
     foreach ($insertLines as $valueId => $lineParams) {
         $lineParams['entity_table'] = 'civicrm_participant';
         $lineParams['entity_id'] = $participantId;
         $lineObj = CRM_Price_BAO_LineItem::create($lineParams);
     // the recordAdjustedAmt code would execute over here
     $ids = CRM_Event_BAO_Participant::getParticipantIds($contributionId);
     if (count($ids) > 1) {
         $total = 0;
         foreach ($ids as $val) {
             $total += CRM_Price_BAO_LineItem::getLineTotal($val, 'civicrm_participant');
         $updatedAmount = $total;
     } else {
         $updatedAmount = $params['amount'];
     self::recordAdjustedAmt($updatedAmount, $paidAmount, $contributionId);
     $fetchCon = array('id' => $contributionId);
     $updatedContribution = CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::retrieve($fetchCon, CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray, CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray);
     // insert financial items
     foreach ($insertLines as $valueId => $lineParams) {
         $lineParams['entity_table'] = 'civicrm_participant';
         $lineParams['entity_id'] = $participantId;
         $lineObj = CRM_Price_BAO_LineItem::retrieve($lineParams, CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray);
         // insert financial items
         // ensure entity_financial_trxn table has a linking of it.
         $prevItem = CRM_Financial_BAO_FinancialItem::add($lineObj, $updatedContribution);
     // update participant fee_amount column
     $partUpdateFeeAmt['id'] = $participantId;
     $partUpdateFeeAmt['fee_amount'] = $params['amount'];
     //activity creation
     self::addActivityForSelection($participantId, 'Change Registration');
Exemple #9
 public function getContactTokenReplacement($token, &$contact, $html = false, $returnBlankToken = false)
     if (self::$_tokens['contact'] == null) {
         /* This should come from UF */
         self::$_tokens['contact'] = array_merge(array_keys(CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::exportableFields('All')), array('checksum', 'contact_id'));
     /* Construct value from $token and $contact */
     $value = null;
     // check if the token we were passed is valid
     // we have to do this because this function is
     // called only when we find a token in the string
     if (!in_array($token, self::$_tokens['contact'])) {
         $value = "{contact.{$token}}";
     } else {
         if ($token == 'checksum') {
             require_once 'CRM/Contact/BAO/Contact/Utils.php';
             $cs = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Utils::generateChecksum($contact['contact_id']);
             $value = "cs={$cs}";
         } else {
             $value = CRM_Utils_Array::retrieveValueRecursive($contact, $token);
     if (!$html) {
         $value = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $value);
     // if null then return actual token
     if ($returnBlankToken && !$value) {
         $value = "{contact.{$token}}";
     return $value;
Exemple #10
  * Build the form object.
  * @return void
 public function buildQuickForm()
     // get categories for the contact id
     $entityTag = CRM_Core_BAO_EntityTag::getTag($this->_entityID, $this->_entityTable);
     $this->assign('tagged', $entityTag);
     // get the list of all the categories
     $allTag = CRM_Core_BAO_Tag::getTagsUsedFor($this->_entityTable);
     // need to append the array with the " checked " if contact is tagged with the tag
     foreach ($allTag as $tagID => $varValue) {
         if (in_array($tagID, $entityTag)) {
             $tagAttribute = array('checked' => 'checked', 'id' => "tag_{$tagID}");
         } else {
             $tagAttribute = array('id' => "tag_{$tagID}");
         $tagChk[$tagID] = $this->createElement('checkbox', $tagID, '', '', $tagAttribute);
     $this->addGroup($tagChk, 'tagList', NULL, NULL, TRUE);
     $tags = new CRM_Core_BAO_Tag();
     $tree = $tags->getTree($this->_entityTable, TRUE);
     // let's not load jstree if there are not children. This also fixes blank
     // display at the beginning of checkboxes
     $loadJsTree = CRM_Utils_Array::retrieveValueRecursive($tree, 'children');
     $this->assign('loadjsTree', FALSE);
     if (!empty($loadJsTree)) {
         CRM_Core_Resources::singleton()->addScriptFile('civicrm', 'packages/jquery/plugins/jstree/jquery.jstree.js', 0, 'html-header', FALSE)->addStyleFile('civicrm', 'packages/jquery/plugins/jstree/themes/default/style.css', 0, 'html-header');
         $this->assign('loadjsTree', TRUE);
     $this->assign('tree', $tree);
     $this->assign('tag', $allTag);
     //build tag widget
     $parentNames = CRM_Core_BAO_Tag::getTagSet('civicrm_contact');
     CRM_Core_Form_Tag::buildQuickForm($this, $parentNames, $this->_entityTable, $this->_entityID);
  * A function to build an array of information required by merge function and the merge UI.
  * @param  int $mainId main contact with whom merge has to happen
  * @param  int $otherId duplicate contact which would be deleted after merge operation
  * @return array|bool|int
  * @static
  * @access public
 static function getRowsElementsAndInfo($mainId, $otherId)
     $qfZeroBug = 'e8cddb72-a257-11dc-b9cc-0016d3330ee9';
     // Fetch contacts
     foreach (array('main' => $mainId, 'other' => $otherId) as $moniker => $cid) {
         $params = array('contact_id' => $cid, 'version' => 3, 'return' => array_merge(array('display_name'), self::getContactFields()));
         $result = civicrm_api('contact', 'get', $params);
         if (empty($result['values'][$cid]['contact_type'])) {
             return FALSE;
         ${$moniker} = $result['values'][$cid];
     static $fields = array();
     if (empty($fields)) {
         $fields = CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact::fields();
     // get all contact subtypes
     $contactSubTypes = CRM_Contact_BAO_ContactType::subTypePairs(NULL, TRUE, '');
     // FIXME: there must be a better way
     foreach (array('main', 'other') as $moniker) {
         $contact =& ${$moniker};
         $preferred_communication_method = CRM_Utils_array::value('preferred_communication_method', $contact);
         $value = empty($preferred_communication_method) ? array() : $preferred_communication_method;
         $specialValues[$moniker] = array('preferred_communication_method' => $value, 'contact_sub_type' => $value, 'communication_style_id' => $value);
         if (!empty($contact['preferred_communication_method'])) {
             // api 3 returns pref_comm_method as an array, which breaks the lookup; so we reconstruct
             $prefCommList = is_array($specialValues[$moniker]['preferred_communication_method']) ? implode(CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR, $specialValues[$moniker]['preferred_communication_method']) : $specialValues[$moniker]['preferred_communication_method'];
             $specialValues[$moniker]['preferred_communication_method'] = CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR . $prefCommList . CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR;
         $names = array('preferred_communication_method' => array('newName' => 'preferred_communication_method_display', 'groupName' => 'preferred_communication_method'));
         CRM_Core_OptionGroup::lookupValues($specialValues[$moniker], $names);
         if (!empty($contact['contact_sub_type'])) {
             $specialValues[$moniker]['contact_sub_type'] = implode(CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR, $contact['contact_sub_type']);
             // fix contact sub type label for contact with sub type
             $subtypes = array();
             foreach ($contact['contact_sub_type'] as $key => $value) {
                 $subtypes[] = CRM_Utils_Array::retrieveValueRecursive($contactSubTypes, $value);
             $contact['contact_sub_type_display'] = $specialValues[$moniker]['contact_sub_type_display'] = implode(', ', $subtypes);
         if (!empty($contact['communication_style'])) {
             $specialValues[$moniker]['communication_style_id_display'] = $contact['communication_style'];
     static $optionValueFields = array();
     if (empty($optionValueFields)) {
         $optionValueFields = CRM_Core_OptionValue::getFields();
     foreach ($optionValueFields as $field => $params) {
         $fields[$field]['title'] = $params['title'];
     $diffs = self::findDifferences($main, $other);
     $rows = $elements = $relTableElements = $migrationInfo = array();
     foreach ($diffs['contact'] as $field) {
         foreach (array('main', 'other') as $moniker) {
             $contact =& ${$moniker};
             $value = CRM_Utils_Array::value($field, $contact);
             if (isset($specialValues[$moniker][$field]) && is_string($specialValues[$moniker][$field])) {
                 $value = CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR . trim($specialValues[$moniker][$field], CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR) . CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR;
             $label = isset($specialValues[$moniker]["{$field}_display"]) ? $specialValues[$moniker]["{$field}_display"] : $value;
             if (!empty($fields[$field]['type']) && $fields[$field]['type'] == CRM_Utils_Type::T_DATE) {
                 if ($value) {
                     $value = str_replace('-', '', $value);
                     $label = CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat($label);
                 } else {
                     $value = "null";
             } elseif (!empty($fields[$field]['type']) && $fields[$field]['type'] == CRM_Utils_Type::T_BOOLEAN) {
                 if ($label === '0') {
                     $label = ts('[ ]');
                 if ($label === '1') {
                     $label = ts('[x]');
             } elseif ($field == 'individual_prefix' || $field == 'prefix_id') {
                 $label = CRM_Utils_Array::value('individual_prefix', $contact);
                 $value = CRM_Utils_Array::value('prefix_id', $contact);
                 $field = 'prefix_id';
             } elseif ($field == 'individual_suffix' || $field == 'suffix_id') {
                 $label = CRM_Utils_Array::value('individual_suffix', $contact);
                 $value = CRM_Utils_Array::value('suffix_id', $contact);
                 $field = 'suffix_id';
             $rows["move_{$field}"][$moniker] = $label;
             if ($moniker == 'other') {
                 if ($value === NULL || $value == '') {
                     $value = 'null';
                 if ($value === 0 or $value === '0') {
                     $value = $qfZeroBug;
                 if (is_array($value) && empty($value[1])) {
                     $value[1] = NULL;
                 $elements[] = array('advcheckbox', "move_{$field}", NULL, NULL, NULL, $value);
                 $migrationInfo["move_{$field}"] = $value;
         $rows["move_{$field}"]['title'] = $fields[$field]['title'];
     // handle location blocks.
     $locationBlocks = array('email', 'phone', 'address');
     $locations = array();
     foreach ($locationBlocks as $block) {
         foreach (array('main' => $mainId, 'other' => $otherId) as $moniker => $cid) {
             $cnt = 1;
             $values = civicrm_api($block, 'get', array('contact_id' => $cid, 'version' => 3));
             $count = $values['count'];
             if ($count) {
                 if ($count > $cnt) {
                     foreach ($values['values'] as $value) {
                         if ($block == 'address') {
                             $display = CRM_Utils_Address::format($value);
                             $locations[$moniker][$block][$cnt] = $value;
                             $locations[$moniker][$block][$cnt]['display'] = $display;
                         } else {
                             $locations[$moniker][$block][$cnt] = $value;
                 } else {
                     $id = $values['id'];
                     if ($block == 'address') {
                         $display = CRM_Utils_Address::format($values['values'][$id]);
                         $locations[$moniker][$block][$cnt] = $values['values'][$id];
                         $locations[$moniker][$block][$cnt]['display'] = $display;
                     } else {
                         $locations[$moniker][$block][$cnt] = $values['values'][$id];
     $allLocationTypes = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Core_DAO_Address', 'location_type_id');
     $mainLocBlock = $locBlockIds = array();
     $locBlockIds['main'] = $locBlockIds['other'] = array();
     foreach (array('Email', 'Phone', 'IM', 'OpenID', 'Address') as $block) {
         $name = strtolower($block);
         foreach (array('main', 'other') as $moniker) {
             $locIndex = CRM_Utils_Array::value($moniker, $locations);
             $blockValue = CRM_Utils_Array::value($name, $locIndex, array());
             if (empty($blockValue)) {
                 $locValue[$moniker][$name] = 0;
                 $locLabel[$moniker][$name] = $locTypes[$moniker][$name] = array();
             } else {
                 $locValue[$moniker][$name] = TRUE;
                 foreach ($blockValue as $count => $blkValues) {
                     $fldName = $name;
                     $locTypeId = $blkValues['location_type_id'];
                     if ($name == 'im') {
                         $fldName = 'name';
                     if ($name == 'address') {
                         $fldName = 'display';
                     $locLabel[$moniker][$name][$count] = CRM_Utils_Array::value($fldName, $blkValues);
                     $locTypes[$moniker][$name][$count] = $locTypeId;
                     if ($moniker == 'main' && in_array($name, $locationBlocks)) {
                         $mainLocBlock["main_{$name}{$locTypeId}"] = CRM_Utils_Array::value($fldName, $blkValues);
                         $locBlockIds['main'][$name][$locTypeId] = $blkValues['id'];
                     } else {
                         $locBlockIds[$moniker][$name][$count] = $blkValues['id'];
         if ($locValue['other'][$name] != 0) {
             foreach ($locLabel['other'][$name] as $count => $value) {
                 $locTypeId = $locTypes['other'][$name][$count];
                 $rows["move_location_{$name}_{$count}"]['other'] = $value;
                 $rows["move_location_{$name}_{$count}"]['main'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value($count, $locLabel['main'][$name]);
                 $rows["move_location_{$name}_{$count}"]['title'] = ts('%1:%2:%3', array(1 => $block, 2 => $count, 3 => $allLocationTypes[$locTypeId]));
                 $elements[] = array('advcheckbox', "move_location_{$name}_{$count}");
                 $migrationInfo["move_location_{$name}_{$count}"] = 1;
                 // make sure default location type is always on top
                 $mainLocTypeId = CRM_Utils_Array::value($count, $locTypes['main'][$name], $locTypeId);
                 $locTypeValues = $allLocationTypes;
                 $defaultLocType = array($mainLocTypeId => $locTypeValues[$mainLocTypeId]);
                 // keep 1-1 mapping for address - location type.
                 $js = NULL;
                 if (in_array($name, $locationBlocks) && !empty($mainLocBlock)) {
                     $js = array('onChange' => "mergeBlock('{$name}', this, {$count} );");
                 $elements[] = array('select', "location[{$name}][{$count}][locTypeId]", NULL, $defaultLocType + $locTypeValues, $js);
                 // keep location-type-id same as that of other-contact
                 $migrationInfo['location'][$name][$count]['locTypeId'] = $locTypeId;
                 if ($name != 'address') {
                     $elements[] = array('advcheckbox', "location[{$name}][{$count}][operation]", NULL, ts('add new'));
                     // always use add operation
                     $migrationInfo['location'][$name][$count]['operation'] = 1;
     // add the related tables and unset the ones that don't sport any of the duplicate contact's info
     $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
     $mainUfId = CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::getUFId($mainId);
     $mainUser = NULL;
     if ($mainUfId) {
         // d6 compatible
         if ($config->userSystem->is_drupal == '1' && function_exists($mainUser)) {
             $mainUser = user_load($mainUfId);
         } elseif ($config->userFramework == 'Joomla') {
             $mainUser = JFactory::getUser($mainUfId);
     $otherUfId = CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::getUFId($otherId);
     $otherUser = NULL;
     if ($otherUfId) {
         // d6 compatible
         if ($config->userSystem->is_drupal == '1' && function_exists($mainUser)) {
             $otherUser = user_load($otherUfId);
         } elseif ($config->userFramework == 'Joomla') {
             $otherUser = JFactory::getUser($otherUfId);
     $relTables = CRM_Dedupe_Merger::relTables();
     $activeRelTables = CRM_Dedupe_Merger::getActiveRelTables($otherId);
     $activeMainRelTables = CRM_Dedupe_Merger::getActiveRelTables($mainId);
     foreach ($relTables as $name => $null) {
         if (!in_array($name, $activeRelTables) && !($name == 'rel_table_users' && in_array($name, $activeMainRelTables))) {
         $relTableElements[] = array('checkbox', "move_{$name}");
         $migrationInfo["move_{$name}"] = 1;
         $relTables[$name]['main_url'] = str_replace('$cid', $mainId, $relTables[$name]['url']);
         $relTables[$name]['other_url'] = str_replace('$cid', $otherId, $relTables[$name]['url']);
         if ($name == 'rel_table_users') {
             $relTables[$name]['main_url'] = str_replace('%ufid', $mainUfId, $relTables[$name]['url']);
             $relTables[$name]['other_url'] = str_replace('%ufid', $otherUfId, $relTables[$name]['url']);
             $find = array('$ufid', '$ufname');
             if ($mainUser) {
                 $replace = array($mainUfId, $mainUser->name);
                 $relTables[$name]['main_title'] = str_replace($find, $replace, $relTables[$name]['title']);
             if ($otherUser) {
                 $replace = array($otherUfId, $otherUser->name);
                 $relTables[$name]['other_title'] = str_replace($find, $replace, $relTables[$name]['title']);
         if ($name == 'rel_table_memberships') {
             $elements[] = array('checkbox', "operation[move_{$name}][add]", NULL, ts('add new'));
             $migrationInfo["operation"]["move_{$name}"]['add'] = 1;
     foreach ($relTables as $name => $null) {
         $relTables["move_{$name}"] = $relTables[$name];
     // handle custom fields
     $mainTree = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomGroup::getTree($main['contact_type'], CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullObject, $mainId, -1, CRM_Utils_Array::value('contact_sub_type', $main));
     $otherTree = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomGroup::getTree($main['contact_type'], CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullObject, $otherId, -1, CRM_Utils_Array::value('contact_sub_type', $other));
     foreach ($otherTree as $gid => $group) {
         $foundField = FALSE;
         if (!isset($group['fields'])) {
         foreach ($group['fields'] as $fid => $field) {
             if (in_array($fid, $diffs['custom'])) {
                 if (!$foundField) {
                     $rows["custom_group_{$gid}"]['title'] = $group['title'];
                     $foundField = TRUE;
                 if (!empty($mainTree[$gid]['fields'][$fid]['customValue'])) {
                     foreach ($mainTree[$gid]['fields'][$fid]['customValue'] as $valueId => $values) {
                         $rows["move_custom_{$fid}"]['main'] = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomGroup::formatCustomValues($values, $field, TRUE);
                 $value = "null";
                 if (!empty($otherTree[$gid]['fields'][$fid]['customValue'])) {
                     foreach ($otherTree[$gid]['fields'][$fid]['customValue'] as $valueId => $values) {
                         $rows["move_custom_{$fid}"]['other'] = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomGroup::formatCustomValues($values, $field, TRUE);
                         if ($values['data'] === 0 || $values['data'] === '0') {
                             $values['data'] = $qfZeroBug;
                         $value = $values['data'] ? $values['data'] : $value;
                 $rows["move_custom_{$fid}"]['title'] = $field['label'];
                 $elements[] = array('advcheckbox', "move_custom_{$fid}", NULL, NULL, NULL, $value);
                 $migrationInfo["move_custom_{$fid}"] = $value;
     $result = array('rows' => $rows, 'elements' => $elements, 'rel_table_elements' => $relTableElements, 'main_loc_block' => $mainLocBlock, 'rel_tables' => $relTables, 'main_details' => $main, 'other_details' => $other, 'migration_info' => $migrationInfo);
     $result['main_details']['loc_block_ids'] = $locBlockIds['main'];
     $result['other_details']['loc_block_ids'] = $locBlockIds['other'];
     return $result;
Exemple #12
  * Function to check whether allow to edit any contact's subtype
  * on the basis of custom data and relationship of specific subtype
  * @param  int     $contactId    contact id.
  * @param  string  $subType      subtype.  
  * @return boolean true/false.
  * @static
 static function allowEditSubtype($contactId, $subType, $groupTree = null)
     if (!$contactId || empty($subType)) {
         return true;
     require_once 'CRM/Contact/BAO/ContactType.php';
     $contactType = CRM_Contact_BAO_ContactType::getBasicType($subType);
     $subTypeGroupTree = array();
     if (!array_key_exists($contactType . '_' . $subType, $subTypeGroupTree) && empty($groupTree)) {
         $form = null;
         require_once 'CRM/Core/BAO/CustomGroup.php';
         $subTypeGroupTree[$contactType . '_' . $subType] = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomGroup::getTree($contactType, $form, $contactId, null, $subType, null);
     } else {
         $subTypeGroupTree[$contactType . '_' . $subType] = $groupTree;
     if (!empty($subTypeGroupTree[$contactType . '_' . $subType])) {
         foreach ($subTypeGroupTree[$contactType . '_' . $subType] as $groupId => $groupDetails) {
             if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('extends_entity_column_value', $groupDetails)) {
                 $customValue = CRM_Utils_Array::retrieveValueRecursive($groupDetails['fields'], 'element_value');
                 if (!empty($customValue)) {
                     return false;
                 } else {
     if (!array_key_exists('rel_' . $contactType . '_' . $subType, $subTypeGroupTree)) {
         require_once 'CRM/Contact/BAO/Relationship.php';
         $relationshipTypes = CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship::getContactRelationshipType(null, null, null, $contactType, false, 'label', true, $subType, true);
         $subTypeGroupTree['rel_' . $contactType . '_' . $subType] = $relationshipTypes;
     $relationships = CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship::getRelationship($contactId);
     if (!empty($relationships)) {
         foreach ($relationships as $relId => $details) {
             if (in_array($details['relation'], $subTypeGroupTree['rel_' . $contactType . '_' . $subType])) {
                 return false;
             } else {
     return true;
Exemple #13
  * function to add/edit/register contacts through profile.
  * @params  array  $params        Array of profile fields to be edited/added.
  * @params  int    $contactID     contact_id of the contact to be edited/added.
  * @params  array  $fields        array of fields from UFGroup
  * @params  int    $addToGroupID  specifies the default group to which contact is added.
  * @params  int    $ufGroupId     uf group id (profile id)
  * @param   string $ctype         contact type
  * @return  int                   contact id created/edited
  * @static
  * @access public
 static function createProfileContact(&$params, &$fields, $contactID = null, $addToGroupID = null, $ufGroupId = null, $ctype = null, $visibility = false)
     // add ufGroupID to params array ( CRM-2012 )
     if ($ufGroupId) {
         $params['uf_group_id'] = $ufGroupId;
     require_once 'CRM/Utils/Hook.php';
     if ($contactID) {
         $editHook = true;
         CRM_Utils_Hook::pre('edit', 'Profile', $contactID, $params);
     } else {
         $editHook = false;
         CRM_Utils_Hook::pre('create', 'Profile', null, $params);
     $data = $contactDetails = array();
     // get the contact details (hier)
     if ($contactID) {
         list($details, $options) = self::getHierContactDetails($contactID, $fields);
         $contactDetails = $details[$contactID];
         $data['contact_type'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('contact_type', $contactDetails);
     } else {
         //we should get contact type only if contact
         if ($ufGroupId) {
             require_once "CRM/Core/BAO/UFField.php";
             $data['contact_type'] = CRM_Core_BAO_UFField::getProfileType($ufGroupId);
             //special case to handle profile with only contact fields
             if ($data['contact_type'] == 'Contact') {
                 $data['contact_type'] = 'Individual';
             } else {
                 if (CRM_Contact_BAO_ContactType::isaSubType($data['contact_type'])) {
                     $data['contact_type'] = CRM_Contact_BAO_ContactType::getBasicType($data['contact_type']);
         } else {
             if ($ctype) {
                 $data['contact_type'] = $ctype;
             } else {
                 $data['contact_type'] = 'Individual';
     //fix contact sub type CRM-5125
     if ($subType = CRM_Utils_Array::value('contact_sub_type', $params)) {
         $data['contact_sub_type'] = $subType;
     } else {
         if ($subType = CRM_Utils_Array::value('contact_sub_type_hidden', $params)) {
             // if profile was used, and had any subtype, we obtain it from there
             $data['contact_sub_type'] = $subType;
     if ($ctype == "Organization") {
         $data["organization_name"] = $contactDetails["organization_name"];
     } else {
         if ($ctype == "Household") {
             $data["household_name"] = $contactDetails["household_name"];
     $locationType = array();
     $count = 1;
     if ($contactID) {
         //add contact id
         $data['contact_id'] = $contactID;
         $primaryLocationType = self::getPrimaryLocationType($contactID);
     } else {
         require_once "CRM/Core/BAO/LocationType.php";
         $defaultLocation =& CRM_Core_BAO_LocationType::getDefault();
         $defaultLocationId = $defaultLocation->id;
     // get the billing location type
     $locationTypes =& CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::locationType();
     $billingLocationTypeId = array_search('Billing', $locationTypes);
     $blocks = array('email', 'phone', 'im', 'openid');
     // prevent overwritten of formatted array, reset all block from
     // params if it is not in valid format (since import pass valid format)
     foreach ($blocks as $blk) {
         if (array_key_exists($blk, $params) && !is_array($params[$blk])) {
     $primaryPhoneLoc = null;
     foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
         $fieldName = $locTypeId = $typeId = null;
         list($fieldName, $locTypeId, $typeId) = CRM_Utils_System::explode('-', $key, 3);
         //store original location type id
         $actualLocTypeId = $locTypeId;
         if ($locTypeId == 'Primary') {
             if ($contactID) {
                 $locTypeId = $primaryLocationType;
             } else {
                 $locTypeId = $defaultLocationId;
         if (is_numeric($locTypeId)) {
             $index = $locTypeId;
             if (is_numeric($typeId)) {
                 $index .= '-' . $typeId;
             if (!in_array($index, $locationType)) {
                 $locationType[$count] = $index;
             require_once 'CRM/Utils/Array.php';
             $loc = CRM_Utils_Array::key($index, $locationType);
             $blockName = 'address';
             if (in_array($fieldName, $blocks)) {
                 $blockName = $fieldName;
             $data[$blockName][$loc]['location_type_id'] = $locTypeId;
             //set is_billing true, for location type "Billing"
             if ($locTypeId == $billingLocationTypeId) {
                 $data[$blockName][$loc]['is_billing'] = 1;
             if ($contactID) {
                 //get the primary location type
                 if ($locTypeId == $primaryLocationType) {
                     $data[$blockName][$loc]['is_primary'] = 1;
             } else {
                 if (($locTypeId == $defaultLocationId || $locTypeId == $billingLocationTypeId) && ($loc == 1 || !CRM_Utils_Array::retrieveValueRecursive($data['location'][$loc - 1], 'is_primary'))) {
                     $data[$blockName][$loc]['is_primary'] = 1;
             if ($fieldName == 'phone') {
                 if ($typeId) {
                     $data['phone'][$loc]['phone_type_id'] = $typeId;
                 } else {
                     $data['phone'][$loc]['phone_type_id'] = '';
                 $data['phone'][$loc]['phone'] = $value;
                 //special case to handle primary phone with different phone types
                 // in this case we make first phone type as primary
                 if (isset($data['phone'][$loc]['is_primary']) && !$primaryPhoneLoc) {
                     $primaryPhoneLoc = $loc;
                 if ($loc != $primaryPhoneLoc) {
             } else {
                 if ($fieldName == 'email') {
                     $data['email'][$loc]['email'] = $value;
                 } else {
                     if ($fieldName == 'im') {
                         if (isset($params[$key . '-provider_id'])) {
                             $data['im'][$loc]['provider_id'] = $params[$key . '-provider_id'];
                         $data['im'][$loc]['name'] = $value;
                     } else {
                         if ($fieldName == 'openid') {
                             $data['openid'][$loc]['openid'] = $value;
                         } else {
                             if ($fieldName === 'state_province') {
                                 // CRM-3393
                                 if (is_numeric($value) && (int) $value >= 1000) {
                                     $data['address'][$loc]['state_province_id'] = $value;
                                 } else {
                                     $data['address'][$loc]['state_province'] = $value;
                             } else {
                                 if ($fieldName === 'country') {
                                     // CRM-3393
                                     if (is_numeric($value) && (int) $value >= 1000) {
                                         $data['address'][$loc]['country_id'] = $value;
                                     } else {
                                         $data['address'][$loc]['country'] = $value;
                                 } else {
                                     if ($fieldName === 'county') {
                                         $data['address'][$loc]['address']['county_id'] = $value;
                                     } else {
                                         if ($fieldName == 'address_name') {
                                             $data['address'][$loc]['name'] = $value;
                                         } else {
                                             $data['address'][$loc][$fieldName] = $value;
         } else {
             if ($key === 'individual_suffix') {
                 $data['suffix_id'] = $value;
             } else {
                 if ($key === 'individual_prefix') {
                     $data['prefix_id'] = $value;
                 } else {
                     if ($key === 'gender') {
                         $data['gender_id'] = $value;
                     } else {
                         if ($key === 'email_greeting') {
                             //save email/postal greeting and addressee values if any, CRM-4575
                             $data['email_greeting_id'] = $value;
                         } else {
                             if ($key === 'postal_greeting') {
                                 $data['postal_greeting_id'] = $value;
                             } else {
                                 if ($key === 'addressee') {
                                     $data['addressee_id'] = $value;
                                 } else {
                                     if ($customFieldId = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getKeyID($key)) {
                                         // for autocomplete transfer hidden value instead of label
                                         if ($params[$key] && isset($params[$key . '_id'])) {
                                             $value = $params[$key . '_id'];
                                         // we need to append time with date
                                         if ($params[$key] && isset($params[$key . '_time'])) {
                                             $value .= ' ' . $params[$key . '_time'];
                                         $type = CRM_Utils_Array::value('contact_sub_type', $data) ? $data['contact_sub_type'] : $data['contact_type'];
                                         CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::formatCustomField($customFieldId, $data['custom'], $value, $type, null, $contactID);
                                     } else {
                                         if ($key == 'edit') {
                                         } else {
                                             if ($key == 'location') {
                                                 foreach ($value as $locationTypeId => $field) {
                                                     foreach ($field as $block => $val) {
                                                         if ($block == 'address' && array_key_exists('address_name', $val)) {
                                                             $value[$locationTypeId][$block]['name'] = $value[$locationTypeId][$block]['address_name'];
                                             $data[$key] = $value;
     // FIX ME: need to check if we need this code
     // //make sure primary location is at first position in location array
     // if ( isset( $data['location'] ) && count( $data['location'] ) > 1 ) {
     //     // if first location is primary skip manipulation
     //     if ( !isset($data['location'][1]['is_primary']) ) {
     //         //find the key for primary location
     //         foreach ( $data['location'] as $primaryLocationKey => $value ) {
     //             if ( isset( $value['is_primary'] ) ) {
     //                 break;
     //             }
     //         }
     //         // swap first location with primary location
     //         $tempLocation        = $data['location'][1];
     //         $data['location'][1] = $data['location'][$primaryLocationKey];
     //         $data['location'][$primaryLocationKey] = $tempLocation;
     //     }
     // }
     if (!isset($data['contact_type'])) {
         $data['contact_type'] = 'Individual';
     if (CRM_Core_Permission::access('Quest')) {
         $studentFieldPresent = 0;
         foreach ($fields as $name => $field) {
             // check if student fields present
             require_once 'CRM/Quest/BAO/Student.php';
             if (!$studentFieldPresent && array_key_exists($name, CRM_Quest_BAO_Student::exportableFields())) {
                 $studentFieldPresent = 1;
     //set the values for checkboxes (do_not_email, do_not_mail, do_not_trade, do_not_phone)
     $privacy = CRM_Core_SelectValues::privacy();
     foreach ($privacy as $key => $value) {
         if (array_key_exists($key, $fields)) {
             if ($params[$key]) {
                 $data[$key] = $params[$key];
             } else {
                 $data[$key] = 0;
     // manage is_opt_out
     if (array_key_exists('is_opt_out', $fields)) {
         $wasOptOut = CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_opt_out', $contactDetails, false);
         $isOptOut = CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_opt_out', $params, false);
         $data['is_opt_out'] = $isOptOut;
         // on change, create new civicrm_subscription_history entry
         if ($wasOptOut != $isOptOut && CRM_Utils_Array::value('contact_id', $contactDetails)) {
             $shParams = array('contact_id' => $contactDetails['contact_id'], 'status' => $isOptOut ? 'Removed' : 'Added', 'method' => 'Web');
     require_once 'CRM/Contact/BAO/Contact.php';
     if ($data['contact_type'] != 'Student') {
         $contact =& self::create($data);
     // contact is null if the profile does not have any contact fields
     if ($contact) {
         $contactID = $contact->id;
     if (!$contactID) {
         CRM_Core_Error::fatal('Cannot proceed without a valid contact id');
     // Process group and tag
     if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('group', $fields)) {
         $method = 'Admin';
         // this for sure means we are coming in via profile since i added it to fix
         // removing contacts from user groups -- lobo
         if ($visibility) {
             $method = 'Web';
         CRM_Contact_BAO_GroupContact::create($params['group'], $contactID, $visibility, $method);
     if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('tag', $fields)) {
         require_once 'CRM/Core/BAO/EntityTag.php';
         CRM_Core_BAO_EntityTag::create($params['tag'], $contactID);
     // Set status = 'Pending' if profileDoubleOptIn = 1. CRM-5905
     require_once 'CRM/Core/Config.php';
     $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
     if ($config->profileDoubleOptIn) {
         $groupStatus = 'Pending';
     //to add profile in default group
     if (is_array($addToGroupID)) {
         $contactIds = array($contactID);
         foreach ($addToGroupID as $groupId) {
             CRM_Contact_BAO_GroupContact::addContactsToGroup($contactIds, $groupId, 'Admin', $groupStatus);
     } else {
         if ($addToGroupID) {
             $contactIds = array($contactID);
             CRM_Contact_BAO_GroupContact::addContactsToGroup($contactIds, $addToGroupID, 'Admin', $groupStatus);
     //to update student record
     if (CRM_Core_Permission::access('Quest') && $studentFieldPresent) {
         $ids = array();
         $dao =& new CRM_Quest_DAO_Student();
         $dao->contact_id = $contactID;
         if ($dao->find(true)) {
             $ids['id'] = $dao->id;
         $ssids = array();
         $studentSummary =& new CRM_Quest_DAO_StudentSummary();
         $studentSummary->contact_id = $contactID;
         if ($studentSummary->find(true)) {
             $ssids['id'] = $studentSummary->id;
         $params['contact_id'] = $contactID;
         //fixed for check boxes
         $specialFields = array('educational_interest', 'college_type', 'college_interest', 'test_tutoring');
         foreach ($specialFields as $field) {
             if ($params[$field]) {
                 $params[$field] = implode(CRM_Core_BAO_CustomOption::VALUE_SEPERATOR, array_keys($params[$field]));
         CRM_Quest_BAO_Student::create($params, $ids);
         CRM_Quest_BAO_Student::createStudentSummary($params, $ssids);
     // reset the group contact cache for this group
     require_once 'CRM/Contact/BAO/GroupContactCache.php';
     if ($editHook) {
         CRM_Utils_Hook::post('edit', 'Profile', $contactID, $params);
     } else {
         CRM_Utils_Hook::post('create', 'Profile', $contactID, $params);
     return $contactID;
 static function changeFeeSelections($params, $participantId, $contributionId, $feeBlock, $lineItems, $paidAmount, $priceSetId)
     $contributionStatuses = CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::contributionStatus(NULL, 'name');
     $partiallyPaidStatusId = array_search('Partially paid', $contributionStatuses);
     $pendngRefundStatusId = array_search('Pending refund', $contributionStatuses);
     $fetchCon = array('id' => $contributionId);
     $contributionObj = CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::retrieve($fetchCon, CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray, CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray);
     $previousLineItems = CRM_Price_BAO_LineItem::getLineItems($participantId, 'participant');
     CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet::processAmount($feeBlock, $params, $lineItems);
     // get the submitted
     foreach ($feeBlock as $id => $values) {
         CRM_Price_BAO_LineItem::format($id, $params, $values, $submittedLineItems);
         $submittedFieldId[] = CRM_Utils_Array::retrieveValueRecursive($submittedLineItems, 'price_field_id');
     $insertLines = $submittedLineItems;
     $submittedFieldValueIds = array_keys($submittedLineItems);
     foreach ($previousLineItems as $id => $previousLineItem) {
         // check through the submitted items if the previousItem exists,
         // if found in submitted items, do not use it for new item creations
         if (in_array($previousLineItem['price_field_value_id'], $submittedFieldValueIds)) {
     $submittedFields = implode(', ', $submittedFieldId);
     $submittedFieldValues = implode(', ', $submittedFieldValueIds);
     if (!empty($submittedFields) && !empty($submittedFieldValues)) {
         // if previous line item is not submitted in selection, update the line total and QTY to '0'
         $updateLineItem = "\nUPDATE civicrm_line_item li\nINNER JOIN civicrm_financial_item fi\n   ON (li.id = fi.entity_id AND fi.entity_table = 'civicrm_line_item')\nINNER JOIN civicrm_entity_financial_trxn eft\n   ON (eft.entity_id = fi.id AND eft.entity_table = 'civicrm_financial_item')\nSET li.qty = 0,\n    li.line_total = 0.00,\n    fi.amount = 0.00,\n    eft.amount = 0.00\nWHERE (li.entity_table = 'civicrm_participant' AND li.entity_id = {$participantId}) AND\n      (price_field_value_id NOT IN ({$submittedFieldValues}) OR price_field_id NOT IN ({$submittedFields}))\n";
     // insert new line items
     foreach ($insertLines as $valueId => $lineParams) {
         $lineParams['entity_table'] = 'civicrm_participant';
         $lineParams['entity_id'] = $participantId;
         $lineObj = CRM_Price_BAO_LineItem::create($lineParams);
         // insert financial items
         // ensure entity_financial_trxn table has a linking of it.
         $prevItem = CRM_Financial_BAO_FinancialItem::add($lineObj, $contributionObj);
     // insert new 'adjusted amount' transaction entry and update contribution entry.
     // ensure entity_financial_trxn table has a linking of it.
     $updatedAmount = $params['amount'];
     $balanceAmt = $updatedAmount - $paidAmount;
     if ($balanceAmt) {
         if ($balanceAmt > 0) {
             $contributionStatusVal = $partiallyPaidStatusId;
         } elseif ($balanceAmt < 0) {
             $contributionStatusVal = $pendngRefundStatusId;
         // update contribution status and total amount without trigger financial code
         // as this is handled in current BAO function used for change selection
         $updatedContributionDAO = new CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution();
         $updatedContributionDAO->id = $contributionId;
         $updatedContributionDAO->contribution_status_id = $contributionStatusVal;
         $updatedContributionDAO->total_amount = $updatedAmount;
          * adjusted amount financial_trxn creation,
          * adjusted amount line_item creation,
          * adjusted amount financial_item creations,
          * adjusted amount enitity_financial_trxn creation
         $updatedContribution = CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::getValues(array('id' => $contributionId), CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray, CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray);
         $prevTrxnId = CRM_Core_BAO_FinancialTrxn::getFinancialTrxnId($contributionId);
         $fetchPrevTrxn['id'] = $prevTrxnId['financialTrxnId'];
         $relationTypeId = key(CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::accountOptionValues('account_relationship', NULL, " AND v.name LIKE 'Accounts Receivable Account is' "));
         $toFinancialAccount = CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::financialAccountType($updatedContribution->financial_type_id, $relationTypeId);
         $adjustedTrxnValues = array('from_financial_account_id' => NULL, 'to_financial_account_id' => $toFinancialAccount, 'trxn_date' => date('YmdHis'), 'total_amount' => $balanceAmt, 'currency' => $updatedContribution->currency, 'status_id' => CRM_Core_OptionGroup::getValue('contribution_status', 'Completed', 'name'), 'payment_instrument_id' => $updatedContribution->payment_instrument_id, 'contribution_id' => $updatedContribution->id);
         $adjustedTrxn = CRM_Core_BAO_FinancialTrxn::create($adjustedTrxnValues);
         // record line item
         $adjustPaymentLineParams = array('total_amount' => $updatedAmount, 'financial_type_id' => $updatedContribution->financial_type_id);
         $setId = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Price_DAO_PriceSet', 'default_contribution_amount', 'id', 'name');
         $financialItemStatus = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Financial_DAO_FinancialItem', 'status_id');
         $defaultPriceSet = current(CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet::getSetDetail($setId));
         $fieldID = key($defaultPriceSet['fields']);
         $adjustPaymentLineParams['line_item'][$setId][$fieldID]['entity_id'] = $updatedContribution->id;
         $adjustPaymentLineParams['line_item'][$setId][$fieldID]['entity_table'] = 'civicrm_contribution';
         $adjustPaymentLine = CRM_Price_BAO_LineItem::create($adjustPaymentLineParams['line_item'][$setId][$fieldID]);
         // record financial item
         $financialItemStatus = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Financial_DAO_FinancialItem', 'status_id');
         $itemStatus = NULL;
         if ($updatedContribution->contribution_status_id == array_search('Pending refund', $contributionStatuses)) {
             $itemStatus = array_search('Paid', $financialItemStatus);
         } elseif ($updatedContribution->contribution_status_id == array_search('Partially paid', $contributionStatuses)) {
             $itemStatus = array_search('Partially paid', $financialItemStatus);
         $params = array('transaction_date' => CRM_Utils_Date::isoToMysql($updatedContribution->receive_date), 'contact_id' => $updatedContribution->contact_id, 'amount' => $balanceAmt, 'currency' => $updatedContribution->currency, 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_line_item', 'entity_id' => $adjustPaymentLine->id, 'description' => ($adjustPaymentLine->qty != 1 ? $lineItem->qty . ' of ' : '') . ' ' . $adjustPaymentLine->label, 'status_id' => $itemStatus, 'financial_account_id' => $prevItem->financial_account_id);
         CRM_Financial_BAO_FinancialItem::create($params, NULL, array('id' => $adjustedTrxn->id));
     //activity creation$contributionStatuses
     self::addActivityForSelection($participantId, 'Change Registration');