function run()
     $get = $_GET;
     $cid = $get['cid'];
     $payer_reference = $get['reference_number'];
     $this->assign('payer_reference', $reference_number);
     $params = array();
     // Find a membership for the contact - if they have more than one then bomb out
     $mid = $get['mid'];
     // Find recurring for the contact
     // The recurring should have the a status of pending
     $cr_id = $get['cr_id'];
     // Find the contribution attached to the recurring record thats also set to pending (incomplete transaction)
     if (!empty($cid)) {
         $contact = CRM_SmartdebitReconciliation_Page_MembershipRecurDetails::_get_contact_details($cid);
         $address = CRM_SmartdebitReconciliation_Page_MembershipRecurDetails::_get_address($cid);
         $this->assign('aContact', $contact);
         $this->assign('aAddress', $address);
         $params['contact_id'] = $cid;
     if (!empty($mid)) {
         $membership = CRM_SmartdebitReconciliation_Page_MembershipRecurDetails::_get_membership($mid);
         $this->assign('aMembership', $membership);
         $params['membership_id'] = $mid;
     if (!empty($cr_id)) {
         $cRecur = CRM_SmartdebitReconciliation_Page_MembershipRecurDetails::_get_contribution_recur($cr_id);
         $this->assign('aContributionRecur', $cRecur);
         $params['contribution_recur_id'] = $cr_id;
     $params['payer_reference'] = $payer_reference;
     // Check the details are correct and everything has been passed over
     // Call the routine that will fix everything
     require_once 'CRM/SmartdebitReconciliation/Form/SmartdebitReconciliationList.php';
     // Then Call the IPN code i.e. we're pretending we've just completed the smart debit call and firing the code that was in the
     $params = sprintf('reset=1&cid=%d', $cid);
     $url = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/contact/view', $params);