  * Build the form object elements for Demographics object.
  * @param CRM_Core_Form $form
  *   Reference to the form object.
 public static function buildQuickForm(&$form)
     $form->addField('gender_id', array('entity' => 'contact', 'type' => 'Radio', 'allowClear' => TRUE));
     $form->addField('birth_date', array('entity' => 'contact', 'formatType' => 'birth'));
     $form->addField('is_deceased', array('entity' => 'contact', 'label' => ts('Contact is Deceased'), 'onclick' => "showDeceasedDate()"));
     $form->addField('deceased_date', array('entity' => 'contact', 'formatType' => 'birth'));
Exemple #2
  * This function provides the HTML form elements that are specific to the Individual Contact Type.
  * @param CRM_Core_Form $form
  *   Form object.
  * @param int $inlineEditMode
  *   ( 1 for contact summary.
  * top bar form and 2 for display name edit )
 public static function buildQuickForm(&$form, $inlineEditMode = NULL)
     $form->applyFilter('__ALL__', 'trim');
     if (!$inlineEditMode || $inlineEditMode == 1) {
         $nameFields = CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::valueOptions(CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::SYSTEM_PREFERENCES_NAME, 'contact_edit_options', TRUE, NULL, FALSE, 'name', TRUE, 'AND v.filter = 2');
         // Use names instead of labels to build form.
         $nameFields = array_keys($nameFields);
         // Fixme: dear god why? these come out in a format that is NOT the name of the fields.
         foreach ($nameFields as &$fix) {
             $fix = str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($fix));
             if ($fix == 'prefix' || $fix == 'suffix') {
                 // God, why god?
                 $fix .= '_id';
         foreach ($nameFields as $name) {
             $props = array();
             if ($name == 'prefix_id' || $name == 'suffix_id') {
                 $options = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact', $name);
                 // Skip if we have no options available
                 if (!CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact', $name)) {
                 $props = array('class' => 'eight', 'placeholder' => ' ', 'label' => $name == 'prefix_id' ? ts('Prefix') : ts('Suffix'));
             $form->addField($name, $props);
     if (!$inlineEditMode || $inlineEditMode == 2) {
         // nick_name
         // job title
         // override the size for UI to look better
         $form->addField('job_title', array('size' => '30'));
         //Current Employer Element
         $props = array('api' => array('params' => array('contact_type' => 'Organization')), 'create' => TRUE);
         $form->addField('employer_id', $props);
         $form->addField('contact_source', array('class' => 'big'));
     if (!$inlineEditMode) {
         $checkSimilar = Civi::settings()->get('contact_ajax_check_similar');
         if ($checkSimilar == NULL) {
             $checkSimilar = 0;
         $form->assign('checkSimilar', $checkSimilar);
         //External Identifier Element
         $form->addField('external_identifier', array('label' => 'External ID'));
         $form->addRule('external_identifier', ts('External ID already exists in Database.'), 'objectExists', array('CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact', $form->_contactId, 'external_identifier'));
         CRM_Core_ShowHideBlocks::links($form, 'demographics', '', '');
Exemple #3
  * Build the form object elements for an Website object.
  * @param CRM_Core_Form $form
  *   Reference to the form object.
  * @param int $blockCount
  *   Block number to build.
 public static function buildQuickForm(&$form, $blockCount = NULL)
     if (!$blockCount) {
         $blockId = $form->get('Website_Block_Count') ? $form->get('Website_Block_Count') : 1;
     } else {
         $blockId = $blockCount;
     $form->applyFilter('__ALL__', 'trim');
     //Website type select
     $form->addField("website[{$blockId}][website_type_id]", array('entity' => 'website', 'class' => 'eight'));
     //Website box
     $form->addField("website[{$blockId}][url]", array('entity' => 'website'));
     $form->addRule("website[{$blockId}][url]", ts('Enter a valid web address beginning with \'http://\' or \'https://\'.'), 'url');
Exemple #4
  * Build the form object elements for an email object.
  * @param CRM_Core_Form $form
  *   Reference to the form object.
  * @param int $blockCount
  *   Block number to build.
  * @param bool $blockEdit
  *   Is it block edit.
 public static function buildQuickForm(&$form, $blockCount = NULL, $blockEdit = FALSE)
     // passing this via the session is AWFUL. we need to fix this
     if (!$blockCount) {
         $blockId = $form->get('Email_Block_Count') ? $form->get('Email_Block_Count') : 1;
     } else {
         $blockId = $blockCount;
     $form->applyFilter('__ALL__', 'trim');
     //Email box
     $form->addField("email[{$blockId}][email]", array('entity' => 'email'));
     $form->addRule("email[{$blockId}][email]", ts('Email is not valid.'), 'email');
     if (isset($form->_contactType) || $blockEdit) {
         //Block type
         $form->addField("email[{$blockId}][location_type_id]", array('entity' => 'email', 'placeholder' => NULL, 'class' => 'eight'));
         //TODO: Refactor on_hold field to select.
         $multipleBulk = CRM_Core_BAO_Email::isMultipleBulkMail();
         //On-hold select
         if ($multipleBulk) {
             $holdOptions = array(0 => ts('- select -'), 1 => ts('On Hold Bounce'), 2 => ts('On Hold Opt Out'));
             $form->addElement('select', "email[{$blockId}][on_hold]", '', $holdOptions);
         } else {
             $form->addField("email[{$blockId}][on_hold]", array('entity' => 'email', 'type' => 'advcheckbox'));
         //Bulkmail checkbox
         $form->assign('multipleBulk', $multipleBulk);
         if ($multipleBulk) {
             $js = array('id' => "Email_" . $blockId . "_IsBulkmail");
             $form->addElement('advcheckbox', "email[{$blockId}][is_bulkmail]", NULL, '', $js);
         } else {
             $js = array('id' => "Email_" . $blockId . "_IsBulkmail");
             if (!$blockEdit) {
                 $js['onClick'] = 'singleSelect( this.id );';
             $form->addElement('radio', "email[{$blockId}][is_bulkmail]", '', '', '1', $js);
         //is_Primary radio
         $js = array('id' => "Email_" . $blockId . "_IsPrimary");
         if (!$blockEdit) {
             $js['onClick'] = 'singleSelect( this.id );';
         $form->addElement('radio', "email[{$blockId}][is_primary]", '', '', '1', $js);
         if (CRM_Utils_System::getClassName($form) == 'CRM_Contact_Form_Contact') {
             $form->add('textarea', "email[{$blockId}][signature_text]", ts('Signature (Text)'), array('rows' => 2, 'cols' => 40));
             $form->add('wysiwyg', "email[{$blockId}][signature_html]", ts('Signature (HTML)'), array('rows' => 2, 'cols' => 40));
  * This function provides the HTML form elements that are specific.
  * to the Household Contact Type
  * @param CRM_Core_Form $form
  *   Form object.
  * @param int $inlineEditMode
  *   ( 1 for contact summary.
  * top bar form and 2 for display name edit )
  * @return void
 public static function buildQuickForm(&$form, $inlineEditMode = NULL)
     $form->applyFilter('__ALL__', 'trim');
     if (!$inlineEditMode || $inlineEditMode == 1) {
         // household_name
     if (!$inlineEditMode || $inlineEditMode == 2) {
         // nick_name
         $form->addField('contact_source', array('label' => ts('Source')));
     if (!$inlineEditMode) {
         $form->addField('external_identifier', array('label' => ts('External ID')));
         $form->addRule('external_identifier', ts('External ID already exists in Database.'), 'objectExists', array('CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact', $form->_contactId, 'external_identifier'));
  * Build the form object elements for Communication Preferences object.
  * @param CRM_Core_Form $form
  *   Reference to the form object.
 public static function buildQuickForm(&$form)
     // since the pcm - preferred communication method is logically
     // grouped hence we'll use groups of HTML_QuickForm
     // checkboxes for DO NOT phone, email, mail
     // we take labels from SelectValues
     $privacy = $commPreff = $commPreference = array();
     $privacyOptions = CRM_Core_SelectValues::privacy();
     // we add is_opt_out as a separate checkbox below for display and help purposes so remove it here
     foreach ($privacyOptions as $name => $label) {
         $privacy[] = $form->createElement('advcheckbox', $name, NULL, $label);
     $form->addGroup($privacy, 'privacy', ts('Privacy'), '&nbsp;<br/>');
     // preferred communication method
     $comm = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact', 'preferred_communication_method', array('loclize' => TRUE));
     foreach ($comm as $value => $title) {
         $commPreff[] = $form->createElement('advcheckbox', $value, NULL, $title);
     $form->addField('preferred_communication_method', array('entity' => 'contact', 'type' => 'CheckBoxGroup'));
     $form->addField('preferred_language', array('entity' => 'contact'));
     if (!empty($privacyOptions)) {
         $commPreference['privacy'] = $privacyOptions;
     if (!empty($comm)) {
         $commPreference['preferred_communication_method'] = $comm;
     //using for display purpose.
     $form->assign('commPreference', $commPreference);
     $form->addField('preferred_mail_format', array('entity' => 'contact', 'label' => ts('Email Format')));
     $form->addField('is_opt_out', array('entity' => 'contact', 'label' => ts('NO BULK EMAILS (User Opt Out)')));
     $form->addField('communication_style_id', array('entity' => 'contact', 'type' => 'RadioGroup'));
     //check contact type and build filter clause accordingly for greeting types, CRM-4575
     $greetings = self::getGreetingFields($form->_contactType);
     foreach ($greetings as $greeting => $fields) {
         $filter = array('contact_type' => $form->_contactType, 'greeting_type' => $greeting);
         //add addressee in Contact form
         $greetingTokens = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::greeting($filter);
         if (!empty($greetingTokens)) {
             $form->addElement('select', $fields['field'], $fields['label'], array('' => ts('- select -')) + $greetingTokens);
             //custom addressee
             $form->addElement('text', $fields['customField'], $fields['customLabel'], CRM_Core_DAO::getAttribute('CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact', $fields['customField']), $fields['js']);
Exemple #7
  * Build the form object elements for an IM object.
  * @param CRM_Core_Form $form
  *   Reference to the form object.
  * @param int $blockCount
  *   Block number to build.
  * @param bool $blockEdit
  *   Is it block edit.
 public static function buildQuickForm(&$form, $blockCount = NULL, $blockEdit = FALSE)
     if (!$blockCount) {
         $blockId = $form->get('IM_Block_Count') ? $form->get('IM_Block_Count') : 1;
     } else {
         $blockId = $blockCount;
     $form->applyFilter('__ALL__', 'trim');
     //IM provider select
     $form->addField("im[{$blockId}][provider_id]", array('entity' => 'im', 'class' => 'eight', 'placeholder' => NULL));
     //Block type select
     $form->addField("im[{$blockId}][location_type_id]", array('entity' => 'im', 'class' => 'eight', 'placeholder' => NULL, 'option_url' => NULL));
     //IM box
     $form->addField("im[{$blockId}][name]", array('entity' => 'im'));
     //is_Primary radio
     $js = array('id' => 'IM_' . $blockId . '_IsPrimary');
     if (!$blockEdit) {
         $js['onClick'] = 'singleSelect( this.id );';
     $form->addElement('radio', "im[{$blockId}][is_primary]", '', '', '1', $js);
  * Build the form object elements for a phone object.
  * @param CRM_Core_Form $form
  *   Reference to the form object.
  * @param int $addressBlockCount
  *   Block number to build.
  * @param bool $blockEdit
  *   Is it block edit.
 public static function buildQuickForm(&$form, $addressBlockCount = NULL, $blockEdit = FALSE)
     // passing this via the session is AWFUL. we need to fix this
     if (!$addressBlockCount) {
         $blockId = $form->get('Phone_Block_Count') ? $form->get('Phone_Block_Count') : 1;
     } else {
         $blockId = $addressBlockCount;
     $form->applyFilter('__ALL__', 'trim');
     //phone type select
     $form->addField("phone[{$blockId}][phone_type_id]", array('entity' => 'phone', 'class' => 'eight', 'placeholder' => NULL));
     //main phone number with crm_phone class
     $form->addField("phone[{$blockId}][phone]", array('entity' => 'phone', 'class' => 'crm_phone twelve'));
     $form->addField("phone[{$blockId}][phone_ext]", array('entity' => 'phone'));
     if (isset($form->_contactType) || $blockEdit) {
         //Block type select
         $form->addField("phone[{$blockId}][location_type_id]", array('entity' => 'phone', 'class' => 'eight', 'placeholder' => NULL));
         //is_Primary radio
         $js = array('id' => 'Phone_' . $blockId . '_IsPrimary', 'onClick' => 'singleSelect( this.id );');
         $form->addElement('radio', "phone[{$blockId}][is_primary]", '', '', '1', $js);
     // TODO: set this up as a group, we need a valid phone_type_id if we have a  phone number
     // $form->addRule( "location[$locationId][phone][$locationId][phone]", ts('Phone number is not valid.'), 'phone' );
  * @param CRM_Core_Form $form
 public static function buildQuickForm(&$form)
     $caseId = CRM_Utils_Array::first($form->_caseId);
     $form->_caseType = CRM_Case_BAO_Case::buildOptions('case_type_id', 'create');
     $form->_caseTypeId = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Case_DAO_Case', $caseId, 'case_type_id');
     if (!in_array($form->_caseTypeId, $form->_caseType)) {
         $form->_caseType[$form->_caseTypeId] = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Case_DAO_CaseType', $form->_caseTypeId, 'title');
     $form->addField('case_type_id', array('context' => 'create', 'entity' => 'Case'));
     // timeline
     $form->addYesNo('is_reset_timeline', ts('Reset Case Timeline?'), NULL, TRUE, array('onclick' => "return showHideByValue('is_reset_timeline','','resetTimeline','table-row','radio',false);"));
     $form->addDateTime('reset_date_time', ts('Reset Start Date'), FALSE, array('formatType' => 'activityDateTime'));
Exemple #10
  * Build form for address input fields.
  * @param CRM_Core_Form $form
  * @param int $addressBlockCount
  *   The index of the address array (if multiple addresses on a page).
  * @param bool $sharing
  *   False, if we want to skip the address sharing features.
  * @param bool $inlineEdit
  *   True when edit used in inline edit.
 public static function buildQuickForm(&$form, $addressBlockCount = NULL, $sharing = TRUE, $inlineEdit = FALSE)
     // passing this via the session is AWFUL. we need to fix this
     if (!$addressBlockCount) {
         $blockId = $form->get('Address_Block_Count') ? $form->get('Address_Block_Count') : 1;
     } else {
         $blockId = $addressBlockCount;
     $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
     $countryDefault = $config->defaultContactCountry;
     $form->applyFilter('__ALL__', 'trim');
     $js = array();
     if (!$inlineEdit) {
         $js = array('onChange' => 'checkLocation( this.id );', 'placeholder' => NULL);
     //make location type required for inline edit
     $form->addField("address[{$blockId}][location_type_id]", array('entity' => 'address', 'class' => 'eight') + $js, $inlineEdit);
     if (!$inlineEdit) {
         $js = array('id' => 'Address_' . $blockId . '_IsPrimary', 'onClick' => 'singleSelect( this.id );');
     $form->addField("address[{$blockId}][is_primary]", array('entity' => 'address', 'label' => ts('Primary location for this contact'), 'text' => ts('Primary location for this contact')) + $js);
     if (!$inlineEdit) {
         $js = array('id' => 'Address_' . $blockId . '_IsBilling', 'onClick' => 'singleSelect( this.id );');
     $form->addField("address[{$blockId}][is_billing]", array('entity' => 'address', 'label' => ts('Primary location for this contact'), 'text' => ts('Primary location for this contact')) + $js);
     // hidden element to store master address id
     $form->addField("address[{$blockId}][master_id]", array('entity' => 'address', 'type' => 'hidden'));
     $addressOptions = CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::valueOptions(CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::SYSTEM_PREFERENCES_NAME, 'address_options', TRUE, NULL, TRUE);
     $attributes = CRM_Core_DAO::getAttribute('CRM_Core_DAO_Address');
     $elements = array('address_name', 'street_address', 'supplemental_address_1', 'supplemental_address_2', 'city', 'postal_code', 'postal_code_suffix', 'country_id', 'state_province_id', 'county_id', 'geo_code_1', 'geo_code_2', 'street_number', 'street_name', 'street_unit');
     foreach ($elements as $name) {
         //Remove id from name, to allow comparison against enabled addressOtions.
         $nameWithoutID = strpos($name, '_id') !== FALSE ? substr($name, 0, -3) : $name;
         // Skip fields which are not enabled in the address options.
         if (empty($addressOptions[$nameWithoutID])) {
             $continue = TRUE;
             //Don't skip street parsed fields when parsing is enabled.
             if (in_array($nameWithoutID, array('street_number', 'street_name', 'street_unit')) && !empty($addressOptions['street_address_parsing'])) {
                 $continue = FALSE;
             if ($continue) {
         if ($name == 'address_name') {
             $name = 'name';
         $params = array('entity' => 'address');
         if ($name == 'postal_code_suffix') {
             $params['label'] = ts('Suffix');
         $form->addField("address[{$blockId}][{$name}]", $params);
     $entityId = NULL;
     if (!empty($form->_values['address']) && !empty($form->_values['address'][$blockId])) {
         $entityId = $form->_values['address'][$blockId]['id'];
     // CRM-11665 geocode override option
     $geoCode = FALSE;
     if (!empty($config->geocodeMethod)) {
         $geoCode = TRUE;
         $form->addElement('checkbox', "address[{$blockId}][manual_geo_code]", ts('Override automatic geocoding'));
     $form->assign('geoCode', $geoCode);
     // Process any address custom data -
     $groupTree = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomGroup::getTree('Address', $form, $entityId);
     if (isset($groupTree) && is_array($groupTree)) {
         // use simplified formatted groupTree
         $groupTree = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomGroup::formatGroupTree($groupTree, 1, $form);
         // make sure custom fields are added /w element-name in the format - 'address[$blockId][custom-X]'
         foreach ($groupTree as $id => $group) {
             foreach ($group['fields'] as $fldId => $field) {
                 $groupTree[$id]['fields'][$fldId]['element_custom_name'] = $field['element_name'];
                 $groupTree[$id]['fields'][$fldId]['element_name'] = "address[{$blockId}][{$field['element_name']}]";
         $defaults = array();
         CRM_Core_BAO_CustomGroup::setDefaults($groupTree, $defaults);
         // since we change element name for address custom data, we need to format the setdefault values
         $addressDefaults = array();
         foreach ($defaults as $key => $val) {
             if (empty($val)) {
             // inorder to set correct defaults for checkbox custom data, we need to converted flat key to array
             // this works for all types custom data
             $keyValues = explode('[', str_replace(']', '', $key));
             $addressDefaults[$keyValues[0]][$keyValues[1]][$keyValues[2]] = $val;
         // we setting the prefix to 'dnc_' below, so that we don't overwrite smarty's grouptree var.
         // And we can't set it to 'address_' because we want to set it in a slightly different format.
         CRM_Core_BAO_CustomGroup::buildQuickForm($form, $groupTree, FALSE, 'dnc_');
         // during contact editing : if no address is filled
         // required custom data must not produce 'required' form rule error
         // more handling done in formRule func
         if (!$inlineEdit) {
             CRM_Contact_Form_Edit_Address::storeRequiredCustomDataInfo($form, $groupTree);
         $template = CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton();
         $tplGroupTree = $template->get_template_vars('address_groupTree');
         $tplGroupTree = empty($tplGroupTree) ? array() : $tplGroupTree;
         $form->assign('address_groupTree', $tplGroupTree + array($blockId => $groupTree));
         // unset the temp smarty var that got created
         $form->assign('dnc_groupTree', NULL);
     // address custom data processing ends ..
     if ($sharing) {
         // shared address
         $form->addElement('checkbox', "address[{$blockId}][use_shared_address]", NULL, ts('Use another contact\'s address'));
         // Override the default profile links to add address form
         $profileLinks = CRM_Core_BAO_UFGroup::getCreateLinks(array('new_individual', 'new_organization', 'new_household'), 'shared_address');
         $form->addEntityRef("address[{$blockId}][master_contact_id]", ts('Share With'), array('create' => $profileLinks));
Exemple #11
  * Build form elements.
  * @param CRM_Core_Form $form
 public static function buildQuickForm(&$form)
     $form->applyFilter('__ALL__', 'trim');
     $form->addField('subject', array('entity' => 'note', 'size' => '60'));
     $form->addField('note', array('entity' => 'note', 'rows' => 3));
Exemple #12
  * Add all the elements shared between case search and advanced search.
  * @param CRM_Core_Form $form
 public static function buildSearchForm(&$form)
     $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
     //validate case configuration.
     $configured = CRM_Case_BAO_Case::isCaseConfigured();
     $form->assign('notConfigured', !$configured['configured']);
     $form->addField('case_type_id', array('context' => 'search', 'entity' => 'Case'));
     $form->addField('case_status_id', array('context' => 'search', 'entity' => 'Case'));
     CRM_Core_Form_Date::buildDateRange($form, 'case_from', 1, '_start_date_low', '_start_date_high', ts('From'), FALSE);
     CRM_Core_Form_Date::buildDateRange($form, 'case_to', 1, '_end_date_low', '_end_date_high', ts('From'), FALSE);
     $form->addElement('hidden', 'case_from_start_date_range_error');
     $form->addElement('hidden', 'case_to_end_date_range_error');
     $form->addFormRule(array('CRM_Case_BAO_Query', 'formRule'), $form);
     $form->assign('validCiviCase', TRUE);
     //give options when all cases are accessible.
     $accessAllCases = FALSE;
     if (CRM_Core_Permission::check('access all cases and activities')) {
         $accessAllCases = TRUE;
         $caseOwner = array(1 => ts('Search All Cases'), 2 => ts('Only My Cases'));
         $form->addRadio('case_owner', ts('Cases'), $caseOwner);
     $form->assign('accessAllCases', $accessAllCases);
     $caseTags = CRM_Core_BAO_Tag::getTags('civicrm_case');
     if ($caseTags) {
         foreach ($caseTags as $tagID => $tagName) {
             $form->_tagElement =& $form->addElement('checkbox', "case_tags[{$tagID}]", NULL, $tagName);
     $parentNames = CRM_Core_BAO_Tag::getTagSet('civicrm_case');
     CRM_Core_Form_Tag::buildQuickForm($form, $parentNames, 'civicrm_case', NULL, TRUE, FALSE);
     if (CRM_Core_Permission::check('administer CiviCase')) {
         $form->addElement('checkbox', 'case_deleted', ts('Deleted Cases'));
     // add all the custom  searchable fields
     $extends = array('Case');
     $groupDetails = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomGroup::getGroupDetail(NULL, TRUE, $extends);
     if ($groupDetails) {
         $form->assign('caseGroupTree', $groupDetails);
         foreach ($groupDetails as $group) {
             foreach ($group['fields'] as $field) {
                 $fieldId = $field['id'];
                 $elementName = 'custom_' . $fieldId;
                 CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::addQuickFormElement($form, $elementName, $fieldId, FALSE, TRUE);
     $form->setDefaults(array('case_owner' => 1));
Exemple #13
  * Build the form object.
  * @param CRM_Core_Form $form
  *   Form object.
  * @return void
 public static function buildQuickForm(&$form)
     $form->addField('modified_date', array('type' => 'hidden', 'id' => 'modified_date', 'label' => ''));