  * LoadContent from pop content
  * @param object $content content from pop
  * @return bool
 function loadContentFromPop($content)
     switch ($this->subtype) {
         case 'SVG+XML':
             return $this->_content = CPop::decodeMail($this->encoding, $content);
             return $this->_content = base64_encode(CPop::decodeMail($this->encoding, $content));
 * @license GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
$user = CMediusers::get();
$mail_id = CValue::get("mail_id");
$log_pop = new CSourcePOP();
$log_pop->name = "user-pop-" . $user->_id;
if (!$log_pop) {
    CAppUI::stepAjax("Source POP indisponible", UI_MSG_ERROR);
if (!$mail_id) {
    CAppUI::stepAjax("CSourcePOP-error-mail_id", UI_MSG_ERROR);
//pop init
$pop = new CPop($log_pop);
$mail = new CUserMail();
$head = $pop->header($mail_id);
$content = $pop->getFullBody($_mail, false, false, true);
$hash = $mail_unseen->makeHash($head, $content);
if ($mail->_id && !$mail->text_plain_id) {
    $mail->setContentFromSource($pop->getFullBody($_mail, false, false, true));
    $mail->date_read = CMbDT::dateTime();
    $mail->user_id = $user->_id;
    //text plain
    if ($mail->_text_plain) {
        $textP = new CContentAny();
$mail_id = CValue::get("mail_id");
//pop init
$mail = new CUserMail();
//pop account
$log_pop = new CSourcePOP();
//if not read email, send the seen flag to server
if (!$mail->date_read && !CAppUI::pref("markMailOnServerAsRead")) {
    $pop = new CPop($log_pop);
    $pop->setflag($mail->uid, "\\Seen");
$mail->date_read = CMbDT::dateTime();
//get the CFile attachments
$nbAttachPicked = 0;
$nbAttach = count($mail->_attachments);
foreach ($mail->_attachments as $_att) {
    if ($_att->_file->_id) {
Exemple #4
  * create the CFiles attached to the mail
  * @param CMailAttachments[] $attachList The list of CMailAttachment
  * @param CPop               $popClient  the CPop client
  * @return void
 function attachFiles($attachList, $popClient)
     //size limit
     $size_required = CAppUI::pref("getAttachmentOnUpdate");
     if ($size_required == "") {
         $size_required = 0;
     foreach ($attachList as $_attch) {
         $_attch->mail_id = $this->_id;
         if (!$_attch->_id) {
         //si preference taille ok OU que la piece jointe est incluse au texte => CFile
         if ($_attch->bytes <= $size_required || $_attch->disposition == "INLINE") {
             $file = new CFile();
             $file->author_id = CAppUI::$user->_id;
             if (!$file->loadMatchingObject()) {
                 $file_pop = $popClient->decodeMail($_attch->encoding, $popClient->openPart($this->uid, $_attch->getpartDL()));
                 $file->file_name = $_attch->name;
                 //apicrypt attachment
                 if (strpos($_attch->name, ".apz") !== false) {
                     $file_pop = CApicrypt::uncryptAttachment($popClient->source->object_id, $file_pop);
                 //file type detection
                 $first = is_array($file_pop) ? reset($file_pop) : $file_pop;
                 $mime = $this->extensionDetection($first);
                 //file name
                 $infos = pathinfo($_attch->name);
                 $extension = $infos['extension'];
                 $mime_extension = strtolower(end(explode("/", $mime)));
                 if (strtolower($extension) != $mime_extension) {
                     $file->file_name = $infos['filename'] . "." . $mime_extension;
                 $file->file_type = $mime ? $mime : $_attch->getType($_attch->type, $_attch->subtype);
 function isAuthentificate()
     $pop = new CPop($this);
     if (!$pop->open()) {
         return false;
     return true;
 * @version    $Revision$
 * @author     SARL OpenXtrem
$account_id = CValue::get("account_id");
$user = CMediusers::get();
//get account
$account_pop = new CSourcePOP();
//get the list
$mail = new CUserMail();
$where = array();
$where[] = "date_read IS NULL AND account_id = '{$account_id}' AND account_class = 'CSourcePOP'";
$mails = $mail->loadList($where);
$pop = new CPop($account_pop);
$count = 0;
/** @var $mails CUserMail[] */
foreach ($mails as $_mail) {
    if ($pop->setflag($_mail->uid, "\\Seen")) {
        $_mail->date_read = CMbDT::dateTime();
        if (!($msg = $_mail->store())) {
if ($count > 0) {
    CAppUI::stepAjax("CUserMail-markedAsRead", UI_MSG_OK, $count);
} else {
Exemple #7
     $firstEmailDate = CUserMail::getFirstMailDate($_source->_id);
     $firstCheck = $firstEmailDate;
     $firstCheck = CMbDT::dateTime("+1 DAY", $firstCheck);
     $month_number = CMbDT::format($firstCheck, "%m");
     $month = reset(array_keys(CFTP::$month_to_number, $month_number));
     $dateIMAP = CMbDT::format($firstCheck, "%d-{$month}-%Y");
 } else {
     $lastEmailDate = CUserMail::getLastMailDate($_source->_id);
     $firstCheck = $lastEmailDate;
     $firstCheck = CMbDT::dateTime("-1 DAY", $firstCheck);
     $month_number = CMbDT::format($firstCheck, "%m");
     $month = reset(array_keys(CFTP::$month_to_number, $month_number));
     $dateIMAP = CMbDT::format($firstCheck, "%d-{$month}-%Y");
 //pop open account
 $pop = new CPop($_source);
 if (!$pop->open()) {
     CAppUI::stepAjax("Impossible de se connecter à la source (open) %s", UI_MSG_WARNING, $_source->_view);
 //If import mode (get before actual)
 if ($import) {
     $unseen = $pop->search('BEFORE "' . $dateIMAP . '"', true);
 } else {
     $unseen = $pop->search('SINCE "' . $dateIMAP . '"', true);
 $results = count($unseen);
 $total = imap_num_msg($pop->_mailbox);
 //if get last email => check if uid server is > maxuidMb
 // @TODO : temporarly removed, we already get the more recent mail for filter
 /*if (!$import) {
Exemple #8
 * @package  Mediboard
 * @author   SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**>
 * @license  GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 * @version  $Revision$
 * @link     http://www.mediboard.org
$mail_id = CValue::get("id");
$mail = new CUserMail();
//client POP
$clientPOP = new CSourcePOP();
$pop = new CPop($clientPOP);
if (!$pop->open()) {
$overview = $pop->header($mail->uid);
$msgno = $overview->msgno;
$infos = $pop->infos($msgno);
$structure = $pop->structure($mail->uid);
$content = $pop->getFullBody($mail->uid);
$attachments = array();
$_attachments = $pop->getListAttachments($mail->uid);
foreach ($_attachments as $_attach) {
$user = CMediusers::get();
$mail_id = CValue::get("mail_id");
$part = CValue::get("part");
$log_pop = new CSourcePOP();
$log_pop->name = "user-pop-" . $user->_id;
if (!$log_pop) {
    CAppUI::stepAjax("Source POP indisponible", UI_MSG_ERROR);
if (!$mail_id) {
    CAppUI::stepAjax("CSourcePOP-error-mail_id", UI_MSG_ERROR);
$mail = new CUserMail();
if ($mail->_id) {
    $pop = new CPop($log_pop);
    $attach = new CMailAttachments();
    $struct = $pop->structure($mail->uid);
    $parts = explode(".", $part);
    //recursive parts
    foreach ($parts as $key => $value) {
        $struct = $struct->parts[$value];
    $attach->part = $part;
    $attach->loadContentFromPop($pop->openPart($mail->uid, $attach->getpartDL()));
    $smarty = new CSmartyDP();
    $smarty->assign("_attachment", $attach);
            if ($msg = $attachment->store()) {
                CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR);
            } else {
                CAppUI::stepAjax("CMailAttachments-msg-attachmentLinked-success", UI_MSG_OK);
    } else {
        // pop
        $account = new CSourcePOP();
        $pop = new CPop($account);
        $file = new CFile();
        $file->author_id = CAppUI::$user->_id;
        $pop = new CPop($account);
        $file_pop = $pop->decodeMail($attachment->encoding, $pop->openPart($mail->uid, $attachment->getpartDL()));
        $file->file_name = $attachment->name;
        $file->file_type = $attachment->getType($attachment->type, $attachment->subtype);
        if ($str = $file->store()) {
            CAppUI::stepAjax($str, UI_MSG_ERROR);
        } else {
            $attachment->file_id = $file->_id;
 * @license    GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 * @version    $Revision$
// Check params
if (null == ($exchange_source_name = CValue::get("exchange_source_name"))) {
    CAppUI::stepAjax("CExchangeSource-error-noSourceName", UI_MSG_ERROR);
if (null == ($type_action = CValue::get("type_action"))) {
    CAppUI::stepAjax("CExchangeSource-error-noTestDefined", UI_MSG_ERROR);
/** @var CSourcePOP $exchange_source */
$exchange_source = CExchangeSource::get($exchange_source_name, "pop", true, null, false);
if (!$exchange_source->_id) {
    CAppUI::stepAjax("CExchangeSource-error-unsavedParameters", UI_MSG_ERROR);
$pop = new CPop($exchange_source);
switch ($type_action) {
    case 'connexion':
        try {
            if ($pop->open()) {
                CAppUI::stepAjax("CSourcePOP-info-connection-established@%s:%s", UI_MSG_OK, $exchange_source->host, $exchange_source->port);
        } catch (CMbException $e) {
    case 'listBox':
        try {
            if ($pop->open()) {
                $boxes = imap_list($pop->_mailbox, $pop->_server, "*");
                CAppUI::stepAjax("OK, %d comptes", UI_MSG_OK, count($boxes));