  * Ajoute les données des graphiques de supervision
  * @param CTemplateManager $template The template manager
  * @param CMbObject        $object   The host object
  * @param string           $name     The field name
  * @return void
 static function addObservationDataToTemplate(CTemplateManager $template, CMbObject $object, $name)
     $prefix = "Supervision";
     $group_id = CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id;
     $results = array();
     $times = array();
     if ($object->_id) {
         list($results, $times) = CObservationResultSet::getResultsFor($object, false);
         $times = array_combine($times, $times);
     // CSupervisionGraphAxis
     $axis = new CSupervisionGraphAxis();
     $ds = $axis->getDS();
     $where = array("supervision_graph_axis.in_doc_template" => "= '1'", "supervision_graph.owner_class" => "= 'CGroups'", "supervision_graph.owner_id" => $ds->prepare("= ?", $group_id));
     $ljoin = array("supervision_graph" => "supervision_graph.supervision_graph_id = supervision_graph_axis.supervision_graph_id");
     $order = array("supervision_graph.title", "supervision_graph_axis.title");
     /** @var CSupervisionGraphAxis[] $axes */
     $axes = $axis->loadList($where, $order, null, null, $ljoin);
     CStoredObject::massLoadFwdRef($axes, "supervision_graph_id", null, true);
     foreach ($axes as $_axis) {
         $_graph = $_axis->loadRefGraph();
         $_series = $_axis->loadRefsSeries();
         $_data = array_fill_keys($times, array());
         foreach ($_series as $_serie) {
             $_unit_id = $_serie->value_unit_id ?: "none";
             $_unit_label = $_serie->loadRefValueUnit();
             if (!isset($results[$_serie->value_type_id][$_unit_id])) {
             foreach ($results[$_serie->value_type_id][$_unit_id] as $_value) {
                 foreach ($times as $_time) {
                     if ($_value["datetime"] != $_time) {
                     $_value["unit"] = $_unit_label->label;
                     $_data["{$_time}"][$_serie->_id] = $_value;
         $view = "";
         if (count($_data)) {
             $smarty = new CSmartyDP("modules/dPsalleOp");
             $smarty->assign("data", $_data);
             $smarty->assign("series", $_series);
             $smarty->assign("times", $times);
             $view = $smarty->fetch("inc_print_observation_result_set.tpl", '', '', 0);
             $view = preg_replace('`([\\n\\r])`', '', $view);
         $template->addProperty("{$name} - {$prefix} - {$_graph->title} - {$_axis->title}", trim($view), "", false);
     // CSupervisionTimedPicture
     // CSupervisionTimedData
     $data = array("CSupervisionTimedPicture", "CSupervisionTimedData");
     foreach ($data as $_class) {
         /** @var CSupervisionTimedPicture|CSupervisionTimedData $_object */
         $_object = new $_class();
         $_table = $_object->_spec->table;
         $_ds = $_object->getDS();
         $where = array("{$_table}.in_doc_template" => "= '1'", "{$_table}.owner_class" => "= 'CGroups'", "{$_table}.owner_id" => $_ds->prepare("= ?", $group_id));
         $order = "title";
         /** @var CSupervisionTimedPicture[]|CSupervisionTimedData[] $_objects */
         $_objects = $_object->loadList($where, $order);
         foreach ($_objects as $_timed) {
             $_data = array_fill_keys($times, null);
             if (!isset($results[$_timed->value_type_id])) {
             foreach ($results[$_timed->value_type_id]["none"] as $_value) {
                 foreach ($times as $_time) {
                     if ($_value["datetime"] != $_time) {
                     if ($_value["file_id"]) {
                         $_file = new CFile();
                         $_value["datauri"] = $_file->getDataURI();
                         $_value["file"] = $_file;
                     $_data["{$_time}"] = $_value;
             $view = "";
             if (count($_data)) {
                 $smarty = new CSmartyDP("modules/dPsalleOp");
                 $smarty->assign("data", $_data);
                 $smarty->assign("times", $times);
                 $smarty->assign("timed_data", true);
                 $view = $smarty->fetch("inc_print_observation_result_set.tpl", '', '', 0);
                 $view = preg_replace('`([\\n\\r])`', '', $view);
             $template->addProperty("{$name} - {$prefix} - {$_timed->title}", trim($view), "", false);
$pack_id = CValue::get("pack_id");
$result_set_id = CValue::get("result_set_id");
$result_id = CValue::get("result_id");
$result_set = new CObservationResultSet();
if ($result_set_id) {
    $object = $result_set->loadRefContext();
} else {
    /** @var COperation|CSejour $object */
    $object = CStoredObject::loadFromGuid($object_guid);
    $result_set->context_class = $object->_class;
    $result_set->context_id = $object->_id;
    $result_set->datetime = CMbDT::dateTime();
    $result_set->patient_id = $object->loadRelPatient()->_id;
list($results) = CObservationResultSet::getResultsFor($object);
$pack = new CSupervisionGraphPack();
$links = $pack->loadRefsGraphLinks();
foreach ($links as $_link) {
    $_graph = $_link->loadRefGraph();
    if ($_graph instanceof CSupervisionGraph) {
        $axes = $_graph->loadRefsAxes();
        foreach ($axes as $_axis) {
            $series = $_axis->loadRefsSeries();
            foreach ($series as $_serie) {
                $_result = new CObservationResult();
                $_result->value_type_id = $_serie->value_type_id;
                $_result->unit_id = $_serie->value_unit_id ? $_serie->value_unit_id : null;
                if ($result_set->_id) {
  * Chargement des graphiques d'intervention
  * @param COperation $interv  Intervention
  * @param int        $pack_id Pack de graphiques
  * @return array
 static function buildGraphs(COperation $interv, $pack_id)
     list($results, ) = CObservationResultSet::getResultsFor($interv);
     list($time_min, $time_max, $time_debut_op_iso, $time_fin_op_iso, ) = self::getLimitTimes($interv);
     $pack = new CSupervisionGraphPack();
     $graph_links = $pack->loadRefsGraphLinks();
     $graphs = array();
     foreach ($graph_links as $_gl) {
         $_go = $_gl->loadRefGraph();
         $graphs[] = $_go;
         if ($_go instanceof CSupervisionGraph) {
             $_go->buildGraph($results, $time_min, $time_max);
         } elseif ($_go instanceof CSupervisionTimedData) {
             $_go->loadTimedData($results, $time_min, $time_max);
         } elseif ($_go instanceof CSupervisionTimedPicture) {
             $_go->loadTimedPictures($results, $time_min, $time_max);
         } elseif ($_go instanceof CSupervisionInstantData) {
         $graph_object = new CSupervisionGraph;
         $graph_objects = $graph_object->loadList(array(
           "disabled" => "= '0'",
         $graphs = array();
         foreach ($graph_objects as $_go) {
           $graphs[] = $_go->buildGraph($results, $time_min, $time_max);
     $yaxes_count = 0;
     foreach ($graphs as $_graph) {
         if ($_graph instanceof CSupervisionGraph) {
             $yaxes_count = max($yaxes_count, count($_graph->_graph_data["yaxes"]));
     foreach ($graphs as $_graph) {
         if ($_graph instanceof CSupervisionGraph) {
             if (count($_graph->_graph_data["yaxes"]) < $yaxes_count) {
                 $_graph->_graph_data["yaxes"] = array_pad($_graph->_graph_data["yaxes"], $yaxes_count, CSupervisionGraphAxis::$default_yaxis);
     return array($graphs, $yaxes_count - 1, $time_min, $time_max, $time_debut_op_iso, $time_fin_op_iso);