  * check before store
  * @return null|string
 function check()
     $this->completeField("date_debut", "date_fin", "user_id");
     $plage_conge = new CPlageConge();
     $plage_conge->user_id = $this->user_id;
     $plages_conge = $plage_conge->loadMatchingList();
     /** @var $plages_conge CPlageConge[] */
     foreach ($plages_conge as $_plage) {
         if (CMbRange::collides($this->date_debut, $this->date_fin, $_plage->date_debut, $_plage->date_fin)) {
             return CAppUI::tr("CPlageConge-conflit %s", $_plage->_view);
     return parent::check();
  * @see parent::check()
 function check()
     $this->completeField("debut", "fin");
     if ($this->debut == null || $this->fin == null) {
         return parent::check();
     $siblings = $this->getSiblings();
     if (count($siblings)) {
         foreach ($siblings as $_sibling) {
             if ($_sibling->debut == null || $_sibling->fin == null) {
             if (CMbRange::collides($this->debut, $this->fin, $_sibling->debut, $_sibling->fin) || CMbRange::inside($this->debut, $this->fin, $_sibling->debut, $_sibling->fin) || CMbRange::inside($_sibling->debut, $_sibling->fin, $this->debut, $this->fin)) {
                 return "Collision de personnel !";
     return parent::check();
foreach ($affectations as $_affectation_imc) {
    /* @var CAffectation $_affectation_imc*/
    if (CAppUI::conf("dPhospi vue_temporelle show_imc_patient", "CService-" . $_affectation_imc->service_id)) {
        $_affectation_imc->loadRefSejour()->loadRefPatient()->loadRefLatestConstantes(null, array("poids", "taille"));
$operations = array();
$suivi_affectation = false;
loadVueTempo($affectations, $suivi_affectation, $lits, $operations, $date_min, $date_max, $period, $prestation_id);
$intervals = array();
if (count($lit->_ref_affectations)) {
    foreach ($lit->_ref_affectations as $_affectation) {
        $intervals[$_affectation->_id] = array("lower" => $_affectation->_entree, "upper" => $_affectation->_sortie);
    $lit->_lines = CMbRange::rearrange($intervals);
// Pour les alertes, il est nécessaire de charger les autres lits
// de la chambre concernée ainsi que les affectations
$where = array();
$where["entree"] = "<= '{$date_max}'";
$where["sortie"] = ">= '{$date_min}'";
$lits_ids = $chambre->loadBackIds("lits");
foreach ($lits_ids as $_lit_id) {
    if ($lit_id == $_lit_id) {
    $_lit = new C**t();
    $where["lit_id"] = "= '{$_lit->_id}'";
    $_affectations = $affectation->loadList($where);
  * @see parent::check()
 function check()
     $msg = null;
     $this->completeField("chir_id", "plageop_id", "sejour_id");
     if (!$this->_id && !$this->chir_id) {
         $msg .= "Praticien non valide ";
     // Bornes du séjour
     $sejour = $this->loadRefSejour();
     if ($this->_check_bounds && !$this->_forwardRefMerging) {
         if ($this->plageop_id !== null && !$sejour->entree_reelle) {
             $date = CMbDT::date($this->_datetime);
             $entree = CMbDT::date($sejour->entree_prevue);
             $sortie = CMbDT::date($sejour->sortie_prevue);
             if (!CMbRange::in($date, $entree, $sortie)) {
                 $msg .= "Intervention du {$date} en dehors du séjour du {$entree} au {$sortie}";
     // Vérification de la signature de l'anesthésiste pour la visite de pré-anesthésie
     if ($this->fieldModified("prat_visite_anesth_id") && $this->prat_visite_anesth_id !== null && $this->prat_visite_anesth_id != CAppUI::$user->_id) {
         $anesth = new CUser();
         if (!CUser::checkPassword($anesth->user_username, $this->_password_visite_anesth)) {
             $msg .= "Mot de passe incorrect";
     return $msg . parent::check();
  * Tell wether given day is active in planning
  * @param string|object $day ISO date
  * @return bool
 function isDayActive($day)
     return CMbRange::in($day, $this->date_min_active, $this->date_max_active);
  * Charge le séjour et vérifie les dates liées
  * @return CSejour
 function loadRefSejour()
     /** @var CSejour $sejour */
     $sejour = $this->loadFwdRef("sejour_id", true);
     $entree = CMbDT::date($sejour->_entree);
     $sortie = CMbDT::date($sejour->_sortie);
     $this->_in_bounds = CMbRange::collides($this->date_monday, $this->_date_sunday, $entree, $sortie, false);
     $this->_in_bounds_mon = CMbRange::in($this->date_monday, $entree, $sortie);
     $this->_in_bounds_tue = CMbRange::in($this->_date_tuesday, $entree, $sortie);
     $this->_in_bounds_wed = CMbRange::in($this->_date_wednesday, $entree, $sortie);
     $this->_in_bounds_thu = CMbRange::in($this->_date_thursday, $entree, $sortie);
     $this->_in_bounds_fri = CMbRange::in($this->_date_friday, $entree, $sortie);
     $this->_in_bounds_sat = CMbRange::in($this->_date_saturday, $entree, $sortie);
     $this->_in_bounds_sun = CMbRange::in($this->_date_sunday, $entree, $sortie);
     return $this->_ref_sejour = $sejour;
Exemple #7
  * @deprecated use rearrange2
  * rearrange a list of object in an optimized list
  * @param array   $intervals   $intervals key => array(lower, upper);
  * @param boolean $permissive  [optional]
  * @param array   &$uncollided array of uncollided elements
  * @return array $lines lignes avec les keys positionned
 static function rearrange($intervals, $permissive = true, &$uncollided = array())
     if (!count($intervals)) {
         return array();
     $lines = array();
     $uncollided = $intervals;
     // multisort ruins the keys if numeric
     if (!is_numeric(reset(array_keys($intervals)))) {
         array_multisort($intervals, SORT_ASC, CMbArray::pluck($intervals, "lower"));
         //order by lower elements ASC
     foreach ($intervals as $_interval_id => $_interval) {
         foreach ($lines as &$_line) {
             $line_occupied = false;
             foreach ($_line as $_positioned_id) {
                 $positioned = $intervals[$_positioned_id];
                 if (CMbRange::collides($_interval["lower"], $_interval["upper"], $positioned["lower"], $positioned["upper"], $permissive)) {
                     $line_occupied = true;
                     //continue 2; // Next line
             if ($line_occupied) {
             $_line[] = $_interval_id;
             continue 2;
             // Next interval
         $lines[count($lines)] = array($_interval_id);
     return $lines;
Exemple #8
    $tplHeader->assign("applicationVersion", $applicationVersion);
    $tplHeader->assign("allInOne", CValue::get("_aio"));
    $tplHeader->assign("portal", array("help" => mbPortalURL($m, $tab), "tracker" => mbPortalURL("tracker")));
// Check muters
if ($muters = CValue::get("muters")) {
    $muters = explode("-", $muters);
    if (count($muters) % 2 != 0) {
        trigger_error("Muters should come by min-max intervals time pairs", E_USER_WARNING);
    } else {
        $time_now = CMbDT::time();
        while (count($muters)) {
            $time_min = array_shift($muters);
            $time_max = array_shift($muters);
            if (CMbRange::in($time_now, $time_min, $time_max)) {
                CAppUI::stepMessage(UI_MSG_OK, "msg-common-system-muted", $time_now, $time_min, $time_max);
// Check whether we should trace SQL queries
if ($query_trace = CValue::get("query_trace")) {
    CSQLDataSource::$trace = true;
if ($query_report = CValue::get("query_report")) {
    CSQLDataSource::$report = true;
// tabBox et inclusion du fichier demandé
if ($tab !== null) {
 function addIntervention($elParent, COperation $operation, $referent = null, $light = false)
     $identifiant = $this->addElement($elParent, "identifiant");
     $this->addElement($identifiant, "emetteur", $operation->_id);
     $last_idex = $operation->_ref_last_id400;
     if (isset($last_idex->_id)) {
         $this->addElement($identifiant, "recepteur", $last_idex->id400);
     $sejour = $operation->loadRefSejour();
     if (!$operation->plageop_id) {
     // Calcul du début de l'intervention
     $mbOpDate = CValue::first($operation->_ref_plageop->date, $operation->date);
     $time_operation = $operation->time_operation == "00:00:00" ? null : $operation->time_operation;
     $mbOpHeureDebut = CValue::first($operation->debut_op, $operation->entree_salle, $time_operation, $operation->horaire_voulu, $operation->_ref_plageop->debut);
     $mbOpDebut = CMbRange::forceInside($sejour->entree, $sejour->sortie, "{$mbOpDate} {$mbOpHeureDebut}");
     // Calcul de la fin de l'intervention
     $mbOpHeureFin = CValue::first($operation->fin_op, $operation->sortie_salle, CMbDT::addTime($operation->temp_operation, CMbDT::time($mbOpDebut)));
     $mbOpFin = CMbRange::forceInside($sejour->entree, $sejour->sortie, "{$mbOpDate} {$mbOpHeureFin}");
     $debut = $this->addElement($elParent, "debut");
     $this->addElement($debut, "date", CMbDT::date($mbOpDebut));
     $this->addElement($debut, "heure", CMbDT::time($mbOpDebut));
     $fin = $this->addElement($elParent, "fin");
     $this->addElement($fin, "date", CMbDT::date($mbOpFin));
     $this->addElement($fin, "heure", CMbDT::time($mbOpFin));
     if ($light) {
         // Ajout des participants
         $mbParticipants = array();
         foreach ($operation->_ref_actes_ccam as $acte_ccam) {
             $mbParticipant = $acte_ccam->_ref_executant;
             $mbParticipants[$mbParticipant->user_id] = $mbParticipant;
         $participants = $this->addElement($elParent, "participants");
         foreach ($mbParticipants as $mbParticipant) {
             $participant = $this->addElement($participants, "participant");
             $medecin = $this->addElement($participant, "medecin");
             $this->addProfessionnelSante($medecin, $mbParticipant);
         // Libellé de l'opération
         $this->addTexte($elParent, "libelle", $operation->libelle, 80);
     } else {
         $this->addUniteFonctionnelle($elParent, $operation);
         // Uniquement le responsable de l’'intervention
         $participants = $this->addElement($elParent, "participants");
         $participant = $this->addElement($participants, "participant");
         $medecin = $this->addElement($participant, "medecin");
         $this->addProfessionnelSante($medecin, $operation->loadRefChir());
         // Libellé de l'opération
         $this->addTexte($elParent, "libelle", $operation->libelle, 4000);
         // Remarques sur l'opération
         $this->addTexte($elParent, "commentaire", CMbString::convertHTMLToXMLEntities("{$operation->materiel} - {$operation->rques}"), 4000);
         // Conventionnée ?
         $this->addElement($elParent, "convention", $operation->conventionne ? 1 : 0);
         // TypeAnesthésie : nomemclature externe (idex)
         if ($operation->type_anesth) {
             $tag_hprimxml = $this->_ref_receiver->_tag_hprimxml;
             $idexTypeAnesth = CIdSante400::getMatch("CTypeAnesth", $tag_hprimxml, null, $operation->type_anesth);
             $this->addElement($elParent, "typeAnesthesie", $idexTypeAnesth->id400);
         // Indicateurs
         $indicateurs = $this->addElement($elParent, "indicateurs");
         $dossier_medical = new CDossierMedical();
         $dossier_medical->object_class = "CPatient";
         $dossier_medical->object_id = $operation->loadRefPatient()->_id;
         $antecedents = $dossier_medical->loadRefsAntecedents();
         foreach ($antecedents as $_antecedent) {
             $rques = CMbString::htmlspecialchars($_antecedent->rques);
             $rques = CMbString::convertHTMLToXMLEntities($rques);
             $this->addCodeLibelle($indicateurs, "indicateur", $_antecedent->_id, $rques);
         // Extemporané
         if ($operation->exam_extempo) {
             $this->addCodeLibelle($indicateurs, "indicateur", "EXT", "Extemporané");
         // Recours / Durée USCPO
         $this->addElement($elParent, "recoursUscpo", $operation->duree_uscpo ? 1 : 0);
         $this->addElement($elParent, "dureeUscpo", $operation->duree_uscpo ? $operation->duree_uscpo : null);
         // Côté (droit|gauche|bilatéral|total|inconnu)
         // D - Droit
         // G - Gauche
         // B - Bilatéral
         // T - Total
         // I - Inconnu
         $cote = array("droit" => "D", "gauche" => "G", "bilatéral" => "B", "total" => "T", "inconnu" => "I", "haut" => "HT", "bas" => "BS");
         $this->addCodeLibelle($elParent, "cote", $cote[$operation->cote], CMbString::capitalize($operation->cote));
  * @see parent::mine
 function mine($salle_id, $date)
     parent::mine($salle_id, $date);
     // plages
     $plage_op = new CPlageOp();
     $plage_op->date = $date;
     $plage_op->salle_id = $salle_id;
     /** @var CPlageOp[] $plages */
     $plages = $plage_op->loadMatchingList();
     $plages_to_use = array();
     $range_plage = array();
     foreach ($plages as $kp => $_plage) {
         if ($_plage->debut >= $_plage->fin) {
         $plages_to_use[$kp] = $_plage;
         CMbRange::union($range_plage, array("lower" => $_plage->debut, "upper" => $_plage->fin));
     $this->nb_plages_planned = count($plages);
     $this->nb_plages_planned_valid = count($plages_to_use);
     $this->cumulative_plages_planned = 0;
     foreach ($range_plage as $_range) {
         $this->cumulative_plages_planned += CMbDT::minutesRelative($_range["lower"], $_range["upper"]);
     // interventions
     $interv = new COperation();
     $interv->salle_id = $salle_id;
     $interv->date = $date;
     /** @var COperation[] $intervs */
     $intervs = $interv->loadMatchingList();
     $interv_to_use = array();
     $range_inter = array();
     foreach ($intervs as $ki => $_interv) {
         // cleanup invalid
         if (!$_interv->entree_salle || !$_interv->sortie_salle || $_interv->entree_salle >= $_interv->sortie_salle) {
         $interv_to_use[$ki] = $_interv;
         CMbRange::union($range_inter, array("lower" => $_interv->entree_salle, "upper" => $_interv->sortie_salle));
     $this->nb_real_interventions = count($intervs);
     $this->nb_real_intervention_valid = count($interv_to_use);
     $this->cumulative_real_interventions = 0;
     foreach ($range_inter as $_range) {
         $this->cumulative_real_interventions += CMbDT::minutesRelative($_range["lower"], $_range["upper"]);
     // opening patient
     $interv_to_use = array();
     $range_inter_opened = array();
     foreach ($intervs as $ki => $_interv) {
         // cleanup invalid
         if (!$_interv->debut_op || !$_interv->fin_op || $_interv->debut_op >= $_interv->fin_op) {
         $interv_to_use[$ki] = $_interv;
         CMbRange::union($range_inter_opened, array("lower" => $_interv->debut_op, "upper" => $_interv->fin_op));
     $this->nb_interventions_opened_patient = count($intervs);
     $this->nb_intervention_opened_patient_valid = count($interv_to_use);
     $this->cumulative_opened_patient = 0;
     foreach ($range_inter_opened as $_range) {
         $this->cumulative_opened_patient += CMbDT::minutesRelative($_range["lower"], $_range["upper"]);
     // range operation
     $this->cumulative_plages_minus_interventions = 0;
     $plages_minus_interv = CMbRange::multiCrop($range_plage, $range_inter);
     foreach ($plages_minus_interv as $_plage) {
         $this->cumulative_plages_minus_interventions = CMbDT::minutesRelative($_plage["lower"], $_plage["upper"]);
     $this->cumulative_interventions_minus_plages = 0;
     $interv_minus_plage = CMbRange::multiCrop($range_inter, $range_plage);
     foreach ($interv_minus_plage as $_plage) {
         $this->cumulative_interventions_minus_plages = CMbDT::minutesRelative($_plage["lower"], $_plage["upper"]);
     return $this;
        $where["sejour_id"] = " = '{$_sejour->_id}'";
        $where["therapeute_id"] = " = '{$tech->kine_id}'";
        $where["debut"] = "BETWEEN '{$date_min}' AND '{$date_max}'";
        $transfer_count += $evenement->countList($where);
// Transfer event counts
if ($type == "reeducateur") {
    $date_min = max($monday, $conge->date_debut);
    $date_max = min($sunday, $conge->date_fin);
    $where = array();
    $where["sejour_id"] = " = '{$sejour->_id}'";
    $where["therapeute_id"] = " = '{$conge->user_id}'";
    foreach (range(0, 6) as $weekday) {
        $day = CMbDT::date("+{$weekday} DAYS", $monday);
        if (!CMbRange::in($day, $date_min, $date_max)) {
            $transfer_counts[$day] = 0;
        $after = CMbDT::date("+1 DAY", $day);
        $where["debut"] = "BETWEEN '{$day}' AND '{$after}'";
        $count = $evenement->countList($where);
        $transfer_counts[$day] = $count;
        $transfer_count += $count;
// Création du template
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign("evenements_counts", $evenements_counts);
$smarty->assign("sejours", $sejours);
$smarty->assign("all_sejours", $all_sejours);
  * Tells if it collides with another affectation
  * @param self $aff Other affectation
  * @return bool
 function collide($aff)
     if ($this->_id && $aff->_id && $this->_id == $aff->_id) {
         return false;
     return CMbRange::collides($this->entree, $this->sortie, $aff->entree, $aff->sortie);
Exemple #13
  * Check if the object collides another
  * @param CSejour $sejour                 Sejour
  * @param bool    $collides_update_sejour Launch updateFormFields
  * @return boolean
 function collides(CSejour $sejour, $collides_update_sejour = true)
     if ($this->_id && $sejour->_id && $this->_id == $sejour->_id) {
         return false;
     if ($this->annule || $sejour->annule) {
         return false;
     if (in_array($this->type, $this->_not_collides) || in_array($sejour->type, $this->_not_collides)) {
         return false;
     if (CAppUI::conf('dPplanningOp CSejour ssr_not_collides', $this->loadRefEtablissement()->_guid)) {
         if ($this->type == "ssr" xor $sejour->type == "ssr") {
             return false;
     if ($this->group_id != $sejour->group_id) {
         return false;
     if ($collides_update_sejour) {
     switch ($this->conf("check_collisions")) {
         case "no":
             return false;
         case "date":
             $lower1 = CMbDT::date($this->entree);
             $upper1 = CMbDT::date($this->sortie);
             $lower2 = CMbDT::date($sejour->entree);
             $upper2 = CMbDT::date($sejour->sortie);
         case "datetime":
             $lower1 = $this->entree;
             $upper1 = $this->sortie;
             $lower2 = $sejour->entree;
             $upper2 = $sejour->sortie;
     return CMbRange::collides($lower1, $upper1, $lower2, $upper2, false);
            $acte->evenement_ssr_id = $evenement->_id;
            $msg = $acte->store();
            CAppUI::displayMsg($msg, "{$acte->_class}-msg-create");
} else {
    if (count($_days)) {
        $entree = CMbDT::date($sejour->entree);
        $sortie = CMbDT::date($sejour->sortie);
        $bilan = $sejour->loadRefBilanSSR();
        $referent = $bilan->loadRefKineReferent();
        $date = CValue::getOrSession("date", CMbDT::date());
        $monday = CMbDT::date("last monday", CMbDT::date("+1 day", $date));
        foreach ($_days as $_number) {
            $_day = CMbDT::date("+{$_number} DAYS", $monday);
            if (!CMbRange::in($_day, $entree, $sortie)) {
                CAppUI::setMsg("CEvenementSSR-msg-failed-bounds", UI_MSG_WARNING);
            if (!$_heure_deb || !$duree) {
            $evenement = new CEvenementSSR();
            $evenement->equipement_id = $equipement_id;
            $evenement->debut = "{$_day} {$_heure_deb}";
            $evenement->duree = $duree;
            $evenement->remarque = $remarque;
            $evenement->therapeute_id = $therapeute_id;
            $evenement->type_seance = $type_seance;
            // Transfert kiné référent => kiné remplaçant si disponible
            if ($therapeute_id == $referent->_id) {
Exemple #15
  * Calcul si la réeducation est en cours au jour donné au regard des jours ouvrés
  * @param string $date_min Date minimale
  * @param string $date_max Date maximale
  * @return bool
 function getDatesEnCours($date_min, $date_max)
     return $this->_encours = CMbRange::collides($date_min, $date_max, $this->_premier_jour, $this->_dernier_jour);
     $title .= " " . substr($patient->prenom, 0, 2) . ".";
 if (!$sejour_id && $_evenement->remarque) {
     $title .= " - " . $_evenement->remarque;
 // Color
 $therapeute = $_evenement->loadRefTherapeute();
 $function = $therapeute->loadRefFunction();
 $color = "#{$function->color}";
 // Classes
 $class = "";
 if (!$_evenement->countBackRefs("actes_cdarr") && !$_evenement->countBackRefs("actes_csarr")) {
     $class = "zero-actes";
 $_sejour = $_evenement->_ref_sejour;
 if (!CMbRange::in($_evenement->debut, CMbDT::date($_sejour->entree), CMbDT::date("+1 DAY", $_sejour->sortie))) {
     $class = "disabled";
 if ($_evenement->realise && $selectable) {
     $class = "realise";
 if ($_evenement->annule && $selectable) {
     $class = "annule";
 $css_classes = array();
 $css_classes[] = $class;
 $css_classes[] = $sejour->_guid;
 $css_classes[] = $equipement->_guid;
 // Title and color in prescription case
 if ($line = $_evenement->loadRefPrescriptionLineElement()) {
     $element = $line->_ref_element_prescription;
  * Récupération de la plage de l'intervention
  * @param DOMNode    $node      Node
  * @param COperation $operation Intervention
  * @return void
 function mappingPlage(DOMNode $node, COperation $operation)
     $debut = $this->getDebutInterv($node);
     // Traitement de la date/heure début, et durée de l'opération
     $date_op = CMbDT::date($debut);
     $time_op = CMbDT::time($debut);
     // Recherche d'une éventuelle plageOp avec la salle
     $plageOp = new CPlageOp();
     $plageOp->chir_id = $operation->chir_id;
     $plageOp->salle_id = $operation->salle_id;
     $plageOp->date = $date_op;
     $plageOps = $plageOp->loadMatchingList();
     // Si on a pas de plage on recherche éventuellement une plage dans une autre salle
     if (count($plageOps) == 0) {
         $plageOp->salle_id = null;
         $plageOps = $plageOp->loadMatchingList();
         // Si on retrouve des plages alors on ne prend pas en compte la salle du flux
         if (count($plageOps) > 0) {
             $operation->salle_id = null;
     foreach ($plageOps as $_plage) {
         // Si notre intervention est dans la plage Mediboard
         if (CMbRange::in($time_op, $_plage->debut, $_plage->fin)) {
             $plageOp = $_plage;
     if ($plageOp->_id) {
         $operation->plageop_id = $plageOp->_id;
     } else {
         // Dans le cas où l'on avait une plage sur l'interv on la supprime
         $operation->plageop_id = "";
         $operation->date = $date_op;
Exemple #18
  * @see parent::checkProperty()
 function checkProperty($object)
     $propValue =& $object->{$this->fieldName};
     // Vérification du format
     $matches = array();
     if (!preg_match("/^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2})\$/", $propValue, $matches)) {
         if ($propValue === 'current' || $propValue === 'now') {
             $propValue = CMbDT::date();
             return null;
         return "Format de date invalide : '{$propValue}'";
     // Mois grégorien
     $mois = intval($matches[2]);
     if (!CMbRange::in($mois, $this->progressive ? 0 : 1, 12)) {
         // Possibilité de mettre des mois vides ()
         return "Mois '{$mois}' non compris entre 1 et 12 ('{$propValue}')";
     // Jour grégorien
     $jour = intval($matches[3]);
     if (!CMbRange::in($jour, $this->progressive ? 0 : 1, 31)) {
         return "Jour '{$jour}' non compris entre 1 et 31 ('{$propValue}')";
  * @see parent::check()
 function check()
     if ($this->_forwardRefMerging) {
         return null;
     // Vérouillage d'un événement traité
     $this->completeField("realise", "annule", "nb_patient_seance", "nb_intervenant_seance");
     $this->_traite = $this->realise || $this->annule;
     if ($this->_traite && !$this->_traitement) {
         return "Evénément déjà traité (réalisé ou annulé)";
     // Evénement dans les bornes du séjour
     $this->completeField("sejour_id", "debut");
     $sejour = $this->loadRefSejour();
     // Vérifier seulement les jours car les sorties peuvent être imprécises pour les hospit de jours
     if ($sejour->_id && $this->debut) {
         $date_debut = CMbDT::date($this->debut);
         $date_entree = CMbDT::date(CMbDT::date($sejour->entree));
         $date_sortie = CMbDT::date(CMbDT::date($sejour->sortie));
         if (!CMbRange::in($date_debut, $date_entree, $date_sortie)) {
             return "Evenement SSR en dehors des dates du séjour";
     // Cas de la réalisation des événements SSR
     // Si le therapeute n'est pas defini, c'est
     if ($this->therapeute_id) {
         $therapeute = $this->_ref_therapeute;
     } else {
         // Chargement du therapeute de la seance
         $evt_seance = new CEvenementSSR();
         $therapeute = $evt_seance->_ref_therapeute;
     if ($this->fieldModified("realise")) {
         // Si le thérapeute n'a pas d'identifiant CdARR
         if (!$therapeute->code_intervenant_cdarr) {
             return CAppUI::tr("CMediusers-code_intervenant_cdarr-none");
         $code_intervenant_cdarr = $therapeute->_ref_intervenant_cdarr->code;
         // Création du RHS au besoins
         $rhs = $this->getRHS();
         if (!$rhs->_id) {
         if ($rhs->facture == 1) {
             CAppUI::stepAjax(CAppUI::tr("CRHS.charged"), UI_MSG_WARNING);
         // Complétion de la ligne RHS
         foreach ($this->loadRefsActesCdARR() as $_acte_cdarr) {
             $ligne = new CLigneActivitesRHS();
             $ligne->rhs_id = $rhs->_id;
             $ligne->executant_id = $therapeute->_id;
             $ligne->code_activite_cdarr = $_acte_cdarr->code;
             $ligne->code_intervenant_cdarr = $code_intervenant_cdarr;
             $ligne->crementDay($this->debut, $this->realise ? "inc" : "dec");
             $ligne->auto = "1";
         foreach ($this->loadRefsActesCsARR() as $_acte_csarr) {
             $ligne = new CLigneActivitesRHS();
             $ligne->rhs_id = $rhs->_id;
             $ligne->executant_id = $therapeute->_id;
             $ligne->code_activite_csarr = $_acte_csarr->code;
             $ligne->code_intervenant_cdarr = $code_intervenant_cdarr;
             $ligne->modulateurs = $_acte_csarr->modulateurs;
             $ligne->phases = $_acte_csarr->phases;
             $ligne->nb_patient_seance = $this->nb_patient_seance;
             $ligne->nb_intervenant_seance = $this->nb_intervenant_seance;
             $ligne->crementDay($this->debut, $this->realise ? "inc" : "dec");
             $ligne->auto = "1";
     return parent::check();
Exemple #20
  * rearrange the current list of events in a optimized way
  * @return null
 function rearrange()
     $events = array();
     foreach ($this->events_sorted as $_events_by_day) {
         $intervals = array();
         // tab
         foreach ($_events_by_day as $_events_by_hour) {
             foreach ($_events_by_hour as $_event) {
                 //used as background, skip the rearrange
                 if ($_event->below) {
                     $_event->width = 0.9;
                     $_event->offset = 0.1;
                 $intervals[$_event->internal_id] = array("lower" => $_event->start, "upper" => $_event->end);
                 $events[$_event->internal_id] = $_event;
         $uncollided = array();
         $lines = CMbRange::rearrange($intervals, true, $uncollided);
         $lines_count = count($lines);
         $this->max_height_event = $lines_count > $this->max_height_event ? $lines_count : $this->max_height_event;
         foreach ($lines as $_line_number => $_line) {
             foreach ($_line as $_event_id) {
                 $event = $events[$_event_id];
                 //get the event
                 $event->height = $_line_number;
                 //global = first line
                 $event->width = 1 / $lines_count;
                 $event->offset = $_line_number / $lines_count;
                 if ($this->allow_superposition) {
                     $event->offset += 0.05;
                 if ($lines_count == 1 && $this->allow_superposition) {
                     $event->width = $event->width - 0.1;
                 //the line is not the first
                 if ($_line_number >= 1 && $this->allow_superposition) {
                     $event->width = 1 / $lines_count + 0.05;
                     $event->offset = abs($_line_number / $lines_count - 0.1);
                 // lines uncollided
                 //TODO: fix collisions problems
                 if (in_array($event->internal_id, array_keys($uncollided)) && $_line_number < $lines_count - 1 && !$event->below) {
                     //$event->width = (($lines_count - ($_line_number)) / $lines_count);
                     //$event->width = ($_line_number == 0) ? $event->width-0.1 :$event->width +.05;
  * Fragment un remplacement par des congés du remplacant
  * @return array Fragments d'intervales de dates
 function makeFragments()
     $fragments = array();
     $croppers = array();
     foreach ($this->_ref_replacer_conges as $_conge) {
         $croppers[] = array("lower" => CMbDT::date("-1 DAY", $_conge->date_debut), "upper" => CMbDT::date("+1 DAY", $_conge->date_fin));
     if (count($this->_ref_replacer_conges) > 0) {
         $fragments = CMbRange::multiCrop(array(array("lower" => $this->deb, "upper" => $this->fin)), $croppers);
         foreach ($fragments as $key => $_fragment) {
             if (!CMbRange::collides($this->_min_deb, $this->_max_fin, $_fragment[0], $_fragment[1])) {
     return $this->_ref_replacement_fragments = $fragments;