  * @param CM_OutputStream_Interface $output
  * @param CM_File_Filesystem        $backupFilesystem
 public function verifyExport(CM_OutputStream_Interface $output, CM_File_Filesystem $backupFilesystem)
     $asserter = new S3Export_Asserter();
     $sourceFilesystem = $this->_getFilesystemOriginal();
     $filePaths = $this->_getRandomFiles($backupFilesystem, 100, 100000);
     foreach ($filePaths as $path) {
         $backupFile = new CM_File($path, $backupFilesystem);
         $sourceFile = new CM_File($path, $sourceFilesystem);
         $asserter->assertThat($sourceFile->exists(), function () use($output) {
         }, function () use($output, $backupFile) {
             $output->writeln("Integrity mismatch: Corresponding backup file does not exist for {$backupFile->getPath()}");
         if ($sourceFile->exists()) {
             $asserter->assertThat($sourceFile->getHash() === $backupFile->getHash(), function () use($output) {
             }, function () use($output, $backupFile) {
                 $output->writeln("Integrity mismatch: Different hashes for {$backupFile->getPath()}");
     $output->writeln(join(', ', ["Assertions run: {$asserter->getAssertionCount()}", "succeeded: {$asserter->getAssertionSuccessCount()}", "failed: {$asserter->getAssertionFailCount()}"]));
Exemple #2
  * @param CM_File     $file
  * @param string|null $content
  * @param bool|null   $overwrite
 public function createFile(CM_File $file, $content = null, $overwrite = null)
     $parentDirectory = $file->getParentDirectory();
     if (!$parentDirectory->exists()) {
     if ($file->exists()) {
         if (!$overwrite) {
             $this->notify('skip', $file->getPath());
         } else {
             $this->notify('modify', $file->getPath());
     } else {
         $this->notify('create', $file->getPath());
Exemple #3
 public function testFetchDescriptionKeywordsConsiderNamespaceWideLocation()
     $dirTmp = CM_Bootloader::getInstance()->getDirTmp();
     $render = $this->getMockBuilder('CM_Frontend_Render')->setMethods(array('getTemplatePath', 'getLayoutPath'))->getMock();
     $render->expects($this->exactly(2))->method('getLayoutPath')->will($this->returnCallback(function ($templateName) use($dirTmp) {
         $templateFile = new CM_File($dirTmp . $templateName);
         $templateFile->write('test-' . $templateName);
         return $templateFile->getPath();
     /** @var CM_Frontend_Render $render */
     $page = $this->getMockBuilder('CM_Page_Abstract')->getMockForAbstractClass();
     /** @var CM_Page_Abstract $page */
     $renderAdapter = new CM_RenderAdapter_Page($render, $page);
     $this->assertSame('test-Page/Abstract/meta-description.tpl', $renderAdapter->fetchDescription());
     $this->assertSame('test-Page/Abstract/meta-keywords.tpl', $renderAdapter->fetchKeywords());
Exemple #4
 public function generateConfigInternal()
     $indentation = '    ';
     $indent = function ($content) use($indentation) {
         return preg_replace('/(:?^|[\\n])/', '$1' . $indentation, $content);
     $generator = new CM_Config_Generator();
     $classTypesConfig = $generator->getConfigClassTypes()->exportAsString('$config');
     $actionVerbsConfig = $generator->getConfigActionVerbs()->exportAsString('$config');
     foreach ($generator->getClassTypesRemoved() as $classRemoved) {
         $this->_getStreamOutput()->writeln('Removed `' . $classRemoved . '`');
     foreach ($generator->getClassTypesAdded() as $type => $classAdded) {
         $this->_getStreamOutput()->writeln('Added `' . $classAdded . '` with type `' . $type . '`');
     // Create model class types and action verbs config PHP
     $configPhp = new CM_File(DIR_ROOT . 'resources/config/internal.php');
     $configPhp->appendLine('// This is autogenerated config file. You should not change it manually.');
     $configPhp->appendLine('return function (CM_Config_Node $config) {');
     $this->_getStreamOutput()->writeln('Created `' . $configPhp->getPath() . '`');
     // Create model class types and action verbs config JS
     $configJs = new CM_File(DIR_ROOT . 'resources/config/js/internal.js');
     $classTypes = $generator->getNamespaceTypes();
     $configJs->appendLine('cm.model.types = ' . CM_Util::jsonEncode(array_flip($classTypes['CM_Model_Abstract']), true) . ';');
     $configJs->appendLine('cm.action.types = ' . CM_Util::jsonEncode(array_flip($classTypes['CM_Action_Abstract']), true) . ';');
     $this->_getStreamOutput()->writeln('Created `' . $configJs->getPath() . '`');
Exemple #5
 public function testGetFileNonexistent()
     $fileNonexistent = new CM_File('foo/bar');
     $params = new CM_Params(array('nonexistent' => $fileNonexistent->getPath()));
     $this->assertEquals($fileNonexistent, $params->getFile('nonexistent'));
Exemple #6
  * @param string      $template Template file name
  * @param string|null $module
  * @param string|null $theme
  * @param bool|null   $absolute
  * @param bool|null   $needed
  * @throws CM_Exception_Invalid
  * @return string Layout path based on theme
 public function getLayoutPath($template, $module = null, $theme = null, $absolute = null, $needed = true)
     $moduleList = $this->getSite()->getModules();
     if ($module !== null) {
         $moduleList = array((string) $module);
     $themeList = $this->getSite()->getThemes();
     if ($theme !== null) {
         $themeList = array((string) $theme);
     foreach ($moduleList as $module) {
         foreach ($themeList as $theme) {
             $file = new CM_File($this->getThemeDir(true, $theme, $module) . $template);
             if ($file->exists()) {
                 if ($absolute) {
                     return $file->getPath();
                 } else {
                     return $this->getThemeDir(false, $theme, $module) . $template;
     if ($needed) {
         throw new CM_Exception_Invalid('Cannot find `' . $template . '` in modules `' . implode('`, `', $moduleList) . '` and themes `' . implode('`, `', $this->getSite()->getThemes()) . '`');
     return null;
Exemple #7
  * @param CM_File $configFile
  * @return Closure|null
  * @throws CM_Exception_Invalid
 private function _getConfigClosure(CM_File $configFile)
     if (!$configFile->exists()) {
         return null;
     $configSetter = (require $configFile->getPath());
     if (!$configSetter instanceof Closure) {
         throw new CM_Exception_Invalid('Invalid config file. `' . $configFile->getPath() . '` must return closure');
     return $configSetter;
Exemple #8
  * @return CM_File
 public static function createTmpDir()
     $filesystem = CM_Service_Manager::getInstance()->getFilesystems()->getTmp();
     $dir = new CM_File(uniqid(), $filesystem);
     return $dir;
Exemple #9
  * @param int         $version
  * @param string|null $moduleName
  * @return string
  * @throws CM_Exception_Invalid
 public function _getUpdateScriptPath($version, $moduleName = null)
     $path = DIR_ROOT;
     if ($moduleName) {
         $path = CM_Util::getModulePath($moduleName);
     $file = new CM_File($path . 'resources/db/update/' . $version . '.php');
     if (!$file->exists()) {
         throw new CM_Exception_Invalid('Update script `' . $version . '` does not exist for `' . $moduleName . '` namespace.');
     return $file->getPath();
Exemple #10
  * @param CM_File $configFile
  * @throws CM_Exception_Invalid
 public function extendWithFile(CM_File $configFile)
     $configSetter = (require $configFile->getPath());
     if (!$configSetter instanceof Closure) {
         throw new CM_Exception_Invalid('Invalid config file. Path must return closure', null, ['path' => $configFile->getPath()]);
Exemple #11
  * @param string  $dbName
  * @param CM_File $dump
 public static function runDump($dbName, CM_File $dump)
     $client = CM_Service_Manager::getInstance()->getDatabases()->getMaster();
     $args = array();
     $args[] = '--host=' . $client->getHost();
     $args[] = '--port=' . $client->getPort();
     $args[] = '--user='******'--password='******'mysql', $args, null, $dump->getPath());
Exemple #12
  * @param string                $template Template file name
  * @param string|null           $module
  * @param string|null           $theme
  * @param bool|null             $absolute
  * @param bool|null             $needed
  * @param CM_Site_Abstract|null $site
  * @return string
  * @throws CM_Exception_Invalid
 public function getLayoutPath($template, $module = null, $theme = null, $absolute = null, $needed = null, CM_Site_Abstract $site = null)
     if (null === $needed) {
         $needed = true;
     if (null === $site) {
         $site = $this->getSite();
     $moduleList = $site->getModules();
     if ($module !== null) {
         $moduleList = array((string) $module);
     $themeList = $site->getThemes();
     if ($theme !== null) {
         $themeList = array((string) $theme);
     foreach ($moduleList as $module) {
         foreach ($themeList as $theme) {
             $file = new CM_File($this->getThemeDir(true, $theme, $module) . $template);
             if ($file->exists()) {
                 if ($absolute) {
                     return $file->getPath();
                 } else {
                     return $this->getThemeDir(false, $theme, $module) . $template;
     if ($needed) {
         throw new CM_Exception_Invalid('Can\'t find template', null, ['template' => $template, 'modules' => implode('`, `', $moduleList), 'themes' => implode('`, `', $site->getThemes())]);
     return null;
Exemple #13
  * @param CM_File                    $file
  * @param CM_File_Filesystem_Adapter $adapterSource
  * @param CM_File_Filesystem_Adapter $adapterDestination
  * @throws CM_Exception
 protected function _copyToFileStreaming(CM_File $file, CM_File_Filesystem_Adapter $adapterSource, CM_File_Filesystem_Adapter $adapterDestination)
     /** @var CM_File_Filesystem_Adapter_StreamInterface $adapterSource */
     /** @var CM_File_Filesystem_Adapter_StreamInterface $adapterDestination */
     $streamSource = $adapterSource->getStreamRead($this->getPath());
     $adapterDestination->writeStream($file->getPath(), $streamSource);
     $sizeDestination = $file->getSize();
     $sizeSource = $this->getSize();
     if ($sizeSource !== $sizeDestination) {
         throw new CM_Exception('Copy failed', null, ['Source' => $this->getPath(), 'Destination' => $file->getPath(), 'Original size' => $sizeSource, 'Bytes copied' => $sizeDestination, 'Source adapter' => get_class($adapterSource), 'Destination adapter' => get_class($adapterDestination)]);
     if (is_resource($streamSource) && !@fclose($streamSource)) {
         throw new CM_Exception('Could not close stream for path', null, ['path' => $this->getPath(), 'Source adapter' => get_class($adapterSource)]);