public function testGetLogs()
     $logger = new CLogger();
     $logs = array(array('message1', 'debug', 'application.pages'), array('message2', 'info', 'application.config'), array('message3', 'info', 'application.pages'));
     foreach ($logs as $log) {
         $logger->log($log[0], $log[1], $log[2]);
     $l = $logger->getLogs('debug');
     $this->assertTrue($logs[0] === array_slice($l[0], 0, 3));
     $l = $logger->getLogs('debug , Info');
     $this->assertTrue($logs[0] === array_slice($l[0], 0, 3));
     $this->assertTrue($logs[1] === array_slice($l[1], 0, 3));
     $this->assertTrue($logs[2] === array_slice($l[2], 0, 3));
     $l = $logger->getLogs('', 'application.config');
     $this->assertTrue($logs[1] === array_slice($l[0], 0, 3));
     $l = $logger->getLogs('', 'application.*');
     $this->assertTrue($logs[0] === array_slice($l[0], 0, 3));
     $this->assertTrue($logs[1] === array_slice($l[1], 0, 3));
     $this->assertTrue($logs[2] === array_slice($l[2], 0, 3));
     $l = $logger->getLogs('', 'application.config , Application.pages');
     $this->assertTrue($logs[0] === array_slice($l[0], 0, 3));
     $this->assertTrue($logs[1] === array_slice($l[1], 0, 3));
     $this->assertTrue($logs[2] === array_slice($l[2], 0, 3));
     $l = $logger->getLogs('info', 'application.config');
     $this->assertTrue($logs[1] === array_slice($l[0], 0, 3));
     $l = $logger->getLogs('info,debug', 'application.config');
     $this->assertTrue($logs[1] === array_slice($l[0], 0, 3));
Exemple #2
  * Retrieves filtered log messages from logger for further processing.
  * @param CLogger $logger logger instance
  * @param boolean $processLogs whether to process the logs after they are collected from the logger
 public function collectLogs($logger, $processLogs = false)
     $logs = $logger->getLogs($this->levels, $this->categories);
     $this->logs = empty($this->logs) ? $logs : array_merge($this->logs, $logs);
     if ($processLogs && !empty($this->logs)) {
         if ($this->filter !== null) {
         $this->logs = array();
Exemple #3
  * Test
  * @return void
 public function testWriteErrors()
     $res = CLogger::writeErrors(E_WARNING, "Test", "Test.php", 1);
     $exp = true;
     $this->assertEquals($res, $exp, "Created element name missmatch.");
 public static function getInstance()
     if (is_null(self::$instance)) {
         self::$instance = new self();
     return self::$instance;
 private function _createPaymentURL(PayPal\Api\Payer $payer, PayPal\Api\RedirectUrls $redirectUrls, PayPal\Api\Transaction $transaction, PayPal\Rest\ApiContext $apiContext)
     $payment = new PayPal\Api\Payment();
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         CLogger::getInstance()->add(__LINE__, __METHOD__, 'exception error', $e);
     $url = $payment->getApprovalLink();
     CLogger::getInstance()->add(__LINE__, __METHOD__, 'url paypal', $url);
     CLogger::getInstance()->getLog('PayPal starting checkout');
     header("Location: {$url}");

require_once 'app/includes/';
$result = CProcess::getInstance()->process($settings['billing']['paypal']);
CLogger::getInstance()->getLog('PayPal Billing Result');
Exemple #7
  * Sets the date format used by all instances of CLogger
  * @param string $dateFormat Valid format string for date()
 public static function setDateFormat($dateFormat)
     self::$_dateFormat = $dateFormat;
 private static function _process(\PayPal\Api\Payment &$payment, PayPal\Rest\ApiContext &$apiContext, PayPal\Api\PaymentExecution &$execution)
     CLogger::getInstance()->add(__LINE__, __CLASS__, 'status_before_to_process', self::_getStatus($payment));
     try {
         $result = $payment->execute($execution, $apiContext);
         CLogger::getInstance()->add(__LINE__, __CLASS__, 'result', $result);
         $payment_success = true;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $data = json_decode($e->getData());
         $payment_success = array('code' => $e->getCode(), 'message' => $e->getMessage(), 'line' => $e->getLine(), 'file' => $e->getFile(), 'exception' => $data->name, 'reason' => self::_getFailureReason($payment));
     CLogger::getInstance()->add(__LINE__, __CLASS__, 'payment_status', $payment_success);
     CLogger::getInstance()->add(__LINE__, __CLASS__, 'status_after_to_process', self::_getStatus($payment));
     return $payment_success;
Exemple #9
			</div><!-- End #sidebar -->
		</div><!-- End #content --> 
		<div id="footer">
echo Yii::t('global', 'Powered By {x}', array('{x}' => CHtml::link('X', '#')));
				<li class="alignright"><?php 
echo Yii::t('global', 'Page generated in {time} seconds', array('{time}' => round(CLogger::getExecutionTime(), 3)));
	</div><!-- End #container --> 
$settings = array('baseUrl' => Yii::app()->baseUrl, 'currentUrl' => $this->createUrl(''), 'debugMode' => (int) YII_DEBUG);
$phrases = array_merge($this->jsLanguages, array('cancel' => Yii::t('global', 'Cancel'), 'deleteConfirm' => Yii::t('global', 'Are you sure you would like to delete this item?'), 'inlineEditButton' => Yii::t('global', 'Update')));
$phrases = 'Tracker.phrases = ' . CJSON::encode($phrases) . ';';
$settings = 'Tracker.settings = ' . CJSON::encode($settings) . ';';
Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('_sitesettings', $settings, CClientScript::POS_END);
Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('_sitephrases', $phrases, CClientScript::POS_END);
Exemple #10
 public static function setLogId($intLogId)
     CLogger::getInstance()->intLogId = $intLogId;
Exemple #11
function dc_report_modulelog($mid, $sid, $ifid, $mip, $sip, $retval, $result, $delay)
    $config = getConf('ROUTE.DCREPORT');
    if ($config['REPORTSWITCH'] == 0) {
        dc_log(ERROR, EC_OK, 'dc_report_modulelog error, ROUTE.DCREPORT[REPORTSWITCH] is off');
    $clogger = new CLogger();
    $ret = $clogger->init_mod($mid);
    if ($ret != 0) {
        dc_log(ERROR, EC_OK, 'dc_report_modulelog error, ret=' . $ret);
        return -1;
    //int sid, int ifid, string& mip, string& sip, int retval, int result, int delay ,intres1,intres2,strres1,strres2
    $ret = $clogger->write_modulelog($sid, $ifid, $mip, $sip, $retval, $result, $delay, 0, 0, "", "");
    if ($ret != 0) {
        dc_log(ERROR, EC_OK, 'dc_report_modulelog error, ' . $clogger->get_errmsg());
        return -2;
    return 0;

ini_set("display_errors", true);
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../CLogger.Class.php";
while (1) {
    CLogger::warning("this is warning.");
    CLogger::notice("this is notice.");
    CLogger::debug("this is debug.");
Exemple #13
		echo ' '.CHtml::link('<span class="add-button">'.Yii::t('app','Action').'</span>',array('actions/create','param'=>Yii::app()->user->getName().';none:0'),array('class'=>'x2-button'))." \n";
		echo ' '.CHtml::link('<span class="add-button">'.Yii::t('app','Contact + Action').'</span>',array('actions/quickCreate'),array('class'=>'x2-button'))." \n";
	echo $content;
	<div id="footer">
		<hr><div id="footer-logos">
		$imghtml = CHtml::image($themeURL.'/images/x2footer.png','');
		echo CHtml::link($imghtml,array('site/page','view'=>'about')); // Yii::app()->request->baseURL.'/index.php');
		Copyright &copy; <?php echo date('Y').' '.CHtml::link('X2Engine Inc.','');?>
		<?php echo Yii::t('app','Rights reservered.'); ?>
		echo Yii::t('app','The Program is provided AS IS, without warranty.<br />Licensed under {GPLv3}. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it<br />under the terms of the {GPLv3long} as published by the Free Software Foundation<br />including the additional permission set forth in the source code header.',
			'{GPLv3}'=>CHtml::link('GPLv3',Yii::app()->getBaseUrl().'/GPL-3.0 License.txt'),
			'{GPLv3long}'=>CHtml::link(Yii::t('app','GNU General Public License version 3'),Yii::app()->getBaseUrl().'/GPL-3.0 License.txt')
		));?><br />
		<?php echo Yii::t('app','Generated in {time} seconds',array('{time}'=>round(CLogger::getExecutionTime(),3)));
		?><br />
		<?php $imghtml = CHtml::image($themeURL.'/images/x2touch.png','');
		echo CHtml::link($imghtml,Yii::app()->getBaseUrl().'/index.php/x2touch'); ?>