public function __construct($class, $msg = NULL) { if ($msg != NULL) { $this->message = $msg . " в файле " . $this->file . " в строке #" . $this->line; } if (CApp::settings("APPLICATION")->settings['logs_on']) { $log = new CLog(); $log->logging($class, $this->message); } }
public function __construct($class, $msg = NULL) { if ($msg != NULL) { $this->message = $msg . " в файле " . $this->file; } if (LOGS_ON) { $log = new CLog(); $log->logging($class, $this->message); } }
/** * * * @file modifier.domain.php * @package plugins * @author * @date 2011-11-03 10:47 */ function smarty_modifier_domain($string, $encodeURI = false) { $logArr['smarty_modifier'] = "modifier_domain"; $status = 0; $logArr['url'] = $string; $domain = $string; if (strncasecmp($domain, "http://", 7) == 0) { $domain = substr($domain, 7); } elseif (strncasecmp($domain, "url:", 4) == 0) { $pos = strspn($domain, " ", 4); $domain = substr($domain, 4 + $pos); if (strncasecmp($domain, "http://", 7) == 0) { $domain = substr($domain, 7); } } if (strlen($domain) == 0) { $domain = $string; } if ($encodeURI) { $result = hilight_encodeURI($domain); $logArr['result'] = $result; if (false === $result) { $status = -1; CLog::warning("fail to call hilight_domain", $status, $logArr, 1); return $domain; } } else { $result = $domain; } return $result; }
/** * @param Account $oAccount * @return CSieveStorage */ public function __construct(Account $oAccount) { $this->_oLog =& CLog::CreateInstance(); $this->_sLogin = $oAccount->MailIncLogin; $this->_sPassword = $oAccount->MailIncPassword; $this->_oSieve = null; }
/** * * * @file modifier.url_bold_html.php * @package plugins * @author * @date 2011-11-03 10:40 */ function smarty_modifier_url_bold_html($string) { $logArr['smarty_modifier'] = "modifier_url_bold_html"; $status = 0; $logArr['string'] = $string; if (strlen($string) == 0) { $result = $string; return $result; } $prefix = $GLOBALS['DISPLAY']['BOLD_PREFIX']; $suffix = $GLOBALS['DISPLAY']['BOLD_SUFFIX']; $logArr['prefix'] = $prefix; $logArr['suffix'] = $suffix; $result = hilight_url_bold_html($string, $prefix, $suffix); if (false === $result) { $result = $string; $status = -1; $logArr['result'] = $result; CLog::warning("fail to call hilight_url_bold_html", $status, $logArr, 1); return $result; } $logArr['result'] = $result; CLog::debug("success to call url_bold_html modifier", $status, $logArr, 1); return $result; }
/** * * * @file modifier.url_limit.php * @package plugins * @author * @date 2011-11-03 10:40 */ function smarty_modifier_url_limit($string, $length, $escaped = false) { $logArr['smarty_modifier'] = "modifier_url_limit"; $status = 0; $logArr['url'] = $string; $logArr['limit_len'] = $length; $logArr['escaped'] = $escaped; if (strlen($string) == 0) { $result = $string; return $result; } $result = trim(hilight_url_limit($string, $length, $escaped)); $resultTmp = explode(" ", $result); $result = implode("", $resultTmp); if (false === $result) { $result = $string; $status = -1; $logArr['result'] = $result; CLog::warning("fail to call hilight_url_limit", $status, $logArr, 1); return $string; } $logArr['result'] = $result; CLog::debug("success to call url_limit", $status, $logArr, 1); return $result; }
/** * @access private * @param string $errorDesc */ function _setError($errorDesc, $line = null) { $this->_error = $this->_error ? $this->_error : $errorDesc; $file = __FILE__; $line = $line !== null ? ' (~' . $line . ')' : ''; $this->_log->WriteLine('WMSERVER Error: ' . $file . $line . CRLFCHARS . $errorDesc); }
/** * * * @file modifier.strlen_character.php * @package plugins * @purpose: Calculate the number of characters of a string * @author * @date 2014-03-07 14:02 */ function smarty_modifier_strlen_character($string) { $logArr['smarty_modifier'] = "modifier_strlen_character"; $status = 0; $intI = 0; $intCount = 0; $logArr['string'] = $string; $intLength = strlen($string); if ($intLength == 0) { $status = -1; CLog::warning("string is empty", $status, $logArr, 1); return 0; } while ($intI < $intLength) { $chrAscii = ord($string[$intI]); //按字节转成ascii码 $intCount++; $intI++; if ($intI >= $intLength) { break; } if ($chrAscii & 0x80) { //汉字的两个字符ascii码都大于0x80,此处判断是否为汉字 $chrAscii <<= 1; while ($chrAscii & 0x80) { //判断为汉字,$intCount自增1. $intI++; $chrAscii <<= 1; } } } return $intCount; }
/** * * * @file function.widget.php * @package plugins * @author * @date 2011-11-03 10:47 */ function smarty_function_widget($params, Smarty_Internal_Template $template) { $logArr['smarty_function'] = "function_widget"; $name = $params['name']; $tpl_path = $params['path']; $fn = 'smarty_template_function_' . $name; $type = $template->smarty->getTemplateVars('_TEMPLATE_TYPE'); $logArr['widget_name'] = $name; $logArr['widget_type'] = $type; $logArr['widget_path'] = $tpl_path; if (!function_exists($fn)) { //$tpl_path = CSmarty::getWidgetPath($type, $name); if (!$template->smarty->templateExists($tpl_path)) { $log_str = "widget not found :{$tpl_path}"; CSmarty::addError($log_str); CLog::warning($log_str, -1, $logArr, 1); return false; } $template->smarty->fetch($tpl_path); } if (!function_exists($fn)) { $log_str = "template function {$fn} not found"; CSmarty::addError($log_str); CLog::warning($log_str, -1, $logArr, 1); return false; } else { $result = $fn($template, $params); } return $result; }
function setGlobalErrorAndWriteLog() { if (strlen($this->error) > 0) { setGlobalError($this->error); $this->_log->WriteLine('POP3 Error: ' . $this->error); } }
/** * * * @file modifier.format_int.php * @package plugins * @author * @date 2011-11-03 10:47 */ function smarty_modifier_format_int($number) { $logArr['smarty_modifier'] = "modifier_format_int"; $status = 0; $number = sprintf("%F", $number); $logArr['number'] = $number; $size = strlen($number); for ($i = $size - 1, $j = 1; $i >= 0; $i--, $j++) { $word = substr($number, $i, 1); if ($word === ".") { $result = ""; $j = 0; continue; } if ($i < 3) { $result = $word . $result; } else { $result = "0" . $result; } if ($j % 3 == 0 && $i != 0) { $result = "," . $result; } } $logArr['result'] = $result; CLog::debug("success to call format_int", $status, $logArr, 1); return $result; }
/** * @param string $customConnectionString * @return DbOdbc */ function DbOdbc($customConnectionString, $dbType, $user = '', $pass = '') { $this->_dbCustomConnectionString = $customConnectionString; $this->_dbType = $dbType; $this->_user = $user; $this->_pass = $pass; $this->_log =& CLog::CreateInstance(); }
/** * 单例对象 */ public function getInstance($params = null) { if (!empty(self::$instance) && is_object(self::$instance)) { return self::$instance; } self::$instance = new self($params); return self::$instance; }
/** * @param string $host * @param string $user * @param string $password * @param string $dbName * @return DbMySql */ function DbMySql($host, $user, $password, $dbName) { $this->_host = $host; $this->_user = $user; $this->_password = $password; $this->_dbName = $dbName; $this->_log =& CLog::CreateInstance(); }
public function __construct() { $this->account = null; $this->userId = null; $this->responseStatus = X_WMP_RESPONSE_STATUS_OK; $this->response = ''; $this->log = null; $this->log =& CLog::CreateInstance(); }
/** * @access private * @param string $errorDesc */ function _setError($errorDesc, $line = null) { $this->_error = $this->_error ? $this->_error : $errorDesc; if ($this->_log->Enabled) { $file = __FILE__; $line = $line !== null ? ' (~' . $line . ')' : ''; $this->_log->WriteLine('WMSERVER Error: ' . $file . $line . CRLFCHARS . $errorDesc, LOG_LEVEL_ERROR); } }
/** * @access public * @param Account $account * @return XmailStorage */ function WMserverStorage(&$account) { MailServerStorage::MailServerStorage($account); $email = $account->Email; $basePath = $this->_settings->WmServerRootPath; $this->_wmserver = new WMserverFS($basePath, $email); $this->_wmadmin = new CWmServerConsole(); $this->_log =& CLog::CreateInstance(); }
public function mux($logged) { $session = new USession(); $VIndex = new VIndex(); switch ($VIndex->getController()) { case 'log': $CLog = new CLog(); $log = $CLog->mux(); if ($VIndex->getTask() == 'in' || $VIndex->getTask() == 'out') { $VIndex->deleteController(); $VIndex->deleteTask(); return $this->setPage(); } else { return $log; } case 'rent': if ($logged >= 0) { $CRent = new CRent(); return $CRent->mux(); } else { return $VIndex->fetch('forbidden_user.tpl'); } case 'user': if ($logged >= 0) { $CUser = new CUser(); return $CUser->mux(); } else { return $VIndex->fetch('forbidden_user.tpl'); } case 'admin': if ($logged >= 1) { $CAdmin = new CAdmin(); return $CAdmin->mux(); } else { return $VIndex->fetch('forbidden_admin.tpl'); } case 'static': $CStatic = new CStatic(); return $CStatic->mux($logged); default: $CStatic = new CStatic(); return $CStatic->mux($logged); } }
public function setItem($key, $val, $expiration = 0) { //$val = implode(' ',$val); $val = serialize($val); $rc = $this->_cacheBase->set($key, $val, $expiration); if (false === $rc) { CLog::warning("ImgPredict setItem failed," . $this->_cacheBase->getErrMsg()); } return $rc; }
function execute($query) { $log =& CLog::CreateInstance(); $log->WriteLine('calendar MYSQL: ' . $query); $res = mysql_query($query); if ($res === false) { die(mysql_error()); } return $res; }
/** * @param Account $account * @return MailStorage */ function MailStorage(&$account, $settings = null) { if (null === $settings) { $this->_settings =& Settings::CreateInstance(); } else { $this->_settings =& $settings; } $this->_log =& CLog::CreateInstance($this->_settings); $this->Account =& $account; }
function execute($query) { $log =& CLog::CreateInstance(); $log->WriteLine('calendar MSSQL: ' . $query); $res = mssql_query($query); if ($res === false) { die(mssql_get_last_message()); } return $res; }
public static function getCssJs($type, $arrTplNames, $arrCSSUI) { $cssStr = ''; $jsStr = ''; $cssUI = ''; $strLog = ''; $uiArr = array(); // 必须去重 $arrTplNames = array_keys(array_flip($arrTplNames)); $arrSmartyConf = CSmarty::getConf(); // 预处理CSS、JS合并,读取文件 foreach ($arrTplNames as $tpl) { $cssjsPath = CSmarty::getHeadCssFootJsPath(VUI_TEMPLATE_PATH, $arrSmartyConf['platform'], $arrSmartyConf['language'], $type, $tpl); if (!file_exists($cssjsPath)) { continue; } require "{$cssjsPath}"; $strLog .= $tpl . '('; $className = 'CssJs_Util_' . $tpl; if (class_exists($className) && method_exists($className, 'getHeadCss')) { $cssStr .= call_user_func(array($className, 'getHeadCss')); if (!empty($cssStr)) { $strLog .= 'css,'; } } if (class_exists($className) && method_exists($className, 'getFootJs')) { $jsStr .= call_user_func(array($className, 'getFootJs')); if (!empty($jsStr)) { $strLog .= 'js,'; } } if (class_exists($className) && method_exists($className, 'getCssUI')) { $arrUis = call_user_func(array($className, 'getCssUI')); if (!empty($arrUis) && is_array($arrUis)) { $uiArr = array_merge($uiArr, $arrUis); $strLog .= implode('_', $arrUis); } } $strLog .= ')'; } $uiArr = array_unique($uiArr); if (!empty($uiArr)) { // 通用组件的位置放在大搜索目录下 foreach ($uiArr as $ui) { if (empty($arrCSSUI[$ui]['common'])) { CLog::warning("Invalid UiCss:{$ui}"); } else { $cssUI .= $arrCSSUI[$ui]['common']; } } } $GLOBALS['logArr']['merge'] = $strLog; return array('cssMerge' => $cssUI . ' ' . $cssStr, 'jsMerge' => $jsStr); }
/** * @covers MarketMeSuite\Phranken\Commandline\CLog::out */ public function testOut() { // make protected method accessible for testing $method = new \ReflectionMethod('MarketMeSuite\\Phranken\\Commandline\\CLog', 'out'); $method->setAccessible(true); // test output $expected = 'message'; // capture actual ob_start(); $method->invoke($this->object, $expected); $actual = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual); // test output suppression $this->object->suppressOutput(true); $expected = false; // capture actual ob_start(); $method->invoke($this->object, 'message'); $actual = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual); }
public function queryFromSug(&$arrData) { //sug接口wiki: //json=1表示返回标准的json格式数据 //cb=空 表示返回的数据中没有“”回调 $arrUrlParams = array(); $strReferWord = ''; if (!empty($arrData['uiData']['queryinfo']['refer'])) { $strUrlParams = parse_url($arrData['uiData']['queryinfo']['refer'], PHP_URL_QUERY); if (!empty($strUrlParams)) { parse_str($strUrlParams, $arrUrlParams); if (!empty($arrUrlParams)) { $strReferWord = isset($arrUrlParams['wd']) ? $arrUrlParams['wd'] : (isset($arrUrlParams['word']) ? $arrUrlParams['word'] : (isset($arrUrlParams['w']) ? $arrUrlParams['w'] : '')); } } } $arrHeader['pathinfo'] = 'su'; $arrHeader['querystring'] = 'wd=' . $arrData['uiData']['queryInfo']['queryWord'] . "&ie=utf-8&json=2&cb="; $arrHeader['Referer'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $arrHeader['Cookie'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_COOKIE']; $arrData['uiData']['queryInfo']['isParams']['sug_status'] = SUG_STATUS_NORMAL; $arrSugInfo = array(); if (!isset($_ENV['HHVM'])) { ral_set_logid(CLog::logId()); $ret = ral('sug', 'get', '', Volatile::rand(), $arrHeader); } else { $ral = new RalClass(); $ral->ral_set_logid(CLog::logId()); $ret = $ral->ral_curl_sug('sug', '', $arrHeader); } //ral请求失败 if ($ret === false) { $arrData['uiData']['queryInfo']['isParams']['sug_status'] = SUG_STATUS_RAL_ERROR; return $arrSugInfo; } $arrRst = json_decode($ret, true); //json_decode失败 if ($arrRst === false) { $arrData['uiData']['queryInfo']['isParams']['sug_status'] = SUG_STATUS_JSON_FAIL; return $arrSugInfo; } if (empty($arrRst['q'])) { $arrData['uiData']['queryInfo']['isParams']['sug_status'] = SUG_STATUS_ERROR_REQ; return $arrSugInfo; } //sug为空 if (empty($arrRst['s']) || !is_array($arrRst['s'])) { $arrData['uiData']['queryInfo']['isParams']['sug_status'] = SUG_STATUS_NO_SUG; return $arrSugInfo; } $arrSugInfo = $arrRst['s']; return $arrSugInfo; }
/** * * * @file modifier.limitlen.php * @package plugins * @author * @date 2011-11-03 10:51 */ function smarty_modifier_string_display_len($string) { $logArr['smarty_modifier'] = "modifier_string_display_len"; $status = 0; $logArr['string'] = $string; if (strlen($string) == 0) { $result = 0; return $result; } $result = hilight_stringDisplayLen($string); $logArr['result'] = $result; CLog::debug("success to call limitlen", $status, $logArr, 1); return $result; }
private function _importIcal() { $icsText = implode('', file('php://input')); if (class_exists('CLog')) { $log =& CLog::CreateInstance(); $log->WriteLine('Sync: Import Calendar[Body] / LENGTH = ' . strlen($icsText)); $log->WriteLine('Sync: Import Calendar[Body] / RAW = ' . "\r\n" . $icsText); } $tmpfname = tempnam('/tmp', ''); file_put_contents($tmpfname, $icsText); $result = $this->manager->ImportIcs($tmpfname); unlink($tmpfname); $this->responseStatus = $result ? X_WMP_RESPONSE_STATUS_OK : X_WMP_RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR_DB_FAULT; $this->response = $result; }
private static function ExecCmd($file, $cmd, $functionName) { $log =& CLog::CreateInstance(); $log->WriteLine('Exim: ' . $functionName . ' / exec(\'' . $file . ' ' . $cmd . '\');'); if (@file_exists($file)) { $output = array(); @exec($file . ' ' . $cmd, $output); if (is_array($output) && count($output) > 0) { $log->WriteLine('Exim: ' . $functionName . ' / $output = ' . print_r($output, true)); } } else { $log->WriteLine('Exim [error]: ' . $file . ' not exist!'); return false; } return true; }
function IMAPMAIL() { $this->host = null; $this->port = 143; $this->user = ''; $this->password = ''; $this->state = 'DISCONNECTED'; $this->lastSelect = ''; $this->proxyuser = null; $this->error = ''; $this->must_update = false; $this->UpdateTag(); $this->_oLog =& CLog::CreateInstance(); if ($this->_oLog && $this->_oLog->Enabled) { $this->_bLogEnable = true; } }
/** * * * @file modifier.firstpart.php * @package plugins * @author * @date 2011-11-03 10:49 */ function smarty_modifier_firstpart($string, $part) { $logArr['smarty_modifier'] = "modifier_firstpart"; $status = 0; $logArr['string'] = $string; $logArr['part'] = $part; $pos = strrpos($string, $part); $string_size = strlen($string); $part_size = strlen($part); $result = $string; if ($pos !== false && $string_size === $part_size + $pos) { $result = substr($string, 0, $string_size - $part_size); } $logArr['result'] = $result; CLog::debug("success to call firstpart", $status, $logArr, 1); return $result; }