echo $row->koRoundName; } } ?> </b> </td> <?php // nicht KO if ($this->turnier->typ != 3) { // alle Feinwertungen durchgehen for ($f = 1; $f <= 3; $f++) { $fieldName = 'tiebr' . $f; if ($this->turnier->{$fieldName} != 0 and $this->turnier->{$fieldName} < 50) { $sumFieldname = 'sumTiebr' . $f; echo '<td width="5%" align="right">'; echo CLMText::tiebrFormat($this->turnier->{$fieldName}, $row->{$sumFieldname}); echo '</td>'; } } } ?> <td class="order" width="10%"> <span><?php echo $this->pagination->orderUpIcon($i, true, 'orderup()', 'Move Up', $this->param['order']); ?> </span> <span><?php echo $this->pagination->orderDownIcon($i, $n, true, 'orderdown()', 'Move Down', $this->param['order']); ?> </span>
$pdf->Cell(8 - $rbreite, $zelle, $punkte[$x]->mp, 1, 0, 'C', $fc); } if ($liga[0]->liga_mt == 0) { $pdf->Cell(10 - $breite, $zelle, $punkte[$x]->bp, 1, 0, 'C', $fc); if ($liga[0]->b_wertung > 0) { $pdf->Cell(10 - $breite, $zelle, $punkte[$x]->wp, 1, 0, 'C', $fc); } } else { if ($liga[0]->tiebr1 > 0 and $liga[0]->tiebr1 < 50) { $pdf->Cell(10 - $breite, $zelle, CLMText::tiebrFormat($liga[0]->tiebr1, $punkte[$x]->sumtiebr1), 1, 0, 'C', $fc); } if ($liga[0]->tiebr2 > 0 and $liga[0]->tiebr2 < 50) { $pdf->Cell(10 - $breite, $zelle, CLMText::tiebrFormat($liga[0]->tiebr2, $punkte[$x]->sumtiebr2), 1, 0, 'C', $fc); } if ($liga[0]->tiebr3 > 0 and $liga[0]->tiebr3 < 50) { $pdf->Cell(10 - $breite, $zelle, CLMText::tiebrFormat($liga[0]->tiebr3, $punkte[$x]->sumtiebr3), 1, 0, 'C', $fc); } } $pdf->Ln(); } $pdf->Ln(); $pdf->Ln(); if ($liga[0]->bemerkungen != "") { $pdf->SetFont('Times', 'B', $font + 2); $pdf->Cell(10, $zelle, ' ', 0, 0, 'L'); $pdf->Cell(150, $zelle, ' ' . utf8_decode(JText::_('NOTICE')) . ' :', 0, 1, 'B'); $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', $font); $pdf->Cell(15, $zelle, ' ', 0, 0, 'L'); $pdf->MultiCell(150, $zelle, utf8_decode($liga[0]->bemerkungen), 0, 'L', 0); $pdf->Ln(); }
} ?> <?php if ($liga[0]->tiebr2 > 0) { ?> <td class="bp"><div><?php echo CLMText::tiebrFormat($liga[0]->tiebr2, $punkte[$x]->sumtiebr2); ?> </div></td><?php } ?> <?php if ($liga[0]->tiebr3 > 0) { ?> <td class="bp"><div><?php echo CLMText::tiebrFormat($liga[0]->tiebr3, $punkte[$x]->sumtiebr3); ?> </div></td><?php } ?> </tr> <?php } // Ende Teilnehmer ?> </table> <?php if ($liga[0]->sl != "" or $liga[0]->bemerkungen != "") { ?>
} echo '</div></td>'; } elseif ($liga[0]->tiebr2 > 0 and $liga[0]->tiebr2 < 50) { echo '<td class="bp"><div>' . CLMText::tiebrFormat($liga[0]->tiebr2, $punkte[$x]->sumtiebr2) . '</div></td>'; } ?> <?php if ($liga[0]->tiebr3 == 5) { // Brettpunkte echo '<td class="bp"><div>' . CLMText::tiebrFormat($liga[0]->tiebr3, $punkte[$x]->sumtiebr3); if ($punkte[$x]->bpabzug > 0) { echo '*'; } echo '</div></td>'; } elseif ($liga[0]->tiebr3 > 0 and $liga[0]->tiebr3 < 50) { echo '<td class="bp"><div>' . CLMText::tiebrFormat($liga[0]->tiebr3, $punkte[$x]->sumtiebr3) . '</div></td>'; } ?> <?php } ?> </tr> <?php } // Ende Teilnehmer ?> </table> <?php if ($diff == 1 and $liga[0]->ab == 1) { echo JText::_(ROUND_NO_RELEGATED_TEAM); }
$pdf->Cell(clm_core::$load->tbreak_width($liga[0]->tiebr2, 1) - $rbreite, $zelle, CLMText::tiebrFormat($liga[0]->tiebr2, $punkte[$x]->sumtiebr2) . '*', 1, 0, 'C', $fc); } else { $pdf->Cell(clm_core::$load->tbreak_width($liga[0]->tiebr2, 1) - $rbreite, $zelle, CLMText::tiebrFormat($liga[0]->tiebr2, $punkte[$x]->sumtiebr2), 1, 0, 'C', $fc); } } elseif ($liga[0]->tiebr2 > 0 and $liga[0]->tiebr2 < 50) { $pdf->Cell(clm_core::$load->tbreak_width($liga[0]->tiebr2, 1) - $rbreite, $zelle, CLMText::tiebrFormat($liga[0]->tiebr2, $punkte[$x]->sumtiebr2), 1, 0, 'C', $fc); } if ($liga[0]->tiebr3 == 5) { // Brettpunkte if ($punkte[$x]->bpabzug > 0) { $pdf->Cell(clm_core::$load->tbreak_width($liga[0]->tiebr3, 1) - $rbreite, $zelle, CLMText::tiebrFormat($liga[0]->tiebr3, $punkte[$x]->sumtiebr3) . '*', 1, 0, 'C', $fc); } else { $pdf->Cell(clm_core::$load->tbreak_width($liga[0]->tiebr3, 1) - $rbreite, $zelle, CLMText::tiebrFormat($liga[0]->tiebr3, $punkte[$x]->sumtiebr3), 1, 0, 'C', $fc); } } elseif ($liga[0]->tiebr3 > 0 and $liga[0]->tiebr3 < 50) { $pdf->Cell(clm_core::$load->tbreak_width($liga[0]->tiebr3, 1) - $rbreite, $zelle, CLMText::tiebrFormat($liga[0]->tiebr3, $punkte[$x]->sumtiebr3), 1, 0, 'C', $fc); } } $pdf->Ln(); } $pdf->Ln(); $pdf->Ln(); } else { $pdf->Ln(10); } if ($liga[0]->bemerkungen != "") { $pdf->SetFont('Times', 'B', $font + 2); $pdf->Cell(10, $zelle, ' ', 0, 0, 'L'); $pdf->Cell(150, $zelle, ' ' . utf8_decode(JText::_('NOTICE')) . ' :', 0, 1, 'B'); $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', $font); $pdf->Cell(15, $zelle, ' ', 0, 0, 'L');
$pdf->Cell(9, $zelle, $punkte[$x]->spiele, 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(10, $zelle, $punkte[$x]->mp, 0, 0, 'C'); if ($liga[0]->liga_mt == 0) { $pdf->Cell(10, $zelle, $punkte[$x]->bp, 0, 0, 'C'); } if ($liga[0]->b_wertung > 0) { $pdf->Cell(10, $zelle, $punkte[$x]->wp, 0, 0, 'C'); } if ($liga[0]->tiebr1 > 0) { $pdf->Cell(10, $zelle, CLMText::tiebrFormat($liga[0]->tiebr1, $punkte[$x]->sumtiebr1), 0, 0, 'C'); } if ($liga[0]->tiebr2 > 0) { $pdf->Cell(10, $zelle, CLMText::tiebrFormat($liga[0]->tiebr1, $punkte[$x]->sumtiebr2), 0, 0, 'C'); } if ($liga[0]->tiebr3 > 0) { $pdf->Cell(10, $zelle, CLMText::tiebrFormat($liga[0]->tiebr1, $punkte[$x]->sumtiebr3), 0, 0, 'C'); } $pdf->Cell(1, $zelle + 1, "", 'R', 0, 'C'); $pdf->SetFont('Symbol', '', $font); if ($x < $liga[0]->auf) { $pdf->Cell(6, $zelle, chr(221), 0, 1, 'C'); } elseif ($x >= $liga[0]->auf and $x < $liga[0]->auf + $liga[0]->auf_evtl) { $xxp = $pdf->GetX() + 2; $yyp = $pdf->GetY() + 2; $pdf->RotatedText($xxp, $yyp, chr(221), 315); $pdf->Cell(6, $zelle, '', 0, 1, 'C'); } elseif ($x >= $liga[0]->teil - ($liga[0]->ab_evtl + $liga[0]->ab) and $x < $liga[0]->teil - $liga[0]->ab) { $xxp = $pdf->GetX() + 4; $yyp = $pdf->GetY() + 4; $pdf->RotatedText($xxp, $yyp, chr(223), 45); $pdf->Cell(6, $zelle, '', 0, 1, 'C');