function weightPresets()
    // check directory-structure
    if (!CLISetup::writeDir('datasets/')) {
        return false;
    $wtPresets = [];
    $scales = DB::Aowow()->select('SELECT id, name, icon, class FROM ?_account_weightscales WHERE userId = 0 ORDER BY class, id ASC');
    foreach ($scales as $s) {
        $weights = DB::Aowow()->selectCol('SELECT field AS ARRAY_KEY, val FROM ?_account_weightscale_data WHERE id = ?d', $s['id']);
        if (!$weights) {
            CLISetup::log('WeightScale \'' . CLISetup::bold($s['name']) . '\' has no data set. Skipping...', CLISetup::LOG_WARN);
        $wtPresets[$s['class']]['pve'][$s['name']] = array_merge(['__icon' => $s['icon']], $weights);
    $toFile = "var wt_presets = " . Util::toJSON($wtPresets) . ";";
    $file = 'datasets/weight-presets';
    if (!CLISetup::writeFile($file, $toFile)) {
        return false;
    return true;
Exemple #2
function spawns()
    $alphaMapCache = [];
    $alphaMapCheck = function ($areaId, array &$set) use(&$alphaMapCache) {
        $file = 'setup/generated/alphaMaps/' . $areaId . '.png';
        if (!file_exists($file)) {
            // file does not exist (probably instanced area)
            return false;
        // invalid and corner cases (literally)
        if (!is_array($set) || empty($set['posX']) || empty($set['posY']) || $set['posX'] >= 100 || $set['posY'] >= 100) {
            $set = null;
            return true;
        if (empty($alphaMapCache[$areaId])) {
            $alphaMapCache[$areaId] = imagecreatefrompng($file);
        // alphaMaps are 1000 x 1000, adapt points [black => valid point]
        if (!imagecolorat($alphaMapCache[$areaId], $set['posX'] * 10, $set['posY'] * 10)) {
            $set = null;
        return true;
    $checkCoords = function ($points) use($alphaMapCheck) {
        $result = [];
        $capitals = array(1497, 1637, 1638, 3487, 1519, 1537, 1657, 3557, 3703, 4395);
        foreach ($points as $res) {
            if ($alphaMapCheck($res['areaId'], $res)) {
                if (!$res) {
                // some rough measure how central the spawn is on the map (the lower the number, the better)
                // 0: perfect center; 1: touches a border
                $q = abs(($res['posX'] - 50) / 50 * (($res['posY'] - 50) / 50));
                if (empty($result) || $result[0] > $q) {
                    $result = [$q, $res];
            } else {
                if (in_array($res['areaId'], $capitals)) {
                    // capitals (auto-discovered) and no hand-made alphaMap available
                    return $res;
                } else {
                    if (empty($result)) {
                        // add with lowest quality if alpha map is missing
                        $result = [1.0, $res];
        // spawn does not really match on a map, but we need at least one result
        if (!$result) {
            usort($points, function ($a, $b) {
                return $a['quality'] < $b['quality'] ? -1 : 1;
            $result = [1.0, $points[0]];
        return $result[1];
    $query[1] = ['SELECT c.guid, 1 AS "type", AS typeId, c.spawntimesecs AS respawn, c.phaseMask, c.zoneId AS areaId,, IFNULL(ca.path_id, 0) AS pathId, c.position_y AS `posX`, c.position_x AS `posY` ' . 'FROM creature c LEFT JOIN creature_addon ca ON ca.guid = c.guid', ' - assembling ' . CLISetup::bold('creature') . ' spawns'];
    $query[2] = ['SELECT c.guid, 2 AS "type", AS typeId, ABS(c.spawntimesecs) AS respawn, c.phaseMask, c.zoneId AS areaId,, 0 as pathId, c.position_y AS `posX`, c.position_x AS `posY` ' . 'FROM gameobject c', ' - assembling ' . CLISetup::bold('gameobject') . ' spawns'];
    $query[3] = ['SELECT c.guid, w.entry AS "npcOrPath", w.pointId AS "point", c.zoneId AS areaId,, w.waittime AS "wait", w.location_y AS `posX`, w.location_x AS `posY` ' . 'FROM creature c JOIN script_waypoint w ON = w.entry', ' - assembling waypoints from ' . CLISetup::bold('script_waypoint')];
    $query[4] = ['SELECT c.guid, w.entry AS "npcOrPath", w.pointId AS "point", c.zoneId AS areaId,, 0 AS "wait", w.position_y AS `posX`, w.position_x AS `posY` ' . 'FROM creature c JOIN waypoints w ON = w.entry', ' - assembling waypoints from ' . CLISetup::bold('waypoints')];
    $query[5] = ['SELECT c.guid, AS "npcOrPath", w.point, c.zoneId AS areaId,, w.delay AS "wait", w.position_y AS `posX`, w.position_x AS `posY` ' . 'FROM creature c JOIN creature_addon ca ON ca.guid = c.guid JOIN waypoint_data w ON = ca.path_id', ' - assembling waypoints from ' . CLISetup::bold('waypoint_data')];
    $queryPost = 'SELECT dm.Id, wma.areaId, IFNULL(dm.floor, 0) AS floor, ' . '100 - ROUND(IF(dm.Id IS NOT NULL, (?f - dm.minY) * 100 / (dm.maxY - dm.minY), (?f - wma.right)  * 100 / (wma.left - wma.right)), 1) AS `posX`, ' . '100 - ROUND(IF(dm.Id IS NOT NULL, (?f - dm.minX) * 100 / (dm.maxX - dm.minX), (?f - wma.bottom) * 100 / ( - wma.bottom)), 1) AS `posY`, ' . '((abs(IF(dm.Id IS NOT NULL, (?f - dm.minY) * 100 / (dm.maxY - dm.minY), (?f - wma.right)  * 100 / (wma.left - wma.right)) - 50) / 50) * ' . ' (abs(IF(dm.Id IS NOT NULL, (?f - dm.minX) * 100 / (dm.maxX - dm.minX), (?f - wma.bottom) * 100 / ( - wma.bottom)) - 50) / 50)) AS quality ' . 'FROM dbc_worldmaparea wma ' . 'LEFT JOIN dbc_dungeonmap dm ON dm.mapId = IF(?d AND wma.mapId NOT IN (0, 1, 530), wma.mapId, -1) ' . 'WHERE wma.mapId = ?d AND IF(?d, wma.areaId = ?d, wma.areaId <> 0) ' . 'HAVING (`posX` BETWEEN 0.1 AND 99.9 AND `posY` BETWEEN 0.1 AND 99.9) AND (dm.Id IS NULL OR ?d) ' . 'ORDER BY quality ASC';
    /* truncate old data */
    DB::Aowow()->query('TRUNCATE TABLE ?_spawns');
    DB::Aowow()->query('TRUNCATE TABLE ?_creature_waypoints');
    /* offsets for transports */
    $transports = DB::World()->selectCol('SELECT Data0 AS pathId, Data6 AS ARRAY_KEY FROM gameobject_template WHERE type = 15 AND Data6 <> 0');
    foreach ($transports as &$t) {
        $t = DB::Aowow()->selectRow('SELECT posX, posY, mapId FROM dbc_taxipathnode tpn WHERE tpn.pathId = ?d AND nodeIdx = 0', $t);
    /* perform... */
    foreach ($query as $idx => $q) {
        $n = 0;
        $sum = 0;
        foreach (DB::World()->select($q[0]) as $spawn) {
            if (!$n) {
                CLISetup::log(' * sets ' . ($sum + 1) . ' - ' . ($sum += SqlGen::$stepSize));
            if ($n++ > SqlGen::$stepSize) {
                $n = 0;
            // npc/object is on a transport -> apply offsets to path of transport
            // note, that the coordinates are mixed up .. again
            // also note, that transport DO spawn outside of displayable area maps .. another todo i guess..
            if (isset($transports[$spawn['map']])) {
                $spawn['posX'] += $transports[$spawn['map']]['posY'];
                $spawn['posY'] += $transports[$spawn['map']]['posX'];
                $spawn['map'] = $transports[$spawn['map']]['mapId'];
            $points = DB::Aowow()->select($queryPost, $spawn['posX'], $spawn['posX'], $spawn['posY'], $spawn['posY'], $spawn['posX'], $spawn['posX'], $spawn['posY'], $spawn['posY'], 1, $spawn['map'], $spawn['areaId'], $spawn['areaId'], $spawn['areaId'] ? 1 : 0);
            if (!$points) {
                // retry: TC counts pre-instance subareas as instance-maps .. which have no map file
                $points = DB::Aowow()->select($queryPost, $spawn['posX'], $spawn['posX'], $spawn['posY'], $spawn['posY'], $spawn['posX'], $spawn['posX'], $spawn['posY'], $spawn['posY'], 0, $spawn['map'], 0, 0, 1);
            if (!$points) {
                CLISetup::log('GUID ' . $spawn['guid'] . ($idx < 3 ? '' : ' on path/point ' . $spawn['npcOrPath'] . '/' . $spawn['point']) . ' could not be matched to displayable area [A:' . $spawn['areaId'] . '; X:' . $spawn['posY'] . '; Y:' . $spawn['posX'] . ']', CLISetup::LOG_WARN);
            // if areaId is set, area was determined by TC .. we're fine .. mostly
            $final = $spawn['areaId'] ? $points[0] : $checkCoords($points);
            if ($idx < 3) {
                $set = array('guid' => $spawn['guid'], 'type' => $spawn['type'], 'typeId' => $spawn['typeId'], 'respawn' => $spawn['respawn'], 'phaseMask' => $spawn['phaseMask'], 'pathId' => $spawn['pathId'], 'areaId' => $final['areaId'], 'floor' => $final['floor'], 'posX' => $final['posX'], 'posY' => $final['posY']);
                DB::Aowow()->query('REPLACE INTO ?_spawns (?#) VALUES (?a)', array_keys($set), array_values($set));
            } else {
                $set = array('creatureOrPath' => $spawn['npcOrPath'], 'point' => $spawn['point'], 'wait' => $spawn['wait'], 'areaId' => $final['areaId'], 'floor' => $final['floor'], 'posX' => $final['posX'], 'posY' => $final['posY']);
                DB::Aowow()->query('REPLACE INTO ?_creature_waypoints (?#) VALUES (?a)', array_keys($set), array_values($set));
    /* spawn vehicle accessories */
    // get vehicle template accessories
    $accessories = DB::World()->select('
        SELECT vta.accessory_entry AS typeId,  c.guid,  vta.entry, count(1) AS nSeats FROM vehicle_template_accessory vta LEFT JOIN creature c ON = vta.entry GROUP BY accessory_entry,  c.guid UNION
        SELECT  va.accessory_entry AS typeId, va.guid, 0 AS entry, count(1) AS nSeats FROM vehicle_accessory           va                                          GROUP BY accessory_entry, va.guid');
    // accessories may also be vehicles (e.g. "Kor'kron Infiltrator" is seated on "Kor'kron Suppression Turret" is seated on "Kor'kron Troop Transport")
    // so we will retry finding a spawned vehicle if none were found on the previous pass and a change occured
    $vGuid = 0;
    // not really used, but we need some kind of index
    $n = 0;
    $matches = -1;
    while ($matches) {
        $matches = 0;
        foreach ($accessories as $idx => $data) {
            $vehicles = [];
            if ($data['guid']) {
                // vehicle already spawned
                $vehicles = DB::Aowow()->select('SELECT s.areaId, s.posX, s.posY, s.floor FROM ?_spawns s WHERE s.guid   = ?d AND s.type = ?d', $data['guid'], TYPE_NPC);
            } else {
                if ($data['entry']) {
                    // vehicle on unspawned vehicle action
                    $vehicles = DB::Aowow()->select('SELECT s.areaId, s.posX, s.posY, s.floor FROM ?_spawns s WHERE s.typeId = ?d AND s.type = ?d', $data['entry'], TYPE_NPC);
            if ($vehicles) {
                foreach ($vehicles as $v) {
                    // if there is more than one vehicle, its probably due to overlapping zones
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $data['nSeats']; $i++) {
                            REPLACE INTO ?_spawns (`guid`, `type`, `typeId`, `respawn`, `spawnMask`, `phaseMask`, `areaId`, `floor`, `posX`, `posY`, `pathId`) VALUES
                            (?d, ?d, ?d, 0, 0, 1, ?d, ?d, ?d, ?d, 0)', --$vGuid, TYPE_NPC, $data['typeId'], $v['areaId'], $v['floor'], $v['posX'], $v['posY']);
        if ($matches) {
            CLISetup::log(' * assigned ' . $matches . ' accessories on ' . ++$n . '. pass on vehicle accessories');
    if ($accessories) {
        CLISetup::log(count($accessories) . ' accessories could not be fitted onto a spawned vehicle.', CLISetup::LOG_WARN);
    /* restrict difficulty displays */
    DB::Aowow()->query('UPDATE ?_spawns s, dbc_worldmaparea wma, dbc_map m SET s.spawnMask = 0 WHERE s.areaId = wma.areaId AND wma.mapId = m.Id AND m.areaType IN (0, 3, 4)');
    return true;
Exemple #3
function dbconfig()
    $databases = ['aowow', 'world', 'auth', 'characters'];
    $AoWoWconf = [];
    $dbFields = array('host' => ['Server Host', false], 'user' => ['User', false], 'pass' => ['Password', true], 'db' => ['Database Name', false], 'prefix' => ['Table prefix', false]);
    $testDB = function ($idx, $name, $dbInfo) {
        $buff = '[' . CLISetup::bold($idx) . '] ' . str_pad($name, 17);
        $errStr = '';
        if ($dbInfo['host']) {
            // test DB
            if ($link = @mysqli_connect($dbInfo['host'], $dbInfo['user'], $dbInfo['pass'], $dbInfo['db'])) {
            } else {
                $errStr = '[' . mysqli_connect_errno() . '] ' . mysqli_connect_error();
            $buff .= $errStr ? CLISetup::red('ERR   ') : CLISetup::green('OK    ');
            $buff .= 'mysqli://' . $dbInfo['user'] . ':' . str_pad('', strlen($dbInfo['pass']), '*') . '@' . $dbInfo['host'] . '/' . $dbInfo['db'];
            $buff .= ($dbInfo['prefix'] ? '    table prefix: ' . $dbInfo['prefix'] : null) . '    ' . $errStr;
        } else {
            $buff .= '      ' . CLISetup::bold('<empty>');
        return $buff;
    if (file_exists('config/config.php')) {
        require 'config/config.php';
    foreach ($databases as $idx => $name) {
        if (empty($AoWoWconf[$name]) && $name != 'characters') {
            $AoWoWconf[$name] = array_combine(array_keys($dbFields), ['', '', '', '', '']);
    while (true) {
        CLISetup::log("select a numerical index to use the corresponding entry");
        $nCharDBs = 0;
        foreach ($databases as $idx => $name) {
            if ($idx != 3) {
                CLISetup::log($testDB($idx, $name, $AoWoWconf[$name]));
            } else {
                if (!empty($AoWoWconf[$name])) {
                    foreach ($AoWoWconf[$name] as $charIdx => $dbInfo) {
                        CLISetup::log($testDB($idx + $nCharDBs++, $name . ' [' . $charIdx . ']', $AoWoWconf[$name][$charIdx]));
        CLISetup::log("[" . CLISetup::bold(3 + $nCharDBs) . "] add an additional Character DB");
        while (true) {
            $inp = ['idx' => ['', true, '/\\d/']];
            if (CLISetup::readInput($inp, true) && $inp) {
                if ($inp['idx'] >= 0 && $inp['idx'] <= 3 + $nCharDBs) {
                    $curFields = $dbFields;
                    if ($inp['idx'] == 3 + $nCharDBs) {
                        // add new realmDB
                        $curFields['realmId'] = ['Realm Id', false, '/[1-9][0-9]*/'];
                    if (CLISetup::readInput($curFields)) {
                        // auth, world or aowow
                        if ($inp['idx'] < 3) {
                            $AoWoWconf[$databases[$inp['idx']]] = $curFields ?: array_combine(array_keys($dbFields), ['', '', '', '', '']);
                        } else {
                            if ($inp['idx'] == 3 + $nCharDBs) {
                                if ($curFields) {
                                    $_ = $curFields['realmId'];
                                    $AoWoWconf[$databases[3]][$_] = $curFields;
                            } else {
                                $i = 0;
                                foreach ($AoWoWconf[$databases[3]] as $realmId => &$dbInfo) {
                                    if ($inp['idx'] - 3 != $i++) {
                                    if ($curFields) {
                                        $dbInfo = $curFields;
                                    } else {
                        // write config file
                        $buff = "<?php\n\nif (!defined('AOWOW_REVISION'))\n    die('illegal access');\n\n\n";
                        foreach ($databases as $db) {
                            if ($db != 'characters') {
                                $buff .= '$AoWoWconf[\'' . $db . '\'] = ' . var_export($AoWoWconf[$db], true) . ";\n\n";
                            } else {
                                foreach ($AoWoWconf[$db] as $idx => $charInfo) {
                                    $buff .= '$AoWoWconf[\'' . $db . '\'][\'' . $idx . '\'] = ' . var_export($AoWoWconf[$db][$idx], true) . ";\n\n";
                        $buff .= "?>\n";
                        CLISetup::writeFile('config/config.php', $buff);
                        continue 2;
                    } else {
                        CLISetup::log("edit canceled! returning to list...", CLISetup::LOG_WARN);
                        continue 2;
            } else {
                CLISetup::log("db setup aborted", CLISetup::LOG_WARN);
                break 2;
Exemple #4
function firstrun($resume)
    require_once 'setup/tools/sqlGen.class.php';
    require_once 'setup/tools/fileGen.class.php';
    /* define steps */
    $steps = array(['dbconfig', null, 'testDB', 'Please enter your database credentials.', 'could not establish connection to:'], ['siteconfig', null, 'testSelf', 'SITE_HOST and STATIC_HOST ' . CLISetup::bold('must') . ' be set. Also enable FORCE_SSL if needed. You may also want to change other variables such as NAME, NAME_SHORT OR LOCALES.', 'could not access:'], ['SqlGen::generate', 'achievementcategory', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'achievementcriteria', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'glyphproperties', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'itemenchantment', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'itemenchantmentcondition', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'itemextendedcost', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'itemlimitcategory', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'itemrandomproppoints', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'lock', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'mailtemplate', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'scalingstatdistribution', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'scalingstatvalues', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'spellfocusobject', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'spellrange', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'spellvariables', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'totemcategory', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'classes', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'factions', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'factiontemplate', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'holidays', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'icons', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'itemrandomenchant', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'races', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'shapeshiftforms', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'skillline', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'achievement', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'creature', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'currencies', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'events', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'objects', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'pet', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'quests', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'quests_startend', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'spell', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'spelldifficulty', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'taxi', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'titles', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'items', null, null, null], ['FileGen::generate', 'complexImg', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'spawns', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'zones', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'itemset', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'item_stats', null, null, null], ['SqlGen::generate', 'source', null, null, null], ['FileGen::generate', 'searchplugin', null, null, null], ['FileGen::generate', 'power', null, null, null], ['FileGen::generate', 'searchboxScript', null, null, null], ['FileGen::generate', 'demo', null, null, null], ['FileGen::generate', 'searchboxBody', null, null, null], ['FileGen::generate', 'realmMenu', null, null, null], ['FileGen::generate', 'locales', null, null, null], ['FileGen::generate', 'itemScaling', null, null, null], ['FileGen::generate', 'realms', null, null, null], ['FileGen::generate', 'statistics', null, null, null], ['FileGen::generate', 'simpleImg', null, null, null], ['FileGen::generate', 'talents', null, null, null], ['FileGen::generate', 'pets', null, null, null], ['FileGen::generate', 'talentIcons', null, null, null], ['FileGen::generate', 'glyphs', null, null, null], ['FileGen::generate', 'itemsets', null, null, null], ['FileGen::generate', 'enchants', null, null, null], ['FileGen::generate', 'gems', null, null, null], ['FileGen::generate', 'profiler', null, null, null], ['FileGen::generate', 'statistics', null, null, null], ['FileGen::generate', 'statistics', null, null, null], ['update', null, null, null, null], ['account', null, 'testAcc', 'Please create your admin account.', 'There is no user with administrator priviledges in the DB.'], ['endSetup', null, null, null, null]);
    /* helper */
    $saveProgress = function ($nStep) {
        $h = fopen('cache/firstrun', 'w');
        fwrite($h, AOWOW_REVISION . "\n" . ($nStep + 1) . "\n");
    $testDB = function (&$error) {
        require 'config/config.php';
        $error = [];
        foreach (['world', 'aowow', 'auth'] as $what) {
            if ($what == 'auth' && (empty($AoWoWconf['auth']) || empty($AoWoWconf['auth']['host']))) {
            if ($link = @mysqli_connect($AoWoWconf[$what]['host'], $AoWoWconf[$what]['user'], $AoWoWconf[$what]['pass'], $AoWoWconf[$what]['db'])) {
            } else {
                $error[] = ' * ' . $what . ': ' . '[' . mysqli_connect_errno() . '] ' . mysqli_connect_error();
        return empty($error);
    $testSelf = function (&$error) {
        $error = [];
        $test = function ($url, &$rCode) {
            $res = get_headers($url, true);
            if (preg_match("/HTTP\\/[0-9\\.]+\\s+([0-9]+)/", $res[0], $m)) {
                $rCode = $m[1];
                return $m[1] == 200;
            $rCode = 0;
            return false;
        $res = DB::Aowow()->selectCol('SELECT `key` AS ARRAY_KEY, value FROM ?_config WHERE `key` IN ("site_host", "static_host", "force_ssl")');
        $prot = $res['force_ssl'] ? 'https://' : 'http://';
        if ($res['site_host']) {
            if (!$test($prot . $res['site_host'] . '/README', $resp)) {
                $error[] = ' * could not access ' . $prot . $res['site_host'] . '/README [' . $resp . ']';
        } else {
            $error[] = ' * SITE_HOST is empty';
        if ($res['static_host']) {
            if (!$test($prot . $res['static_host'] . '/css/aowow.css', $resp)) {
                $error[] = ' * could not access ' . $prot . $res['static_host'] . '/css/aowow.css [' . $resp . ']';
        } else {
            $error[] = ' * STATIC_HOST is empty';
        return empty($error);
    $testAcc = function (&$error) {
        $error = [];
        return !!DB::Aowow()->selectCell('SELECT id FROM ?_account WHERE userPerms = 1');
    function endSetup()
        return DB::Aowow()->query('UPDATE ?_config SET value = 0 WHERE `key` = "maintenance"');
    /* get current step */
    $startStep = 0;
    if ($resume) {
        if (file_exists('cache/firstrun')) {
            $rows = file('cache/firstrun');
            if ((int) $rows[0] == AOWOW_REVISION) {
                $startStep = (int) $rows[1];
            } else {
                CLISetup::log('firstrun info is outdated! Starting from scratch.', CLISetup::LOG_WARN);
        if (!$startStep) {
            CLISetup::log('no usable info found.', CLISetup::LOG_WARN);
            $inp = ['x' => ['start from scratch? (y/n)', true, '/y|n/i']];
            if (!CLISetup::readInput($inp, true) || !$inp || strtolower($inp['x']) == 'n') {
        } else {
            CLISetup::log('Resuming setup from step ' . $startStep);
    /* run */
    foreach ($steps as $idx => $step) {
        if ($startStep > $idx) {
        if (!strpos($step[0], '::') && !is_callable($step[0])) {
            require_once 'setup/tools/clisetup/' . $step[0] . '.func.php';
        if ($step[3]) {
            $inp = ['x' => ['Press any key to continue', true]];
            if (!CLISetup::readInput($inp, true)) {
                // we don't actually care about the input
        while (true) {
            $res = call_user_func($step[0], $step[1]);
            // check script result
            if ($step[2]) {
                if (!${$step}[2]($errors)) {
                    CLISetup::log($step[4], CLISetup::LOG_ERROR);
                    foreach ($errors as $e) {
                } else {
            } else {
                if ($res !== false) {
            $inp = ['x' => ['[' . CLISetup::bold('c') . ']ontinue anyway? [' . CLISetup::bold('r') . ']etry? [' . CLISetup::bold('a') . ']bort?', true, '/c|r|a/i']];
            if (CLISetup::readInput($inp, true) && $inp) {
                switch (strtolower($inp['x'])) {
                    case 'c':
                        break 2;
                    case 'r':
                    case 'a':
            } else {
    CLISetup::log('setup finished', CLISetup::LOG_OK);
Exemple #5
 public static function generate($key, array $updateIds = [])
     $success = false;
     $reqDBC = [];
     if (file_exists('setup/tools/filegen/' . $key . '.func.php')) {
         require_once 'setup/tools/filegen/' . $key . '.func.php';
     } else {
         if (empty(self::$tplFiles[$key])) {
             CLISetup::log(sprintf(ERR_MISSING_INCL, $key, 'setup/tools/filegen/' . $key . '.func.php', CLISetup::LOG_ERROR));
             return false;
     CLISetup::log('FileGen::generate() - gathering data for ' . $key);
     if (!empty(self::$tplFiles[$key])) {
         list($file, $destPath, $deps) = self::$tplFiles[$key];
         if ($content = file_get_contents(FileGen::$tplPath . $file . '.in')) {
             if ($dest = @fOpen($destPath . $file, "w")) {
                 // replace constants
                 $content = strtr($content, FileGen::$txtConstants);
                 // check for required auxiliary DBC files
                 foreach ($reqDBC as $req) {
                     if (!CLISetup::loadDBC($req)) {
                         continue 2;
                 // must generate content
                 // PH format: /*setup:<setupFunc>*/
                 $funcOK = true;
                 if (preg_match_all('/\\/\\*setup:([\\w\\-_]+)\\*\\//i', $content, $m)) {
                     foreach ($m[1] as $func) {
                         if (function_exists($func)) {
                             $content = str_replace('/*setup:' . $func . '*/', $func(), $content);
                         } else {
                             $funcOK = false;
                             CLISetup::log('No function for was registered for placeholder ' . $func . '().', CLISetup::LOG_ERROR);
                             if (!array_reduce(get_included_files(), function ($inArray, $itr) use($func) {
                                 return $inArray || false !== strpos($itr, $func);
                             }, false)) {
                                 CLISetup::log('Also, expected include setup/tools/filegen/' . $name . '.func.php was not found.');
                 if (fWrite($dest, $content)) {
                     CLISetup::log(sprintf(ERR_NONE, CLISetup::bold($destPath . $file)), CLISetup::LOG_OK);
                     if ($content && $funcOK) {
                         $success = true;
                 } else {
                     CLISetup::log(sprintf(ERR_WRITE_FILE, CLISetup::bold($destPath . $file)), CLISetup::LOG_ERROR);
             } else {
                 CLISetup::log(sprintf(ERR_CREATE_FILE, CLISetup::bold($destPath . $file)), CLISetup::LOG_ERROR);
         } else {
             CLISetup::log(sprintf(ERR_READ_FILE, CLISetup::bold(FileGen::$tplPath . $file . '.in')), CLISetup::LOG_ERROR);
     } else {
         if (!empty(self::$datasets[$key])) {
             if (function_exists($key)) {
                 // check for required auxiliary DBC files
                 foreach ($reqDBC as $req) {
                     if (!CLISetup::loadDBC($req)) {
                         return false;
                 $success = $key($updateIds);
             } else {
                 CLISetup::log(' - subscript \'' . $key . '\' not defined in included file', CLISetup::LOG_ERROR);
     // reset to default for the next script
     return $success;
function siteconfig()
    if (!DB::isConnected(DB_AOWOW)) {
        CLISetup::log("database not yet set up!\n        Please use --dbconfig for setup", CLISetup::LOG_WARN);
    while (true) {
        CLISetup::log('select a numerical index to use the corresponding entry');
        $results = DB::Aowow()->select('SELECT *, (flags & ?d) AS php FROM ?_config ORDER BY php ASC', CON_FLAG_PHP);
        $hasEmpty = false;
        foreach ($results as $idx => $data) {
            if (!($data['flags'] & CON_FLAG_PHP) && $data['value'] === '') {
                $hasEmpty = true;
            $php = $data['flags'] & CON_FLAG_PHP;
            $buff = "[" . CLISetup::bold($idx) . "] " . ($idx > 9 ? '' : ' ') . ($php ? '  PHP   ' : ' AOWOW  ');
            $buff .= str_pad($php ? strtolower($data['key']) : strtoupper('cfg_' . $data['key']), 35);
            if ($data['value'] === '') {
                $buff .= CLISetup::red('<empty>');
            } else {
                $info = explode(' - ', $data['comment']);
                if ($data['flags'] & CON_FLAG_TYPE_BOOL) {
                    $buff .= '[bool] ' . ($data['value'] ? '<Enabled>' : '<Disabled>');
                } else {
                    if ($data['flags'] & CON_FLAG_OPT_LIST && !empty($info[2])) {
                        $buff .= "[opt]  ";
                        foreach (explode(', ', $info[2]) as $option) {
                            $opt = explode(':', $option);
                            $buff .= '[' . ($data['value'] == $opt[0] ? 'x' : ' ') . ']' . $opt[1] . ' ';
                    } else {
                        if ($data['flags'] & CON_FLAG_BITMASK && !empty($info[2])) {
                            $buff .= "[mask] ";
                            foreach (explode(', ', $info[2]) as $option) {
                                $opt = explode(':', $option);
                                $buff .= '[' . ($data['value'] & 1 << $opt[0] ? 'x' : ' ') . ']' . $opt[1] . ' ';
                        } else {
                            if ($data['flags'] & CON_FLAG_TYPE_STRING) {
                                $buff .= "[str]  " . $data['value'];
                            } else {
                                if ($data['flags'] & CON_FLAG_TYPE_FLOAT) {
                                    $buff .= "[float] " . floatVal($data['value']);
                                } else {
                                    /* if ($data['flags'] & CON_FLAG_TYPE_INT) */
                                    $buff .= "[int]  " . intVal($data['value']);
        CLISetup::log(str_pad("[" . CLISetup::bold(count($results)) . "]", 21) . "add another php configuration");
        if ($hasEmpty) {
            CLISetup::log("please configure the required empty setings", CLISetup::LOG_WARN);
        $inp = ['idx' => ['', false, '/\\d/']];
        if (CLISetup::readInput($inp) && $inp && $inp['idx'] !== '') {
            // add new php setting
            if ($inp['idx'] == count($results)) {
                CLISetup::log("Adding additional php configuration.");
                while (true) {
                    $setting = array('key' => ['option name', false, '/[\\w_\\.\\-]/i'], 'val' => ['value']);
                    if (CLISetup::readInput($setting) && $setting) {
                        $key = strtolower($setting['key']);
                        if (ini_get($key) === false || ini_set($key, $setting['val']) === false) {
                            CLISetup::log("this configuration option cannot be set", CLISetup::LOG_ERROR);
                        } else {
                            if (DB::Aowow()->selectCell('SELECT 1 FROM ?_config WHERE `flags` & ?d AND `key` = ?', CON_FLAG_PHP, $key)) {
                                CLISetup::log("this configuration option is already in use", CLISetup::LOG_ERROR);
                            } else {
                                DB::Aowow()->query('INSERT IGNORE INTO ?_config (`key`, `value`, `flags`) VALUES (?, ?, ?d)', $key, $setting['val'], CON_FLAG_TYPE_STRING | CON_FLAG_PHP);
                                CLISetup::log("new php configuration added", CLISetup::LOG_OK);
                    } else {
                        CLISetup::log("edit canceled! returning to list...", CLISetup::LOG_WARN);
            } else {
                if ($inp['idx'] >= 0 && $inp['idx'] < count($results)) {
                    $conf = $results[$inp['idx']];
                    $info = explode(' - ', $conf['comment']);
                    $buff = '';
                    $buff .= $conf['flags'] & CON_FLAG_PHP ? "  PHP: " : "AOWOW: ";
                    $buff .= $conf['flags'] & CON_FLAG_PHP ? strtolower($conf['key']) : strtoupper('cfg_' . $conf['key']);
                    if (!empty($info[1])) {
                        $buff .= " - " . $info[1];
                    $buff = "VALUE: ";
                    if ($conf['flags'] & CON_FLAG_TYPE_BOOL) {
                        $buff .= $conf['value'] ? '<Enabled>' : '<Disabled>';
                    } else {
                        if ($conf['flags'] & CON_FLAG_OPT_LIST && !empty($info[2])) {
                            foreach (explode(', ', $info[2]) as $option) {
                                $opt = explode(':', $option);
                                $buff .= '[' . ($conf['value'] == $opt[0] ? 'x' : ' ') . '] ' . $opt[1] . ' ';
                        } else {
                            if ($conf['flags'] & CON_FLAG_BITMASK && !empty($info[2])) {
                                foreach (explode(', ', $info[2]) as $option) {
                                    $opt = explode(':', $option);
                                    $buff .= '[' . ($conf['value'] & 1 << $opt[0] ? 'x' : ' ') . '] ' . $opt[1] . ' ';
                            } else {
                                if ($conf['flags'] & CON_FLAG_TYPE_STRING) {
                                    $buff .= $conf['value'];
                                } else {
                                    if ($conf['flags'] & CON_FLAG_TYPE_FLOAT) {
                                        $buff .= floatVal($conf['value']);
                                    } else {
                                        /* if ($conf['flags'] & CON_FLAG_TYPE_INT) */
                                        $buff .= intVal($conf['value']);
                    CLISetup::log("[" . CLISetup::bold('E') . "]dit");
                    if (!($conf['flags'] & CON_FLAG_PERSISTENT)) {
                        CLISetup::log("[" . CLISetup::bold('D') . "]elete");
                    if (strstr($info[0], 'default:')) {
                        CLISetup::log("[" . CLISetup::bold('R') . "]estore Default - " . trim(explode('default:', $info[0])[1]));
                    while (true) {
                        $action = ['idx' => ['', true, '/[edr]/i']];
                        if (CLISetup::readInput($action, true) && $action) {
                            switch (strtoupper($action['idx'])) {
                                case 'E':
                                    // edit value
                                    $pattern = false;
                                    $single = false;
                                    $value = ['idx' => ['Select new value', false, &$pattern]];
                                    if ($conf['flags'] & CON_FLAG_OPT_LIST) {
                                        $_valid = [];
                                        foreach (explode(', ', $info[2]) as $option) {
                                            $opt = explode(':', $option);
                                            $_valid[] = $opt[0];
                                            CLISetup::log('[' . CLISetup::bold($opt[0]) . '] ' . $opt[1]);
                                        $single = true;
                                        $pattern = '/\\d/';
                                        $validate = function ($v) use($_valid) {
                                            return in_array($v, $_valid);
                                    } else {
                                        if ($conf['flags'] & CON_FLAG_BITMASK) {
                                            CLISetup::log('Bitmask: sum fields to select multiple options');
                                            $_valid = 0x0;
                                            foreach (explode(', ', $info[2]) as $option) {
                                                $opt = explode(':', $option);
                                                $_valid |= 1 << $opt[0];
                                                CLISetup::log('[' . CLISetup::bold(1 << $opt[0]) . ']' . str_pad('', 4 - strlen(1 << $opt[0])) . $opt[1]);
                                            $pattern = '/\\d+/';
                                            $validate = function ($v) use($_valid) {
                                                $v = $v & $_valid;
                                                return $v;
                                        } else {
                                            if ($conf['flags'] & CON_FLAG_TYPE_BOOL) {
                                                CLISetup::log('[' . CLISetup::bold(0) . '] Disabled');
                                                CLISetup::log('[' . CLISetup::bold(1) . '] Enabled');
                                                $single = true;
                                                $pattern = '/[01]/';
                                                $validate = function ($v) {
                                                    return true;
                                            } else {
                                                if ($conf['flags'] & CON_FLAG_TYPE_INT) {
                                                    $validate = function ($v) {
                                                        return preg_match('/^-?\\d+$/i', $v);
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($conf['flags'] & CON_FLAG_TYPE_FLOAT) {
                                                        $validate = function ($v) {
                                                            return preg_match('/^-?\\d*(,|.)?\\d+$/i', $v);
                                                    } else {
                                                        // string
                                                        $validate = function ($v) {
                                                            return true;
                                    while (true) {
                                        $use = $value;
                                        if (CLISetup::readInput($use, $single) && $use) {
                                            if (!$validate($use['idx'])) {
                                                CLISetup::log("value not in range", CLISetup::LOG_ERROR);
                                            } else {
                                                DB::Aowow()->query('UPDATE ?_config SET `value` = ? WHERE `key` = ?', $use['idx'], strtolower($conf['key']));
                                                CLISetup::log("setting updated", CLISetup::LOG_OK);
                                                break 3;
                                        } else {
                                            CLISetup::log("edit canceled! returning to selection...", CLISetup::LOG_WARN);
                                    break 2;
                                case 'R':
                                    // restore default
                                    if (!strstr($info[0], 'default:')) {
                                        continue 2;
                                    // @eval .. some dafault values are supplied as bitmask or the likes
                                    if (DB::Aowow()->query('UPDATE ?_config SET `value` = ? WHERE `key` = ?', @eval('return (' . trim(explode('default:', $info[0])[1]) . ');'), strtolower($conf['key']))) {
                                        CLISetup::log("default value restored", CLISetup::LOG_OK);
                                    break 2;
                                case 'D':
                                    // delete config pair
                                    if ($conf['flags'] & CON_FLAG_PERSISTENT) {
                                        continue 2;
                                    if (DB::Aowow()->query('DELETE FROM ?_config WHERE `key` = ? AND (`flags` & ?d) = 0', strtolower($conf['key']), CON_FLAG_PERSISTENT)) {
                                        CLISetup::log("php setting deleted ['" . $conf['key'] . "': '" . $conf['value'] . "']", CLISetup::LOG_OK);
                                    break 2;
                        } else {
                            CLISetup::log("edit canceled! returning to list...", CLISetup::LOG_WARN);
                } else {
                    CLISetup::log("invalid selection", CLISetup::LOG_ERROR);
        } else {
            CLISetup::log("site configuration aborted", CLISetup::LOG_WARN);
Exemple #7
function emotes()
    $globStrPath = CLISetup::$srcDir . '%sInterface/FrameXML/GlobalStrings.lua';
    $allOK = true;
    $locPath = [];
    DB::Aowow()->query('TRUNCATE ?_emotes_aliasses');
    foreach (CLISetup::$localeIds as $lId) {
        foreach (CLISetup::$expectedPaths as $xp => $locId) {
            if ($lId != $locId) {
            if ($xp) {
                // if in subDir add trailing slash
                $xp .= '/';
            $path = sprintf($globStrPath, $xp);
            if (CLISetup::fileExists($path)) {
                $locPath[$lId] = $path;
                continue 2;
        CLISetup::log('GlobalStrings.lua not found for selected locale ' . CLISetup::bold(Util::$localeStrings[$lId]), CLISetup::LOG_WARN);
        $allOK = false;
    $_ = DB::Aowow()->query('REPLACE INTO ?_emotes SELECT
            IF(e.animationId, 1, 0),
            0,                                              -- cuFlags
            etdT.text_loc0,  etdT.text_loc2,  etdT.text_loc3,  etdT.text_loc6,  etdT.text_loc8,
            etdNT.text_loc0, etdNT.text_loc2, etdNT.text_loc3, etdNT.text_loc6, etdNT.text_loc8,
            etdS.text_loc0,  etdS.text_loc2,  etdS.text_loc3,  etdS.text_loc6,  etdS.text_loc8
            dbc_emotestext et
        LEFT JOIN
            dbc_emotes e ON e.Id = et.emoteId
        LEFT JOIN
            dbc_emotestextdata etdT  ON etdT.Id  = et.targetId
        LEFT JOIN
            dbc_emotestextdata etdNT ON etdNT.Id = et.noTargetId
        LEFT JOIN
            dbc_emotestextdata etdS  ON etdS.Id  = et.selfId');
    if (!$_) {
        $allOK = false;
    // i have no idea, how the indexing in this file works.
    // sometimes the \d+ after EMOTE is the emoteTextId, but not nearly often enough
    $aliasses = [];
    foreach ($locPath as $lId => $path) {
        foreach (file($path, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES) as $line) {
            if (preg_match('/^EMOTE(\\d+)_CMD\\d+\\s=\\s\\"\\/([^"]+)\\";$/', $line, $m)) {
                $aliasses[$m[1]][] = [$lId, $m[2]];
    $emotes = DB::Aowow()->selectCol('SELECT id AS ARRAY_KEY, cmd FROM ?_emotes');
    foreach ($emotes as $eId => $cmd) {
        foreach ($aliasses as $gsId => $data) {
            if (in_array($cmd, array_column($data, 1))) {
                foreach ($data as $d) {
                    DB::Aowow()->query('INSERT IGNORE INTO ?_emotes_aliasses VALUES (?d, ?d, ?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE locales = locales | ?d', $eId, 1 << $d[0], strtolower($d[1]), 1 << $d[0]);
    return $allOK;
Exemple #8
function talentIcons()
    $success = true;
    $query = 'SELECT ic.iconString FROM ?_icons ic JOIN dbc_spell s ON s.iconId = ic.Id JOIN dbc_talent t ON t.rank1 = s.Id JOIN dbc_talenttab tt ON tt.Id = t.tabId WHERE tt.?# = ?d AND tt.tabNumber = ?d ORDER BY t.row, t.column, t.petCategory1 ASC';
    $dims = 36;
    $filenames = ['icons', 'warrior', 'paladin', 'hunter', 'rogue', 'priest', 'deathknight', 'shaman', 'mage', 'warlock', null, 'druid'];
    // create directory if missing
    if (!CLISetup::writeDir('static/images/wow/talents/icons')) {
        $success = false;
    if (!CLISetup::writeDir('static/images/wow/hunterpettalents')) {
        $success = false;
    foreach ($filenames as $k => $v) {
        if (!$v) {
        for ($tree = 0; $tree < 3; $tree++) {
            $what = $k ? 'classMask' : 'creatureFamilyMask';
            $set = $k ? 1 << $k - 1 : 1 << $tree;
            $subset = $k ? $tree : 0;
            $path = $k ? 'talents/icons' : 'hunterpettalents';
            $outFile = 'static/images/wow/' . $path . '/' . $v . '_' . ($tree + 1) . '.jpg';
            $icons = DB::Aowow()->SelectCol($query, $what, $set, $subset);
            if (empty($icons)) {
                CLISetup::log('talentIcons - query for ' . $v . ' tree: ' . $k . ' returned empty', CLISetup::LOG_ERROR);
                $success = false;
            if ($res = imageCreateTrueColor(count($icons) * $dims, 2 * $dims)) {
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($icons); $i++) {
                    $imgFile = 'static/images/wow/icons/medium/' . strtolower($icons[$i]) . '.jpg';
                    if (!file_exists($imgFile)) {
                        CLISetup::log('talentIcons - raw image ' . CLISetup::bold($imgFile) . ' not found', CLISetup::LOG_ERROR);
                        $success = false;
                    $im = imagecreatefromjpeg($imgFile);
                    // colored
                    imagecopymerge($res, $im, $i * $dims, 0, 0, 0, imageSX($im), imageSY($im), 100);
                    // grayscale
                    if (imageistruecolor($im)) {
                        imagetruecolortopalette($im, false, 256);
                    for ($j = 0; $j < imagecolorstotal($im); $j++) {
                        $color = imagecolorsforindex($im, $j);
                        $gray = round(0.299 * $color['red'] + 0.587 * $color['green'] + 0.114 * $color['blue']);
                        imagecolorset($im, $j, $gray, $gray, $gray);
                    imagecopymerge($res, $im, $i * $dims, $dims, 0, 0, imageSX($im), imageSY($im), 100);
                if (@imagejpeg($res, $outFile)) {
                    CLISetup::log(sprintf(ERR_NONE, CLISetup::bold($outFile)), CLISetup::LOG_OK);
                } else {
                    $success = false;
                    CLISetup::log('talentIcons - ' . CLISetup::bold($outFile . '.jpg') . ' could not be written', CLISetup::LOG_ERROR);
            } else {
                $success = false;
                CLISetup::log('talentIcons - image resource not created', CLISetup::LOG_ERROR);
    return $success;