function ReportErrorAndUsage($sErrorMessage) { if (utils::IsModeCLI()) { $oP = new CLIPage("iTop - Export"); $oP->p('ERROR: ' . $sErrorMessage); Usage($oP); $oP->output(); exit - 1; } else { $oP = new WebPage("iTop - Export"); $oP->p('ERROR: ' . $sErrorMessage); Usage($oP); $oP->output(); exit - 1; } }
$sValue = utils::ReadParam($sParam, null, true, $sSanitizationFilter); if (is_null($sValue)) { $oP->p("ERROR: Missing argument '{$sParam}'\n"); exit(29); } return trim($sValue); } ///////////////////////////////// // Main program if (!utils::IsModeCLI()) { $oP = new WebPage(Dict::S("TitleSynchroExecution")); $oP->p("This page is used internally by iTop"); $oP->output(); exit - 2; } $oP = new CLIPage(Dict::S("TitleSynchroExecution")); try { utils::UseParamFile(); } catch (Exception $e) { $oP->p("Error: " . $e->GetMessage()); $oP->output(); exit - 2; } // Next steps: // specific arguments: 'csvfile' // $sAuthUser = ReadMandatoryParam($oP, 'auth_user', 'raw_data'); $sAuthPwd = ReadMandatoryParam($oP, 'auth_pwd', 'raw_data'); if (UserRights::CheckCredentials($sAuthUser, $sAuthPwd)) { UserRights::Login($sAuthUser); // Login & set the user's language
require_once APPROOT . '/application/'; try { // Do this before loging, in order to allow setting user credentials from within the file utils::UseParamFile(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Error: " . $e->GetMessage() . "<br/>\n"; exit - 2; } if (utils::IsModeCLI()) { $sAuthUser = utils::ReadParam('auth_user', null, true, 'raw_data'); $sAuthPwd = utils::ReadParam('auth_pwd', null, true, 'raw_data'); if (UserRights::CheckCredentials($sAuthUser, $sAuthPwd)) { UserRights::Login($sAuthUser); // Login & set the user's language } else { $oP = new CLIPage("iTop - Export"); $oP->p("Access restricted or wrong credentials ('{$sAuthUser}')"); $oP->output(); exit - 1; } } else { require_once APPROOT . '/application/'; LoginWebPage::DoLogin(); // Check user rights and prompt if needed } ApplicationContext::SetUrlMakerClass('iTopStandardURLMaker'); $oAppContext = new ApplicationContext(); $iActiveNodeId = utils::ReadParam('menu', -1); $currentOrganization = utils::ReadParam('org_id', ''); $bLocalize = utils::ReadParam('no_localize', 0) != 1; $sFileName = utils::ReadParam('filename', '', true, 'string');