Exemple #1
	 * process the plugin, called when form is submitted
	 * @param object $params
	 * @param object form

	function onBeforeStore( &$params, &$formModel )
		$files[]  = COM_FABRIK_BASE.'administrator'.DS.'components'.DS.'com_kunena'.DS.'language'.DS.'kunena.english.php';
		$files[] = COM_FABRIK_BASE.'components'.DS.'com_kunena'.DS.'class.kunena.php';
		$define = COM_FABRIK_BASE.'components'.DS.'com_kunena'.DS.'lib'.DS.'kunena.defines.php';
		$files[]  = COM_FABRIK_BASE.'components'.DS.'com_kunena'.DS.'lib'.DS.'kunena.defines.php';
		$files[]  = COM_FABRIK_BASE.'components'.DS.'com_kunena'.DS.'lib'.DS.'kunena.session.class.php';
		$files[]  = COM_FABRIK_BASE.'components'.DS.'com_kunena'.DS.'lib'.DS.'kunena.link.class.php';
		$files[]  = COM_FABRIK_BASE.'components'.DS.'com_kunena'.DS.'lib'.DS.'kunena.link.class.php';
		$files[]  = COM_FABRIK_BASE.'components'.DS.'com_kunena'.DS.'template'.DS.'default'.DS.'smile.class.php';
		if (!JFile::exists($define)) {
			return JError::raiseError(500, 'could not find the Kunena component');
		foreach ($files as $file) {
		if (JFile::exists(KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/post.php')) {
			$postfile = KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/post.php';
		else {
			$postfile = KUNENA_PATH_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT .DS. 'post.php';
		$w = new FabrikWorker();
		$fbSession = CKunenaSession::getInstance();

		$catid =$params->get('kunena_category', 0);
		$parentid = 0;
		$action = 'post';
		$func = 'post';
		$contentURL = 'empty';
		JRequest::setVar('catid', $catid);
		$msg = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($params->get('kunena_content'), $formModel->_fullFormData);
		$subject = $params->get('kunena_title');
		JRequest::SetVar('message', $msg);
		$subject = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($subject, $formModel->_fullFormData);
		$origId = JRequest::getVar('id');
		JRequest::setVar('id', 0);
		include ($postfile);
		JRequest::setVar('id', $origId);
Exemple #2
* @link http://www.kunena.com
* Based on FireBoard Component
* @Copyright (C) 2006 - 2007 Best Of Joomla All rights reserved
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL
* @link http://www.bestofjoomla.com
* Based on Joomlaboard Component
* @copyright (C) 2000 - 2004 TSMF / Jan de Graaff / All Rights Reserved
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL
* @author TSMF & Jan de Graaff
// Dont allow direct linking
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
$fbConfig =& CKunenaConfig::getInstance();
$fbSession =& CKunenaSession::getInstance();
global $is_Moderator;
$kunena_db =& JFactory::getDBO();
require_once KUNENA_PATH_LIB . DS . 'kunena.authentication.php';
//Security basics begin
//Securing passed form elements:
$catid = (int) $catid;
// redundant
//resetting some things:
$moderatedForum = 0;
$forumLocked = 0;
$topicLocked = 0;
$topicSticky = 0;
//get the allowed forums and turn it into an array
$allow_forum = $fbSession->allowed != '' ? explode(',', $fbSession->allowed) : array();
Exemple #3
function JJ_categoryArray($admin = 0)
    global $aro_group;
    $kunena_db =& JFactory::getDBO();
    // get a list of the menu items
    $query = "SELECT * FROM #__fb_categories";
    if (!$admin) {
        $fbSession =& CKunenaSession::getInstance();
        if ($fbSession && $fbSession->allowed != 'na') {
            $query .= " WHERE id IN ({$fbSession->allowed})";
        } else {
            $query .= " WHERE pub_access='0' AND published='1'";
    $query .= " ORDER BY ordering, name";
    $items = $kunena_db->loadObjectList();
    check_dberror("Unable to load categories.");
    // establish the hierarchy of the menu
    $children = array();
    // first pass - collect children
    foreach ($items as $v) {
        $pt = $v->parent;
        $list = @$children[$pt] ? $children[$pt] : array();
        array_push($list, $v);
        $children[$pt] = $list;
    // second pass - get an indent list of the items
    $array = fbTreeRecurse(0, '', array(), $children, 10, 0, 1);
    return $array;
 function get_search_forums(&$catids, $childforums = 1)
     $fbSession =& CKunenaSession::getInstance();
     $kunena_db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $kunena_my =& JFactory::getUser();
     /* get allowed forums */
     $allowed_string = '';
     if ($fbSession->allowed && $fbSession->allowed != 'na') {
         $allowed_string = "id IN ({$fbSession->allowed})";
     } else {
         $allowed_string = "published='1' AND pub_access='0'";
     $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT id, parent FROM #__fb_categories WHERE {$allowed_string}");
     $allowed_forums = $kunena_db->loadAssocList('id');
     check_dberror("Unable to get public categories.");
     $allow_list = array();
     foreach ($allowed_forums as $forum) {
         // Children list: parent => array(child1, child2, ...)
         $allow_list[$forum['parent']][] = $forum['id'];
     $catids = split(',', $catids);
     $result = array();
     if (count($catids) > 0 && !in_array(0, $catids)) {
         // Algorithm:
         // Start with selected categories and pop them from the catlist one by one
         // Every popped item in the catlist will be added into result list
         // For every category: push all its children into the catlist
         while ($cur = array_pop($catids)) {
             $result[$cur] = $cur;
             if (array_key_exists($cur, $allow_list)) {
                 foreach ($allow_list[$cur] as $forum) {
                     if (!in_array($forum, $catids)) {
                         array_push($catids, $forum);
         $search_forums = implode(",", $result);
     } else {
         $search_forums = implode(",", array_keys($allowed_forums));
     return $search_forums;