Exemple #1
 function screenshots($video, $name)
     $retval = false;
     if (is_file($video)) {
         include_once PATH_CLASS . '/CImageMagick.php';
         $im =& CImageMagick::getInstance();
         $name = substr($name, 0, strrpos($name, '.'));
         $safeNameM = NOW . '_' . preg_replace('/\\W/', '_', $name) . '_400x300.jpg';
         $safePathM = PATH_FOTOROOT . '/thumbnail/' . FF_YM_STAMP . '/' . $safeNameM;
         exec($ffmpeg = 'ffmpeg -i ' . $video . ' -s 400x300 -vframes 10 -f image2 ' . $safePathM);
         $safeNameT1 = NOW . '_' . preg_replace('/\\W/', '_', $name) . '_75x75.jpg';
         $safeNameT2 = NOW . '_' . preg_replace('/\\W/', '_', $name) . '_115x50.jpg';
         $safeNameT3 = NOW . '_' . preg_replace('/\\W/', '_', $name) . '_150x100.jpg';
         $safePathT = PATH_FOTOROOT . '/thumbnail/' . FF_YM_STAMP . '/';
         $im->crop(75, 75, $safePathT . $safeNameT1);
         $im->crop(115, 50, $safePathT . $safeNameT2);
         $im->crop(150, 100, $safePathT . $safeNameT3);
         $basePath = '/thumbnail/' . FF_YM_STAMP . '/';
         $retval = array('400x300' => $basePath . $safeNameM, '150x100' => $basePath . $safeNameT3, '115x50' => $basePath . $safeNameT2, '75x75' => $basePath . $safeNameT1);
     return $retval;
Exemple #2
 function _upload($src = false, $dest = false, $width = false, $height = false, $type = false)
     include_once PATH_CLASS . '/CImageMagick.php';
     $this->im =& CImageMagick::getInstance();
     $dir = dirname($dest);
     $base = $this->fb->safename(basename($dest));
     $ext = substr($base, strrpos($base, '.'));
     if (stristr($ext, '.jpg') === false && stristr($ext, '.jpeg') === false) {
         $base_convert = preg_replace('/\\.\\w*?$/', '.jpg', $base);
     copy($src, $dest);
     if (isset($base_convert)) {
         $this->im->convert($dest, $dir . '/' . $base_convert);
         $dest = $dir . '/' . $base_convert;
     if ($width !== false && $height !== false) {
         if ($type == 'thumb') {
         $this->im->scale($width, $height);
     return str_replace(PATH_FOTOROOT, '', $dest);
if (!file_exists($fullPath)) {
    $im =& CImageMagick::getInstance();
    $fp = fopen($fullPath, 'w+');
    $s3Path = str_replace(array(PATH_HOMEROOT, 'photos/base/'), array('', 'original/'), $fullPath);
    $s3Url = "http://s3.photos.jaisenmathai.com{$s3Path}";
    $ch = curl_init($s3Url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
    $data = curl_exec($ch);
    $im->scale(FF_BASE_WIDTH, FF_BASE_HEIGHT);
if (file_exists($fullPath) && strlen($imageKey) == 32 && (strcasecmp('.jpg', $iExt) == 0 || strcasecmp('.jpeg', $iExt) == 0)) {
    $ie =& CImageEditor::getInstance();
    $im =& CImageMagick::getInstance();
    $fb =& CFotobox::getInstance();
    $fbm =& CFotoboxManage::getInstance();
    // check to see if a "base" version exists and generate from that
    if (file_exists($basePath = str_replace('/original/', '/base/', $fullPath))) {
        $fullPath = $basePath;
    copy($fullPath, $tmpPath = PATH_HOMEROOT . PATH_TMP . '/' . md5($_SERVER['REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '-' . mt_rand());
    $fotoData = $fb->fotoData($imageKey);
    $ie->loadImage($fotoData['P_ID'], $tmpPath);
    $fbm->addDynamic($fotoData['P_U_ID'], $fotoData['P_ID'], str_replace(PATH_FOTO, '', $iDest), $iWidth, $iHeight, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
    // create handles for temp file and output file
    $iOrigHandle = imagecreatefromjpeg($tmpPath);
    $iOriginalWidth = imagesx($iOrigHandle);
Exemple #4
 function crop($foto_id = false, $x1 = 0, $y1 = 0, $x2 = false, $y2 = false)
     $retval = false;
     if ($x2 !== false && $y2 !== false) {
         include_once PATH_CLASS . '/CImageMagick.php';
         include_once PATH_CLASS . '/CFotobox.php';
         include_once PATH_CLASS . '/CFotoboxManage.php';
         $tmp_src = $this->temp();
         $fb =& CFotobox::getInstance();
         $im =& CImageMagick::getInstance();
         $foto_data = $fb->fotoData($foto_id);
         $tmp = explode('/', $foto_data['P_THUMB_PATH']);
         $stamp = $tmp[2];
         $fbm =& CFotoboxManage::getInstance();
         if ($foto_data['P_ROTATION'] != 0) {
             $im->rotate($tmp_src, $tmp_src, $foto_data['P_ROTATION']);
         $src = @getimagesize($tmp_src);
         if ($src[0] > FF_WEB_WIDTH || $src[1] > FF_WEB_HEIGHT) {
             if ($src[0] / FF_WEB_WIDTH == $src[1] / FF_WEB_HEIGHT) {
                 $web_w = FF_WEB_WIDTH;
                 $web_h = FF_WEB_HEIGHT;
             } else {
                 if ($src[0] / FF_WEB_WIDTH > $src[1] / FF_WEB_HEIGHT) {
                     $web_w = FF_WEB_WIDTH;
                     $web_h = $src[1] * (FF_WEB_WIDTH / $src[0]);
                 } else {
                     if ($src[0] / FF_WEB_WIDTH < $src[1] / FF_WEB_HEIGHT) {
                         $web_w = $src[0] * (FF_WEB_HEIGHT / $src[1]);
                         $web_h = FF_WEB_HEIGHT;
         } else {
             $web_w = $src[0];
             $web_h = $src[1];
         $w_ratio = $src[0] / $web_w;
         $h_ratio = $src[1] / $web_h;
         $width = abs($x1 - $x2);
         $height = abs($y1 - $y2);
         $x = $x1 < $x2 ? $x1 : $x2;
         $y = $y1 < $y2 ? $y1 : $y2;
         $x = intval($x * $w_ratio);
         $y = intval($y * $h_ratio);
         $width = intval($width * $w_ratio);
         $height = intval($height * $h_ratio);
         $cmd = "-crop {$width}x{$height}+{$x}+{$y}";
         exec("{$this->_convert} {$cmd} {$tmp_src} {$tmp_src}");
         $fbm->update(array('up_id' => $foto_id, 'up_width' => $width, 'up_height' => $height));
         $fbm->uploadThumbnail($tmp_src, $this->_image_name);
         $fbm->removeDynamics($foto_data['P_ID'], $foto_data['P_U_ID'], true);
         // false user_id true force
         $retval = array($width, $height);
     return $retval;