 * $Id$
 * @package    Mediboard
 * @subpackage Patients
 * @author     SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**>
 * @license    GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 * @version    $Revision$
$idex = new CIdSante400();
$idex->object_class = "CPatient";
$idex->tag = CAppUI::conf("dPpatients CPatient tag_conflict_ipp") . CAppUI::conf("dPpatients CPatient tag_ipp");
/** @var CIdSante400[] $ipp_conflicts */
$ipp_conflicts = $idex->loadMatchingList();
$conflicts = array();
foreach ($ipp_conflicts as $_conflict) {
    $patient_conflict = new CPatient();
    $IPP = new CIdSante400();
    $IPP->object_class = "CPatient";
    $IPP->tag = CAppUI::conf("dPpatients CPatient tag_ipp");
    $IPP->id400 = $_conflict->id400;
    $patient = new CPatient();
    $conflicts[] = array("patient" => $patient, "patient_conflict" => $patient_conflict);
 * Catalogue import
function importCatalogue($cat, $parent_id = null)
    global $remote_name;
    // On rend toutes les analyses du catalogue obsoletes
    $idAnalyse = new CIdSante400();
    $idAnalyse->tag = $remote_name;
    $idAnalyse->object_class = "CExamenLabo";
    $idAnalyses = $idAnalyse->loadMatchingList();
    foreach ($idAnalyses as $_id_analyse) {
        $examenLabo = new CExamenLabo();
        $examenLabo->identifiant = $_id_analyse->id400;
        if ($examenLabo->_id) {
            $examenLabo->obsolete = 1;
    $idCatalogue = new CIdSante400();
    $idCatalogue->tag = $remote_name;
    $idCatalogue->object_class = "CCatalogueLabo";
    $idCatalogues = $idCatalogue->loadMatchingList();
    foreach ($idCatalogues as $_id_catalogue) {
        $catalogueLabo = new CCatalogueLabo();
        $catalogueLabo->identifiant = $_id_catalogue->id400;
        if ($catalogueLabo->_id) {
            $catalogueLabo->obsolete = 1;
    $compteur["analyses"] = 0;
    $compteur["chapitres"] = 0;
    $compteur["sousChapitre"] = 0;
    $catalogues = array();
    // Creation du catalogue global LABO
    $catal = new CCatalogueLabo();
    $catalogue = new CCatalogueLabo();
    $catal->identifiant = substr(hash('md5', $remote_name), 0, 4);
    // libelle modifié par hash
    $catal->libelle = $remote_name;
    $catal->pere_id = $parent_id;
    // creation de son id400
    $idCat = new CIdSante400();
    $idCat->tag = $remote_name;
    $idCat->id400 = $remote_name;
    $catal->obsolete = 0;
    //CAppUI::stepAjax("Catalogue '$catal->libelle' importé", UI_MSG_OK);
    $path = $remote_name;
    // on met a jour $catalogues
    $catalogues[$path] = $catal;
    //Parcours des analyses
    foreach ($cat->analyse as $_analyse) {
        $chapitre = (string) $_analyse->chapitre;
        $path = "{$remote_name}/{$chapitre}/";
        if (!$chapitre) {
            $path = $remote_name;
        $catChapitre = new CCatalogueLabo();
        // si le catalogue n'existe pas deja
        if (!array_key_exists($path, $catalogues)) {
            // creation du catalogue
            $catChapitre->identifiant = substr(hash('md5', $chapitre), 0, 4);
            // libelle modifié par hash;
            $catChapitre->libelle = $chapitre;
            $catChapitre->pere_id = $catal->_id;
            //creation de l'id400
            $idCatChapitre = new CIdSante400();
            $idCatChapitre->tag = $remote_name;
            $idCatChapitre->id400 = substr(hash('md5', $chapitre), 0, 4);
            $catChapitre->obsolete = 0;
            //CAppUI::stepAjax("Catalogue '$catChapitre->libelle' importé", UI_MSG_OK);
            // on met a jour $catalogues
            $catalogues[$path] = $catChapitre;
        $catChapitre = $catalogues[$path];
        $catalogue = $catChapitre;
        // si il y a un sous chapitre a creer==> le pere du sous chapitre est $catalogue->_id;
        $sschapitre = (string) $_analyse->sschapitre;
        if ($sschapitre) {
            // modification du path
            $path .= $sschapitre;
            $catssChapitre = new CCatalogueLabo();
            if (!array_key_exists($path, $catalogues)) {
                // creation du catalogue
                $catssChapitre->identifiant = substr(hash('md5', $sschapitre), 0, 4);
                // libelle modifié par hash;
                $catssChapitre->libelle = $sschapitre;
                $catssChapitre->pere_id = $catChapitre->_id;
                //creation de l'id400
                $idCatssChapitre = new CIdSante400();
                $idCatssChapitre->tag = $remote_name;
                $idCatssChapitre->id400 = substr(hash('md5', $sschapitre), 0, 4);
                $catssChapitre->obsolete = 0;
                //CAppUI::stepAjax("Sous Catalogue '$catssChapitre->libelle' importé", UI_MSG_OK);
                //on met à jour les catalogues
                $catalogues[$path] = $catssChapitre;
            $catssChapitre = $catalogues[$path];
            $catalogue = $catssChapitre;
        // Code de l'analyse
        $catAtt = $_analyse->attributes();
        $code = $catAtt["code"];
        $idAnalyse = new CIdSante400();
        $idAnalyse->tag = $remote_name;
        $idAnalyse->id400 = (string) $code;
        $analyse = new CExamenLabo();
        $analyse->identifiant = (string) $code;
        $analyse->libelle = (string) $_analyse->libelle;
        $analyse->technique = (string) $_analyse->technique;
        $analyse->duree_execution = (string) $_analyse->delaitechnique;
        $materiel = utf8_decode((string) $_analyse->materiel);
        $materiel = trim($materiel);
        switch ($materiel) {
            case "SANG VEINEUX":
                $analyse->type_prelevement = "sang";
            case "URINE":
                $analyse->type_prelevement = "urine";
            case "BIOPSIE":
                $analyse->type_prelevement = "biopsie";
        //$analyse->applicabilite = (string) $_analyse->applicablesexe;
        $analyse->execution_lun = (string) $_analyse->joursrealisation->lundi;
        $analyse->execution_mar = (string) $_analyse->joursrealisation->mardi;
        $analyse->execution_mer = (string) $_analyse->joursrealisation->mercredi;
        $analyse->execution_jeu = (string) $_analyse->joursrealisation->jeudi;
        $analyse->execution_ven = (string) $_analyse->joursrealisation->vendredi;
        $analyse->execution_sam = (string) $_analyse->joursrealisation->samedi;
        $analyse->execution_dim = (string) $_analyse->joursrealisation->dimanche;
        $analyse->catalogue_labo_id = $catalogue->_id;
        $analyse->type = "num";
        $analyse->obsolete = 0;
        //CAppUI::stepAjax("Analyse '$analyse->identifiant' importée", UI_MSG_OK);
    // fin du foreach
    CAppUI::stepAjax("Analyses Importées: " . $compteur["analyses"] . ", Chapitres Importés: " . $compteur["chapitres"] . ", Sous chapitres Importés: " . $compteur["sousChapitre"], UI_MSG_OK);
  * Build PID segement
  * @param CHL7v2Event $event Event
  * @return null
 function build(CHL7v2Event $event)
     $message = $event->message;
     $sender = $event->_sender;
     $group = $sender->loadRefGroup();
     $domains_returned = $this->domains_returned;
     $patient = $this->patient;
     $data = array();
     // PID-1: Set ID - PID (SI) (optional)
     $data[] = $this->set_id;
     // PID-2: Patient ID (CX) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     $identifiers = array();
     if (empty($domains_returned)) {
         $idex = new CIdSante400();
         $idex->object_id = $patient->_id;
         $idex->object_class = "CPatient";
         $ljoin = array();
         $ljoin[] = "group_domain AS g1 ON g1.domain_id = domain.domain_id AND g1.object_class = 'CPatient'";
         foreach ($idex->loadMatchingList() as $_idex) {
             $domain = new CDomain();
             $where["tag"] = " = '{$_idex->tag}'";
             $domain->loadObject($where, null, null, $ljoin);
             if (!$domain->_id) {
             $identifiers[] = array($_idex->id400, null, null, $this->getAssigningAuthority("domain", null, null, $domain), "MR");
     } else {
         foreach ($domains_returned as $_domain_returned) {
             $assigning_authority = $this->getAssigningAuthority("domain", null, null, $_domain_returned);
             $identifiers[] = array(CIdSante400::getValueFor($patient, $_domain_returned->tag), null, null, $assigning_authority, "MR");
     // PID-3: Patient Identifier List (CX) (repeating)
     $data[] = $identifiers;
     // PID-4: Alternate Patient ID - PID (CX) (optional repeating)
     $data[] = null;
     // PID-5: Patient Name (XPN) (repeating)
     $data[] = $this->getXPN($patient);
     // PID-6: Mother's Maiden Name (XPN) (optional repeating)
     $data[] = null;
     // PID-7: Date/Time of Birth (TS) (optional)
     $data[] = CMbDT::isLunarDate($patient->naissance) ? null : $patient->naissance;
     // PID-8: Administrative Sex (IS) (optional)
     // Table - 0001
     // F - Female
     // M - Male
     // O - Other
     // U - Unknown
     // A - Ambiguous
     // N - Not applicable
     $data[] = CHL7v2TableEntry::mapTo("1", $patient->sexe);
     // PID-9: Patient Alias (XPN) (optional repeating)
     $data[] = null;
     // PID-10: Race (CE) (optional repeating)
     $data[] = null;
     // PID-11: Patient Address (XAD) (optional repeating)
     $address = array();
     if ($patient->adresse || $patient->ville || $patient->cp) {
         $linesAdress = explode("\n", $patient->adresse, 2);
         $address[] = array(CValue::read($linesAdress, 0), str_replace("\n", $message->componentSeparator, CValue::read($linesAdress, 1)), $patient->ville, $patient->province, $patient->cp, CPaysInsee::getAlpha3($patient->pays_insee), "H");
     if ($patient->lieu_naissance || $patient->cp_naissance || $patient->pays_naissance_insee) {
         $address[] = array(null, null, $patient->lieu_naissance, null, $patient->cp_naissance, CPaysInsee::getAlpha3($patient->pays_naissance_insee), "BDL");
     $data[] = $address;
     // PID-12: County Code (IS) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // PID-13: Phone Number - Home (XTN) (optional repeating)
     // Table - 0201
     // ASN - Answering Service Number
     // BPN - Beeper Number
     // EMR - Emergency Number
     // NET - Network (email) Address
     // ORN - Other Residence Number
     // PRN - Primary Residence Number
     // VHN - Vacation Home Number
     // WPN - Work Number
     // Table - 0202
     // BP       - Beeper
     // CP       - Cellular Phone
     // FX       - Fax
     // Internet - Internet Address: Use Only If Telecommunication Use Code Is NET
     // MD       - Modem
     // PH       - Telephone
     // TDD      - Telecommunications Device for the Deaf
     // TTY      - Teletypewriter
     $phones = array();
     if ($patient->tel) {
         $area_city_code = null;
         $local_number = null;
         if ($sender->_configs["send_area_local_number"]) {
             $area_city_code = substr($patient->tel, 0, 3);
             $local_number = substr($patient->tel, 3);
         $phones[] = array(null, "PRN", "PH", null, null, $area_city_code, $local_number, null, null, null, null, $sender->_configs["send_area_local_number"] ? null : $patient->tel);
     $data[] = $phones;
     // PID-14: Phone Number - Business (XTN) (optional repeating)
     $data[] = null;
     // PID-15: Primary Language (CE) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // PID-16: Marital Status (CE) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // PID-17: Religion (CE) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // PID-18: Patient Account Number (CX) (optional)
     if ($this->sejour) {
         $sejour = $this->sejour;
         $domain = new CDomain();
         $domain->tag = $sejour->getTagNDA();
         $data[] = $sejour->_NDA ? array(array($sejour->_NDA, null, null, $this->getAssigningAuthority("domain", null, null, $domain))) : null;
     } else {
         $data[] = null;
     // PID-19: SSN Number - Patient (ST) (optional)
     $data[] = $patient->matricule;
     // PID-20: Driver's License Number - Patient (DLN) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // PID-21: Mother's Identifier (CX) (optional repeating)
     $data[] = null;
     // PID-22: Ethnic Group (CE) (optional repeating)
     $data[] = null;
     // PID-23: Birth Place (ST) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // PID-24: Multiple Birth Indicator (ID) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // PID-25: Birth Order (NM) (optional)
     $data[] = $patient->rang_naissance;
     // PID-26: Citizenship (CE) (optional repeating)
     $data[] = null;
     // PID-27: Veterans Military Status (CE) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // PID-28: Nationality (CE) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // PID-29: Patient Death Date and Time (TS) (optional)
     $data[] = $patient->deces ? $patient->deces : null;
     // PID-30: Patient Death Indicator (ID) (optional)
     $data[] = $patient->deces ? "Y" : "N";
     // PID-31: Identity Unknown Indicator (ID) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // PID-32: Identity Reliability Code (IS) (optional repeating)
     $data[] = null;
     // PID-33: Last Update Date/Time (TS) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // PID-34: Last Update Facility (HD) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // PID-35: Species Code (CE) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // PID-36: Breed Code (CE) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // PID-37: Strain (ST) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // PID-38: Production Class Code (CE) (optional)
     $data[] = null;
     // PID-39: Tribal Citizenship (CWE) (optional repeating)
     $data[] = null;

 * $Id$
 * @category Admin
 * @package  Mediboard
 * @author   SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**>
 * @license  GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 * @version  $Revision$
 * @link     http://www.mediboard.org
$id_ext = new CIdSante400();
$id_ext->tag = CAppUI::conf("admin LDAP ldap_tag");
$id_ext->object_class = "CUser";
$list = $id_ext->loadMatchingList();
if (count($list) == 0) {
    CAppUI::setMsg("Aucun identifiant à convertir");
$count = 0;
foreach ($list as $_id_ext) {
    if (strpos($_id_ext->id400, "-") !== false) {
    $_id_ext->id400 = CLDAP::convertHexaToRegistry($_id_ext->id400);
    $_id_ext->last_update = CMbDT::dateTime();
    if ($msg = $_id_ext->store()) {
        CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_WARNING);
    } else {
        CAppUI::setMsg("Identifiant converti");
  * @see parent::onBeforeMerge
 function onBeforeMerge(CMbObject $mbObject)
     if (!parent::onBeforeMerge($mbObject)) {
     // Si pas en mode alternatif
     if (!CAppUI::conf("alternative_mode")) {
         throw new CMbException("no_alternative_mode");
     $patient = $mbObject;
     $patient_elimine = new CPatient();
     // Si Client
     if (!CAppUI::conf('sip server')) {
         $mbObject->_fusion = array();
         foreach (CGroups::loadGroups() as $_group) {
             /** @var CInteropSender $sender */
             $sender = $mbObject->_eai_sender_guid ? CMbObject::loadFromGuid($mbObject->_eai_sender_guid) : null;
             if ($sender && $sender->group_id == $_group->_id) {
             $patient->_IPP = null;
             $patient1_ipp = $patient->_IPP;
             $patient_elimine->_IPP = null;
             $patient2_ipp = $patient_elimine->_IPP;
             // Passage en trash des IPP des patients
             $tap_IPP = CPatient::getTagIPP($_group->_id);
             if (!$tap_IPP) {
             $idexPatient = new CIdSante400();
             $idexPatient->tag = $tap_IPP;
             $idexPatient->object_class = "CPatient";
             $idexPatient->object_id = $patient->_id;
             $idexsPatient = $idexPatient->loadMatchingList();
             $idexPatientElimine = new CIdSante400();
             $idexPatientElimine->tag = $tap_IPP;
             $idexPatientElimine->object_class = "CPatient";
             $idexPatientElimine->object_id = $patient_elimine->_id;
             $idexsPatientElimine = $idexPatientElimine->loadMatchingList();
             $idexs = array_merge($idexsPatient, $idexsPatientElimine);
             $idexs_changed = array();
             if (count($idexs) > 1) {
                 foreach ($idexs as $_idex) {
                     // On continue pour ne pas mettre en trash l'IPP du patient que l'on garde
                     if ($_idex->id400 == $patient1_ipp) {
                     $old_tag = $_idex->tag;
                     $_idex->tag = CAppUI::conf('dPpatients CPatient tag_ipp_trash') . $tap_IPP;
                     $_idex->last_update = CMbDT::dateTime();
                     if (!($msg = $_idex->store())) {
                         if ($_idex->object_id == $patient_elimine->_id) {
                             $idexs_changed[$_idex->_id] = $old_tag;
             if (!$patient1_ipp && !$patient2_ipp) {
             $mbObject->_fusion[$_group->_id] = array("patientElimine" => $patient_elimine, "patient1_ipp" => $patient1_ipp, "patient2_ipp" => $patient2_ipp, "idexs_changed" => $idexs_changed);
     $this->sendFormatAction("onBeforeMerge", $mbObject);
Exemple #6
$sip_active = $module->mod_active;
$idex_value = CValue::get("id400");
$object_id = CValue::get("object_id");
$idex = new CIdSante400();
$idex->id400 = $idex_value;
$idex->object_id = $object_id;
$group_id = CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id;
$idexs = array();
$idex_id = null;
if ($idex->_id) {
    $filter = new CIdSante400();
    $filter->object_class = $idex->object_class;
    $filter->object_id = $idex->object_id;
    $filter->tag = CSejour::getTagNDA($group_id);
    $idexs = $filter->loadMatchingList();
    $filter->tag = CSejour::getTagNDA($group_id, "tag_dossier_trash");
    $idexs += $filter->loadMatchingList();
    $filter->tag = CSejour::getTagNDA($group_id, "tag_dossier_cancel");
    $idexs += $filter->loadMatchingList();
    $filter->tag = CSejour::getTagNDA($group_id, "tag_dossier_pa");
    $idexs += $filter->loadMatchingList();
    // Chargement de l'objet afin de récupérer l'id400 associé (le latest)
    $object = new $filter->object_class();
    foreach ($idexs as $key => $_idex) {
        if (!$idex_id && $_idex->id400 == $object->_NDA) {
            $idex_id = $_idex->_id;
 * Packs import
function importPacks($packs)
    global $m, $remote_name;
    // Chargement des identifiants externes des packs
    $idPackExamen = new CIdSante400();
    $idPackExamen->tag = $remote_name;
    $idPackExamen->object_class = "CPackExamensLabo";
    $idPackExamens = $idPackExamen->loadMatchingList();
    // Parcours des identifiants externes des Packs d'examens
    foreach ($idPackExamens as $_id_pack_examen) {
        $packExamen = new CPackExamensLabo();
        // Chargement des items de packs
        // On vide chaque pack
        foreach ($packExamen->_ref_items_examen_labo as $_packItemExamen) {
            // Chargement de l'examen labo pour obtenir l'identifiant necessaire pour supprime l'id externe
            // Suppression de l'id400 du packItem
            $_id_pack_examen = new CIdSante400();
            $_id_pack_examen->tag = $remote_name;
            $_id_pack_examen->object_class = $_packItemExamen->_class;
            $_id_pack_examen->object_id = $_packItemExamen->_id;
            if ($_id_pack_examen->_id) {
            // Suppression du pack item
        if ($packExamen->_id) {
            $packExamen->obsolete = 1;
    // Nombre de packs et d'analyses
    $nb["packs"] = 0;
    $nb["analysesOK"] = 0;
    $nb["analysesKO"] = 0;
    // Liste des analyses nono trouvees
    $erreurs = array();
    // On crée chaque pack ainsi qu'un id400 associé
    foreach ($packs->bilan as $_pack) {
        $pack = new CPackExamensLabo();
        $pack->function_id = "";
        $pack->libelle = utf8_decode((string) $_pack->libelle);
        $pack->code = (int) $_pack->code;
        // Sauvegarde du pack
        $idPack = new CIdSante400();
        // tag des id externe des packs => nom du laboatoire ==> LABO
        $idPack->tag = $remote_name;
        $idPack->id400 = (int) $_pack->code;
        $pack->obsolete = 0;
        // On crée les analyses correspondantes
        foreach ($_pack->analyses->cana as $_analyse) {
            // Creation de l'analyse
            $analyse = new CPackItemExamenLabo();
            // Chargement de l'analyse
            $examLabo = new CExamenLabo();
            $whereExam = array();
            $whereExam['identifiant'] = (string) " = '{$_analyse}'";
            if ($examLabo->_id) {
                $analyse->pack_examens_labo_id = $pack->_id;
                $analyse->examen_labo_id = $examLabo->examen_labo_id;
                // Sauvegarde de l'analyse et de son id400
                $idExamen = new CIdSante400();
                $idExamen->tag = $remote_name;
                $idExamen->id400 = (string) $_analyse;
            } else {
                $erreurs[][(string) $_pack->libelle] = (string) $_analyse;
    // Recapitulatif des importations
    CAppUI::stepAjax("Packs Importés: " . $nb["packs"], UI_MSG_OK);
    CAppUI::stepAjax("Analyses Importées: " . $nb["analysesOK"], UI_MSG_OK);
    CAppUI::stepAjax("Analyses non importées: " . $nb["analysesKO"], UI_MSG_WARNING);
    foreach ($erreurs as $erreur) {
        foreach ($erreur as $_key => $_erreur) {
            CAppUI::stepAjax("Analyse non trouvée: " . $_erreur . " dans le pack " . utf8_decode($_key), UI_MSG_WARNING);
// Chargement de la liste des id4Sante400 pour le filtre
$filter = new CIdSante400();
$filter->object_id = $object_id;
$filter->object_class = $object_class;
$filter->tag = $tag;
$filter->id400 = $id400;
// Chargement de la cible si objet unique
$target = null;
if ($filter->object_id && $filter->object_class) {
    $target = new $filter->object_class();
// Requête du filtre
$step = 25;
$idexs = $filter->loadMatchingList(null, "{$page}, {$step}");
foreach ($idexs as $_idex) {
$total_idexs = $filter->countMatchingList();
// Création du template
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign("idexs", $idexs);
$smarty->assign("total_idexs", $total_idexs);
$smarty->assign("filter", $filter);
$smarty->assign("idex_id", $idex_id);
$smarty->assign("dialog", $dialog);
$smarty->assign("page", $page);
$smarty->assign("target", $target);
 * @license    GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 * @version    $Revision$
$pratId = CValue::getOrSession("object_id");
$pratId400 = CValue::getOrSession("id400");
$date = CMbDT::dateTime();
//Création d'un nouvel id400 pour le laboratoire
$new_idex = new CIdSante400();
$prat = new CMediusers();
$listPrat = $prat->loadPraticiens();
$remote_name = CAppUI::conf("dPlabo CCatalogueLabo remote_name");
$idex = new CIdSante400();
$idex->object_class = "CMediusers";
$idex->tag = $remote_name;
$idexs = $idex->loadMatchingList();
foreach ($idexs as $_idex) {
$prescriptionlabo_source = CExchangeSource::get("prescriptionlabo", "ftp", true, null, false);
$get_id_prescriptionlabo_source = CExchangeSource::get("get_id_prescriptionlabo", "soap", true, null, false);
// Création du template
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign("prescriptionlabo_source", $prescriptionlabo_source);
$smarty->assign("get_id_prescriptionlabo_source", $get_id_prescriptionlabo_source);
$smarty->assign("listPrat", $listPrat);
$smarty->assign("date", $date);
$smarty->assign("remote_name", $remote_name);
$smarty->assign("newId400", $new_idex);
$smarty->assign("list_idSante400", $idexs);
Exemple #10
/* $Id: $ */
 * @package Mediboard
 * @subpackage dPsante400
 * @version $Revision: $
 * @author SARL OpenXtrem
 * @license GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html 
$idex_id = CValue::get("idex_id");
$idex = new CIdSante400();
$filter = new CIdSante400();
$filter->object_class = $idex->object_class;
$filter->object_id = $idex->object_id;
$filter->tag = CSejour::getTagNDA(CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id);
$idexs = $filter->loadMatchingList(CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id);
$filter->tag = CSejour::getTagNDA(CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id, "tag_dossier_cancel");
$idexs = array_merge($idexs, $filter->loadMatchingList());
$filter->tag = CSejour::getTagNDA(CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id, "tag_dossier_trash");
$idexs = array_merge($idexs, $filter->loadMatchingList());
$filter->tag = CSejour::getTagNDA(CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id, "tag_dossier_pa");
$idexs = array_merge($idexs, $filter->loadMatchingList());
$tag = CSejour::getTagNDA(CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id);
// Chargement de l'objet afin de récupérer l'id400 associé
$object = new $filter->object_class();
foreach ($idexs as $_idex) {
    // L'identifiant 400 coché
    if ($_idex->_id == $idex_id) {
        $_idex->tag = CSejour::getTagNDA(CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id);
  * Trigger before event merge
  * @param CMbObject $mbObject Object
  * @throws CMbException
  * @return bool
 function onBeforeMerge(CMbObject $mbObject)
     if (!parent::onBeforeMerge($mbObject)) {
         return false;
     // Si pas en mode alternatif
     if (!CAppUI::conf("alternative_mode")) {
         throw new CMbException("no_alternative_mode");
     $sejour = $mbObject;
     $sejour_elimine = new CSejour();
     // Si Client
     if (!CAppUI::conf('smp server')) {
         $mbObject->_fusion = array();
         foreach (CGroups::loadGroups() as $_group) {
             $sender = CMbObject::loadFromGuid($mbObject->_eai_sender_guid);
             if ($sender && $sender->group_id == $_group->_id) {
             $sejour->_NDA = null;
             $sejour1_nda = $sejour->_NDA;
             $sejour_elimine->_NDA = null;
             $sejour2_nda = $sejour_elimine->_NDA;
             // Passage en trash des NDA des séjours
             $tag_NDA = CSejour::getTagNDA($_group->_id);
             if (!$tag_NDA) {
             $idexSejour = new CIdSante400();
             $idexSejour->tag = $tag_NDA;
             $idexSejour->object_class = "CSejour";
             $idexSejour->object_id = $sejour->_id;
             $idexsSejour = $idexSejour->loadMatchingList();
             $idexSejourElimine = new CIdSante400();
             $idexSejourElimine->tag = $tag_NDA;
             $idexSejourElimine->object_class = "CSejour";
             $idexSejourElimine->object_id = $sejour_elimine->_id;
             $idexsSejourElimine = $idexSejourElimine->loadMatchingList();
             /** @var CIdSante400[] $idexs */
             $idexs = array_merge($idexsSejour, $idexsSejourElimine);
             $idexs_changed = array();
             if (count($idexs) > 1) {
                 foreach ($idexs as $_idex) {
                     // On continue pour ne pas mettre en trash le NDA du séjour que l'on garde
                     if ($_idex->id400 == $sejour1_nda) {
                     $old_tag = $_idex->tag;
                     $_idex->tag = CAppUI::conf('dPplanningOp CSejour tag_dossier_trash') . $tag_NDA;
                     $_idex->last_update = CMbDT::dateTime();
                     if (!($msg = $_idex->store())) {
                         if ($_idex->object_id == $sejour_elimine->_id) {
                             $idexs_changed[$_idex->_id] = $old_tag;
             if (!$sejour1_nda && !$sejour2_nda) {
             $mbObject->_fusion[$_group->_id] = array("sejourElimine" => $sejour_elimine, "sejour1_nda" => $sejour1_nda, "sejour2_nda" => $sejour2_nda, "idexs_changed" => $idexs_changed);
     $this->sendFormatAction("onBeforeMerge", $mbObject);
     return true;