function build_query($sql, $value, $match = "", $match_type = "") { if ($match == "" && ($match_type == "text" || $match_type == "ip")) { $match = "LIKE"; } // LIKE as default if ($match == "eq" || $match == "") { $match = "="; } if ($match == "LIKE" && $match_type != "network") { $value = "%" . $value . "%"; } if ($match_type == "network") { $ip_range = CIDR::expand_CIDR($value, "SHORT", "IP"); $value = "INET_ATON('" . $ip_range[0] . "') AND INET_ATON('" . $ip_range[1] . "')"; $sql = str_replace("?", $value, $sql); // ? replace breaks in library, do it here } // Date if (preg_match("/(\\d\\d)\\/(\\d\\d)\\/(\\d\\d\\d\\d)/", $value)) { $value = preg_replace("/(\\d\\d)\\/(\\d\\d)\\/(\\d\\d\\d\\d)/", "\\3-\\1-\\2", $value); } $sql = str_replace("%op%", $match, $sql); if ($sql != "") { $count = substr_count($sql, "?", 0, strlen($sql)); } $params = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $params[] = $value; } return array($sql, $params); }
function check_2FAlogin($p) { $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance(); $config_2FA = self::__get2FAconfig(); if ($config_2FA['activate']) { // with IP allowed, we don't need to check anything if ($rcmail->config->get('whitelist')) { foreach ($rcmail->config->get('whitelist') as $ip_to_check) { if (CIDR::match($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $ip_to_check)) { if ($rcmail->task === 'login') { $this->__goingRoundcubeTask('mail'); } return $p; } } } $code = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_code_2FA', RCUBE_INPUT_POST); $remember = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_remember_2FA', RCUBE_INPUT_POST); if ($code) { if (self::__checkCode($code) || self::__isRecoveryCode($code)) { if (self::__isRecoveryCode($code)) { self::__consumeRecoveryCode($code); } if (rcube_utils::get_input_value('_remember_2FA', RCUBE_INPUT_POST) === 'yes') { $this->__cookie($set = true); } $this->__goingRoundcubeTask('mail'); } else { if ($this->_enable_logs) { $this->__logError(); } $this->__exitSession(); } } elseif ($rcmail->task !== 'login' && !$_SESSION['twofactor_gauthenticator_2FA_login'] >= $_SESSION['twofactor_gauthenticator_2FA_login']) { $this->__exitSession(); } } elseif ($rcmail->config->get('force_enrollment_users') && ($rcmail->task !== 'settings' || $rcmail->action !== 'plugin.twofactor_gauthenticator')) { if ($rcmail->task !== 'login') { $this->__goingRoundcubeTask('settings', 'plugin.twofactor_gauthenticator'); } } return $p; }
// Numeric ORDER for IP if (!empty($order)) { $order .= POST('sortorder') == "asc" ? "" : " desc"; } $search = GET('query'); if (empty($search)) { $search = POST('query'); } $field = POST('qtype'); $page = !empty($_POST['page']) ? POST('page') : 1; $rp = !empty($_POST['rp']) ? POST('rp') : 20; $lsearch = $search; if (!empty($search)) { // The CIDR validation is not working... if (preg_match("/^\\s*([0-9]{1,3}\\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\\/(3[0-2]|[1-2][0-9]|[0-9])\\s*\$/", $search)) { $ip_range = CIDR::expand_CIDR($search, "SHORT", "IP"); ossim_valid($ip_range[0], OSS_IP_ADDR, 'illegal:' . _("search cidr")); ossim_valid($ip_range[1], OSS_IP_ADDR, 'illegal:' . _("search cidr")); } else { if (preg_match("/^\\s*([0-9]{1,3}\\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\\s*\$/", $search)) { $by_ip = true; } else { ossim_valid($search, OSS_NULLABLE, OSS_SPACE, OSS_SCORE, OSS_ALPHA, OSS_DOT, OSS_DIGIT, 'illegal:' . _("search")); } } } ossim_valid($page, OSS_DIGIT, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _("page")); ossim_valid($rp, OSS_DIGIT, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _("rp")); ossim_valid($field, OSS_ALPHA, OSS_SPACE, OSS_PUNC, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _("field")); ossim_valid($order, "()", OSS_NULLABLE, OSS_SPACE, OSS_SCORE, OSS_ALPHA, OSS_DIGIT, 'illegal:' . _("order")); if (ossim_error()) {
echo $buffer; } else { if (preg_match("/^.class_(.*)/", $key, $found)) { $buffer = Net::draw_nets_by_class($conn, $key, $filter, $length_name, 1); echo $buffer; } else { if (preg_match("/net_(.*)/", $key, $found)) { $hostin = array(); $length_hn = $length_name + 5; if ($net_list1 = Net::get_list($conn, "name='" . base64_decode($found[1]) . "'")) { require_once "classes/"; foreach ($net_list1 as $net) { $net_name = $net->get_name(); $nets_ips = explode(",", $net->get_ips()); foreach ($nets_ips as $net_ips) { $net_range = CIDR::expand_CIDR($net_ips, "SHORT", "IP"); $host_list_aux = Host::get_list($conn, "WHERE inet_aton(ip)>=inet_aton('" . $net_range[0] . "') && inet_aton(ip)<=inet_aton('" . $net_range[1] . "')", "ORDER BY ip"); foreach ($host_list_aux as $h) { $hostin[$h->get_ip()] = $h->get_hostname(); } } } } $k = 0; $net_name = base64_decode($found[1]); $ips_data = $net_list1[0]->get_ips(); $ips = "<font style=\"font-size:80%\">(" . $ips_data . ")</font>"; $tooltip = "!" . $ips_data . " (" . $net_name . ")"; $buffer .= "["; if ($page == 1) { $title = "<span style=\"color: #B3B5DD;\">!" . $ips_data . " <font style=\"font-weight:normal;font-size:80%\">(" . $net_name . ")</font></span>";
$db = new ossim_db(TRUE); $conn = $db->connect(); $order = 'host.hostname'; $maxrows = $maxrows > 50 ? 50 : $maxrows; $torder = $torder == 1 ? 'ASC' : 'DESC'; $to = $maxrows; $user = Session::get_session_user(); $filters = array(); $tables = ''; $filters['order_by'] = $order . ' ' . $torder; $filters['limit'] = $from . ', ' . $to; if ($search != '') { if (is_ip($search) || is_cidr($search)) { $cidr = preg_match('/\\/[0-9]+/', $search) ? $search : $search . '/32'; //If it is an ip, we add '/32' list($from, $to) = CIDR::expand_CIDR($cidr, 'SHORT', 'IP'); $tables = ', host_ip hi '; $filters['where'] = " AND hi.ip BETWEEN INET6_PTON('{$from}') AND INET6_PTON('{$to}') "; } else { $search = utf8_decode($search); $search = escape_sql($search, $conn); $filters['where'] = 'host.hostname LIKE "%' . $search . '%"'; } } try { list($assets, $total) = Asset_host::get_list($conn, $tables, $filters, TRUE); } catch (Exception $e) { $assets = array(); $total = 0; } $results = array();
public function testSubnetHostsRange() { $cidr = new CIDR('2001:db8:85a3:8d3::7334/6'); $this->assertEquals(array('2000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000', '23ff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff'), $cidr->getSubnetHostsRange()); $cidr = new CIDR('2d81:db8:85a3:8d3::7334/7'); $this->assertEquals(array('2c00:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000', '2dff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff'), $cidr->getSubnetHostsRange()); $cidr = new CIDR('2d81:db8:85a3:8d3::7334/19'); $this->assertEquals(array('2d81:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000', '2d81:1fff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff'), $cidr->getSubnetHostsRange()); $cidr = new CIDR('2d81:db8:85a3:8d3::7334/32'); $this->assertEquals(array('2d81:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000', '2d81:0db8:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff'), $cidr->getSubnetHostsRange()); $cidr = new CIDR('2d81:db8:85a3:8d3::7334/0'); $this->assertEquals(array('0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000', 'ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff'), $cidr->getSubnetHostsRange()); $cidr = new CIDR('2d81:db8:85a3:8d3::7334/128'); $this->assertEquals(array('2d81:0db8:85a3:08d3:0000:0000:0000:7334', '2d81:0db8:85a3:08d3:0000:0000:0000:7334'), $cidr->getSubnetHostsRange()); }
} } if ($sensor_str == "") { $sensor_str = "0"; } $sensor_where = " AND sid in (" . $sensor_str . ")"; } $hostname = Host::ip2hostname($conn_ossim, $host); if ($hostname != $host) { $title = $hostname . "({$host})"; } else { $title = $host; } $_SESSION['host_report'] = $host; if (preg_match("/\\/\\d+/", $host)) { $exp = CIDR::expand_CIDR($host, "SHORT", "IP"); $src_s_range = $exp[0]; $src_e_range = end($exp); $ip_where = "ip_src>=INET_ATON('{$src_s_range}') AND ip_src<=INET_ATON('{$src_e_range}') and"; } elseif ($host == 'any') { $ip_where = ""; } else { $ip_where = "ip_src=INET_ATON('{$host}') and"; } $time_week = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 7); $query = "select count(*) as howmany,plugin_id from acid_event force index(ip_src) where {$ip_where} timestamp>='{$time_week}'{$sensor_where} group by plugin_id order by howmany desc limit 10;"; if (!($rs =& $conn->Execute($query))) { print $conn->ErrorMsg(); exit; } $values = array();
function list_results($type, $value, $sortby, $sortdir) { global $scanstate, $isReportAdmin, $allres, $offset, $pageSize, $username, $uroles, $dbconn, $hosts; global $user, $arruser, $delete_selected; $filteredView = FALSE; $selRadio = array("", "", "", ""); $query_onlyuser = ""; $url_filter = ""; //if (!$isReportAdmin || (!$allres)) { $query_onlyuser="******"; } if (!in_array("admin", $arruser)) { $query_onlyuser = "******"; } //echo $query_onlyuser; //if ($sortby == "" ) { $sortby = "scantime"; } //if ($sortdir == "" ) { $sortdir = "DESC"; } $sortby = "t1.results_sent DESC, DESC"; //$sortdir = "DESC"; $sortdir = ""; $queryw = ""; $queryl = ""; //$querys="SELECT distinct t1.report_id, as jobname, t4.meth_target, t1.scantime, // t1.username, t1.scantype, t1.report_key, t1.report_type as report_type, as profile, as jobid, t4.meth_SCHED, // t5.vSerious, t5.vHigh, t5.vMed, t5.vLow, t5.vInfo // FROM vuln_nessus_latest_reports t1 // LEFT JOIN vuln_nessus_settings t3 ON // LEFT JOIN vuln_jobs t4 on t1.report_id = t4.report_id // LEFT JOIN vuln_nessus_report_stats t5 on t1.report_id = t5.report_id // WHERE t1.deleted = '0' "; // $querys="SELECT distinct t1.report_id, as jobname, t4.scan_submit, t4.meth_target, t1.scantime, // t1.username, t1.scantype, t1.report_key, t1.report_type as report_type, as profile, as jobid, t4.meth_SCHED, // t5.vSerious, t5.vHigh, t5.vMed, t5.vLow, t5.vInfo // FROM vuln_nessus_latest_reports t1 // LEFT JOIN vuln_nessus_settings t3 ON // LEFT JOIN vuln_jobs t4 on t1.report_id = t4.report_id // LEFT JOIN vuln_nessus_report_stats t5 on t1.report_id = t5.report_id // WHERE t1.deleted = '0' "; /*$querys="SELECT distinct t1.report_id, t1.scantime, t1.username, t1.scantype, t1.report_key, t1.report_type as report_type, as profile, '0' as vSerious, '0' as High, '0' as vMed, '0' as vLow, '0' as vInfo FROM vuln_nessus_latest_reports t1 LEFT JOIN vuln_nessus_settings t3 ON WHERE t1.deleted = '0' ";*/ $querys = "SELECT distinct t1.report_id, t4.hostname as host_name, t1.scantime,\n t1.username, t1.scantype, t1.report_key, t1.report_type as report_type, t1.sid,\n as profile\n FROM vuln_nessus_latest_reports t1\n LEFT JOIN vuln_nessus_settings t3 ON\n LEFT JOIN host t4 ON t4.ip=inet_ntoa(t1.report_id)\n LEFT JOIN vuln_nessus_latest_results t5 ON t1.report_id=t5.report_id \n WHERE t1.deleted = '0' "; // set up the SQL query based on the search form input (if any) if ($type == "scantime" && $value != "") { $selRadio[0] = "CHECKED"; $q = $value; $queryw = " AND t1.scantime LIKE '%{$q}%' {$query_onlyuser} order by {$sortby} {$sortdir}"; $queryl = " limit {$offset},{$pageSize}"; $stext = "<b>" . _("Search for Date/Time") . "</b> = '*{$q}*'"; $url_filter = "&type={$type}&value={$value}"; } else { if ($type == "service" && $value != "") { $selRadio[5] = "CHECKED"; $q = $value; $queryw = " AND t5.service LIKE '%{$q}%' {$query_onlyuser} order by {$sortby} {$sortdir}"; $queryl = " limit {$offset},{$pageSize}"; $stext = "<b>" . _("Search for Service") . "</b> = '*" . html_entity_decode($q) . "*'"; $url_filter = "&type={$type}&value={$value}"; } else { if ($type == "freetext" && $value != "") { $selRadio[6] = "CHECKED"; $q = $value; $queryw = " AND t5.msg LIKE '%{$q}%' {$query_onlyuser} order by {$sortby} {$sortdir}"; $queryl = " limit {$offset},{$pageSize}"; $stext = "<b>" . _("Search for Free Text") . "</b> = '*" . html_entity_decode($q) . "*'"; $url_filter = "&type={$type}&value={$value}"; } else { if ($type == "hostip" && $value != "") { $selRadio[1] = "CHECKED"; $q = strtolower($value); $queryw = " AND (t4.hostname LIKE '%{$q}%' OR inet_ntoa(t1.report_id) LIKE '%{$q}%') {$query_onlyuser} order by {$sortby} {$sortdir}"; $queryl = " limit {$offset},{$pageSize}"; $stext = "<b>" . _("Search for Host-IP") . "</b> = '*{$q}*'"; $url_filter = "&type={$type}&value={$value}"; } else { if ($type == "fk_name" && $value != "") { $selRadio[2] = "CHECKED"; $q = strtolower($value); $queryw = " AND t1.fk_name LIKE '%{$q}%' {$query_onlyuser} order by {$sortby} {$sortdir}"; $queryl = " limit {$offset},{$pageSize}"; $stext = _("Search for Subnet/CIDR") . " = '*{$q}*'"; $url_filter = "&type={$type}&value={$value}"; } else { if ($type == "username" && $value != "") { $selRadio[3] = "CHECKED"; $q = strtolower($value); $queryw = " AND t1.username LIKE '%{$q}%' {$query_onlyuser} order by {$sortby} {$sortdir}"; $queryl = " limit {$offset},{$pageSize}"; $stext = "<b>" . _("Search for user") . "</b> = '*{$q}*'"; $url_filter = "&type={$type}&value={$value}"; } else { if ($type == "hn" && $value != "") { $selRadio[4] = "CHECKED"; if (preg_match("/\\//", $value)) { /*$tokens = explode("/", $value); $bytes = explode(".",$tokens[0]); if($tokens[1]=="24") $q = $bytes[0].".".$bytes[1].".".$bytes[2]."."; else if ($tokens[1]=="16") $q = $bytes[0].".".$bytes[1]."."; else if ($tokens[1]=="8") $q = $bytes[0]."."; else if ((int)$tokens[1]>24) $q = $bytes[0].".".$bytes[1].".".$bytes[2].".".$bytes[3]; // */ $ip_range = array(); $ip_range = CIDR::expand_CIDR($value, "SHORT"); $queryw = " AND (inet_aton( >= '" . $ip_range[0] . "' AND inet_aton( <='" . $ip_range[1] . "') {$query_onlyuser} order by {$sortby} {$sortdir}"; } elseif (preg_match("/\\,/", $value)) { $q = implode("','", explode(",", $value)); $queryw = " AND in ('{$q}') {$query_onlyuser} order by {$sortby} {$sortdir}"; $q = "Others"; } else { $q = $value; $queryw = " AND LIKE '{$q}' {$query_onlyuser} order by {$sortby} {$sortdir}"; } $queryl = " limit {$offset},{$pageSize}"; if (!preg_match("/\\//", $value)) { $stext = "<b>" . _("Search for Host") . "</b> = '" . html_entity_decode($q) . "'"; } else { $stext = "<b>" . _("Search for Subnet/CIDR") . "</b> = '{$value}'"; } $url_filter = "&type={$type}&value={$value}"; } else { $selRadio[4] = "CHECKED"; $viewAll = FALSE; $queryw = "{$query_onlyuser} order by {$sortby} {$sortdir}"; $queryl = " limit {$offset},{$pageSize}"; $stext = ""; } } } } } } } // put link to add new host // if ($isReportAdmin) { // $url_allres="&allres="; // if ($allres=="" || !is_numeric($allres) || (!$allres)) { // $allres=0; // echo "<a href='results.php?offset=0".$url_allres."1'>Show all results</a><br>"; // } else { // $allres=1; // echo "<a href='results.php?offset=0".$url_allres."0'>Display only my Results</a><br>"; // } // $url_allres .="$allres"; // } // echo the search criteria used // set up the pager and search fields if viewing all hosts $reportCount = 0; if (!$filteredView) { //$queryc = "SELECT count(report_id) FROM vuln_nessus_latest_reports t1 WHERE 1=1 "; $queryc = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS distinct t1.report_id, t4.hostname as host_name, t1.scantime,\n t1.username, t1.scantype, t1.report_key, t1.report_type as report_type, t1.sid,\n as profile\n FROM vuln_nessus_latest_reports t1\n LEFT JOIN vuln_nessus_settings t3 ON\n LEFT JOIN host t4 ON t4.ip=inet_ntoa(t1.report_id)" . ($type == "service" || $type == "freetext" ? " LEFT JOIN vuln_nessus_latest_results t5 ON t1.report_id=t5.report_id " : " ") . "WHERE t1.deleted = '0' "; $dbconn->Execute($queryc . $queryw); $reportCount = $dbconn->GetOne("SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as total"); $previous = $offset - $pageSize; if ($previous < 0) { $previous = 0; } $last = intval($reportCount / $pageSize) * $pageSize; if ($last < 0) { $last = 0; } $next = $offset + $pageSize; /*if ($next < $last) { $last = $next; }*/ $pageEnd = $offset + $pageSize; $value = html_entity_decode($value); echo "<center><table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"900\"><tr><td class=\"headerpr\" style=\"border:0;\">" . _("Current Vulnerablities") . "</td></tr></table>"; //echo "<p>There are $reportCount scans defined in the system."; // output the search form echo "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"900\">"; echo "<tr><td style=\"padding-top:5px;\" class=\"nobborder\">"; echo <<<EOT <center> <form name="hostSearch" id="hostSearch" action="index.php" method="GET"> <input type="text" length="25" name="value" class="assets" id="assets" value="{$value}"> EOT; echo "\n<!--<input type=\"radio\" name=\"type\" value=\"scantime\" {$selRadio['0']}>" . _("Date") . "/" . _("Time") . "-->\n<!--<input type=\"radio\" name=\"type\" value=\"hostip\" {$selRadio['1']}>" . _("Host - IP") . "-->\n<!--<input type=\"radio\" name=\"type\" value=\"fk_name\" {$selRadio['2']}>Subnet Name-->\n<input type=\"radio\" name=\"type\" value=\"service\" {$selRadio['5']}>" . _("Service") . "\n<input type=\"radio\" name=\"type\" value=\"freetext\" {$selRadio['6']}>" . _("Free text") . "\n<input type=\"radio\" name=\"type\" value=\"hn\" {$selRadio['4']}>" . _("Host/Net") . "\n<!--<input type=\"radio\" name=\"type\" value=\"username\" {$selRadio['3']}>Username-->\n"; /* echo <<<EOT <input type="hidden" name="sortby" value="$sortby"> <input type="hidden" name="allres" value="$allres"> <input type="hidden" name="op" value="search"> EOT;*/ echo '<input type="hidden" name="withoutmenu" value="' . GET('withoutmenu') . '">'; echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"" . _("Find") . "\" class=\"button\" style=\"margin-left:15px;\">"; if (Session::am_i_admin() && (GET("submit") != "" || GET("type") != "") && GET("value") != "") { echo "<input style=\"margin-left:5px;\" type=\"button\" value=\"" . _("Delete selection") . "\" onclick=\"deleteSelected(this.form)\" class=\"button\">"; } echo <<<EOT </form> </center> </p> EOT; // output the pager //echo "<p align=center><a href='index.php?offset=0".$url_allres.$url_filter."' class='pager'><< "._("First")."</a> | "; //if($offset != 0) { // echo "<a href='index.php?offset=$previous".$url_allres.$url_filter."' class='pager'>< "._("Previous")." </a> | "; //} //if($pageEnd >= $reportCount) { $pageEnd = $reportCount; } //echo "[ ".($offset+1)." - $pageEnd of $reportCount ] | "; //if($next < $last) { // echo "<a href='index.php?offset=$next".$url_allres.$url_filter."' class='pager'>| "._("Next")." ></a> | "; //} //echo "<a href='index.php?offset=$last".$url_allres.$url_filter."' class='pager'> "._("Last")." >></a></p>"; } else { // get the search result count $queryc = "SELECT count( report_id ) FROM vuln_nessus_latest_reports WHERE t1.deleted = '0' "; $scount = $dbconn->GetOne($queryc . $queryw); echo "<p>{$scount} report"; if ($scount != 1) { echo "s"; } else { } echo " " . _("found matching search criteria") . " | "; echo " <a href='index.php' alt='" . _("View All Reports") . "'>" . _("View All Reports") . "</a></p>"; } echo "<p>"; echo $stext; echo "</p>"; echo "</td></tr></table>"; // get the hosts to display $result = $dbconn->GetArray($querys . $queryw . $queryl); $delete_ids = array(); foreach ($result as $rpt) { $delete_ids[] = $dreport_id = $rpt["report_id"]; } $_SESSION["_dreport_ids"] = implode(",", $delete_ids); /* if ($delete_selected!="") { // delete selected current vulns from latest tables defore display foreach ($result as $rpt) { $dreport_id = $rpt["report_id"]; $query = "DELETE FROM vuln_nessus_latest_reports WHERE report_id=$dreport_id"; $result=$dbconn->execute($query); $query = "DELETE FROM vuln_nessus_latest_results WHERE report_id=$dreport_id"; $result=$dbconn->execute($query); } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> // document.location.href='index.php'; </script> <?php } */ //echo "[$querys$queryw$queryl]"; if ($result === false) { $errMsg[] = _("Error getting results") . ": " . $dbconn->ErrorMsg(); $error++; dispSQLError($errMsg, $error); } else { $data['vInfo'] = 0; $data['vLow'] = 0; $data['vMed'] = 0; $data['vHigh'] = 0; $data['vSerious'] = 0; $queryt = "SELECT count(*) AS total, risk, hostIP FROM (\n SELECT DISTINCT port, protocol, app, scriptid, msg, risk, hostIP\n FROM vuln_nessus_latest_results where falsepositive='N'" . (in_array("admin", $arruser) ? "" : " and username in ('" . $user . "')") . ") AS t GROUP BY risk, hostIP"; //echo "$queryt<br>"; $resultt = $dbconn->Execute($queryt); while (list($riskcount, $risk, $hostIP) = $resultt->fields) { if ($risk == 7) { $data['vInfo'] += $riskcount; } else { if ($risk == 6) { $data['vLow'] += $riskcount; } else { if ($risk == 3) { $data['vMed'] += $riskcount; } else { if ($risk == 2) { $data['vHigh'] += $riskcount; } else { if ($risk == 1) { $data['vSerious'] += $riskcount; } } } } } $resultt->MoveNext(); } if ($data['vInfo'] == 0 && $data['vLow'] == 0 && $data['vMed'] == 0 && $data['vHigh'] == 0 && $data['vSerious'] == 0) { $tdata[] = array("report_id" => "All", "host_name" => "", "scantime" => "", "username" => "", "scantype" => "", "report_key" => "", "report_type" => "", "sid" => "", "profile" => "", "hlink" => "", "plink" => "", "xlink" => "", "vSerious" => $data['vSerious'], "vHigh" => $data['vHigh'], "vMed" => $data['vMed'], "vLow" => $data['vLow'], "vInfo" => $data['vInfo']); } else { $tdata[] = array("report_id" => "All", "host_name" => "", "scantime" => "", "username" => "", "scantype" => "", "report_key" => "", "report_type" => "", "sid" => "", "profile" => "", "hlink" => "reshtml.php?ipl=all&disp=html&output=full&scantype=M", "plink" => "respdf.php?ipl=all&scantype=M", "xlink" => "rescsv.php?ipl=all&scantype=M", "dlink" => "", "vSerious" => $data['vSerious'], "vHigh" => $data['vHigh'], "vMed" => $data['vMed'], "vLow" => $data['vLow'], "vInfo" => $data['vInfo']); } foreach ($result as $data) { $data['vSerious'] = 0; $data['vHigh'] = 0; $data['vMed'] = 0; $data['vLow'] = 0; $data['vInfo'] = 0; // query for reports for each IP $query_risk = "SELECT distinct risk, port, protocol, app, scriptid, msg, hostIP FROM vuln_nessus_latest_results WHERE report_id = " . $data['report_id']; $query_risk .= " AND username = '******'username'] . "' AND sid =" . $data['sid'] . " AND falsepositive='N'"; //echo "[$query_risk]<br>"; $result_risk = $dbconn->Execute($query_risk); while (!$result_risk->EOF) { if ($result_risk->fields["risk"] == 7) { $data['vInfo']++; } else { if ($result_risk->fields["risk"] == 6) { $data['vLow']++; } else { if ($result_risk->fields["risk"] == 3) { $data['vMed']++; } else { if ($result_risk->fields["risk"] == 2) { $data['vHigh']++; } else { if ($result_risk->fields["risk"] == 1) { $data['vSerious']++; } } } } } $result_risk->MoveNext(); } $more = "&hmenu=Vulnerabilities&smenu=Vulnerabilities"; $data['clink'] = "respdfc.php?scantime=" . $data['scantime'] . "&scantype=" . $data['scantype'] . "&key=" . $data['report_key'] . $more; $data['plink'] = "respdf.php?treport=latest&scantime=" . $data['scantime'] . "&scantype=" . $data['scantype'] . "&key=" . $data['report_key'] . $more; $data['hlink'] = "reshtml.php?treport=latest&key=" . $data['report_key'] . "&disp=html&output=full&scantime=" . $data['scantime'] . "&scantype=" . $data['scantype'] . $more; $data['rerun'] = "sched.php?disp=rerun&job_id=" . $data['jobid'] . $more; $data['xlink'] = "rescsv.php?treport=latest&scantime=" . $data['scantime'] . "&scantype=" . $data['scantype'] . "&key=" . $data['report_key'] . $more; $data['xbase'] = "restextsummary.php?scantime=" . $data['scantime'] . "&scantype=" . $data['scantype'] . $more . "&key=" . $data['report_key']; if (Session::am_i_admin()) { $data['dlink'] = "index.php?delete=" . $data['report_key'] . "&scantime=" . $data['scantime']; } /* $data['vSerious'] = "<a href=\"respdf.php?scantime=".$data['scantime']."&scantype=".$data['scantype'] ."&key=".$data['report_key']."&critical=1\">".$data['vSerious']."</a>"; $data['vHigh'] = "<a href=\"respdf.php?scantime=".$data['scantime']."&scantype=".$data['scantype'] ."&key=".$data['report_key']."&critical=2\">".$data['vHigh']."</a>"; $data['vMed'] = "<a href=\"respdf.php?scantime=".$data['scantime']."&scantype=".$data['scantype'] ."&key=".$data['report_key']."&critical=3\">".$data['vMed']."</a>"; $data['vLow'] = "<a href=\"respdf.php?scantime=".$data['scantime']."&scantype=".$data['scantype'] ."&key=".$data['report_key']."&critical=6\">".$data['vLow']."</a>"; $data['vInfo'] = "<a href=\"respdf.php?scantime=".$data['scantime']."&scantype=".$data['scantype'] ."&key=".$data['report_key']."&critical=7\">".$data['vInfo']."</a>";*/ //$data['vSerious'] = $data['vSerious']; //$data['vHigh'] = $data['vHigh']; //$data['vMed'] = $data['vMed']; //$data['vLow'] = $data['vLow']; //$data['vInfo'] = $data['vInfo']; //$data['scan_submit'] = $data['scan_submit']; $list = explode("\n", trim($data['meth_target'])); if (count($list) == 1) { $list[0] = trim($list[0]); if ($list[0] != "") { if ($hosts[$list[0]] != "" && $hosts[$list[0]] != $list[0]) { $data['target'] = $hosts[$list[0]] . " (" . $list[0] . ")"; } else { $data['target'] = $list[0]; } } else { $data['target'] = "-"; } } elseif (count($list) == 2) { $list[0] = trim($list[0]); if ($hosts[$list[0]] != "" && $hosts[$list[0]] != $list[0]) { $list[0] = $hosts[$list[0]] . " (" . $list[0] . ")"; } $list[1] = trim($list[1]); if ($hosts[$list[1]] != "" && $hosts[$list[1]] != $list[1]) { $list[1] = $hosts[$list[1]] . " (" . $list[1] . ")"; } $data['target'] = $list[0] . ' ' . $list[1]; } else { $list[0] = trim($list[0]); if ($hosts[$list[0]] != "" && $hosts[$list[0]] != $list[0]) { $list[0] = $hosts[$list[0]] . " (" . $list[0] . ")"; } $list[count($list) - 1] = trim($list[count($list) - 1]); if ($hosts[$list[count($list) - 1]] != "" && $hosts[$list[count($list) - 1]] != $list[count($list) - 1]) { $list[count($list) - 1] = $hosts[$list[count($list) - 1]] . " (" . $list[count($list) - 1] . ")"; } $data['target'] = $list[0] . " ... " . $list[count($list) - 1]; } $tdata[] = $data; } if ($sortdir == "ASC") { $sortdir = "DESC"; } else { $sortdir = "ASC"; } $url = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?offset={$offset}&sortby=%var%&sortdir={$sortdir}" . $url_allres . $url_filter; $fieldMapLinks = array(); $fieldMapLinks = array(gettext("HTML Results") => array('url' => '%param%', 'param' => 'hlink', 'target' => 'main', 'icon' => 'images/html.png'), gettext("PDF Results") => array('url' => '%param%', 'param' => 'plink', 'target' => '_blank', 'icon' => 'images/pdf.png'), gettext("EXCEL Results") => array('url' => '%param%', 'param' => 'xlink', 'target' => '_blank', 'icon' => 'images/page_white_excel.png')); if (Session::am_i_admin()) { $fieldMapLinks["DELETE Results"] = array('url' => '%param%', 'param' => 'dlink', 'target' => 'main', 'icon' => 'images/delete.gif'); } $fieldMap = array("Host - IP" => array('var' => 'hostip'), "Date/Time" => array('var' => 'scantime'), "Profile" => array('var' => 'profile'), "Serious" => array('var' => 'vSerious'), "High" => array('var' => 'vHigh'), "Medium" => array('var' => 'vMed'), "Low" => array('var' => 'vLow'), "Info" => array('var' => 'vInfo'), "Links" => $fieldMapLinks); if (count($tdata) > 1) { drawTableLatest($fieldMap, $tdata, "Hosts"); } else { echo "<br><b>" . _("No results found: ") . "<a href='sched.php?smethod=schedule&hosts_alive=1&scan_locally=1'>" . _("Click here to run a Vulnerability Scan now") . "</a><br><br></b>"; } } // draw the pager again, if viewing all hosts if (!$filteredView && $reportCount > 10) { echo "<p align=center>\n<a href=\"index.php?offset=0" . $url_allres . $url_filter . "\" class=\"pager\"><< " . _("First") . "</a>\n<a href=\"index.php?offset={$previous}" . $url_allres . $url_filter . "\" class=\"pager\">< " . _("Previous") . " </a>"; echo " [ " . ($offset + 1) . " - {$pageEnd} " . _("of") . " {$reportCount} ] "; if ($reportCount > $pageEnd) { echo "<a href=\"index.php?offset={$next}" . $url_allres . $url_filter . "\" class=\"pager\"> " . _("Next") . " ></a>\n <a href=\"index.php?offset={$last}" . $url_allres . $url_filter . "\" class=\"pager\"> " . _("Last") . " >></a>"; } echo "</p>"; } }
$error_msg = "<div style='text-align: left;'>" . _('The following errors occurred') . ":</div>\n <div style='padding-left:15px; text-align: left;'>" . implode('<br/>', $validation_errors) . "</div>"; $error = Token::create_error_message(); Util::response_bad_request($error_msg); } $warning_msg = ''; //Validate IP/CIDR if ($ip_cidr != 'any' && $ip_cidr != '') { if (Asset_host_ips::valid_ip($ip_cidr)) { //Agent IP/CIDR is an IP address $asset_ips = Asset_host_ips::get_ips_to_string($conn, $asset_id); if (preg_match('/' . $ip_cidr . '/', $asset_ips) == FALSE) { $warning_msg = _('The asset IP and IP/CIDR do not match'); } } else { //Agent IP/CIDR is an CIDR $ip_range = CIDR::expand_cidr($ip_cidr, 'SHORT', 'LONG'); $asset_ips_obj = new Asset_host_ips($asset_id); $asset_ips_obj->load_from_db($conn); $asset_ips = $asset_ips_obj->get_ips(); $valid_ip_range = FALSE; foreach ($asset_ips as $a_data) { $ip = Asset_host_ips::ip2ulong($a_data['ip']); if ($ip >= $ip_range[0] && $ip <= $ip_range[1]) { $valid_ip_range = TRUE; break; } } if ($valid_ip_range == FALSE) { $warning_msg = _('The selected asset IP is out of the IP/CIDR range'); } }
function QueryOssimNetworkGroup($ngname) { global $db; require_once "classes/"; $ids = ""; $sql = "SELECT n.ips FROM as n,ossim.net_group_reference as gr WHERE AND gr.net_group_name='{$ngname}'"; if ($result = $db->baseExecute($sql)) { while ($row = $result->baseFetchRow()) { $nets = explode(",", $row["ips"]); foreach ($nets as $net) { $exp = CIDR::expand_CIDR($net, "SHORT", "IP"); $ids .= "(acid_event.ip_src>=" . baseIP2long($exp[0]) . " AND acid_event.ip_src<=" . baseIP2long($exp[1]) . ")OR"; $ids .= "(acid_event.ip_dst>=" . baseIP2long($exp[0]) . " AND acid_event.ip_dst<=" . baseIP2long($exp[1]) . ")OR"; } } } $ids = preg_replace("/(OR|AND)\$/", "", $ids); $result->baseFreeRows(); return trim($ids); }
/** * Return true if the $ip given is a true CIDR block. * * A true CIDR block is one where the $ip given is the actual Network * address and broadcast matches the prefix appropriately. */ public static function cidr_is_true($ip) { $ip = new CIDR($ip); return $ip->isTrueCidr(); }